Unit 6. Past Tense

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Unit 6

Past Tense can be divided into 4 formed:

1. Simple Past ( S + Verb II + O + Complement (C ).

1. It Snowed yesterday At one particular time in the past, this
2. I watched television happened. It began and ended in the past.
last night.

a. Informative statement means giving information related to action in the last
time. The sentences can be formulate the following examples:
1. It snowed yesterday..
2. He watched television last night.
3. I played football two days a go
4. You went to campus this morning
5. We saw a plain in the sky.
b. Interrogative statement means want to know something activities or news, the
sentences could be formulated by the following questions:
1. Did it sow yesterday?
2. Did he watch television last night
3. Did I play football two days a go?
4. Did you go to campus this morning?
5. Did we see a plain in the sky?
c. Negative statement means want to disclaim (deny) something action or news,
the sentences can be formulated as following questions below:
1. It did not (didn’t) snow yesterday..
2. He did not (didn’t) watched television last night.
3. I did not (didn’t) play football two days a go.
4. You did not (didn’t) go to campus this morning
5. We did not (didn’t) see a plain in the sky.
2. Past Progressive ( S + Be ( was or were) + (Verb I + ing) + O + C
PAST PROGRESSIVE He was sleeping He went to sleep at 10:00 last night. I
when I arrived. arrived at 11:00. He was still sleep. His


sleep began before and was in progress at

particular time in the past. It probably

a. Informative statement
1. It was snowing at 10 o’clock AM yesterday.
2. He was watching television at 20 o’clock PM last night.
3. I was playing football at 14.30 PM two days ago.
4. You were going to campus at 07.30 AM this morning.
5. We were seeing a plain at 12.o’clock in the sky.
b. Interrogative statement
1. Was it was snowing at 10 o’clock AM yesterday?
2. Was he watching television at 20 o’clock PM last night?
3. Was I playing football at 14.30 PM two days ago?
4. Were you going to campus at 07.30 AM this morning?
5. Were we seeing a plain at 12.o’clock in the sky?
c. Negative statement
1. It was not (wasn’t) snowing at 10 o’clock AM yesterday.
2. He was not (wasn’t) watching television at 20 o’clock PM last night.
3. I was not (wasn’t) playing football at 14.30 PM two days ago.
4. You were (weren’t) going to campus at 07.30 AM this morning.
5. We were not (weren’t) seeing a plain at 12.o’clock in the sky.
3. Past Perfect Tense
Past perfect tense is used to explain two or more activity in the last time.
a. The first event (peritiwa/kegiatan I) dengan formula:
(S + (had + Verb III) + O + C).
b. The second event (Peritiwa II) dengan formula:
(Using: verb II)..
PAST PERFECT He had slept when I He went to sleep at 10:00 last night. I
arrived at home last arrived at 11:00. He was still sleep.


night. His sleep began before and was in

progress at particular time in the past.
It probably continued.

a. Informative statement
1. It had snowed when they came home yesterday.
2. He had watched television when his father arrived at home last night.
3. I had played football before my friends visited two days a go
4. You had gone to campus when the light went out (mati lampu) this
5. We had seen a plain in the sky when the demonstrators went down to
road yesterday.
The bold words related to “Past perfect = first event”
The red words colors related to “second event = simple past”
b. Interrogative statement:
1. Had it snowed when they came home yesterday?
2. Had he watched television when his father arrived at home last night?
3. Had I played football before my friends visited two days a go
4. Had you gone to campus when the light went out (mati lampu) this
5. Had we seen a plain in the sky when the demonstrators went down to
road yesterday?
c. Negative statement:
1. It had not (hadn’t) snowed when they came home yesterday.
2. He had not (hadn’t) watched television when his father arrived at home
last night.
3. I had not (hadn’t) played football before my friends visited two days a
4. You had not (hadn’t) gone to campus when the light went out (mati
lampu) this morning
5. We had not (hadn’t) seen a plain in the sky when the demonstrators went
down to road yesterday.

4. Past Perfect Progressive (S + had bee + (Verb I = ing) + O + C)

(a) I had been studying Event in progress: Studying.
for two hours before When? Before another event
my friend came in the past. How
long? For two hours
2 hrs


a. Informative statement
1. It had been snowing for 5 minutes when they came home yesterday.
2. He had been watching for 20 minutes television when his father arrived at
home last night.
3. I had been playing for football an hour before my friends visited two days
a go
4. You had been going to campus for half an hour when the light went out
(mati lampu) this morning
5. We had been seeing a plain in the sky for several minutes when the
demonstrators went down to road yesterday.
b. Interrogative statement:
1. Had It been snowing for 5 minutes when they came home yesterday?
2. Had he had been watching for 20 minutes television when his father
arrived at home last night?
3. Had I been playing for football an hour before my friends visited two days
a go?
4. Had you been going to campus for half an hour when the light went out
(mati lampu) this morning?
5. Had we been seeing a plain in the sky for several minutes when the
demonstrators went down to road yesterday?

c. Negative statement:
1. It had not been snowing for 5 minutes when they came home yesterday?
2. He had not been watching for 20 minutes television when his father
arrived at home last night?
3. I had not been playing for football an hour before my friends visited two
days a go?
4. You had not been going to campus for half an hour when the light went
out (mati lampu) this morning?
5. We had not been seeing a plain in the sky for several minutes when the
demonstrators went down to road yesterday?

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