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Seems 2B has longer glide range than before

Basically u cancel 3C(2) ender into 214D oki, and 3C(2)-236A,B gives a 214D-jC safejump
3C ender also leads to Bowling Bowl oki setup, where opp can try to jump out of it, so airthrow him.
Or after that 3C knockdown u do 2B (intentional whiff), then throw
Basic midscreen gatling starts from 2A-2B-5B or 5B-2B-5B, then u can go some different routes (there
are 2 most damaging though and considered as optimal):
1) (CROUCH CONFIRM) …-5B-5C-6C-236CC-j236B(full)-669-jC-9j236B(full) no oki 2486 dmg
(oki) …-5B-5C-6C-236CC-j236B(4)-j5D6-j4DA 1991 dmg
and if that was any j. starter (crouch confirm too) u do 669-j236B(full)-669-jC-j2D6-j4DA
example jC-5B-2B-5B-5C-6C-236CC-669-j236B(full)-669-jB(2)-j2D6-j4DA 2485 dmg

2) (STANDING CONFIRM) jA-jB(2)-jC-(MICRODASH)5C-jA-jB(2)-jC-(MICRODASH)-5C-jA-jB(2)-jC with

some variations, basically combo ends here without any knockdown, that looks like a drop for opponent.
But if u do jB(1)-j2B(its not combo filler, it will be blocked) instead of jB(2)-jC and follow with jA u can get
him CH with this relaunch attempt. And when he is feared enough u can go for 2A\throws attempts. But u
should use throw attempt after jA-jB(2), cause u will get Purple Throw Mark if add jC cause hit/block stun
will be too great, so u need carefully time that! But of course dont forget about reversals in this situation.
The jA-jB part on hit leads to crossup reset possibility if followed by j2B, seems corner only
This standing combo-route doesnt work on: Mu12, Lambda11, Nu13, Platinum, Kokonoe, Izayoi, Karl,
Celica, Makoto, Bullet, Azrael, Kagura, Tsubaki

j4D(+jB extention) ender can be followed with j.236236D. 2B-5B-5C-6C-236CC-j236B(full)-6C-6D6-j4D6-

j.236236D 3895 dmg
all the rest possible routes below

If u combo after Guard Crash ur combo loses about ~10% compared with normal hit conditions

Basic midscreen and corner

In certain situations after 236C,B (mostly in corner combos) u can go 214D-airdash-jB(2), and if they
stand-blocking u can add j.C after that
This 236C,B recovery looks different from when done in short combos midscreen, i donno maybe it`s
faster, and i`m 90% sure there is no safejump in that 214D (have not tested much)

2B-5B- jA-jB(2)-jC-5C-jA-jB(2)-jC-5C-jA-jB(2)-jC 1939 dmg

(Near Corner) 2B-5B-jA-jB(2)-jC-3C-microdash -2A- 236A-5D6- j2D6 - j4DA (second hit whiffs) 1912
5B-2B-5B-5C-2C-236AA,B 1956 dmg
2A-2A-2B-5C-3C(2)-236A,B 1320 dmg
2A-2B-5C-6C-236CC-j2D6-j4DA (2nd whiffs)
2B-5C-6C-236CC-sj.5D6-j4D(2)C-airdash-delay-jB(2)-j.2DB-taunt-236C 2566 dmg

(50 meter) 2B-5B-5C-236A,B-RC-6C-236C,C - 6DB-j2DB-5C-j236B-.....

(Corner) 2B-5B-3C-2B-6A(2)-6C-236CC-7j236B(full)-6C-6DB-3C 2938 dmg

(Corner) 2A-2B-5B-5C-3C -3C(1)- 236A,B 1622 dmg
(near corner) 2B-5B-5C-6C-236CC-9j.5DC-j.2DB-6A(2)-7j.236B(full)-6C-6DB-3C 2800 dmg
(Near Corner) 2B-5B-5C-3C-2B-6A(2)-6C-236[C]C-7j.236B(full)-6C-6DB-3C 3090 dmg
(GROUND) 6A(2)-5C-3C(1)-236A,B 1517 dmg

6B starter
6B FC now doesnt launch opp above ground, just gives crouch stun animation, so confirming this FC and
blockstring variations now a lot easier

I must admit, there is a small difference in damage for each variation of 6B cancel, but j236(hit, not
cancel) is easier to confirm, and u will automatically defend urself in case of block, so choice is up to u
6B ( j.236 cancel) 5B-2B-5B-5C-6C-236CC is 1941 dmg
6B ( j.236 hits) 2A-2B-5C-6C-236CC is 1874 dmg
(Near Corner) 6B (j236B cancel)-5B-5C-6C-236CC-j236B (Wall) -2D6-j236B(2)- j5D6- j4DA 2850? dmg
(Near Corner) 6B-j236B(2nd hits)-2A-5C-6C (W!)-236CC-6DB-2B-6A(2)-jB(2)-jDA-J4DA 2285 dmg
6B-5B-5C-6C-236CC-j236B- jB-j5D6- j4DA
(Near Corner) 6B-(j.236 cancel or hit)-5B-5C-6C-236CC-j2DB-5C-j236B(Wall)-6C- 6DB-3C
(midscreen 50 meter) 6B-(j236cancel)-5B-5C-2C-6C-236CC-6DB-j2DB-5C-j236B(full)-2D6-jC-j236236D
3918 dmg

Ground starters from jump

(Corner) jC-5B-3C-22C(1)-5DA-5C-j236B(full)-6C-6DA-3C 2567 dmg
jC-2B-5B-jA-jB(2)-jC- dash 3C- dash 2A-5C- j236B(2)- j5D6- j4DA (second hit whiffs) ~2k dmg

New 6D stuff
(u can try this even on block after 6DB ( 6DB doesnt even necessary to hit block, u jast can fly through
with cancel), cause its nice srossup opportunity, but u can be punched out with 5A or AA if 6BD blocked)
the input is tricky, u can do airdash only after a slight delay, but dont delay too much or there will be no
6DB-airdash-jB(2)-jC-5C-3C(2)-236A,B 2179 dmg

2C combos
(Counter) (Corner) 2C-6[C]-5D6-j5D6-j4DC-airdash-j2DB-(W!)-6A(2)-jB(22) 3588dmg
(Counter) (Midscreen) 2C-6C-236[C]C-6DB-j2DB-5C-j236B(full)-669-jC-j8D6-j236B(x4)-j5D6-j236B(full)
5330 dmg

jC-jc-jB(2)-j2DA-6A(2)-9j236B(2)-j5D6-j4DA 1899 dmg
jB(2)-delay-jC-5C-sj.236B(1)-j5D6-j4DC-airdash-jB(2)-j2DB-5C-7j236B(full)-6DB-3C 2873 dmg
CH j2B-5DC-j236B(1)-j5D6-j4DC-airdash-jB(2)-j2DB-5C-7j236B(full)-6DB-3C 3058 dmg

6C combos
(Near Corner\Corner) 6С- 236CC-j5D6- j4DC- AirDash -jB(2)-j2DB-5C-j236BB-6C-6DA-3C 4122 dmg
if not near wall alternative ender would be taunt(1)-236B 2966 dmg

6С-236СС-6DB-j2DB-5C-j236B-j8DN-j4D6-j236B(4)-j8D6 4310 dmg no oki

firstly combo made to add DD to get 5320 dmg
Anti Air
5A-5B-5C- sj.236B-j8D-j4D6-airdash-jC-j8DC-jC ~2500 dmg + air DD finish possible

(Midscreen) 6A(2)-sj.B(2)-j4DC-airdash-jB(2)-j236B(2)-j2DB-taunt(1)-236C ~2021 dmg

(Midscreen) 6A(2)-sj.B(2)-j4DC-airdash-jB(2)-j236B(2)-j2DB-5C-j236B(full)-669jC-j8D-j236B(3)-j5D6-
~ 4000 dmg

(Best midscreen? longest carry?) 6A(2)-5C-sj.236B(full)- j8D (or j8DB)-j4DC-airdash- j.B(2)-j.236B(3)-

j2DB-taunt(1)-236B 2903 dmg

(corner carry from exactly middle point of arena) 6A(2)-sj.B(2)-j4DC-airdash-jB(2)-j236B(2)-j2DB-5C-

7j236B(full)-6DB-3C - 3092 dmg

(In Corner) 6B+C-j2DB-5DA- 5C-7j236B(full)-6C-6DB-3C 3555 dmg (6C part doesnt connect on nu13,
mu12, tsubaki, arakune and lambda11, u must use something different, i donno what exactly lol)
u can add CT 6B+C-j2DB-5DA-5C-7j236B(full)-6C-CT-6C-236C,B 3993 dmg midair recovery oki

(midscreen with long carry) 6B+C-j5D6-j4DC-airdash-jB(2)-j2DB-taunt(1)-236C 2600 dmg

(midscreen) 4B+C-236A(3)-5D6-jB(2)-j236B(1)-j2DB-taunt(1)-236B 2441 dmg

Air Throw- 5C-j.236B(4)-j2D6-j4DA 2372 dmg can we get more? ((

OD stuff
Some standart to-go-route: 2A-2A-5C-3C(3)-2B-6A-236CC-TK7j.236BBBBB-6C-5A+B-OD-(22C for 20
hits if it was an S starter or if it was N and the combo has already run on for a bit)-236C-236[C]xN until
combo timer runs out>236CxN until OD timer is about to run out-236236D

The common combo-ender, using 1 crush trigger, 3 or more hits before CT, will be as follows
However u can go something like AirHit jB(2)-j.2D>rapid>OD>22C>236C>236[C]xN>236CxN>236236D

(100% health and 25 meter)(Corner) 6C-236CC-7j236B(full)-6C-CT-OD-3C-6C-6C-236236D 5961 dmg

(~45%health 50 meter) (Midscreen) 5B-5C-OD-5C-6C-236CC-9J236B(full)- j236236D 3268 + DDdmg=
4849 dmg
(~45%health 50 meter) (Midscreen) 6B- OD- 5C-6C-236CC-9J236B(full)- j236236D 4718 dmg
(~10%health 50 meter) (Near Corner) 5C-2C-OD-5C-6C-6C-j4DA-5C-6C-6C-9J2DB-5C-6C-6C-236236D
(~10%health 50 meter)(Corner) 6C-OD-5C-3C-6C-H6C-236CC-2D6-j236B(4)-8D6-j236B(full)-j236236D
6217 dmg
(~10%health 75 meter)(Corner) 6C-OD-6C-6C-CT-H6C-H6C-236CC-SuperJump2D6(?)-j236B(full)-
j236236D 7778 dmg
(~10%health 100 meter)(Corner)6[C]>5A+B>5A+B>Rapid>OD>236C(1)>236[C]
(1)x15>236C(1)x2>236236D 11703 dmg
OD cancel during opp`s pressure ~20% health,75 meter
5B-5DB-5C-6C-6C-(W!)-CT-6C-6C-236CC(x6)-236236D 5952 dmg

Reset Attempt
- bnb ground route jA-jB(2)-jC, where u can replace it with jA-jB(1)-j.2B (u can then jump with jA after j2B
even on block) or go for 2A using jA-jB(2)-j.2B (this case j2B animation “fades” halfway, no hit) , hoping
that opp is not going to block properly while being hit
-after jC finisher of standart jA-jB-jC combo, in corner u can airdash 866 for Stiky Kitty crossups
- (midscreen) stuff…-236CC-jA-jA-jA opp`s recovery -> 6A (only second hitconnects)
- j4DB finisher miscreen in combos leaves u behind, u can go for 669-j2DB crossup Seems to be very
hard to crossup, or undoable at all
- after 6DB corner finisher do IAD-j2B
- after 3C(2) on hit, do 214D-j2B or u can go for empty jump and then throw or 2A. Same for 3C(3) corner
-of course u can try to throw people once u land in jA-jB(2)-jC-5C route
- any air-to-ground combo jB(2)-jC~drop-9jA(whiff)-JC-jB+C
- in corner u do 3C(full)-3C(1)-bowling ball
- (corner) pressure-9j2B(block)-sticky kitty-jB(1)- stuff

Crossup Attempt
- 5B or 5C (hit or block)- 214D-jC-dash-5B-5C-jA-jB(1)-jC-5B-5C-jA-jB(1) 1689 dmg
- 3C(2)-236AA-5DA (block or hit)- RC- 2DB-jB(2)\jC
- j4DB finisher miscreen in combos leaves u behind, u can go for 9j2DB crossup
- inside jA-jB(2)-jC loop, do jA-jB(2)-jC-land-669-j.B(1)-j.2B

for the blocktring part:

moves like 6C, 236CC are not safe on block
so u will net pretty much to cancel them:
-6C - 214D-j2D - not crossup, usefull near corner usually
- 236CC - 2DB-j.B\j.C (crossup)
- 5C- 214D
- 5B - 6A- jump
- 6A(2) - 2C
- 5C-9j.2B
-214D-jC (blocked)-669-j.2B
-j2B - 9jA-jB(2)-jC-9j2B
- throw after any of these normals in blockstring or as single normals 2A-2B-5B

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