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Ensuring Excellence in Adventist Education

Name of the Teacher: _________________________________ Date: _____________________

Department: ________________________________________ Time: _____________________

Instructions for the Students

a. This checklist includes statements for evaluating the teaching performance of your teacher. You
are requested to give a sincere evaluation of each of the statements. Your sincere evaluation will
be helpful in improving the teaching quality.
b. Evaluate the following aspects of the teaching performance in terms of the capacity to provide
quality education by marking “/” in the box of the corresponding column according to the scale
N/O – Not observed. This level indicates that the measured attribute has not been observed
or experienced. It suggests a complete absence of the behavior, characteristics, or
1 – Poor. This level suggests that the measured attribute is observed but is of low quality or
effectiveness. It indicates significant deficiencies or shortcomings.
2 – Fair. This level suggests that the measured attribute is average or satisfactory, but there
is room for improvement. It implies that the behavior, characteristics, or quality is
neither good nor bad.
3 – Good. This level indicates that the measured attribute is of above-average quality or
effectiveness. It suggests that the behavior, characteristics, or quality meets
expectations and is generally satisfactory.
4 – Very Good. This level suggests that the measured attribute is highly effective, surpassing
expectations. It implies a strong level of performance or satisfaction.
5 – Excellent. This level indicates that the measured attribute is outstanding in quality or
effectiveness. It suggests exceptional performance or satisfaction, significantly
exceeding expectations.
6 – Highly Commendable. This level represents the highest level of praise or recognition for
the attribute being measured. It suggests exemplary performance or satisfaction
deserving the highest commendation or acknowledgment.

Subject Matter Knowledge 6 5 4 3 2 1 N/O

My teacher
Demonstrates preparedness for each class
Have a sound and updated knowledge on the subject.
Gives adequate information considering students' level.
Makes the topic easily understandable.
Gives appropriate and lively examples from real-life situations to
motivate the students to learn.
Provides additional material apart from the textbook.

QA Form 5 – Teacher Evaluation by Students

Presentation and Management 6 5 4 3 2 1 N/O
My teacher
Communicates the learning goals for all students
Has a clear and audible voice.
Keeps class lively using wit (humor) and body language.
Encourages students’ participation (e.g., question and answer).
Controls and maintains a conducive environment for learning.
Integrates faith with life and learning across subject matter areas.

Assessment 6 5 4 3 2 1 N/O
My teacher
Uses multiple techniques for continuous assessment.
Sets easily understandable questions.
Sets questions relevant to intended learning outcomes.
Remains fair and unbiased in assessment.
Provides prompt feedback after every assessment.

Students’ Development 6 5 4 3 2 1 N/O

My teacher
Always keen to explore the potential of the students.
Provides guidance and counseling.
Serves a role model for values and ethics.
Maintains a learning environment that encourages students’ spiritual

Professional Behavior 6 5 4 3 2 1 N/O

My teacher
Remains honest, polite, and gentle in any situation.
Arrives and leaves the class on time.
Always completes the whole course.
Always available during the specified office hours and for after-class
Demonstrates a lifestyle consistent with accepted Seventh-day Adventist

What are things that your teacher does well?

What are things you can suggest to help the teacher improve?

Thank you for taking the time to think through the items carefully and
writing down your thoughts honestly.

QA Form 5 – Teacher Evaluation by Students

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