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Received: 29 September 2021 Revised: 20 December 2021 Accepted: 1 January 2022

DOI: 10.1111/dom.14638


Understanding the clinical implications of differences between

glucose management indicator and glycated haemoglobin

Fernando Gomez-Peralta MD, PhD1 | Pratik Choudhary MD, PhD2 |

3,4 5
Emmanuel Cosson MD, PhD | Concetta Irace MD, PhD |
Birgit Rami-Merhar MD, PhD6 | Alexander Seibold MD, PhD7

Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition,
Segovia General Hospital, Segovia, Spain Abstract
Leicester Diabetes Centre – Bloom, Laboratory measured glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) is the gold standard for
University of Leicester, Leicester General
assessing glycaemic control in people with diabetes and correlates with their risk of
Hospital, Leicester, UK
Department of Endocrinology-Diabetology- long-term complications. The emergence of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)
Nutrition, AP-HP, Avicenne Hospital, has highlighted limitations of HbA1c testing. HbA1c can only be reviewed infre-
Université Paris 13, Bobigny, France
quently and can mask the risk of hypoglycaemia or extreme glucose fluctuations.
Paris 13 University, Sorbonne Paris Cité,
UMR U557 INSERM/U11125 INRAE/CNAM/ While CGM provides insights in to the risk of hypoglycaemia as well as daily fluctua-
Université Paris13, Unité de Recherche
tions of glucose, it can also be used to calculate an estimated HbA1c that has been
Epidémiologique Nutritionnelle, Bobigny,
France used as a substitute for laboratory HbA1c. However, it is evident that estimated
Department of Health Science, University HbA1c and HbA1c values can differ widely. The glucose management indicator
Magna Graecia, Catanzaro, Italy
(GMI), calculated exclusively from CGM data, has been proposed. It uses the same
Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent
Medicine, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, scale (% or mmol/mol) as HbA1c, but is based on short-term average glucose values,
Austria rather than long-term glucose exposure. HbA1c and GMI values differ in up to 81%
Abbott Diabetes Care, Wiesbaden, Germany
of individuals by more than ±0.1% and by more than ±0.3% in 51% of cases. Here,
Correspondence we review the factors that define these differences, such as the time period being
Alexander Seibold, MD PhD, Abbott Diabetes
assessed, the variation in glycation rates and factors such as anaemia and
Care, Wiesbaden, Germany.
Email: haemoglobinopathies. Recognizing and understanding the factors that cause differ-
ences between HbA1c and GMI is an important clinical skill. In circumstances when
Funding information
Abbott Diabetes Care, Grant/Award Number: HbA1c is elevated above GMI, further attempts at intensification of therapy based
Abbott has provided writing support
solely on the HbA1c value may increase the risk of hypoglycaemia. The observed
difference between GMI and HbA1c also informs the important question about the
predictive ability of GMI regarding long-term complications.

average glucose, continuous glucose monitoring, diabetes, glucose management indicator,

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N hyperglycaemia was targeted in the landmark Diabetes Control and

Complications Trial (DCCT),2 which asked whether the risk of compli-
Since the introduction of insulin therapy, type 1 diabetes (T1D) has cations could be significantly reduced by lowering blood glucose
been accompanied by the morbidity and mortality of long-term micro- levels to near normal.
vascular and macrovascular complications.1 Among possible factors Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) is the glycated fraction of the
responsible for the rate of long-term complications, the role of haemoglobin in circulating red blood cells (RBC) during the previous

Diabetes Obes Metab. 2022;24:599–608. © 2022 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 599
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blood glucose levels as close as possible to the ‘normal’ physiological

range, specifically preprandial levels between 70 and 120 mg/dl
(3.9-6.7 mmol/L), postprandial concentrations <180 mg/dl (10 mmol/L)
and HbA1c <6.05% (42.6 mmol/mol). During the DCCT study, HbA1c
was measured each month.
The DCCT conclusively showed that intensive insulin therapy
reduced the risk of developing retinopathy by 76%, the incidence of
microalbuminuria or albuminuria by 39% and 54% respectively, and
clinical neuropathy by 60%. These significant risk reductions were
seen in people with T1D who maintained their average HbA1c levels
F I G U R E 1 Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) formation and red close to 7.0% (53 mmol/mol) in the mean 6.5-year study period, com-
blood cell (RBC) longevity. Plasma glucose (G) enters the RBCs in pared with people with an average 9.0% (75 mmol/mol) HbA1c in the
proportion to plasma concentration. Intracellular glucose (Gi) reacts conventional treatment arm.
with the amino group on a haemoglobin (Hb) molecule, forming the
The important outcomes in T1D were followed by the
ketoamine HbA1c. Average life of an RBC is approximately 120 days;
United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) in type
therefore, HbA1c level reflects the average plasma G level during that
period 2 diabetes (T2D).6 The UKPDS investigated intensive control of
blood glucose after the diagnosis of T2D, which achieved a median
HbA1c of 7.0% (53 mmol/mol) compared with 7.9% (63 mmol/mol)
2-4 months, equivalent to the life of RBCs (Figure 1). Elevated HbA1c in those randomized to conventional treatment over a median
levels were first associated with diabetes in 19693 and it became clear 10.0 years of follow-up, from 1977 to 1997. UKPDS showed that
that there was a relationship between HbA1c, mean fasting glucose every 1% reduction in HbA1c was associated with a reduction of
and mean daily glucose. The DCCT was initiated in 1982 and the 43% in risk of developing peripheral vascular disease, a 37%
availability of the HbA1c assay allowed a reliable and convenient reduced risk of developing diabetic eye disease or kidney disease
assessment of average blood-glucose levels over the previous and a 14% reduction in risk of diabetes-related heart attacks.
2-4 months.4 Although the goal of the DCCT was to investigate the Importantly, risk of death from any diabetes-related cause was
impact of blood glucose levels on complications of T1D, HbA1c was reduced by 21%.6,7
perceived to be a reliable surrogate marker for average glucose and Based on these and subsequent studies, HbA1c has become
the limitations of HbA1c for interpreting long-term glucose levels established as an objective measure of glycaemic control and the ‘gold
were not understood at that point. The widespread use of continuous standard’ marker for risk of morbidity and mortality for people with
glucose monitoring (CGM) during the last decade has enabled us to diabetes. This long-term association between HbA1c and diabetes
track glycaemic control directly, including the metrics of estimated health has led most physicians and people with diabetes to assume
A1c (eA1c) and subsequently the glucose management indicator that HbA1c reflects a 1-to-1 concordance with average glucose and
(GMI).5 This has also led to a widespread assumption that eA1c or can be interpreted in the same way for each person with diabetes.
GMI are intended to approximate HbA1c as closely as possible. How- The advent of CGM has allowed us to challenge this assumption and
ever, it is important to correct this assumption. These measures of better understand the limitations of HbA1c as a marker of diabetes
short-term glucose exposure are most useful when they are compared health.
alongside long-term HbA1c, but without implying that the two mea-
sures should be identical. The aim of this review is to clarify why eA1c
and GMI can be expected to differ from laboratory-tested HbA1c in 3 | HBA1C, THE HAEMOGLOBIN
the majority of instances, and highlight the clinical importance of GLYCATION INDEX AND THE GLYCATION
understanding this difference for changes to diabetes therapy and GAP HYPOTHESIS
predictions about long-term complications of diabetes.
HbA1c is perceived to reflect the weighted average of blood-glucose
levels during the lifetime of RBCs, but HbA1c has several limitations
2 | I M P A C T O F T H E D C CT A ND U K P D S that must be acknowledged, as described in Table 1. Historical obser-
S T U D I E S A N D T H E ST R E N G T H OF GL Y C A T E D vations that some individuals have HbA1c values that are higher or
HAEMOGLOBIN FOR DIABETES lower than expected from measurements of their blood glucose gave
MANAGEMENT rise to the concept of a so-called glycation gap, calculated as the dif-
ference between observed HbA1c and the value calculated from its
The DCCT followed 1441 people with T1D during the period regression with fructosamine.8 This also helped to explain studies that
1983-1989, and compared conventional insulin therapy against inten- have consistently shown that the assumed strong relationship
sive insulin therapy with multiple daily insulin injections or using an between HbA1c and chronic diabetes complications indicated an
insulin pump.2 The intensive regimen was designed to achieve important interindividual variation.9
14631326, 2022, 4, Downloaded from by Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico, Wiley Online Library on [16/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

The haemoglobin glycation index (HGI) has been proposed to data for every patient, along with automatically computed
explain biological variation in HbA1c predictions for risk of retinopa- glucometrics, including mean glucose descriptors, the HGI and the
thy and nephropathy (Figure 2).10,11 HGI is the difference between glycation gap can be assessed more readily.
observed HbA1c and the value calculated from its regression with
mean plasma glucose obtained from a reference population. With the
extended use of CGM, access to measurements of complete glucose 4 | D E R I V A T I O N OF E S T I M A T E D A 1 C A S A
TABLE 1 Limitations of HbA1c as a measure of glucose control

• Does not measure glucose levels directly and neglects other The eA1c was developed as a metric that could track glycaemic expo-
influencing factors. sure between the laboratory test measurement of HbA1c by using
• Laboratory testing for HbA1c is typically undertaken only every mean glucose values. Linear regression analysis of HbA1c and average
3 months or less. glucose was used to develop a standard formula whereby mean glu-
• Conveys no information about short-term glycaemic control,
cose values could be correlated with long-term HbA1c but could be
including frequency of hypoglycaemia or day-to-day glycaemic
variability. estimated more easily and frequently15 (Table 2). This calculation was
• Relationship between daily mean glucose over time and a final subsequently updated to calculate eA1c from CGM data alone, using
HbA1c value is not linear. Mean glucose in the month immediately the mean glucose value in mg/dl or mmol/L and expressing eA1c as a
before an HbA1c test represents approximately 50% of the HbA1c
% (DCCT units) or mmol/mol (IFCC units) value that people were
value, with diminishing contributions in the preceding
2-3 months.12 familiar with.16
• Clinically, HbA1c (% units or mmol/mol) does not relate to the day- At this point the perception became widespread that eA1c could
to-day glucose meter readings in mmol/L or mg/dl that are used in replace HbA1c readings as an absolute measure of glucose exposure.
day-to-day management of diabetes.
However, there were problems with this assumption. First, the original
• Non-glycaemic pathophysiological conditions issues can alter
haemoglobin bioavailability such that HbA1c levels do not linear regression analysis15 included just 39 days of seven-point daily
accurately reflect mean glucose exposure over 2-4 months. self-monitoring of blood glucose tests performed at least 3 days per
• Red blood cell lifespan and individual glycation rates determine week over 90 days, only 36% of which were completed (mean 5.1
HbA1c formation, affecting how average plasma glucose exposure
tests/day). Consequently, many glucose excursions were not docu-
is reflected in the periodic HbA1c measurements.13 Different
glycation rates will generate different HbA1c readings for the same mented, resulting in imprecise mean glucose calculations. Secondly,
mean glucose value. although the original calculations also included CGM data, these were
• Individual factors, including age, comorbid disease, and ethnic and collected in 2/3-day packages every 4 weeks over 3 months. These
racial differences, can also influence glycation rates.14
imprecise original calculations were amended using CGM data only.16
Abbreviation: HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin. However, an absolute correlation between eA1c and HbA1c was not

F I G U R E 2 HbA1c, haemoglobin glycation index and risk of complications of diabetes. HbA1c is not a direct measure of glucose exposure and
is influenced by factors that modify the formation and bioavailability of HbA1c in RBCs. Haemoglobin glycation index is the difference between
observed HbA1c and the value calculated from its regression with mean plasma glucose obtained from a reference population. Glycation gap is
calculated as the difference between the laboratory tested HbA1c and the CGM-derived value calculated from mean glucose. AG, average
glucose; CGM, continuous glucose monitoring; eA1c, estimated A1c; GMI, glucose management indicator; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; RBC,
red blood cells
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T A B L E 2 Evolution from estimated HbA1c to glucose

management indicator

Calculation Evolutionary milestones

eAG (mmol/ • Intended to allow measurement of
L) = 1.5944  HbA1c – mean glucose to infer periodic
2.5944 HbA1c status15
• Mix of SMBG and CGM data used
in derivation makes calculation
eA1c (%) = 3.38 • Designed to use mean glucose
+ 0.02345  [mean levels to derive an estimated
glucose in mg/dl] HbA1c to map glucose trends
based on average glucose without
a formal HbA1c test16 F I G U R E 3 eA1c and GMI are not parallel estimates of mean
• Single eA1c can be associated with glucose. Relationship between eA1c, GMI for a given HbA1c and
a wide range of different test mean glucose. Slopes were drawn from eA1c and GMI formula
HbA1c readings (shown in Table 2). eA1, estimated HbA1c; GMI, glucose management
• International guidance confirms indicator; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin
intention to be used alongside
HbA1c (14)
• eA1c incorrectly assumed by many
to describe a 1:1 concordance with might be helpful for safe and effective clinical management16 and
HbA1c that should include understanding the difference between eA1c
GMI (%) = 3.31 • Deliberately created to avoid and HbA1c. Although additional computational approaches have
+ 0.02392  [mean misinterpretation that this metric attempted to minimize discrepancies between measured short-term
glucose in mg/dl] should closely approximate a
glucose exposure and long-term HbA1c, for example the calculated
corresponding laboratory
measured A1C.5 HbA1c approach,19 the clinical value of knowing how average glucose
• Derived from regression of mean and HbA1c differ is established.
glucose concentration and
contemporaneously measured A1C
values from 4 RCTs using
• Not a parallel for eA1c despite MANAGEMENT INDICATOR
common basis in mean glucose

Note: Goal of each step along the evolution from eAG to GMI has been to In 2018, the concept of using CGM-derived mean glucose was
derive a measure of overall glycaemic performance, which has the same adapted to generate a different measure of short-term glucose con-
utility as HbA1c but that can be measured more frequently. trol that could be compared alongside long-term HbA1c but without
Abbreviations: eA1c, estimated A1c; eAG, estimated average glucose;
implying that the two measures should be identical in value. This
CGM, continuous glucose monitoring; GMI, glucose management
indicator; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; RCT, randomized controlled was the ‘glucose management indicator’ (GMI; Table 2),5 which is
trials; SMBG, self-monitoring of blood glucose. intended to convey information about overall glucose exposure over
the assessment period. GMI is still a measure of average glucose,
but is based on a regression analysis of mean glucose and contem-
the intended outcome (see Table 2), as a single lab-measured HbA1c poraneously measured HbA1c using data from four RCTs,
value could be associated with a range of mean glucose values as cal- REPLACE-BG,20 DIAMOND studies (in T1D21 or in T2D22) and
culated by eA1c.16 This lack of precision resulted in confusion, as the HypoDE,23 each of which exclusively used CGM data from people
descriptive terminology of eA1c and HbA1c tended to imply a close with T1D or T2D. Each of these studies used CGM systems from
and direct relationship. the same manufacturer (Dexcom, San Diego, CA, USA) but have
International consensus recommendations for using CGM subsequently been validated using data from trials using Guardian
included eA1c among a list of 14 key metrics for assessing glycaemic Sensor 3 (Medtronic Inc., Northridge, CA, USA) and Freestyle Navi-
control based on availability of 10-14 consecutive days of CGM gator II (Abbott Diabetes Care, Alameda, CA, USA).24 It is important
data. It should be noted that extending the period of data collection to note that the accuracy of all CGM systems is subject to recurrent
up to 3 months does not significantly increase the correlation with updating, such that different systems will report slightly different
longer-term mean glucose.18 Within these recommendations, it was metrics of average glucose exposure, with slightly differing relation-
recognized that eA1C and laboratory-measured HbA1c may differ for ships with laboratory HbA1c.25 As the original derivation of GMI
any person with diabetes because of the number of non-glycaemic was based on early generations of the Dexcom G4 sensor,5 the for-
factors involved in each calculation. Therefore, it was proposed that mula for derivation of GMI might also require systematic updating.
knowing how an eA1c value compares with lab-measured HbA1c However, this does not alter the fact that the non-glycaemic factors
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that influence HbA1c formation will continue to influence the rela- TABLE 3 Factors that influence HbA1c values
tionship with GMI. Temporal factors
It is also important to recognize that GMI and eA1c are not paral- • Time point when the blood sample is obtained.
lel measures even though they are both derived from mean glucose. A • Assay selection and operation

comparison of the regression analysis of GMI and eA1c datasets Physiological factors
• Average glucose in the short- and long-term
against the lab-measured HbA1c data in each study shows that GMI
• Glycation rate (or HGI), which can vary significantly between
has a lower slope than eA1c (Figure 3). At a mean glucose <153 mg/dl
individuals, resulting in different degrees of post-translational
(8.5 mmol/L) eA1c tends to be lower than the corresponding GMI, modification of haemoglobin by glucose over the same period9
whereas as mean glucose rises above 153 mg/dl (8.5 mmol/L) eA1c • Average production rate (erythropoiesis) and half-life of RBCs
becomes relatively higher than GMI26 with a progressively larger gap • Haemoglobinopathies
• Ethnic and racial genotype: studies suggest that GMI will
as mean glucose increases. Given that GMI is based solely on CGM
typically be higher than HbA1c in white people but lower than
data with regression to contemporaneous HbA1c values, eA1c is reg- HbA1c in black African Americans30,31 or in Chinese Asians.30,32
arded as obsolete and GMI is now the reference metric when This may indicate a difference in the glycation kinetics in each of
reviewing CGM data for any patient. these populations, alongside other non-glycaemic genetic factors
• Comorbid conditions, such as haemolytic anaemia, cirrhosis and
chronic kidney disease
• Action of any drug or treatment that changes these factors; for
6 | C L I N I C A L I M P L I C A T I O N S O F U SI N G example, treatment with metformin has been shown to increase
T H E G LU C O S E M A N A G E M E N T I N D I C A T O R glucose transport through the RBC membrane and raise
I N C O N J U N C T I O N WI T H L A B O R A T O R Y -
• Age: glycation rates and RBC turnover change with older age,
MEASURED GLYCATED HAEMOGLOBIN increasing the likelihood that older people would probably have
a higher laboratory HbA1c compared with GMI19
The major risk for progression of retinopathy as identified in the
Note: Table is categorized into factors that are temporal, i.e. those that are
DCCT study is conveyed by updated mean blood glucose.27,28 As GMI a function of assay timings or periods over which calculations are made,
and time in range (TIR) are both correlated with mean glucose,29 it is and physiological, i.e. those that are a function of genetic, molecular or
highly plausible that an updated GMI along with TIR for an individual cellular differences or changes.
Abbreviations: GMI, glucose management indicator; HbA1c, glycated
or group of people with diabetes, when correlated with HbA1c, may
haemoglobin; HGI, haemoglobin glycation index; RBCs, red blood cells.
be effective in individualizing glycaemic targets and predict chronic
It is important to recognize that GMI and HbA1c values are which can be associated with variation in risk of diabetes-related
expected to differ. The relationship between GMI and HbA1c is complications, including nephropathy,34 retinopathy35 and mortal-
influenced by glycation kinetics and the lifespan of RBCs in each ity.36 From a clinical perspective, if the glycation gap is observed to
individual that result in HbA1c formation (Table 3, Figure 2). A change over time, this might indicate a change in another health
consistent difference between HbA1c and GMI effectively condition.
defines the HGI13 and provides an informative assessment of the
so-called glycation gap between average glucose and HbA1c
When HbA1c is consistently higher than GMI, these individuals B E T W E E N G L Y C A T ED H A E M O G L O B I N A N D
are probably ‘high’ glycators. When HbA1c is consistently lower GLUCOSE MANAGEMENT INDICATOR
than GMI, we may consider these as ‘low’ glycators. High glycators
have the potential for more glucose-mediated damage in their renal Based on the regression analysis by Bergenstal and colleagues,5 for a
and retinal cells, as well as in other cells and tissues, despite the given HbA1c we can calculate corridors of probability that GMI will
same average glucose levels as measured by GMI. By this we mean differ from the lab-measured HbA1c (Table 4). Thus, for a given
that it is the high rate of glycation that creates the risk of complica- HbA1c, GMI will approximate HbA1c only with a 19% probability,
tions, rather than a prolonged RBC lifespan, which can occur in cer- i.e. the difference between the HbA1c value and the GMI calculation
tain pathological conditions. High glycators have to aim for a tighter will be within ±0.1% (2 mmol/mol) in ≤19% of cases. The probability
glucose control than low glycators, to keep their risk for complica- that GMI will be within ±0.3% (3-4 mmol/mol) of the measured
tions under control. This is why HbA1c is such an important measure HbA1c is 49% and this rises to 81% that GMI will only be within
of long-term diabetes health and shows why it has a complementary ±0.6% (6-7 mmol/mol). A different way of looking at this is shown in
role with average glucose levels or GMI calculations to give a more Figure 4. This clarifies that the expected difference between GMI and
complete picture of the risks for long-term complications. Therefore, HbA1c will be between 0.1% and 0.2% for 14% of individuals,
it will be clinically important to continue to recommend periodic between 0.2% and 0.3% for 16% and 0.3% and 0.4% for 12% of peo-
testing of HbA1c for comparison with GMI, as the glycation gap will ple with diabetes. Cumulatively, 28% of people with T1D will have a
be defined by consistent differences between HbA1c and GMI, GMI that differs from their HbA1c by ≥0.5%. Given that a difference
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TABLE 4 Corridors of probability for laboratory-measured HbA1c for any calculated GMI

Average glucose GMI11 eHbA1c7 95% CI for lab-measured HbA1c range and probability

mg/dl mmol/L % mmol/mol % mmol/mol 97% 81% 49% 19%

80 4.4 5.2 33.4 4.4 24.3 4.2-6.2 4.6-5.8 4.9-5.5 5.1-5.3
100 5.5 5.7 38.6 5.1 31.9 4.7-6.7 5.1-6.3 5.4-6.0 5.6-5.8
120 6.7 6.2 44.2 5.8 40.2 5.2-7.2 5.6-6.8 5.9-6.5 6.1-6.3
140 7.8 6.7 49.4 6.5 47.8 5.7-7.7 6.1-7.3 6.4-7.0 6.6-6.8
150 8.3 6.9 51.8 6.9 51.2 5.9-7.9 6.3-7.5 6.6-7.2 6.8-7.0
160 8.9 7.1 54.6 7.2 55.3 6.1-8.1 6.5-7.7 6.8-7.4 7.0-7.2
180 10 7.6 59.8 7.9 62.9 6.6-8.6 7.0-8.2 7.3-7.9 7.5-7.7
200 11.1 8.1 64.9 8.6 70.5 7.1-9.1 7.5-8.7 7.8-8.4 8.0-8.2
220 12.2 8.6 70.1 9.3 78.1 7.6-9.6 8.0-9.2 8.3-8.9 8.5-8.7
240 13.3 9.1 75.3 10.0 85.7 8.1-10.1 8.5-9.7 8.8-9.4 9.0-9.2
260 14.4 9.5 80.5 10.7 93.3 8.5-10.5 8.9-10.1 9.2-9.8 9.4-9.6
280 15.5 10.0 85.7 11.4 100.9 9.0-11.0 9.4-10.6 9.7-10.3 9.9-10.1
300 16.6 10.5 90.8 12.1 108.5 9.5-11.5 9.9-11.1 10.2-10.8 10.4-10.6
320 17.8 11.0 96.5 12.8 116.8 10-12 10.4-11.6 10.7-11.3 10.9–11.1

Note: Any given GMI calculated from CGM glucose data is associated with the probability of lying within a range of laboratory HbA1c readings.5 Only 19%
of GMI values will be within ±0.1% of the predicted HbA1c based on CGM-measured average glucose. Probability that any calculated GMI value will be
within ±1.0% of the predicted HbA1c is 97%. Lab-measured HbA1c values given in DCCT units (%) are dependent on multiple factors associated with RBC
life span and glycation status, as well as other physiological and pharmacological variables (see Table 3).
Abbreviations: CGM, continuous glucose monitoring; GMI, glucose management indicator; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin.

of ≥0.4% in HbA1c is seen as clinically meaningful,37 it is understand- of hypoglycaemia risk based on different GMI values; as GMI is directly
able that both for patients and for clinicians these observed differ- derived from average glucose levels, those with lower GMI levels would
ences may cause concern. In fact, the differences between GMI and a be at greater risk for hypoglycaemia than those with higher GMI levels.
contemporaneous HbA1c indicate wider variation than that predicted As HbA1c reflects glycation rates that affect all tissues, it can be used
based on RCT data. A recent real-world analysis38 found that only as a marker of the need to lower average glucose levels, while GMI can
11% of patients in the real-world setting had GMI and HbA1c levels be used in conjunction to identify a realistic glycaemic target in this
that differed by <0.1%. In fact 50% of the study group had a differ- context, while minimizing the risk of hypoglycaemia (Table 5).
ence between GMI and HbA1c of >0.5% and 22% had a difference Apart from temporal factors and changes that may occur in comor-
>1%. This emphasizes the importance of understanding the relevance bid conditions (Table 3), glycation rates and glycation status are proba-
of such differences in real-world clinical practice. bly constant within an individual. The relative difference between GMI
and HbA1c allows us to identify three categories of patients who use
CGM, these are: (1) average glycators (where the GMI and HbA1c of
8 | CLINICAL IMPORTANCE OF patients are closely approximated); (2) low glycators (GMI of patients is
D I F F E R E N C E A N D D I R E C T I O N BE T W E E N consistently higher than their measured HbA1c); and (3) high glycators
T H E G LU C O S E M A N A G E M E N T I N D I C A T O R (GMI of patients is consistently lower than their measured HbA1c). As
A N D GL Y CA T ED H A E M OG LO BI N cells other than RBCs are exposed to the same glycation kinetics,
including cells that are in organs and tissues affected by diabetes com-
As the magnitude of the difference between the GMI and the HbA1c in plications, high glycators have the potential for more glucose-mediated
any one person with diabetes (effectively a marker of the HGI) can help damage than low glycators, despite the same average glucose exposure,
to define the risk of diabetes complications, it is critical to know this with known increased risk of diabetes-related nephropathy,31,34 reti-
status. As discussed below, for the 81% of people for whom GMI and nopathy31,35 and mortality.36 This increased risk of diabetes complica-
HbA1c are expected to differ by >0.1%, the magnitude of the differ- tions among high glycators suggests that treatment intensification is
ence and whether the GMI calculation is below the HbA1c value is emphasized for this group and that an increased risk of hypoglycaemia
particularly important. Established clinical practice is to intensify diabe- must be carefully managed during this period. This is particularly true
tes therapy based predominantly on laboratory-measured HbA1c, using for high glycators who do not show abnormally long RBC half-lives, and
the learnings from the landmark DCCT and UKPDS studies. How- will experience genuinely high glycation in diabetes-affected tissues.
ever, individuals with identical HbA1c levels may have different levels For ‘average’ and ‘low’ glycators, treatment intensification will not
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T A B L E 5 Clinical implications of using contemporaneous GMI and

HbA1c readings

• GMI is expected to be noticeably different from laboratory HbA1c,

this difference is an important factor to take into account when
setting HbA1c goals and intensifying therapy.
• If HbA1c is consistently higher than GMI, HbA1c itself should not
be a factor in intensifying therapy, particularly for people at
increased risk of hypoglycaemia.
• When GMI is higher than HbA1c, more-intensive glucose control
may be targeted based on the HbA1c reading, with less risk of
adverse hypoglycaemia.
• The comparative relationship between GMI and HbA1c is
relatively stable over time. If the relationship changes significantly,
this should be investigated. Consider using a longer 30-day
window over which to assess GMI in circumstances where the
relationship between GMI and HbA1c may be compromised.
• Always review other CGM-derived components of the AGP
alongside GMI, such as % time in range, % time below range and %
coefficient of variation.

Abbreviations: AGP, ambulatory glucose profile; CGM, continuous glucose

monitoring; GMI, glucose management indicator; HbA1c, glycated
F I G U R E 4 Prevalence and magnitude of observed differences
between glucose management indicator (GMI) and glycated
haemoglobin (HbA1c). Expected difference between GMI and HbA1c
is quantified for each 0.1% degree of variation, based on the analysis
by Bergenstal et al.5 Percentage of people with type 1 diabetes who over time as overall glycaemic control changes.19 Therefore, if the rela-
will have an increasingly wide difference between their GMI and
tionship changes significantly this would also be a concern: for example,
HbA1c values is shown. For example, 14% of individuals will have an
during intercurrent illness or drug treatment that may affect glycation
observed difference of 0.2%-0.3% between their HbA1c and HbA1c
values, and 11% will have an observed difference of 0.4%-0.5%. rates, RBC lifespan or both. Instability in the relationship might also indi-
Whether GMI is lower or higher than HbA1c for any individual will cate the need to investigate a new comorbid condition, such as anaemia,
help define the clinical approach to intensifying their glycaemic liver or kidney disease (Table 3). A continuous 14-day window of CGM
control. Bars cumulatively reflect 100% of people with type sensor-glucose readings is acknowledged to be sufficient for calculating
1 diabetes
most CGM-derived metrics of glucose control, including GMI. In circum-
stances where the relationship between GMI and HbA1c may show insta-
increase their risk of adverse hypoglycaemia, as their average short- bility, a longer assessment of mean glucose may be necessary to generate
term glucose as measured by GMI will fall in line with that predicted by a GMI for comparison with HbA1c, possibly ≥30 days.26
their HbA1c or exceed it. Lastly, it must also be acknowledged that neither eA1c nor GMI
These categorizations must be taken into account when setting an take into account glycaemic variability that occurs within or between
individual's therapeutic goals for HbA1c. Therefore, it will be clinically days. Therefore, the other available measures of glycaemic perfor-
important to continue to recommend periodic testing of HbA1c for com- mance available from CGM data should always be reviewed as part of
parison with GMI. The glycation gap will be stable over time for most a thorough assessment, including %TIR, % time below range and %
people with diabetes and their glycation status will be defined by predict- coefficient of variation.39 %TIR is now an established standard of care
able differences between their HbA1c and GMI. For example, if a for people with diabetes who use CGM39 and reflects both average
patient's HbA1c is 8.5% (69 mmol/mol) but their GMI is 7.9% (63 mmol/ glucose exposure and glycaemic variability. Improving %TIR is a diabe-
mol), it can be inferred that this person is a ‘high’ glycator and will tend to tes management goal that will ultimately be reflected in reductions
have a consistently higher HbA1c than their mean glucose suggests, as both in GMI and HbA1c. Percentage time below range is also of note
indicated by their GMI. Thus, efforts to intensify therapy to reduce in this context, as it also indicates the level of risk for hypoglycaemia
HbA1c may lower their day-to-day average glucose (GMI) such that it can during treatment intensification, as previously discussed. The dynamic
result in more episodes of hypoglycaemia than if their GMI was closer to interplay between these factors can also be reviewed using the ambu-
8.5% as reflected by their HbA1c. This increased risk of hypoglycaemia in latory glucose profile format.40
high glycators suggests that using HbA1c itself should not be a factor in
intensifying therapy when GMI is available. This rationale is reversed in
‘low’ glycators when GMI is higher than HbA1c, in which case more 9 | DI SCU SSION
intensive glucose control may be targeted based on the HbA1c reading,
with less risk of adverse hypoglycaemia. Periodic laboratory measurement of HbA1c is the gold standard for
A further consideration is that we know that the comparative rela- assessing glycaemic control in people with diabetes and managing
tionship between GMI and HbA1c is expected to remain relatively stable their risk of long-term complications. Given that lab-tested HbA1c can
14631326, 2022, 4, Downloaded from by Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico, Wiley Online Library on [16/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

only be reviewed infrequently, eA1c was developed as a way to moni- adequately for the unique glycation biology within each individual.
tor glycaemic control in between HbA1c tests, by using mean glucose However, this misses the point. The clinical value in GMI is that by
values that were more readily available. However, partly because of knowing how short-term glucose experience can be mapped and com-
the nomenclature, it became widely assumed that eA1c was intended pared with long-term HbA1c, a decision can be made regarding the
to track HbA1c itself, with many publications and then directed to need for more-intensive therapy and the potential risks can be man-
highlighting the fact that eA1c tended to differ from HbA1c, often by a aged by understanding the relationship between GMI and HbA1c.
wide margin. The understanding that eA1c should be expected
to differ from HbA1c became lost in translation. Several of these publi- ACKNOWLEDG MENTS
cations and others have noted the tendency of average glucose and Editorial assistance in the preparation of this manuscript was provided
HbA1c to differ based on ethnicity, with eA1c commonly being higher by Dr Robert Brines of Bite Medical Consulting.
than HbA1c in Caucasian subjects and lower than HbA1c in black
and Asian people with diabetes.10,25,31 By replacing eA1c with GMI, CONFLIC T OF INT ER E ST
routinely captured from the last 14 days, it has been possible to dis- FG-P has taken part in advisory panels for Abbott Diabetes, Insulcloud
tance the role of a short-term measure of average glucose from that of S.L., Novartis, Astra Zeneca, Sanofi and Novo Nordisk; has participated as
long-term HbA1c but there is still a need for diabetes health care pro- principal investigator in Clinical Trials funded by Sanofi, Novo Nordisk,
fessionals to acknowledge that GMI and long-term HbA1c are expected Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals and Lilly; and has acted as a
to differ. The full value of GMI can only be realized when it is viewed speaker for Abbott Diabetes, Novartis, Sanofi, Novo Nordisk, Boehringer
alongside the lab-tested HbA1c in any person with diabetes. Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP, Bristol-
Because of the glycation biology that generates HbA1c within Myers Squibb Co. and Lilly. PC has received personal fees from Abbott,
RBCs, GMI will differ from HbA1c in 81% of cases.5 In the category of Medtronic, Dexcom, Lilly, Sanofi, Novo Nordisk, Insulet. Emmanuel
people with diabetes who have a high glycation status, GMI will tend Cosson has received personal fees from Abbott, Astra-Zeneca, Bristol-
to be lower than HbA1c, indicating that short-term glucose levels Myers Squibb, Lifescan, Lilly, Merck-Sereno, Novartis, Novo-Nordisk,
need to be taken into consideration when intensifying treatment Roche diagnostics, Sanofi Avantis. CI has received personal fees from,
targeting a lower HbA1c, to avoid hypoglycaemia. This clinical and taken part in advisory panel for Novo Nordisk, Abbott and Sen-
approach is emphasized in high glycators with normal RBC turnover seonics. She has also participated as principal investigator in clinical trials
who may be more at-risk for diabetes complications. A low glycation funded by Novo Nordisk, and accepted to be a speaker for Novo Nordisk,
status implies that GMI will be greater than the HbA1c in these indi- Abbott, Senseonics, Lilly and Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals.
viduals and allow for intensification of therapy without the same need BR-M has received speaker honoraria from Abbott Diabetes Care, Eli Lilly,
for caution against the risk of hypoglycaemia. This also applies in the Medtronic, Novo Nordisk, Roche Diabetes Care, Sanofi and Menarini and
19% of individuals in whom GMI approximates HbA1c to within has been on the advisory boards of Eli Lilly, Roche Diabetes Care and
±0.1%, so-called ‘average’ glycators.
Abbott Diabetes Care. She has also participated as principal investigator
Periodic testing of HbA1c and comparison with GMI is rec- in clinical trials funded by Roche Diabetes Care. AS is an employee of
ommended for effective diabetes care. Understanding the principles Abbott Diabetes Care division. The other authors declare that they have
and practice for evaluating the paired measures of GMI and HbA1c is no competing interests.
an important clinical skill, one that is centred on understanding each
individual with diabetes. When HbA1c is elevated above GMI, as the AUTHOR CONTRIBU TIONS
difference between them increases then the risk for complications is All named authors contributed to the concept and design of the man-
also increased because of the higher HGI and its impact on cellular uscript and worked collaboratively to review and prepare the final
functions. Periodic haematological assessment of erythropoiesis and manuscript.
RBC turnover may also potentially strengthen the clinical decision-
making process here. People with T1D who have a high HGI and a PE ER RE VIEW
wide difference between HbA1c and GMI have a three-fold increase The peer review history for this article is available at https://publons.
in retinopathy and a six-fold increased risk of nephropathy compared com/publon/10.1111/dom.14638.
with those with a low HGI and a small difference between GMI and
HbA1c,14,34,35 which is probably because of higher glycation of struc- DATA AVAILABILITY STAT EMEN T
tures and glucose-mediated damage in these tissues and organs. How- Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were cre-
ever, in striving to reduce HbA1c and reduce the risk of complications ated or analyzed in this study.
for these individuals, care is needed to avoid hypoglycaemia, which
has its own short-term adverse consequences. ET HICS S TAT E MENT
From a clinical perspective, attempting to derive measures of This article is based on previously conducted studies and does not
short-term glucose control that can closely predict lab-measured contain any new studies with human participants or animals per-
HbA1c has proven to be a thankless task, unable to account formed by any of the authors.
14631326, 2022, 4, Downloaded from by Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico, Wiley Online Library on [16/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

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