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DAY 1-DAY 10


This is our month of miracles. God will intervene in your life
and grant you ease, deliverance, breakthrough, and
testimony. But you need to wake up your faith.

Join me in this 31-day meditation on the subject of faith.

This free PDF contains days 1-10.

Download the complete book on Amazon.

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Heb. 10:38 - Now the just shall live by faith: but if any
man draws back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.

he subject of faith is not new. Almost every Sunday,

it is shouted into our ears:

“Have faith!”


“Where is your faith?”

“The just shall live by faith!”

“Don’t give up your faith!”

And so on.

Regrettably, irrespective of the number of messages on faith

we hear every week, we are, in real life, buried in fear and
unbelief. We forget all the notes on Monday morning and
begin to struggle with reality.

Hear this now:

To survive the darkness in our world today,

you must learn to face your daily realities with
faith and not with the facts. Put another way,
“Gather the facts, but then face them with

So, what is faith?

According to the Bible, “Faith is the confident assurance

that something we want is going to happen. It is the
certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even
though we cannot see it up ahead” (Hebrews 11:1 – TLB).

Look at that. What we want will happen even though we do
not see them yet.

I’m looking at these words in that definition:

 Confident assurance

 Certainty

 What we hope for

 Though we cannot see

In plainer terms, faith is being convinced that something

will happen even though you do not see it yet. You believe,
even though you have no way of knowing how it will

For instance, you believe you are healed and start acting
healed even though you still feel pain. You believe you have
a job and act as though you truly have a job even though you
don’t have one. You believe you’re delivered and act like

someone delivered even though you still dream some bad
dreams. That’s what faith is.

Okay, I must admit that it’s easy to define faith but complex
in practice. Do you know why? Because we live in a sight
world. We live in a world controlled by what we see and feel.

Unfortunately, we cannot live like that. We must believe in

what God says about us, be persistent about it, and not
scamper on what is happening at the moment. We cannot
live like the world and have God’s results.


God is saying to you today, “What do you desire and pray
for? Is it healing? The salvation of your children? New job?
Deliverance from debt? What is it?

“I assure you that they will happen. Yes, you do not see them
now. But I’m telling you, they will happen.”

That sounds too good to be true. I’m not seeing them, but
God says it will happen. So, what next?

Believe. That’s faith - the confidence that something you

want is going to happen; your hope is waiting for you, even
though you cannot see it up ahead.

Don’t just nod and say, “Okay, brother Daniel, I see.”

You need to internalize this truth. That’s the only way to live
a victorious life.

The just shall live, survive, succeed, win, excel, shine, name
it, only by faith. No faith, no life. No faith, no deliverance.
No faith, no prosperity.

Faith is the foundation and building block of

your life as a believer.

 If you have received and confessed Christ, then you are

saved and going to heaven. It doesn’t matter how you

 The Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses you from your
unrighteousness, and you’re now a child of God.

 You’re healed and free from sickness and disease.

 You’re victorious over the witches and wizards

threatening your life.

 What God says about your life is more accurate than

what your situation is saying now.

Believe what God says. You are not laboring and praying in
vain. Your prayers and labor will bear good fruits.

Faith is to be convinced that God’s unseen promises are

genuine and will happen for sure. That’s how the people in
the days of old earned a good reputation. That’s how to
receive anything from God.

There is a daily battle to weaken your faith. The battle is
real. It takes place every minute in your mind, on social
media, in your workplace, and even in the church

That’s why, today, we believe. The next minute, we’re like,

“What’s happening?”

One second, we’re on fire. The next second, we’re, “O my

God, I lost it.”

To be able to live by faith today requires daily work. Any day

you do not intentionally invest in the growth of your faith,
you unintentionally add to the weakening of your faith.
Faith does not just come. You must consciously work to
build your faith.

Father, Lord…

Teach me what faith means this month. Holy Spirit, stir

faith in my heart and cause me to be a doer of Your Word
and not just a reader or a hearer only.

May my faith come alive, and may all forms of fear and
unbelief in me die by fire.

Henceforth, I shall live by faith, not by sight, and I shall

be blessed in all that I do, in Jesus’ name.


“We must believe in what God says about us, be
persistent about it, and not scamper on what is
happening at the moment.”


Heb. 11:6 - But without faith, it is impossible to please
Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is
and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek

“We cannot please God without Faith!”

That’s a straightforward but powerful statement.

Why so?

Because almost everything about God is by faith. We believe

in His existence by faith. We believe in the creation story by

faith. We’re saved by faith. Trying to reason out how Jesus
could be the Son of God and understand its scientific
wisdom is not possible.

Faith is not against science. Not at all. Faith

instead starts where science stops.

Science is great. But science doesn’t have all the answers

about God and the universe. So never drop your faith on the
altar of science.

Without faith, it is impossible to serve God. Without faith,

it is impossible to be His child.

Noah started building an Ark to save His household by faith.

There was no rain. He only heard God and then started
building the large vessel. That’s faith – believing and acting
on the Word even though there is no physical reason to do

By faith, Abraham moved out of his homeland, traveling

through unknown areas to establish a new country. He

didn’t have a child, neither did he know where he was going.
He only heard God and started his journey.

By faith, Abraham obeyed when he was called to

go out to the place he would receive as an
inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where
he was going. – Heb. 11:8

How was Abraham able to explain to his friends and

extended family? Imagine that.

Abraham: “Hey guys, I’ll be leaving town tomorrow.

People: “Where are you traveling to?

Abraham: “I don’t know yet.

People: “Are you okay? What do you mean you don’t know
where you’re going to?

Abraham: “That’s the way it is. I don’t know where I am

going. But I am going all the same.

People: “Hmmm! Okay, what are you going to do in this
unknown country?

Abraham: “I want to go and establish a new nation that

will be strong and great on the earth.

People: (Laughter). “What are you talking about, Abe?

This is madness! You don’t even have a child, and you’re
seventy-five. How are you going to do that?

Abraham: “God spoke to me last month in a dream, so I’m

going. I’ll be leaving tomorrow.

People: “?????”

Imagine if Abraham was your older brother. You’d call the

family doctor to ensure he’s mentally okay. Then you’d
consult the family chief priest and the elders to try and talk
some sense into him.

But he was acting in faith.

Faith is acting on the Word of God even when you’re unsure
of what the result would be. It is taking action based on
something God says even though it’s not making sense to
people and even to you.

It’s impossible to please God without faith because anyone

who wants to come to God must believe that He exists and
that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him.

Faith doesn’t always have to make sense. That’s

why it’s faith. If it makes complete sense before
you do it, then it’s not faith.

You cannot wait to see everything you hope for before you
say, “Yeah, it’s working.” No. you believe, speak and act like
it’s working even if you don’t see it yet. That’s faith.

In the world, we say things like seeing is believing. But it’s
the opposite in scriptures. You must believe to see in
scriptures, not see to believe.

Jesus rebuked Thomas for insisting on seeing before

believing. He then told him and us that there is more
blessedness for those who believe before seeing. If you’re
waiting to see before you believe, you’re not acting in faith,
and as the Bible says, you’re not pleasing God.

Heavenly Father,

I come to You this day and ask that You uproot all forms
of unbelief from my heart.

I know that there are many times that my faith is weak,

when I want to see before believing. But today, Lord, I
repent and rest in Your Word.

I declare that everything You have said concerning me,

which I expect, is undoubtedly coming to pass.

Henceforth, Lord, I will not let what I see and what I

don’t see determine what I believe about You. Help me, in
Jesus name.


“Faith is acting on the Word of God even when
you’re unsure of the physical outcome. It is
taking action based on something God is saying
even though it’s not making sense to people and
even to you.”



very of God’s blessings and gifts is obtained by faith.
Consider the following scriptures:

1. We’re saved by faith

Ephesians 2:8 - For by grace you have been saved through
faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.

2. Without faith, we can’t please God

Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith, it is impossible to please

Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and
that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

3. The just shall live by faith

Romans 1:17 - For in it the righteousness of God is

revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall
live by faith.”

4. We’re made righteous by faith

Philippians 3:9 - And be found in Him, not having my

righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is
through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God
by faith.

5. We’re justified by faith

Romans 5:1 - Therefore, having been justified by faith, we
have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Galatians 2:16 - Knowing that a man is not justified by the

works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have
believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith
in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works
of the law no flesh shall be justified.

6. We’re sanctified by faith

Acts 26:18 - To open their eyes, in order to turn them from

darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that
they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance
among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.’

7. We become children of God by faith: Galatians

3:26 - So in Christ Jesus, you are all children of God
through faith (NIV).

8. Christ dwells in our hearts by faith

Ephesians 3:17 - That Christ may dwell in your hearts
through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love

Galatians 3:22 - Well then, are God’s laws and God’s

promises against each other? Of course not! If we could be
saved by his laws, then God would not have had to give us a
different way to get out of the grip of sin—for the Scriptures
insist we are all its prisoners.

The only way out is through faith in Jesus Christ; the way of
escape is open to all who believe him (TLB).

9. We receive the Holy Spirit by faith

Galatians 3:2, 14 - Let me ask you this one question: Did


you receive the Holy Spirit by trying to keep the Jewish

laws? Of course not, for the Holy Spirit came upon you only
after you heard about Christ and trusted Him to save you.

14 Now, God can bless the Gentiles, too, with this same
blessing he promised to Abraham; and all of us as

Christians can have the promised Holy Spirit through this
faith (TLB).

10. Hearing the Word won’t profit without faith

Hebrews 4:2 - For indeed the gospel was preached to us

as well as to them; but the Word which they heard did not
profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard

11. Faith is our protecting shield

Ephesians 6:16 - In every battle, you will need faith as

your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan

12. We overcome the world by faith

1 John 5:4 - For whatever is born of God overcomes the

world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world -
our faith.


Can you now see why faith is such a decisive issue?

Nothing happens in the life of a child of God

without faith.

Without faith, your Christian life will be very dull and full of
negative stories and complaints.

Wake up to the call of faith and kindle your faith today.

O Lord,

Open my eyes and understanding to appreciate the place

of faith in my life.

As I learn, pray, and live, Lord, cause my faith in You to

become visible to everyone around me, in Jesus name.


“Without faith, your Christian life will be very
dull and full of negative stories and



Matthew 13:58 - Now He did not do many mighty
works there because of their unbelief.

ook at that. Christ’s power was limited, restricted,

and unable to flow because of unbelief.

That’s something to ask ourselves constantly. Are we

committing the sin of unbelief while preaching against
other sins?

It’s easy to yell, “Flee fornication. Adultery is a terrible sin.

Envy, murder, and witchcraft are grievous evils.” But there
is a sin that the Bible regards as the biggest of all sins. It is

the sin of unbelief. Are we guilty of that one while
condemining other sins?

Consider today’s Scripture. Unbelief stopped Jesus from

doing miracles. Mark puts it this way: “So, He could not
perform any miracles there, except to lay His hands on a
few of the sick and heal them. And He was amazed at their
unbelief…” (Mark 6:5).

When Moses led the Israelites through the desert, their

most horrible sin was unbelief. They didn’t trust that God
could keep His Words, so they always had to argue and
argue and refused to act on His Word. And this led to their

And to whom did He swear that they would not

enter His rest, but to those who did not obey? So,
we see that they could not enter in because of
unbelief – Heb. 3:18-19

Unbelief is believing something different from what God
has said or is saying about a situation. God says, “Whatever
you bind on earth would be bound in heaven, and whatever
you loose will be loosed.” But you say, “Well, that’s too easy.
I don’t think it’s meant to work that way.”

Sir, you’re walking in unbelief.

You can believe Jesus is the Son of God; you can

believe He is coming soon, but if you don’t
believe what He says and commit to it in your
personal life, you are operating in unbelief.

You can believe in Him but still not believe His Word. The
Bible calls this a hardened heart, an unbelieving heart (see
Hebrews 3:12). And such a heart grieves God.

Why is believing so important? Because:

“If you can believe, all things are possible to him
who believes.”

That’s the realm where God wants you to operate from every
day. He wants you to look at everything you face from the
eyes of His Word, not from the perspective of the world.
That’s what sets us apart from a lost and dying generation.

Today, I decree that all things are possible for me. I can
do all things through Christ, who gives me strength.

From now onwards, I give up all forms of unbelief

stopping me from acting on the Word of God for my
protection, health, and breakthrough.

I decree that I am not under any form of evil oppression

anymore. I am living in the Light, where darkness has no

Thank You, Lord, for making me Yours every day, in

Jesus Name.


“You can believe in Him but still not believe His
Word. The Bible calls this a hardened heart, an
unbelieving heart .”



Mark 9:23-25 - Jesus said to him, “If you can believe,
all things are possible to him who believes.”

Immediately the father of the child cried out and said

with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”

n this story, a man whose son was possessed by a

demon brought the boy to Jesus’ disciples to have the
evil spirit cast out. Unfortunately, the disciples could
not cast out the demon. When Jesus came, the man pleaded
with Him for help. Jesus replied: “If you can believe, all
things are possible to him who believes.”

The man cried out, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”

Here, we see the man confessing his inner argument all the
while. It wasn’t just the disciples’ unbelief and their lack of
fasting that prevented the demon from being cast out of the
little boy. The father’s unbelief added to it.

Yes, he believed in God. He also believed in the ministry of

Christ. But he struggled with believing that his son would
benefit from Christ’s deliverance, too. Thus, when Jesus
confronted him, he cried out, “Lord, please help my


This is the point we find ourselves most times too. We
believe in God. We believe in the Bible. We believe in Christ
and His ministry. We believe countless things about God.
We preach it. But when it comes to our personal lives,

issues, and situations, we begin to wonder if it’s going to
work for us.

We say every day, “Yeah, God is great. He’s a healer. He’s

merciful. He’s a loving Father. Thank You, Lord.”

But then when we’re told, “God will heal you. You will
prosper and succeed. God will make a way for you in that
marriage crisis,” we’re like, “Oh no, don’t trouble God, okay.
I’m just fine. The doctors said that…. It’s okay if the
marriage didn’t happen.”

That’s what I call the God-Protection syndrome. It is the

unintentional innate consciousness to protect God so that
He does not appear bad. We try to cover up for Him by not
trying to expect too much.

Unfortunately, that’s unbelief. As this man prayed, we must

come before God and cast out this unbelief and begin to
trust God over our issues.

You believe that there is one God. You do well.
Even the demons believe—and tremble! - James

Belief in God, in Christ, and in the Bible is commendable.

But we must also believe Him over the situations in our
lives. Believe that His Word will work for you, too.

When you hear the verse, “You’re healed by the stripes of

Jesus,” believe it. Don’t say, “Well, it’s not that simple.”

When you hear, “Forgive even as your heavenly Father

forgives you,” don’t say, “Brother Daniel, this is a different

When you hear that, “all things work together for good to
those who love God.” Don’t say, “This is a different

Having a general faith in God is great. But we need to have

personal faith, too; we need to believe that God’s Word will
work for our own lives and situations.

When you find yourself struggling to accept God’s Word for
your life, pray and say, “Lord, help my unbelief. Take this
unbelief away from me.”

Heavenly Father,

I declare today that I believe Your Word for my life and


I believe that Your Word will work for my personal life

and situations, too.

I believe that my prayers are not in vain and that

everything I believe and pray about will happen.

Lord, help my unbelief when I struggle with believing.

Help me to stand firm in Your Word irrespective of all
physical symptoms and situations, in Jesus name.


“Belief in God, in Christ, and in the Bible is
commendable. But we must also believe Him
over the situations in our lives. Believe that His
Word will work for you, too.”



Matthew 17:20 - So, Jesus said to them, “Because of
your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith
as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move
from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be
impossible for you.

he mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds found

in Israel. Jesus used the mustard seed metaphor to
point out that ‘small’ is ‘enough’ when God is in it.
When you take small steps of faith, you will accomplish
great things.

As in the parable of the mustard seed, faith has the potential
for growth. But it must be planted for it to grow.

God will honor our small acts of faith every

day, and as our faith grows, we will find
ourselves doing greater things for Him.

How can you sow your faith for it to grow?

By taking gradual steps of faith. For instance, if you believe

that you’ll get married, then stop talking fear. Start learning
how to keep a marriage and build a great home.

If you believe you’re getting a car soon, then go and learn

how to drive.

If you believe you’re traveling out of the country, then go

and apply for Visa.

If you believe your relationship is going to be restored, then

prepare for it. Call your partner and ask for an opportunity
to work things out.

Put your faith into action.

“But pastor,” you say, “if it doesn’t happen, I’m going to feel
very bad.”

Well, there’s nothing wrong with feeling bad when our

expectations and acts of faith are not honored immediately.
But you’ve sown your faith like a mustard seed. You’re going
to continue to water your seed of faith again and again until
it happens. That’s faith.



I decree that I am planting my faith by taking steps that

agree with God’s Word about my desires, prayers, and

I will not be discouraged if I fail, I will keep believing and

trying, and God will honor my faith, in Jesus name.


“God will honor our small acts of faith every
day, and as our faith grows, we will find
ourselves doing greater things for Him.”


James 1:6-7 - But let him ask in faith, with no doubting,
for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and
tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he
will receive anything from the Lord.

Someone said that “Ignorance is the devil’s playground.” If
we don’t know what God’s will is on something, it can result
in unbelief.

So, whatever confronts you, ask yourself, what is God’s will

about this? When you find a collection of scriptures that
state God’s will on something, challenge yourself to stand
on it and not physically happening.

When Jairus came to Jesus asking that He come and heal
his daughter, people told him to forget about it because his
daughter was dead. But Jesus said, “Do not be afraid. Only
believe” (Mark 5:36).

Jesus was simply implying that fear cancels faith and that
the only way to receive healing for his daughter was to stay
in faith.

Fear will keep you from the promises of God -

even if you know what they are.

If you don’t deal with fear, it will begin to work on your

mind, and you will start to question the Word of God.

So, learn to overcome unbelief by rejecting fear from time

to time. When a bad report comes, say out loud, “I refuse to


Even in the gloomiest times when it seems you don’t feel
God’s presence, remember that God is always there. He
doesn’t go anywhere.

Faith is a knowing, not a feeling. You don’t need to feel God
to believe Him.

God is there with you even if you don’t feel anything.

Today, O Lord,

I declare that I believe You.

Help me every day to never doubt Your ability to see me

through in trying times.

I’m exercising my faith today and getting rid of unbelief

and fear.

I bind up fear and unbelief and lay it at the feet of Jesus

Christ, my Lord, in Jesus Name.


“Faith is a knowing, not a feeling. You don’t need to
feel God to believe Him.”



1 Tim. 6:12 - Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on
eternal life, to which you were also called and have
confessed the good confession in the presence of many

here are all kinds of struggles going on within us

every day. All manner of discussions that others are
not seeing. I call these battles and struggles the fight

of faith. These bulldozing thoughts are not aimed solely at
the physical body; they are targeted at our faith.

It’s true that when you’re sick, it’s your body that is under
attack; when you’re in need, it’s your finance that is under
attack. But the real goal of the devil is to steal your faith.

The devil wants you to come to a point where you say, “It’s
no use praying; it’s not working. God doesn’t love me. This
whole faith thing is confusing. I’m done with it.”

The devil preys on your faith. That’s his

greatest target.

Your faith is your most significant advantage. That’s why

the Apostle says to fight the good fight of faith.

In essence, fight for your faith.

Without a fighting spirit, you won’t lay hold of eternal life

(salvation, healing, deliverance, and breakthrough).
Without a fighting spirit, you will lose out.

How do you fight the fight of faith?

1. Know that there is a fight against your faith.

2. Know that your mind is the battleground.

3. Know that your weapon of victory is the Word of God.

4. Continually and aggressively confess the Word of God

and use it to repel the devil when he tries to play his lies
in your mind.

Your mind is the workshop where the products

and materials that build your life are

When surges of negative thoughts try to overwhelm you,

understand that this is a fight of faith. Find scriptures that
address the specific thoughts welling up there and start
shouting them.

Don’t just wait and play a gentleman. We’re in spiritual

warfare. No gentleman comes back alive from a war. Have

you seen a person wearing a suit and tie and blowing
grammar in the middle of a battle?

Accuracy of grammar and vocabulary is not needed in the

front of a battle.

The devil does not respect the fluency of your English.

Neither do problems respect your ability to dress well. Faith
is what quenches the fiery darts of the enemy and secures
your victory.

There are times I start shouting and rejecting evil

discussions in my mind, and people hear me. I have to win
my war, and so must you. People’s opinions come least in
our things to worry about.

O Lord, my Father,

Thank you for teaching me that there is a fight against

my faith and that my mind is the battleground. I thank
You for reminding me that Your Word is our ultimate
victory weapon.

I decree today that I am winning all the battles projected

against me, and I am excelling in my faith and

I command my mind and my thoughts to cooperate with

the Lord henceforth and stay focused on God’s plans and
purpose for my life. I decree that the door of my mind is
closed to thoughts of failure, sickness, death, and fear, in
the name of Jesus Christ.


“Your faith is your most significant advantage. That’s
why the Apostle Paul says to fight the good fight of



Rom. 10:17 - So, then faith comes by hearing and
hearing by the Word of God.

aith comes by listening continually to God’s Word.

Fear and unbelief also come by listening continually
to something else other than the Word.

According to Strong’s Concordance (G4102), the word Faith
used in the above verse is the Greek word “pistis.” It means
“conviction of the truth of anything.”

That means that when we hear God’s Word, it brings us an

assurance of the truth. Our hearts are then guided into what
is true and what is false.

Hearing the Word of God, not the words of men, not the
news, not social media, is the only way to strengthen your
faith and keep yourself safe, secure, strong, and sound, no
matter the challenges in the world.

The hearing used in the quoted verse today also implies

Rhema and not just logos. Logos refers to the Word of God
as written and handed over to us, while Rhema refers to a
strong inspiration word, the voice of the Holy Spirit
speaking to you, inside your heart, regarding the situation
at hand.

When you read the Bible, that’s logos. But when, through
meditation, you receive sudden enlightenment concerning
a particular verse, and it illuminates your heart and gives
you a specific direction, that’s Rhema.

The Rhema Word will encourage you, build

your faith in God’s ability, and empower you to
overcome the enemy.

If you want your faith to grow, desire God’s Rhema Word

every day. As you read the Bible, hear messages, or listen to
recordings, meditate, and listen to the revelations it drops
in your heart. This is the type of hearing you need to run
your race with the certainty of victory.

Precious Father,

I open my heart to receive more of You in Your abiding

Word. Please, Lord, keep me continually hungry and
thirsty for more of Your Word. Grant that my heart will
remain fertile for the entrance of Thy Word and that my
life will bring forth the fruits of faith.

May sense reasoning give way to faith in God’s Word.

And may my obedience and response to God’s revealed
Word be swift and perfect, in the name of Jesus.


“If you want your faith to grow, then desire God’s
Rhema Word every day. As you read the Bible, hear
messages from the pulpit, or listen to recordings, seek
to hear an inspired Word from God in your spirit.”

DAY 10


Psalm 119:104-105 - Through thy precepts, I get
understanding: therefore, I hate every false way. Thy
Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

he Word of God is one of the most significant ways
God speaks to us. The Living Bible puts Psalm
119:105 this way: “Your words are a flashlight to
light the path ahead of me and keep me from stumbling.”

The Word of God is a flashlight, a torch. It guides in times

of darkness. The guidance and direction that the Holy Spirit
gives through the Word inspired in our hearts can be
trusted and relied upon.


Read the Bible to master the subjects and stories. The
entirety of the scriptures is God speaking to us. It is the
manual to guide our living.

However, to receive direction from the Bible, listen to the

Scripture beyond the written Word. As you chew a passage,
verse, story, or line in your heart, the Holy Spirit will light
up a particular word or words, a story, or a lesson, and that

will be God’s voice for you at that moment. That inspired
Word will be God’s voice for the now.

When a particular verse seems to leap out of the

scriptures and speak to your specific situation,
that’s God speaking to you.

Let’s say you’re praying about something, and suddenly a

verse of the Bible comes into your heart, that’s the Holy
Spirit talking to you specifically about that thing.

Maybe you are reading or listening to the Word, then

suddenly, more like out of the blues, one verse, Word, or
story begins to stare at you. The Word suddenly becomes so
real, and you start to see it in ways you never thought

That’s God’s voice behind the Word. That’s what we call

Rhema – the Word coming alive to you – speaking to you
and giving you direction on what to do.

Do not discard the Rhema voice of God and wish for audible
voices. You will miss God that way. God speaks to us
through the amplification of Scripture in our hearts. That
Rhema is as powerful as any other method of hearing from

When people complain that they don’t hear God’s voice, it’s
either one or two problems with them. It’s either they don’t
read or listen to the Word of God enough, or they don’t pay
attention to God’s voice to them through the Word. It’s not
that God is not speaking to them. They are the ones not


God will speak to you via His Word. The Holy Spirit will pick
scriptures you have read or heard and bring them to you in
specific life situations. It will just flow inside your spirit and
heart, and you can’t deny that this Scripture speaks to you.

It may also be that as you are reading the Bible, a particular
statement, verse, or story leaps out, and you’re like, “Wow,
I didn’t see this scripture this way before.” It will
apply to something you have prayed about or something
you are currently facing. That Scripture will give you
wisdom on how to act. That’s what is called rhema. It’s a
powerful way God leads us.

The Word of God is the nutrition of the Spirit.

Read it daily. Feed yourself with it. Memorize it

When you need some clarification and direction over some

issues, the Holy Spirit will stir up the right Words that you
have read in your spirit and give you clear guidance through
it. It works. That’s the hearing that develops your faith.


The Word of God is a lamp to my feet and a light to my


I shall never walk in darkness.

As I read, hear, and meditate on the Word every day, I

will receive specific instruction and direction for living
and fulfilling God’s purpose for my life, in Jesus name.


“Do not discard the Rhema voice of God and wish for
audible voices. You will miss God that way.”


You have prayed, sown seeds, and believed. Now,

command your financial harvest.

Don’t be trapped in a cycle of lack, debt, and limited resources,

unable to break free and fulfil your vision. The Scripture gives us
God’s promises, eternal wisdom, and a blueprint that empowers us
to live above worldly limitations.

This book, “100 Scriptures and Declarations to Activate Your

Financial Breakthrough,” opens the door to supernatural provision
and financial breakthroughs.

In this book, you will command financial breakthroughs

into your life.

Get it on Amazon today




Partner with us to share God’s Word in our community while

sharing food items with the needy. With your help and donation,
my wife and I can give out as many as 500 food packs this season.

Sow a seed, give an offering, or donate to support our next

evangelism project. You can give once, weekly, or monthly as you
are led.

You can donate to us using the Buy Me a Coffee app, an excellent

tool for donating and supporting creators online. You can donate a
foodpack valued at $5, or 20 packs valued at $100, or 100 packs
valued at $500.

Every donation you send us helps us share the Gospel and food with

Click here to donate to us

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