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BBS Model Question 2020

• Grammar
• Model Question Solution
• Comprehension
• Business Communication

A Note of English by R.P. Adhikari

Group A

 Q. No. 1. Complete the sentences

below with the given expressions
dealing with cause/effect
language. Take care with the
preposition. 5
brings contributes affects
has an influence can result

A Note by R.P. Adhikari

 a. Poverty ---------------- to crime
 b. Poverty ---------------- in crime
 c. Poverty ---------------- on crime rates
 d. Poverty ----------------- crime
 e. Poverty ----------------- about crime
 Answers: a. contributes; b. can result; c.
has an influence; d. affects; e. brings

A Note by R.P. Adhikari

2. Rewrite the following sentences
choosing the best option from the
provided. 5
a. You ------------- to lend me your book.
i. are requesting ii. requested iii. are requested iv. have requested
b. I -------------- my homework. What shall I do now?
i. did ii. have done iii. will do iv. do
c. I think my knee -----------
i. broke ii. is broken iii. has been broken iv. either ‘is broken’ or ‘has been broken’
d. When we were kids, we ------------- our own toys.
i. were making ii. made iii. had made iv. are making
e. I ------------- Amitav Gosh for several weeks now.
i. have been reading ii. am reading iii. was reading iv. read
A Note by R.P. Adhikari
 a. are requested;
 b. have done;
 c. is broken/have been broken;
 d. had made;
 e. have been reading.

A Note by R.P. Adhikari

3. Answer the following
questions as instructed. 5
 a. A little girl swings cheerfully in the park. (identify
each of the words in the sentence pattern)
 b. He slowly walked into the kitchen and asked for the
dinner. (start the sentence with an adverb)
 c. Write an example of a compound sentence joined by
the conjunction ‘yet’.
 d. Write a compound-complex sentence with only one
independent clause.
 e. Write an example of a complex sentence using the
casual element of the independent clause.

A Note by R.P. Adhikari

 Suggested answers:
 a. S+V+Adj+Obj
 b. Slowly walking into the kitchen and asked for
the dinner.
 c. He failed in exam, yet he is insisting to upgrade
his class.
 d. The CEO was sitting by his desk and his
secretary was smiling at him when I entered his
 e. While everyone is persuasive in our office,
Sangita in particular, is a genius.

A Note by R.P. Adhikari

4. Choose the correct word for
the following expressions. 5

a. The color of your outfit compliments/complements your

b. The grocery in our community is known for its every
day/ everyday low price.
c. You can just lie/lay the notebook on the table.
d. It is important for the businessperson to
ensure/insure/assure her property adequately.
e. The interviewer’s job is to appraise/ apprise and

A Note by R.P. Adhikari

 Suggested Answers:
a) The color of your outfit complements your eyes.
b) The grocery in our community is known for its
everyday low price.
c) You can just lie the notebook on the table.
d) It is important for the businessperson to assure
her property adequately.
e) The interviewer’s job is to appraise and

A Note by R.P. Adhikari

5. As a sales representative of an
electronics company write a product
information of a washing machine. 5
 Washing Machine A Typical Front Loader
Washing machine is common home appliance
Used to wash laundry. The term is mostly
applied to machine that Use water as opposed to
dry cleaning and ultra Sonic cleaners. The users
can use laundry detergent Which is solid, liquid
or power form, to the wash water.

A Note by R.P. Adhikari

 LGWM3099H
Fast, gentle, effective, reliable
The front loader is quicker, gentler and better at removing all types of stains
than almost any other washers. We’ve tested, and it has solid reputation for
relaibility from multiple expert sources.
 70,000 Nrs from home depot
 65,000 NRs from best buy
LG has similar model like this. They are WM3700H and WM3500C with
different door and control panel design.

A Note by R.P. Adhikari

 6. Write a memo with your advice
to someone planning to travel to
Nepal for business. Outline cultural
differences of the country that
might impact international business
dealings. Look for differences
regarding customs, use of space,
hand gestures, time orientation,
social behavior, how business is
conducted, and other business-
related issues. 5
A Note by R.P. Adhikari
To: Mr. David Canyon
From: Bisesh Pande
Date: 15 January 2021
Subject: International Business Dealing in Nepal

I would like to render my sincere appreciation on your

decision to visit Nepal and wish to welcome you in the
beautiful Himalayan country Nepal. We are together in this
company for the few years understanding the core value and
it is well established and internationally recognized. The
product of our company has been widely used in the world.
As a matter of fact, we should be very careful while dealing
with the people using our verbal communication and expression.
A Note by R.P. Adhikari
Dealing business in Nepal is really tough and varied because
of people's culture, custom, social behaviors and beliefs
that they may interact differently. They may have some of
communication problems and in that case non-verbal
communication gesture.

It is very important to show the good behaviors to women

that touch is strictly avoided while communicating. Unlike
Western culture, Nepal has unique ways to deal with people
With little gesture and spacing among them while talking.
Hand gesture and time orientation is quite often practiced
among the senior citizens of Nepal. The common trend of
Nepalese people is to ask for offer or discount while they buy
Something from venders, thus, business should be managed
according to the trend of mass customers.
A Note by R.P. Adhikari
This is really good enough to launch business in Nepal
during the festive season. Alternatively, some offers should
be given to customers during the campaign program.
There might be credit transition in Nepal because the
people will get salary at the end of the month and when
they get salary they will payback the credit. There might
be risk while dealing with credit transition. It is important
to note at the end that the international business dealings
in Nepal is tougher than expected but coordination with
concerned authorities would ease the procedure.
Thank You
Bisesh Pandy,
Head of Business Promotion in Nepal
A Note by R.P. Adhikari
7. Write instruction to recharge the mobile phone. 5
How to recharge the mobile phone
When the mobile has low battery to commence talk and do other activities or
when the mobile phone ran out of electric charge, we need to recharge the
mobile phone. For this, we need a mobile charger with appropriate pod.
Some of the instructions how to recharge the mobile phone in point wise are
given below:
 Take mobile charger and mobile phone.
 Connect the charger plug to the power supply plug.
 Make connection inact to the mobile with the charger pod.
 Leave the mobile for sometimes till the mobile is fully charged. Check the
indicator in the mobile display to ensure fully charged.
 Finally, we should discharge or disconnect the mobile phone and charger
from the power supply plug. And use the mobile for long time.

A Note by R.P. Adhikari

 8. Prepare a brochure for a travel agency serving in Nepal for four
decades. 10
Ans: Namaste Travel and Tours Pvt. Ltd
Greetings and Namaste to all our valued customers !!!
It is our pleasure to welcome you all in the world of tourism in Nepal.
Travelling is undoubtedly a real passion in the world and no one would think
absent to themselves for travelling as it becomes the integral part of their
life. We represent Nepal through our value oriented services. We are
located at the prime location of the capital city of Nepal, Kathmandu at
New Road.
Our Vission:
We want to take care of the people during the travelling professionally.
We work for:
Ticketing: It is our prime service. A lot of travelers book tickets to visit
Nepal and during the pick season it is difficult to have tickets.
A Note by R.P. Adhikari
We deal with various kind of ticketing service. We have skilled and professional
team to handle ticketing from our agency. You shouldn't raise a finger on our
quality service on ticketing.
Nepal is the best destination of trekking in the world. Our agency is reputed
one to do so for the last four decades. We manage trekking in the Himalayas
and mountains.
Our trekking schedules:
 Helambu Trek: 9 days
 Langtang valley: 10 days
 Mustang Trekking: 15 days
 Langtang Gosaikunda: 15 days
 Makalu Trekking: 20 days
 Polar Base Camp: 21 days
 Himlung Valley Trekking: 25 days
A Note by R.P. Adhikari

 And many more……..

 Home Stay:
Home stay package is another service provided by this agency. Home stay
Bookings are open 365 days a year. By the guidelines of Nepal Tourism
Board, we manage home stays program to promote organic product. It is
totally focused for domestic travelers as well as foreign too. Our agency
feels proud to offer this service. Home stays on the other hand, promotes
rural tourism in Nepal as most of the rural areas have god-gifted natural
beauty. The tourists feel free and safe in home stay programs.
Travel Documentation Facility:
The tourists outside Nepal who wish to visit Nepal are regularly helped by
this agency regarding visa stamping, passport handling and other travel
related issues. We are very pleased to offer our service to all the tourists.
Please feel free to contact us.
Contact details:
Mr. Samir Gurung, Director in Nepal, 014436500; 9850001000
A Note by R.P. Adhikari

E-mail: Web:

 Group- B
9. Reading prepares you to respond critically to the
ideas of others and to develop ideas of your own. In this
process you highlight the text paying attention to the
verbal signals. How do you recognize the verbal signals?
Enumerate each of them with the examples. 7
 Ans: Reading is a two way street. When the writers write
and the reader read then only the reading and writing
gets complete. As the readers are presented with a
writer's idea, the readers have their own idea to
perceive them all. The writer and the readers have their
own different national, ethnic, cultural and geographic
background and knowledge and experience.
 So the writer's writing is understood critically. In this
process, we become more critical and highlight the test
paying due attention to the verbal signals that carry the
verbal signals most.

A Note by R.P. Adhikari

 We recognize the verbal signal by their uses. Here, we identify about what
the writer really wants to communicate. These expressions help us to
understand the writer's idea and thought about the ideas.
 Here are some of the verbal signals that the writers may use:-
 Signal emphasis: primary, most important
 Signal the additional: also, in addition, furthermore
 Signal the time sequence: first, after, then, finally, next
 Signal comparison: similarly, likewise
 Signal contrast: unlike, in contrast, although
 Signal contradiction: on the contrary, however
 Signal summaries or conclusions: to sum up, in conclusion
 Repeated words and phrases
 Identify causes and effects: as a result, because, for this reason
 Introduce examples: for examples, for instance
 Narrowing of the writer's focus: specify in the words, in fact
A Note by R.P. Adhikari
These verbal signals are discussed under the
transitions in the writings. The transitions (the words
with verbal signals) show the intentions about the
message that the writer wants to make.

 10. The issue, ‘Finding a job’, is one main idea for

topic sentence and it contains a list of what will be
discussed in the paragraph introduced by the topic
sentence. Write a paragraph with a topic sentence
using the clues. (6)
Finding a job
….. go to an employment agency
.... read the classified newspaper advertisements
.... ask friends and relatives for leads
…. send resumes to possible employers
 Ans: Finding a Job
 Finding an appropriate job after completing the education
is a challenge until we get the job; and for that we try our
best to find by different mediums. Our first attempt would
be to visit the different employment agency. These types
of the agencies are the hub of the jobs. They play the role
of the mediater for the findings of the job. The
professional offices are in touch of such agencies.
 Reading the classified newspaper advertisement would be
next step. The institution display their vacancies on the
daily newspaper. They display the number of the vacancies
and the job description.
 Sometimes asking to the friends and the relatives for the
counsel would be helpful. The instructions and the advices
of the friends and relatives works much for finding the job.
And sometimes there are jobs and the institution remain
unannounced for some causes for some time. In that time
the unsolicited job applications for the jobs would work.
 The sending of the resumes along with the
application would be more tractable for the
employer. So, we can say by such activities we can
find an appropriate job that we accomplish.

 Question No. 11
 Read the following paragraph and answer the
question asked below. [6]
 Perhaps city residents and wild animals were never
meant to go together, even in zoo. Recently a
visitor to a large city zoo, ignoring all fences and
warning signs put his arm into the cage of a six-
year-old polar bear. Perhaps the man wanted to
feed the bear, or touch him, or even tease him. But
the bear, basically the citizen of the wilds, almost
instantly sprang forward and sank his teeth into the
man’s hand.
 As the man screamed for help, and the bear’s keeper
tried to get the bear under control, the bear sucked in
more of the man’s arm. Finally, a policeman had to
shoot and kill the bear so that the man’s arm could be
released—which it was.
 Thus, there was the killing of a polar bear and the
wounding of a city denizen., two animals who were
meant to be residents of their own worlds, not each
 Questions:
 a. Extract the topic sentence in the paragraph above.
Answer: Perhaps city residents and wild animals were
never meant to go together, even in zoo.
 b. Is there more than one main idea in this paragraph?
Answer: No, there is not more than one man idea in this
paragraph. The main idea is that man and animal should
live in their own world.
 c. In your own words explain why the incident
supports the topic sentence.
 Answer: There is only one incident in the
paragraph. The city denizen tries to enter into
the world of the wild. The citizen puts their aim
into the cage and the polar bear sinks its teeth
into his arm.
 In that incident a man enters into the world of
the wild it gets harmed. And there is a effect of
the cause. The polar bear attacks the man then
the world of the man attacks back the world of
the wild. So, the topic sentence supports the
incidents of man and animal.
 Question 12. Rewrite the following paragraph, remove any
material that is not part of the main idea stated in the
topic sentence. Add facts, examples, incidents,
definitions, comparisons and contrasts to develop the
paragraph more fully. [6]
 People can take many steps to reduce the stress produced
by their hurried lifestyle. For example, physical exercise
such as jogging, swimming or playing tennis is an excellent
method for relieving muscle tension and using up nervous
energy. Such exercise also strengthens the heart,
improves blood circulation and helps with weight control.
 Another way to reduce stress is by doing deep-breathing
exercises a few times each day; slowly inhaling and
exhaling helps the body relax as the minds rids itself of
troublesome thoughts. People who use these methods
often experience a feeling of well-being that improves the
overall quality of their lives.
 Answer

 People can take many steps to reduce the stress produced by their
hurried lifestyle. For example, physical exercise such as joggings,
swimming or playing tennis is an excellent method for relieving
muscle tension and using up nervous energy. Such exercise also
strengthens the heart, improves blood circulation and helps with
weight control. Another way to reduce stress is by doing deep
breathing exercises a few times each day. The doctors advise to
do the physical exercises and to follow the balanced diet. The
sports personalities do the exercises and follow their strict
lifestyles regarding diet and exercises have the perfect physical
life and less stress.
 Once I had the most mental stress. And I performed the yoga
thereafter, I had found myself fresh. Our bodily activities are
controlled by our mind when we are able to keep the mind under
control. So we can even compare when we are under mental
pressure or free of the state of mind. So, we can say there are
many steps to reduce the mental pressure that might occur in our
mind because of our hurried life style.

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