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The Importance of Parental Supervision of Children in Playing Gadgets

The family is an environment that has a big influence on children's development. The family
member who is usually close to a child is the mother. However, a mother who is busy with her job
often neglects her child-rearing obligations. In this case, it is often seen that they let their young
children play alone with their gadgets.

Giving gadget toys to children can be quiet and calm, but if children experience addiction this will
result in brain development. Because a child experiences very rapid development and they tend to
imitate what they often listen to. At these ages good parenting from parents is needed and parental
involvement in supervising their children is no less important to do.

The bad influence of gadgets or smartphones on children's development, for example, like they will
have trouble sleeping due to playing gadgets for too long, because gadget screens emit blue light
which can send wrong signals to a child's brain. Playing gadgets makes children less mobile, if a child
is addicted to gadgets, he will last a long time in his sitting position.

Accompanying children in using gadgets. The role of parents in accompanying or supervising children
when using gadgets is very necessary. This is because to protect children from accessing negative or
pornographic things. Parents have played their role well. They take turns to supervise or accompany
their children. If one or both are not busy, the parents take the time to accompany the child when he
uses the gadget.

But on the contrary, if it is not monitored and cared for, then the gadget will be misused, for
example, they are more interested in playing games. Parents also have to accompany their children
in using gadgets. Related to this, in parenting parents in the use of smartphones in elementary school
children. Children who do not get information and directions from parents regarding the use of
smartphones will make the wrong use of the smartphones they have.

Children will forget the time in carrying out their obligations as students and will have an impact on
decreasing their learning achievement. When children are engrossed in their gadgets, they often
ignore interactions with the surrounding environment. Parents try to control their children's use of
gadgets, namely by taking action on their children when interacting with family, friends, or people in
the surrounding environment is not good because they are too engrossed with their cellphones.

Therefore, parental involvement is very important in influencing the development of their children,
children who get the right affection and upbringing from their parents will have a better process of
developing self-interaction. In addition, the active role of parents in supervising their children needs
to be done, especially in terms of using gadgets to avoid the negative effects of using gadgets.

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