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Python Practice

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Week 1

1. Python If-Else
2. Arithmetic Operators
3. Python: Division
4. Loops
5. Print Function
6. List Comprehensions
7. Find the Runner-Up Score!
8. Nested Lists
9. Merge the tools

Week 2

1. Finding the percentage

2. Lists
3. Tulip
4. Strings
5. sWAP cASE
6. String Split and Join
7. Whats Your Name?
8. Mutations
9. Find a string

Week 3

1. String Validators
2. Text Alignment
3. Text Wrap
4. Designer Door Mat
5. String Formatting
6. Alphabet Rangoli
7. Capitalize!
8. Introduction to Sets
9. Write a function

Week 4

1. Exceptions
2. Symmetric Difference
3. Set .add()
4. Set .discard(), .remove() & .pop()
5. Set .union() Operation
6. Set .intersection() Operation
7. Set .difference() Operation
8. Set .symmetric_difference() Operation

Week 5

1. Set Mutations
2. The Captains Room
3. Check Subset
4. Check Strict Superset
5. Map and Lambda Function
6. Shape and reshape
7. Transpose and Flatten
8. Inner and Outer

Week 6

1. Concatinate
2. Zeos to ones
3. Eye and identity
4. Array Mathematics
5. Floor, Ceil and Rint
6. Sum and Prod
7. Min and Max
8. Mean, Var, and Std

Week 7

1. Find Angle MBC

2. The minion game
3. No idea!
4. Triangle quest
5. Triangle quest 2
6. Validating Email address with a filter
7. Linear Algebra
8. Dot and Cross

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