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Computer Aided Design and Finite Element Analysis
Class ID: VL2023240504236
Slot: G2+TG2
Venue: MB212

Mobile: 9994304360
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Module Geometric modelling – Analytical and Synthetic curves

Requirements of geometric modelling-Wireframe

modelling-analytical curves-Cubic spline-Bezier spline-B-
2 4
spline-NURBS- Solving analytical and synthetic curve
Geometric Modelling

Geometric modelling refers to computer compatible and mathematical

representation of geometry.

It is mainly done for mathematical representation for both

visualization and CAE/CAM related activities.

 Enables accurate design and development of physical products.

 Facilitates communication and collaboration among engineers, designers,

and manufacturers.

 Drives downstream processes like analysis, simulation, and fabrication.

Key Requirements
Accuracy and Precision:
The model must accurately represent the intended geometry of the final object.
Tolerances and dimensions need to be clearly defined and adhered to.
Flexibility and Scalability:
The model should be adaptable to changes and modifications throughout the
design process.
It should be able to accommodate increased complexity as the design evolves.
Data Interoperability:
The model should be compatible with different CAD software and engineering
Seamless data exchange is crucial for collaboration and downstream applications.
Efficiency and Performance:
The modeling process should be efficient and avoid unnecessary complexity.
Software and hardware should be capable of handling large and complex models
without lag.
Types of Geometric Modelling

Geometric modelling is concerned with the representation of

• Curves

• Surface

• Solids
Geometric Modelling
Geometric Modelling of curves classified as wireframe modelling

Geometric Modelling of curves and surfaces are classified as surface


Geometric Modelling of solids are classified as solid modelling.

The representation of curves and surfaces is different to solid.

Generally, definition of curve can be extended to surface but not done to

Analytic Curve

Curves that can be described by analytic equations such as lines, circle,

conics etc.
They provide very compact forms to represent shapes & simplify the
computation of related properties such as areas & volume.

Analytic curves are usually not sufficient to meet today's geometric

design requirements of complex mechanical parts like
 automobile bodies, Example
 aero plane wings, •Line
 propeller blades, •Circle
 bottles etc. •Parábola
Synthetic Curve
Curves that can be described by a set of data points (i.e. control points).
such as Splines. Bezier curve etc.
Synthetic curves provide designers with greater flexibility & control of a
curve shape by changing the positions of the one or more data points or
control points.
The need for synthetic curves in design arises on two occasions:
i) when a curve is represented by a collection of measured data points (in
case of Reverse Engineering)
ii) when an existing curve must change to meet new design requirements.
Synthetic curve construction Technique

 Interpolation technique
Curve pass through all data points
 Approximation technique
Curve do not pass through all data points
Geometric Modelling of cures

Implicit Explicit Parametric

Representation Representation Representation
Significance of using Parametric Representation

 Transformation are done much easy manner

 Representation of curve and surface segments
 Provides more degrees of freedom for controlling the shape of a curve or
 Handling calculation of slopes
 Separation of dependent and independent variables

Description Implicit Parametric

Representation Representation
Radius = 7
Center @ (0,0)
Radius = 7
Center @ (4,3)
Representation of curve and surface segments

Circle Circle segment / Circular arc

Also, the intersection of arcs can be identified.

Provides more degrees of freedom

Explicit Representation Parametric Representation

Handling calculation of slopes
Separation of dependent and independent variables

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