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Ensuring Excellence in Adventist Education

Name of the Teacher: _________________________________ Date: ______________________________

Department: ________________________________________ Time: ______________________________
Subject Matter: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Instructions for the Observer

a. Rate each item on the checklist according to how well the teacher performed during the classroom observation. Mark
the appropriate column with a (/) mark.
b. Each indicator is assessed individually, regardless of its relationship to other indicators.
c. Employ the following scale as you rate each of the checklist items:
N/O – Not observed. This level indicates that the measured attribute has not been observed or experienced. It
suggests a complete absence of the behavior, characteristics, or quality.
1 – Poor. This level suggests that the measured attribute is observed but is of low quality or effectiveness. It
indicates significant deficiencies or shortcomings.
2 – Fair. This level suggests that the measured attribute is average or satisfactory, but there is room for
improvement. It implies that the behavior, characteristics, or quality is neither good nor bad.
3 – Good. This level indicates that the measured attribute is of above-average quality or effectiveness. It suggests
that the behavior, characteristics, or quality meets expectations and is generally satisfactory.
4 – Very Good. This level suggests that the measured attribute is highly effective, surpassing expectations. It implies
a strong level of performance or satisfaction.
5 – Excellent. This level indicates that the measured attribute is outstanding in quality or effectiveness. It suggests
exceptional performance or satisfaction, significantly exceeding expectations.
6 – Highly Commendable. This level represents the highest level of praise or recognition for the attribute being
measured. It suggests exemplary performance or satisfaction deserving the highest commendation or

Teacher Personal Qualities 6 5 4 3 2 1 N/O

The teacher
Possesses a pleasing personality, observes proper grooming and hygiene, and wears
appropriate attire.
Exhibits patience and perseverance in dealing with the class.
Considers individual differences.
Demonstrate fairness.
Model a positive and growing relationship with Christ.
Presentation of the Subject Matter 6 5 4 3 2 1 N/O
The teacher
Follows the adopted curriculum and framework.
Possesses mastery of the subject matter.
Presents subject matter clearly by giving an overview (beginning), details (content), and
synthesis (end) that will tie up the details.
Articulates the objectives and importance of the lesson at the start of the session.
Interrelate ideas and information within and across subject matter areas.
Presents the subject matter corresponding to the level of understanding and need of
the students.
Uses a variety of instructional strategies and resources appropriate to the subject
Integrate faith with life and learning across subject matter areas.
Communication Skills and Interaction 6 5 4 3 2 1 N/O
The teacher
Is proficient in grammar, structure/organization, style, etc. in English or Filipino
Uses vocabulary appropriate to the level of the class
Uses pleasant, well-modulated voice.
Stimulates students’ interest to ask questions
Responds constructively to student’s questions, opinions, and other inputs.
Effectively handles inappropriate discussion responses and classroom behavior.
Instructional Strategies 6 5 4 3 2 1 N/O
The teacher
Utilizes appropriate instructional strategies for knowing, understanding, and mastering
Incorporates multimedia and visual resources into the lesson.
Addresses multiple intelligences and learning styles
Encourages learners to participate in class activities by making class engaging
Anticipate the learning difficulties of students.
Provides learning activities to develop the learners' cognitive, psychomotor, and
affective aspects.
Engages students in problem-solving and critical thinking.
Provides generalizations/insights/important facts
Facilitate learning experiences that promote collaboration and interaction among all
Classroom Management 6 5 4 3 2 1 N/O
The teacher
Creates a positive learning environment by providing clear behavior and academic
Holds the attention and interest of the learners through meaningful and interactive
instructions and varied methods
Starts and ends class on time.
Maintains a friendly but disciplined atmosphere.
Manages time through routines
Maintains a physical environment that is clean, orderly, and safe.
Creates an atmosphere of trust and respect, treating students politely.

Assessment Techniques 6 5 4 3 2 1 N/O

The teacher
Assess student achievement at the end of the lesson.
Formulates good test questions
Employs varied assessment tools to address multiple intelligence
Evaluate students objectively for remediation, reinforcement, or enrichment.
Makes effective use of formative and summative assessments to measure students’


Teacher Personal Qualities ______
Presentation of the Subject Matter ______
Communication Skills and Interaction ______
Instructional Strategies ______
Classroom Management ______
Assessment Technique ______
TOTAL: ______ AVERAGE: ______ INTERPRETATION: ______
1.00– 1.83 Foundational. The teacher demonstrates basic competence in delivering instruction and managing classroom
activities during observation. They adhere to established teaching protocols and demonstrate a basic understanding
of instructional strategies.
1.84 – 2.66 Emerging. The teacher shows progress in their teaching practices during observation. They demonstrate
improvement in classroom management and student engagement.
2.67 – 3.49 Competent. The teacher demonstrates proficiency in their teaching practice and consistently meets teaching
standards. They deliver well-planned and engaging lessons that cater to diverse students' needs and learning styles.
3.50 – 4.33 Proficient. The teacher exhibits a high level of proficiency and effectiveness in teaching. They show evidence of
reflective practice and continuous improvement in their teaching.
4.34 – 5.16 Advanced. The teacher demonstrates exceptional proficiency and expertise in their teaching. they employ
innovative instructional approaches and technology integration to enhance student learning outcomes.
5.17 – 6.00 Exemplary. The teacher represents the pinnacle of teaching excellence and exhibiting outstanding proficiency. They
inspire and empower students to reach their full potential, fostering a love of learning and intellectual curiosity.



_____________________________ _______________________________
Name and Signature of the Teacher Name and Signature of the Observer

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