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Soal Try out dan Ujian Sekolah 2024

Read the dialog for questions 1 and 2

Chelsy is a new student at SMPN 1 Umalulu. She is in Grade 7. She meets some seventh graders
in the school yard. One of them is Children.
Chelsy : Hi, my name is Chelsy. What is your name?
Children : Hi, My name is Children. Are you a new student?
Chelsy : Yes, I am. I'm in 7B, and you? : Me, too. Then, we are classmates.

1. What is the purpose of the dialog above?

A. To invite Chelsy
B. To invite Children
C. To introduce oneself.
D. To introduce others
2. Where does the dialog take place?
A. In the library
B. In the school
C. In the laboratory
D. In the office
Read the dialog for questions 3

Teacher : Good morning!

Students : Good morning, Miss!
Teacher : Let me introduce myself. My name …. Aprilia. You can call me Miss April. I’m from

3. Answer
A. Is
B. Am
C. Are
D. Does

Read the text for question 4 and 5

Hi friends, this is my daily activities for a week after school. On Mondays, I join an English club.
On Tuesdays, I learn to cook in the kitchen. On Wednesdays, I play football. On Thursdays, I read
my favourite stories. On Fridays, I'visit my parents. On Saturdays, I go jogging. On Sundays, I go
to garden to help my parents. I’m so happy to spend my time everyday.

4. What does the writer do every Tuesdays?

A. She plays football.
B. She learns to cook.
C. She helps her parents.
D. She goes jogging.
5. What is the porpuse of the dialog above
A. To describe something.
B. To inetertain the reader.
C. To tell how to make something.
D. To tell what to do everyday

Read the text for question 4

Jesicha lives in Melolo. She is thirteen years old. She is studies at SMPN 1 Umalulu. She is in IX
grade. Every morning she get up at 05:00 a.m. She take a shower and has breakfast. She …...
to school and come back at 13:00 p.m. She usually has lunch with her mother. Then she does
her homework, has dinner, and helps her mother wash the dishes. She doesn’t watch TV on
weekdays. She goes to bed at about 10:00 p.m.On weekends, she usually plays with her
friends andlistens to music.
6. Complate the the following
following paragraph
paragraph withwith
the the word
words provided.
A. Go
B. Goes
C. Went
D. Gone

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