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every single opening because raha hai, but it does work!!

raha hai, but it does work!!] [Major Clients / Products and IMMEDIATELY Companies take advantage of
- Guest Posting sake of your own career. DO NOT
many of them are RIGGED Services] YOUR INNOCENCE
- Pings, blah blah blah RUSH and TRUST the PROCESS.
Freelancing v/s JOB [Social Media / Website Audit of
their current website]

Can people without experience

create a digital marketing

Absolutely. In-fact if your course

What is Freelancing? does not encourage you to
50 freelancers, I have heard PORTFOLIO.. Then what kind of
Is it a one time activity? program are you doing in the first
ngs just flow) Freelancing / Agency

ple companies and the You MUST create a PORTFOLIO by

summarising all your Quora
Articles, LinkedIn Posts, Insta Reels,
ns that continue to fill their How much time does it take to
etc and accurately highlight the
build a digital marketing portfolio?

k.. It just comes to them

Absolutely NOT.. Digital Marketing
Portfolio changes and evolves with
every job or gig..

DDENLY starts exposing them Please DO NOT make this mistake

of not updating your PORTFOLIO..
Is Digital Marketing Portfolio
Mandatory? Remember that we are LIVING &
Freelancing in the initial years is BREATHING in a RESULTS-BASED
even WORSE than a job ECONOMY.
Why is a Portfolio important?
HOW? No Results = NO MONEY..
What is Digital Marketing Portfolio? Portfolio = RESULTS
- Irregular work schedules
- Scope creep
- Demanding client requirements It takes anywhere between 3-6
- Exploitation (erratic work hours) Digital Marketing Portfolio months to create a respectable
- Delayed payments Digital Marketing Portfolio.
- No support in terms of softwares,
regulations, or workflow You can download some templates
management that I have provided below to get
an idea of what goes behind
creating the right PORTFOLIO
IN THE FIRST 2 YEARS You must also customise the
PORTFOLIO and structure it
around the kind of company that
Freelancing is an arrangement you are joining..
where you deliver a well defined
scope of work from the comfort of Eg. If it's a B2B company that you
your home. should re-arrange your material
assets, collaterals, etc and show
The company is not liable to give the B2B work first.
you the benefits passed down to
the regular colleagues (eg.
insurance, etc) No company will disclose anything
PORTFOLIO.. But to improve the
chances of selection.. it is KIND OF
Digital Marketing MANDATORY.
Roadmap Part 4
Companies have become very choosy and
given the population and competition
between the candidates for a particular

Digital Marketing Portfolio is a short

summary of your work and the
expected / actual results that you
generated through the virtue of your
planning and meticulous execution


Things to avoid

1. Petty Politics
The cost of NOT SWITCHING on 2. Toxic Colleagues - Yaar mat chorr yaar tere bina kya karenge..
nd numbers TIME 3. If you are the smartest person in the room - It's time to go.
4. Less than 10% hike in performance appraisal - Esp. if your salary is already low
5. Load shedding (Gadha majdoori)
6. Company's declining financials
7. Abusive clients / external or internal stakeholders
Passion & respect for the field and

You will never GROW if you DO NOT SWITCH

When should one decide to The biggest COST that you will bear by not switching will be STUCK IN YOUR
Positive attitude
You must aim to switch at-least 3 to 4 jobs before you hit 30 and then reduce your
switching frequency as you cross 30

Companies will question your loyalty if you keep making switches AFTER 30

How to maintain your growth But nobody will question too much, because everyone knows that 20s are meant to
curve? EXPLORE

Whatever RISKS (calculated) that you have to take must be taken in your 20s
What is switching?
Do not indulge in PETTY POLITICS
Do not entertain TOXIC colleagues
te Do not accept SATURATION
When to switch?
When the situation is RIPE.. Make a MOVE!
rs.. Keep

There are a lot of reasons one

g decides to switch.. The 2 most
common reasons to switch are


- Lack of respectable Salary
apidly that it can get difficult to stay up to date with - Lack of LEARNING

As far as possible - PRIORITISE

E INITIATIVES Learning = Things that are a part of
your own skill set + things that are
sionate, then this field will saturate very quickly for you. beyond your FIELD.

people who are SLOW & BORING.. ONLY Eg. If you are working in Analytics
and are getting a chance to also
it is exciting and fast. work on FB ads..

There is a difference between positive attitude and OVER-OPTIMISM ALWAYS SWITCH A TOXIC
COMPANY - No company is worth
- This field will test your patience to the brink of a breakdown.. only more than your MENTAL HEALTH..
the toughest will survive...
Quite simply - When you change
- Be selfish.. embrace challenging work and work towards building a an organisation or a client or move
positive work environment for yourself.. Eliminate idiots who try to bring from one skillset to another.. It is
you down.. pretty much called - MAKING A
Scope bande ki hoti hai.. course ki nahi..

Everyone can earn good money

from DM if they know how to
Population is not our STRENGTH. it
Final pointers - Conclusion
Model = Strong value proposition our WEAKNESS (stop living a LIE)
+ ability to capture more value at a
less price + competitive advantage
+ customer trust
Digital Marketing Roadmap Part 4
1. How to apply?
1.1. First things first: Have you watched all parts?

1.1.1. If you have not watched all parts. Please watch all parts before coming to this part. Most of the things will not make sense to you if you have not watched all the 3 parts of this series. How to apply through LinkedIn? First of all understand this basic point: LINKEDIN is super important Step 1: Download the app and set up an account on Linkedin Step 2: Setup the basic sections of a LinkedIn Profile [see the screenshot in the next slide] Step 3: Connect with 100 people in the industry where you see yourself. (For me: it was agency) - Eg. connect with digital marketing executives from India's top digital marketing agencies Step 4: Once you connect with them, drop them a thank you note and DO NOT BE NEEDY. Step 5: Share your learnings on LinkedIn (and wait for a detailed video by me on LinkedIn) Step 6: WAIT!!!!!! Jitna bhaagoge utni jaldi giroge. Just stay active on the platform and aim for at-least 2 to 3 posts every month and continue this process. How to apply through Naukri? Is reliable? - YES & NO YES - Because it is where 90% of Indian jobs are posted NO - Because you cannot RELY on every single opening because many of them are RIGGED Step 1: Create a profile on Naukri and fill the basic sections Step 2: Invest in Naukri Fast Forward services if possible [yeah! I know fir bologe ki bech raha hai, but it does work!!] Step 3: Before joining any interview call, do a basic homework of the following things: [Company Profile] [Founder's Profile] [Major Clients / Products and Services] [Social Media / Website Audit of their current website] Step 3: Wait for at-least 2 to 3 rounds before you get an offer and DO NOT ACCEPT an offer IMMEDIATELY Step 4: ALWAYS NEGOTIATE 20% to 30% extra salary so you can settle down at 15% Companies take advantage of YOUR INNOCENCE Step 5: DO NOT ACCEPT ONLY SEO WORK Watch out for things like: - Link Submissions - Backlinks - Guest Posting - Pings, blah blah blah BHAAAAAAGOOOOO!!! Step 6: Negotiate and confirm by appending your signature to your offer letter. Be a responsible person for the sake of your own career. DO NOT RUSH and TRUST the PROCESS.

2. Digital Marketing Portfolio

2.1. What is Digital Marketing Portfolio?

2.1.1. Why is a Portfolio important? Is Digital Marketing Portfolio Mandatory? How much time does it take to build a digital marketing portfolio? Is it a one time activity? Can people without experience create a digital marketing portfolio? Absolutely. In-fact if your course does not encourage you to CREATE a DIGITAL MARKETING PORTFOLIO.. Then what kind of program are you doing in the first place? You MUST create a PORTFOLIO by summarising all your Quora Articles, LinkedIn Posts, Insta Reels, etc and accurately highlight the results. Absolutely NOT.. Digital Marketing Portfolio changes and evolves with every job or gig.. Please DO NOT make this mistake of not updating your PORTFOLIO.. Remember that we are LIVING & BREATHING in a RESULTS-BASED ECONOMY. No Results = NO MONEY.. Portfolio = RESULTS It takes anywhere between 3-6 months to create a respectable Digital Marketing Portfolio. You can download some templates that I have provided below to get an idea of what goes behind creating the right PORTFOLIO You must also customise the PORTFOLIO and structure it around the kind of company that you are joining.. Eg. If it's a B2B company that you should re-arrange your material assets, collaterals, etc and show the B2B work
first. No company will disclose anything about a DIGITAL MARKETING PORTFOLIO.. But to improve the chances of selection.. it is KIND OF MANDATORY.

2.1.2. Companies have become very choosy and given the population and competition between the candidates for a particular job -** IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU INVEST SOME TIME IN CREATING YOUR PORTFOLIO**

2.2. Digital Marketing Portfolio is a short summary of your work and the expected / actual results that you generated through the virtue of your planning and meticulous execution

3. When to switch?
3.1. What is switching?

3.1.1. When should one decide to switch? The cost of NOT SWITCHING on TIME STRONG REASONS TO SHIFT / Things to avoid 1. Petty Politics 2. Toxic Colleagues - Yaar mat chorr yaar tere bina kya karenge.. 3. If you are the smartest person in the room - It's time to go. 4. Less than 10% hike in performance appraisal - Esp. if your salary is already low 5. Load shedding (Gadha majdoori) 6. Company's declining financials 7. Abusive clients / external or internal stakeholders It is NATURAL to SWITCH... You will never GROW if you DO NOT SWITCH The biggest COST that you will bear by not switching will be STUCK IN YOUR COMFORT ZONE You must aim to switch at-least 3 to 4 jobs before you hit 30 and then reduce your switching frequency as you cross 30 Companies will question your loyalty if you keep making switches AFTER 30 But nobody will question too much, because everyone knows that 20s are
meant to EXPLORE Whatever RISKS (calculated) that you have to take must be taken in your 20s Do not indulge in PETTY POLITICS Do not entertain TOXIC colleagues Do not accept SATURATION When the situation is RIPE.. Make a MOVE!

3.1.2. There are a lot of reasons one decides to switch.. The 2 most common reasons to switch are - Lack of respectable Salary - Lack of LEARNING As far as possible - PRIORITISE LEARNING... Learning = Things that are a part of your own skill set + things that are beyond your FIELD. Eg. If you are working in Analytics and are getting a chance to also work on FB ads.. ALWAYS SWITCH A TOXIC COMPANY - No company is worth more than your
3.2. Quite simply - When you change an organisation or a client or move from one skillset to another.. It is pretty much called - MAKING A SWITCH

4. How to maintain your growth curve?

4.1. Positive attitude

4.1.1. Passion & respect for the field and subject Obsession with data and numbers Project ownership & creative bent of mind PATIENCE India is at the intersection of a HUGE digital wave But.......... we have a long way to goo.. Digital Marketing is still evolving and you will not find the attitude change so FAST!! You have to maintain patience everywhere.. Salary growth is slow BUT VERY STABLE Clients come slowly, but when they come then they STICK AROUND Don't have unrealistic expectations from this field.. you will feel burnout in a flash. Your work will define the progress of your career. You cannot hide your mistakes and your laziness will harm you. Be tactful, be agile, and adapt to difficult situations quickly. Own your work.. if that project has been asigned then you are RESPONSIBLE to deliver it. Don't wait for INSTRUCTIONS.. Maintain a sense of proactivity in all your projects (Eg. updating excel sheets, taking feedback, calling clients to understand sentiment, etc) - There is no MARKETING without NUMBERS - Have a FIRM command on all basic to intermediate EXCEL FORMULAS - Question and challenge all campaigns with numbers.. Keep TESTING and keep COMPARING your results. - It's a numbers game.. No numbers = No marketing

4.1.2. Digital Marketing is NOT like FINANCE or ENGINEERING It is changing so rapidly that it can get difficult to stay up to date with the trends.. READ READ READ FOLLOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE SPEAK UP & TAKE INITIATIVES If you are not passionate, then this field will saturate very quickly for you. Competition is for people who are SLOW & BORING.. ONLY For everyone else, it is exciting and fast.

4.2. There is a difference between positive attitude and OVER-OPTIMISM - This field will test your patience to the brink of a breakdown.. only the toughest will survive... - Be selfish.. embrace challenging work and work towards building a positive work environment for yourself.. Eliminate idiots who try to bring you down.. Scope bande ki hoti hai.. course ki nahi..
5. Final pointers - Conclusion
5.1. Population is not our STRENGTH. it our WEAKNESS (stop living a LIE)

5.1.1. Everyone can earn good money from DM if they know how to create BUSINESS MODELS Model = Strong value proposition + ability to capture more value at a less price + competitive advantage + customer trust Courses cannot teach you DM They can only impart INFORMATION Learning is your responsibility.. Today, Tomorrow, ALWAYS!! DM is a very noisy field with a lot of competition But the good news is there are more non-skilled workers than skilled. So even 1% extra skill will position you much ahead Marketing is not SELLING BUT There is no MARKETING without SELLING Choose your MENTOR wisely. One WRONG MENTOR can RUIN your professional life FOREVER. If you liked this video, then do check out

6. Freelancing / Agency
6.1. What is Freelancing?

6.1.1. Freelancing v/s JOB When should you consider FREELANCING The RIGHT WAY The ABSOLUTELY Wrong WAY Conclusion Freelancing & Agency business has a high failure rate Calculate the risk involved and make a fair assessment of your situation before making a decision Thousands of FREELANCERS lose their confidence because they make their SWITCH TOO EARLY If you are jumping to FREELANCING because an INFLUENCER told you to do so.. know this - YOU ARE ON THE PATH TO FAIL.. (this decision is yours and must only be taken
through your own analysis and introspection) - Trying to mimic COURSES - Cold emailing and SPAM - No experience. No domain expertise. No caliber. No resources. - FRESHER! (bhaaaaaaaaaiiii marega!!!) - Less than 5 years of cross-functional / cross-industrial experience - No personal brand - Domain expertise [ATLEAST 1 project, 1 UNIQUE INDUSTRY, 1 NEW GEO] - Minimum I would say is 5 projects across different industries and geographies - Competitive advantage - Working style, comfortable hours, and mutual respect - A well defined team - Freelancing is also a kind of business. You cannot do everything alone. - Ability to charge a premium - If you are not able to increase the price of your services by a minimum of 15%
every year per contract then you are wasting your time and energy. - Satisfaction - If you are not satisfied after closing your laptop. Kya fayda? - Referrals - Your clients are so satisfied with your job that you start getting referrals almost immediately from your existing clients. CAC = 0 First of all after interviewing more than 50 freelancers, I have heard one common thing - Nobody plans to open an agency (things just flow) - They start getting interest from multiple companies and the retainers are high value (mota paisa) - They have built high quality connections that continue to fill their pipeline with new and challenging work - They don't have to struggle to findwork.. It just comes to them effortlessly. OR - The platform they are
working on SUDDENLY starts exposing them to HIGH TICKET service requests

6.1.2. Freelancing in the initial years is even WORSE than a job HOW? - Irregular work schedules - Scope creep - Demanding client requirements - Exploitation (erratic work hours) - Delayed payments - No support in terms of softwares, regulations, or workflow management 90% FREELANCERS WIL GIVE UP IN THE FIRST 2 YEARS

6.2. Freelancing is an arrangement where you deliver a well defined scope of work from the comfort of your home. The company is not liable to give you the benefits passed down to the regular colleagues (eg. insurance, etc)

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