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1. Specific heat of water is 4.2 J/g°C. If light of frequency 3 × 109 Hz is used to heat 400
gm of water from 20°C to 40°C, the number of photons needed will be
(A) 1.69 × 1029 (B) 1.69 × 1028
(C) 2.80 × 104 (D) 2.80 × 105
2. A red bulb and violet bulb of equal power emits nR and nV number of photons in a given
time, then
(A) nR = nV (B) nR>nV
(C) nR<nV (D) nRnV
3. Ultraviolet light of wavelength 66.26 nm and intensity 2 W/m2 falls on potassium
surface by which photo electrons are ejected. If only 0.1% of the incident photons
produce photo electrons, and surface area of metal surface is 4 m2, how many electrons
are emitted per second?
(A) 2.67 × 1018 (B) 3 × 1015
(C) 3.33 × 1017 (D) 4.17 × 1016
4. Two sources A and B have same power. The wavelength of radiation of A is la and that
of B is lb. The number of photons emitted per second by A and B are na and nb
respectively, then
(A) If la<lb ,na = nb
(B) If la>lb, na<nb
(C) If la<lb, na<nb
(D) If la>lb, na = nb
5. The work function of a certain metal is 2.3 eV. If light of wave number 2 × 106 m–1 falls
on it, the kinetic energies of fastest and slowest ejected electron will be respectively
(A) 2.48 eV, 0.18 eV
(B) 0.18 eV, zero
(C) 2.30 eV, 0.18 eV
(D) 0.18 eV, 0.18 eV

6. A point source of light is used in an experiment on photoelectric effect. Which of the
following curves best represents the variation of photocurrent (i) with distance (d) of
the source from emitter?

(A) a (B) b
(C) c (D)d
7. The number of photons (l = 6630 Å) that strike per second on a totally reflecting screen
(as shown in figure), so that a force of 1 N is exerted on the screen, is approximately

(A) 1023
(B) 1027
(C) 1025
(D) 1026
8. 1.5 mW of 400 nm light is directed at a photoelectric cell. If 0.1 percent of the incident
photons produce photoelectrons, the saturation current in the cell is
(A) 0.48 A
(B) 0.74 A
(C) 0.56 A
(D) Zero
9. Maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons emitted from a metal surface, when light of
wavelength l is incident on it, is 1 eV. When a light of wavelength is incident on the

surface, maximum kinetic energy becomes 4 times. The work function of the metal iis

(A) (B)
l l

(C) (D)
l l

10.A pulse of light of duration 100 ns is absorbed completely by a small object initially at
rest. Power of the pulse is 30 mW and the speed of light is 3 × 108ms–1. The final
momentum of the object is
(A) 0.3 × 10–17 kg ms–1 (B) 1.0 × 10–17 kg ms–1
(C) 3.0 × 10–17 kg ms–1 (D) 9.0 × 10–17 kg ms–1
11.A metal surface is illuminated by light of two different wavelengths 248 nm and 310
nm. The maximum speeds of the photoelectrons corresponding to these wavelengths are
u1 and u2, respectively. If the ratio u1 : u2 = 2 : 1 and hc = 1240 eV nm, the work
function of the metal is nearly
(A) 3.7 eV (B) 3.2 eV
(C) 2.8 eV (D) 2.5 eV
12.In scattering experiment, find the distance of closest approach, if a 6 MeV -particle is
(A) 3.2 × 10–16 m (B) 2 × 10–14 m
(C) 4.6 × 10–15 m (D) 3.2 × 10–15 m
13.An -particle
particle colliding with one of the electrons in a gold atom looses

(A) Most of its momentum (B) About rd of its momentum

(C) Little of its energy (D)) Most of its energy

14.The product of angular speed and tangential speed of electron in nth orbit of hydrogen
atom is
(A)) Directly proportional to n2 (B) Directly proportional to n3
(C)) Inversely proportional to n4 (D)) Independent of n

15.If the wavelength of first member of Lyman series is l then calculate the wavelength of
first member of Pfund series

(A) l (B) l

(C) l (D) l

16.How many times do the electron go round the second Bohr orbit in a second?
(A) 2.3 × 1012 (B) 3.2 × 1014
(C) 8.3 × 1014 (D) 6.2 × 1014
17.If an electron in hydrogen atom jumps from third orbit to second orbit, the frequency of
the emitted radiation is given by (c is speed of light)

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

18.Let F1 be the frequency of second line of Lyman series and F2 be the frequency of first
line of Balmer series then frequency of first line of Lyman series is given by
(A) F1 – F2 (B) F1 + F2
(C) F2 – F1 (D)

19.If the difference between (n + 1)th Bohr radius and nth Bohr radius is equal to the
(n – 1)th Bohr radius then find the value
valu of n
(A) 4 (B) 3
(C) 2 (D)1
20.The lines in Balmer series have their wavelengths lying between
(A) 1266 Å to 3647 Å (B)) 642 Å to 3000 Å
(C) 3647 Å to 6563 Å (D)) Zero to infinity
21.Magnetic moment of an electron in hydrogen atom due to revolution around nucleus is

. Here h is Planck’s constant and S is specific charge of electron. Kinetic energy of


this electron is
(A) 4.53 eV (B) 1.51 eV
(C) 3.4 eV (D) 6.8 eV

22.If He ion undergoes transition n = 2  1 the ratio of final to initial magnetic field due
to motion of electron at the nucleus will
(A) 32 : 1 (B) 1 : 32
(C) 16 : 1 (D) 1 : 16
23.The magnetic field at the centre of hydrogen atom due to the motion oof the electron in
the first Bohr orbit is B. The magnetic field at the centre due to motion of the electron
in 2nd orbit is
(A) (B)

(C) (D)

24.A hydrogen atom in ground state absorbs 12.09 eV of energy. The orbital angular
momentum of the electron
(A) Is doubles
(B) Is halved
(C) Remains same
(D) Becomes three times
25.Electrons with de-Broglie
Broglie wavelength l fall on the target in an X--ray tube. The cut-off
wavelength of the emitted X-rays
X is
(A) l = (B) l =
(C) l = (D)l = l

26.One requires energy En to remove a nucleon from a nucleus and an energyEe to remove
an electron from the orbit of an atom. Then
(A) En>Ee (B) En<Ee
(C) En = Ee (4) EnEe
27.For a nucleus to be stable, the correct relation between neutron number N and proton
number Z is
(A) N = Z (B) N  Z
(C) N < Z (D) N > Z

28.Two nucleons are at a separation of 1 × 10–15 m. The net force between them is F1 if
both are protons, F2 if both are neutrons and F3 if one is a proton and other is a neutron.
In such a case
(A) F1 = F2 = F3 (B) F1 = F2> F3
(C) F1 = F3> F2 (D) F2> F1> F3
29.In a radioactive substance, initially 8 × 104 number of atoms are there, having half life
period 3 years. The number of atoms 1 × 104 will remain after interval of
(A) 6 years (B) 24 years
(C) 3 years (D) 9 years
30.After five half lives percentage of original radioactive atoms left is
(A) 1% (B) 0.3%
(C) 3.125% (D) 0.2%
31.Radioactive radiations are emitted in the sequence, for the reaction given below is

(A) , ,  (B) , , 
(C) , ,  (D) , , 

32.The radioactivity of a certain radioactive elements drops to of its initial value in 30

seconds. Its half life is

(A) 8 seconds (B)) 15 seconds
(C) 7.5 seconds (D) 5 seconds

33.The half-life of Bi210 is 5 days. In how much time part of a sample will decay?

(A) 7.5 days (B) 15 days

(C) 10 days (D) 20 days
34.Half lives of two radioactive substances A and B are respectively 20 minutes and 40
minutes. Initially the sample of A and B have equal number of nuclei. Find the ratio of
remaining number of A and B nuclei after 80 minutes is
(A) 1 : 4 (B) 1 : 2
(C) 1 : 1 (D) 1 : 8

35.The activity of a sample of a radioactive material is A1, at time t1, and A2 at time t2(t2>
t1). If its mean life T, then
( )/
(A) = (B) A1 – A2 = t2 – t1
( / )/
(C) A1t1= A2t2 (D) =


36.The stopping potenital for photoelectron emitted from a metal sufrace of work function
1.7 eV is 10.4 V. Select correct choice
(A)) The wavelength of light used is 1022 Å
(B)) The wavelength of light used is 970.6 Å
(C) The light used is emitted
ed by hydrogen gas sample which de-exciteds
de exciteds from n = 3 to n
(D)) The light lused is emitted by hydrogen gas smaple which de-excites
de excites from n = 4 to n
37.Choose the correct statements regarding the phenomena of photoelectric effect
(A)) Photoelectric effect was explained by Einstein considering wave nature of light
(B)) If intensity of radiations incident on photosensitive material is increases, stopping
potential increases
(C)) Work function of gold is about 5.1 eV
(D) Slope of a graph between incident frequency (greater than threshold frequency)
verses stopping potential is independent of metal
38.The figure shows the results of an experiment involving photoelectric effect. The
graphs A, B, C and D relate to a light beam having different wavelengths. Select the
correct alternative

(A)) Beam B has highest frequency
(B)) Beam C has longest wavelength
(C)) Beam A has highest rate of photoelectric emission
(D)) Highest momentum is possessed by some phats electrons emitted by B
39.Choose the correct alternative
(A) Ratio of de-Broglie
Broglie wavelengths of proton and -particle
particle of same kinetic energy is
(B) If neutron, -particle
particle and -particle
particle all are moving with same kinetic energy, -
particle has maximum de-Broglie
Broglie wavelength
(C) de-Broglie
Broglie hypothesis treats particles as waves
(D) de-Broglie
Broglie hypothesis treats waves as made of particles
40.For a doubly ionised Li-atom

(A)) Angular momentum of an electron in 3rd orbit is


(B)) Energy of electron in 2nd excited state is – 13.6 eV

(C)) Speed of electron in 3rd orbit is , where c is speed of light

(D)) Kinetic energy of electron is 2nd excited state is half of the magnitude of the

potential energy

41.Choose the correct alternative(s)

(A)) Ratio of maximum to minimum wavelength obtained

obtained in Balmer series of hydrogen

spectrum is 1.8

(B)) For transition of electron from orbit with n = 8 to orbit with n = 3, ultraviolet

radiations are emitted

(C)) Lyman series corresponds to ultraviolet region of radiation

(D)) Spectrum of hydrogen is continuous


42.When an electron revolving in the ground state of a hydrogen atom jumps to its 2nd
excited state,
(A)) Its frequency of revolution becomes (3)2/3 times
(B)) Its frequency of revolution becomes (3)–3 times

(C) Its speed becomes times

(4) Its speed becomes times

43.The electron in a hydrogen atom jumps back from an excited state to ground state, by
emitting a photon of wavelength = , where R is Rydberg’s constant. In place of

emitting one photon, the electron could come back to ground state by

(A)) Emitting 3 photons of wavelengths l1, l2 and l3 such that + + =

l l l

(B)) Emitting 2 photons of wavelength l1 and l2 such that + =

l l

(C)) Emitting 2 photons of wavelength l1 and l2 such that l1 + l2=

(D)) Emitting 3 photons of wavelength l1, l2 and l3 such that l1 + l2 + l3=

44.Choose the correct alternative

(A)) During the nuclear fusion reaction, two light nuclei combine to give a heavier
nucleus and possibly other products
(B)) In a working nuclear reactor, control rods are used to slow down neutrons
(C)) Fusion reaction takes place at high temperature because atoms at ionised at high
(D)) Energy in the sun is generated mainly by fusion of hydrogen atoms
45.A nitrogen nucleus N absorbs a neutron and transforms into lithium nucleus 3Li7
under suitable condition after emitting
(A) 4 protons and 3 neutrons
(B) 1 particle, 4 protons and 2 negative  particle
(C)) 4 protons and 4 neutrons
(D)) 5 protons and 1 negative  particle

46.Which of the following processes does not represent a gamma decay?
(A) AXZ + r →AXZ-1 + a + b (B) AXZ +1n0→A
A-3XZ-2 + c
(C) AXZ→AXZ + f (D)AXZ + e-1→AXZ-1 + g
47.Radioactive nuclei are being generated at a constant rate by some kind of nuclear
reaction. If the decay constant for the radioactive nuclei is l,, which of the following
graphical representation is correct? (initially, there are no radioactive nuclei present)

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Although a photon has no rest mass, but it possesses
po s the inertial mass m = where h is

Planck’s constant, f is frequency of light and c is speed of light. Since light is deflected
by a gravitational field, so it is naturally assured that photons have same gravitational
behaviour as other particles. When photon is emitted from surface
surface of star of mass M
and radius R, total energy of photon will be sum of hf and gravitational potential
energy. At a large distance from star, the photon is beyond the star’s gravitational field,
so its gravitational potential energy becomes zero but its total energy remains constant.
So frequency of a photon emitted from surface of a star decreases as it moves away
from star. A photon in visible region of spectrum is thus shifted towards red end, and
this phenomena is known as gravitational red shift.

48.The potential energy of photon which is at surface of star is
(where, M = Mass of the star, R = Radius of the star, G = Universal gravitational

(A) hf (B)

(C) (D)−

49.If f is frequency of photon when it is very far away from star then

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

50.If a photon of original frequency f falls through a small height H near the earth's
surface, then fractional charge
rge in frequency will be (acceleration due to gravity is g)

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

In a sample of hydrogen like atoms, all the atoms exist in two energy levels A and B. A
is the ground level and B is some higher energy level. These atoms absorb photons of
energy 2.7 eV and attain a higher energy level C. After this, these atoms emit phot
of six different energies. Some of these photon energies are higher than 2.7 eV, some
equal to 2.7 eV and some are less than 2.7 eV.
51.The principal quantum number corresponding to energy level C is
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4
52.The principall quantum number corresponding to energy level B is
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4
53.The atomic number of these atoms is
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4
54.The longest wavelength emitted in the radiation spectrum observed is
(A) 18761 Å (B) 1216 Å
(C) 6500 Å (D) 5752 Å
The rate at which a particular decay process occurs in a radio active sample, is
proportional to the number of radio active nuclei present. If N is the number of radio

active nuclei present at some instant, the rate of change of N is = – lN. Consider

radioactive decay of A to B which may further decay either to X or to Y, l1, l2 and l3

are deacy constants for A to B decay, B to X decay and B of Y decay respectively. IIf at
t = 0 number of nuclei of A, B, X and Y are N0, N0, zero and zero respectively

and N1, N2, N3, N4 are number of nuclei A, B, X and Y at any instant.
55.Rate of accumulation of B of any instant will be
(A) N1l1 + N2l2 + N3l3 (B) N1l1 – N3l2 – N4l3
(C) N1l1 – N2l2 – N2l3 (D) N1l1 + N2l2 – N2l3
56.The number of nuclei of B will first increase then after a maximum value, it will
decreases, if
(A) l1>l2 + l3 (B) l2 = l2 = l3
(C) l1 = l2 + l3 (D)) For any values if l1, l2 and l3
57.At t = ,, which of the following is incorrect?
(A) N2 = 0
(B) =
l l
(C) =
l l

(D) N3+N4+N1+N2=2N0

The limit of resolution of a microscope is the least distance between two point objects
which can be seen clearly and distinctively with it. For a naked eye, limit of resolution
is about 10–4 m or 0.1 mm. The limit of resolution for a microscope is of the order of ,

where l is wavelength of light used. For an optical microscope, using visible light, li

of resolution is = 250 nm. This is 400 times smaller than naked eye. So the useful
magnification produced by it is 400. Smaller is the limit of resolution, greater is the
magnification that can be achieved. By using shorter wavelengths, we can improve
resolution. For examination of a microorganism, much higher limit of resolution is
needed. The wave nature of electron provides a means for probes of very small size
organisms. An electron beam accelerated by a high potential difference posses a vvery
short wavelength. In an electron microscope, magnetic lenses are used to control the
path of electrons. The image of object is obtained on a fluorescent screen or on a
photographic plate. The electron microscope with its high magnifying power and
ving power, is one of the most indispensable and powerful tool for research in
science, medicine and industry
58.For an electron beam accelerated through a high potential difference V, limit of
resolution is proportional to
(A) V (B) √ (C) (D)

59.The working of an electron microscope uses properties of electrons related to

(A)) Only wave nature of electron
(B)) Only particle nature of electron
(C)) Both particle nature as well as wave nature
(D) None of these
60.The advantage of electron microscope over optical microscope is that
(A)) It gives image which can be directly seen with naked eye
(B)) It gives a better resolution and magnification
(C)) It is very simple in its working
(D)) It uses magnetic lens in place of glass lens

61.Some laws/processes are given in Column I. Match these with the physical phenomena
given in Column II.
Column I Column II
(A) Transition between two atomic energy levels (p) Characteristic X
(B) Electron emission from a material (q) Photoelectric
ectric effect
(C) Mosley’s law (r) Hydrogen spectrum
(D) Change of photon energy into kinetic (s) -decay
energy of electrons
62.When we write expression for energy of electron in nth orbit of hydrogen atom we take
zero potential energy at n = .
 But
ut potential energy depends on point of reference. If we
take total energy of electron in n = 1 orbit as zero then, match the following :
Column-I Column-II
(A) Negative of potential energy of electron (p) 13.6 eV
in n = 1
(B) Ionisation energy from ground state (q) 10.2 eV
(C) Total energy of electron in n = 2 (r) Depends on reference level
(D) Excitation energy for n = 1 to n = 2 (s) Does not depend on reference
63.Column-II give some quantities associated with electron of hydrogen like atom. The
quantities are proportional to entries given in column-I.
column I. Match the column appropriately
Column-I Column-II

(A) (p) Total energy

(B) (q) Potential energy

(C) (r) Radius

(D) (s) Velocity

(t) Time period

64.Let Rt represent activity of a sample at an instant and Nt represent number of active
nuclei in the sample at the instant. T1/2 represents the half life
Column-I Column-II
(A) t = T1/2 (p) Rt=

(B) t= (q) N0 – Nt =

(C) t = T1/2 (r) =

(s) Nt =

65.In Column-I,
I, name of radiation is given and in Column-II,
Column II, reaction for radiation and
nucleus phenomena.
Column-I Column-II
(A) Alpha decay (p) Atomic number (Z) of nucleus
(B) Beta decay (– ) (q) Mass number does not change
(C) Beta decay (+) (r) X
 Y B + v
(D) Gamma decay (s) X 
 Y+A
(t) X 
 Y+ C +

66.An -particle
particle and a proton are accelerated from rest by a potential difference of 100 V.
After this, their de-Broglie
Broglie wavelengths are l and lp respectively. The ratio , to the

nearest integer, is
67.A silver sphere of radius 1 cm and work function 4.7 eV is suspended from an insulting
thread in free-space.
space. It is under continuous illumination of 200 nm wavelength light. As
photoelectrons are emitted, the sphere gets charged and acquires a potential. Th
maximum number of photoelectrons emitted from the sphere is A × 10Z (where 1 < A <
10). The value of Z is

68.In a photoelectric experiment a parallel beam of monochromatic light with power of
200 W is incident on a perfectly absorbing cathode of work functi
function 6.25 eV. The
frequency of light is just above the threshold frequency so that the photoelectrons are
emitted with negligible kinetic energy. Assume that the photoelectron emission
efficiency is 100%. A potential difference of 500 V is applied between th
the cathode and
the anode. All the emitted electrons are incident normally on the anode and are
absorbed. The anode experiences a force F = n × 10–4 N due to the impact of the
electrons. The value of n is ______. Mass of the electron me = 9 × 10–31 kg and 1.0 eV
= 1.6 × 10–19 J.
69.An X-ray
ray tube operates at the voltage of 40 kV. Find the ratio of the shortest
wavelength of X-ray
ray produced to the de-Broglie
de Broglie wavelength of the incident electron.
The specific charge of the electron is 1.8 × 1011 C/kg.
70.Consider a hydrogen
ogen like atom whose energy in nth excited state is given by En= .

When this excited atom makes a transition from excited state to ground state, most
energetic photons have energy Emax = 52.224 eV and least energetic photons have
energy Emin = 1.224 eV. Find the state of excitation.
half life 1386 s has activity 103
71.A freshly prepared sample of a radioisotope of half-life
disintegrations per second. Given that ln 2 = 0.693, the fraction of the initial number of
nuclei (expressed in nearest integer percentage)
percentage) that will decay in the first 80 s after
preparation of the sample is
72.A nuclear power plant supplying electrical power to a village uses a radioactive
material of half life T years as the fuel. The amount of fuel at the beginning is such that
the total
tal power requirement of the village is 12.5% of the electrical power available
from the plant at that time. If the plant is able to meet the total power needs of the
village for a maximum period of nT years, then the value of n is


1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B
6. D 7. N 8. A 9. B 10. B
11. A 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. A
16. C 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. C
21. C 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. A
26. A 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. C
31. C 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. A
36. A, C 37. C, D 38. A, B, C, D 39. A, B, C 40. A, B, C, D
41. A, C 42. B, C 43. A, B 44. A, D 45. B, C
46. A, B, D 47. A, B 48. D 49. C 50. D
51. D 52. B 53. A 54. A 55. C
56. A 57. B 58. D 59. C 60. B

61. A(p, r), 62. A(p, r), 63. A(p, q), 64. A(p, q), 65. A(p, s),
B(q, s), B(p, s), B(s), B(r), B(q, t),
C(p), C(q, r), C(r), C(s) C(r, t),
D(q) D(q, s) D(t) D(q)
66. 3 67. 7 68. 24.00 69. 5 70. 5
71. 4 72. 3

1. Answer (C)
E = nh
msT = nh

Þn =
× . ×( )
. × × ×

= 1.69 1028 photons

. ×
= mole photons
. ×

= 2.8  104 mole photons

2. Answer (B)


Then energy in time t is given by

nE = pt

n= =

nR =

nv =

= ; > ⇒ nR >

3. Answer (A)

4. Answer (C)



5. Answer (B)

(KE)min = 0 (For photoelectric effect)

and (KE)max = h– h0

ℎ – hv0

= 2.48 – 2.3 = 0.18 eV

6. Answer (D)

I  and photocurrent i  l


7. Answer (B)


F =2n cos 60o[Here n number of photons are incident in unit time]

8. Answer (A)
Power = nhf, Here n is the number of photons incident in unit time.
× . × × ×
1.5 × 10–3 =

Þ n = 30.16 × 1014

Þ Photocurrent = 30.16× 10-14×1.6× 10-19 = 48.26 × 10–18
×30.16 18
= 0.48 A.

9. Answer (B)
From Einstein’s photoelectric equation

10.Answer (B)

11.Answer (A)
1 ℎ
= −
1 ℎ
= −


4ℎ ℎ
−4 = − ∵ =2

4ℎ ℎ
− =3

Þ − = 3 Þ16
16 − 5 = 3W

Þ 11 = 3 W
Þ W = 3.7 eV
12.Answer (B)
At distance of closest approach
PE = Kinitial
Where Kinitial is initial kinetic energy.
1 2
∴ = 6 × 1.6 × 10
× ×( . × ) ×
Þ =
× . ×

= 4.8 × 10–16 m
13.Answer (C)
Mass of an electron is negligible as compared to -particle.
14.Answer (C)



15.Answer (A)
1 1 1
= −

For first line of Lyman series, ni = 2, nf = 1

For first line of Pfund series, ni = 6, nf = 5

 =

Þl = l

16.Answer (C)
Time period of second Bohr orbit
T2 = 23T0
= 8 × 1.51 × 10–16 s
15 1
∴ = =
8 × 1.51 × 10
Þ ≅ 8.3 × 10

17.Answer (B)

18.Answer (A)

19.Answer (A)
rn = n2r0
rn + 1 = (n + 1)2r0
rn – 1 = (n – 1)2r0
By the question,
rn+ 1 – rn = rn – 1
2 2 2
Þ (n + 1) – n = (n – 1)


20.Answer (C)
For Balmer series

21.Answer (C)
ℎ ℎ ℎ
= = =
4 4 2
So, K. E. = = 3.4 eV

22.Answer (A)
= [I=ef]

Þ = [since f  , r  n2]


Þ = = =

Þ =

23.Answer (C)

24.Answer (D)
E1 = –13.6
E = –13.6 + 12.09 = –1.51eV
So final value of principal quantum number = 3

Li =

Lf = 3 = 3Li.
25.Answer (A)

For X-ray photon 0 hc E =


l = ...(i)

for electron l=
= ...(ii)

from equation (i) and (ii)

l0 =

26.Answer (A)
Nuclear force is stronger than coulomb force.
27.Answer (B)
For stability in case of lighter nuclei = 1 and for heavier nuclei >1

28.Answer (A)
Nuclear forces are charge independent.
29.Answer (D)

Hence t = 9 years.
30.Answer (C)
Fraction of atoms remain after five half lives
/ /
1 1 1
= = =
2 2 32
Þ Percentage atom remains =  100 = 3.125%

31.Answer (C)

32.Answer (D)
= ⇒ T = 5 second
64 2
33.Answer (B)

N= 1− =
So, = ⇒ t = 15 days

34.Answer (A)

35.Answer (A)
/ /
A1= A0 ⇒ A0= A1
/ / / ( )/
= =( ) ⇒ =
36.Answer (A, C)
Einstein photoelectric equation

− =

⇒ = (10.4 + 1.7)

⇒ = 12.1

⇒ = ̇ = 1022 ̇
For n = 3 to n = 1
1 1
= 1−
⇒ = = 1022 ̇
37.Answer (C, D)
(i) Einstein explains the photo electric effect consider photons (Particle nature of
the light).
(ii) Stopping potential does not depend on intensity of the (3, 4)radiations
(iii) hf –  = eV0

slope = = constant

38.Answer (A, B, C, D)
eV0 = h – w

eV0 = −W

V0 = cut off potential,
w = work function
Beam B has highest cut off potential. It means beam B has photon of highest
frequency. Beam C has lowest cut-off
cut off potential. It means beam C has photon of
longest wavelength. Beam A has maximum saturation current. It means it has
highest rate of electron emission.
39.Answer (A, B, C)

l 4 2
= = =
l 1 1

Since l so the de-Broglie

Broglie hypothesis will be minimum for  particle De

Broglie hypothesis associates the matter wave with the particles.

40.Answer (A, B, C, D)

(A)) Angular momentum = =

p p
. . ×(( )
(B) = = ( )
= −13.6

(C) = × =
. .
(D) . . = −
41.Answer (A, C)

(A) = − =

= − =

⇒ = ⇒ = 1.8
(C) Lyman series lie between 912 Å to 1215 Å
42.Answer (B, C)
Initial principal quantum number n1 = 1

Final principal quantum number n2 = 3

43.Answer (A, B)

= −

⇒ = 1−

⇒ =1− =4
Emitting three photons:
E = E1 + E2 + E3
⇒ = + +

⇒ = + +

Emitting two photons

⇒ = +

⇒ = +

44.Answer (A, D)
Control rods in nuclear reactor are used to absorb the excess number of neutrons.
Fusion reaction takes place at high temperature because nucleus attractive force
acts for very small range.
45.Answer (B, C)


Atomic number and mass number are concerned in second and third reaction only
46.Answer (A, B, D)
In  decay atomic number and mass number both remain unchanged.
47.Answer (A, B)

= −


− ( − ) =

1 −
− =


1− =


= (1 − )

− = .

48.Answer (D)

Potential energy =

m = mass of photon =

so, U =

49.Answer (C)
By energy conservation

hf - =ℎ −0

Þ = 1−

Þ1 − =

50.Answer (D)
For near the surface of earth
mgH = hf – hf

Þ gh = h(f)

Þ =

51.Answer (D)
( − 1)
The electron jumps in n = 4 state from level B. For B
n = 2.
52.Answer (B)
( − 1)
The electron jumps in n = 4 state from level B. For B

n = 2.
53.Answer (A)

( − 1)
The electron jumps in n = 4 state from level B. For B
n = 2.

E = 13.6eVZ2 −

Þ 2.7eV = 13.6eVZ2

Þ Z2 = 1
Þ Z = 1.
54.Answer (A)
( − 1)
The electron jumps in n = 4 state from level B. For
n = 2.
Longest wavelength is observed in transition from n = 4 to n = 3.

Þ = −

Þ = =

Þ = = 18761 ̇

55.Answer (C)
Rate of accumulation of B at any instant

= [Rate of decay of A into B] – [Rate of decay of B into X and Y]

= N1l1 – (N2l2 + N2l3)

= N1l1 – N2l2 – N2l3

At, t = 0, N1 = N2 = N0

= (l1 –l2 – l3)N0 will be positive if l1> (l2 + l3)

But loss time after will be negative

56.Answer (A)
57.Answer (B)
N2 = N1 = 0

But N3 + N4 = 2N0

So, = ( + )=

and N3 =

58.Answer (D)

Limit of resolution is proportion to wavelength of electron beam l=

So, limit of resolution is proportion to acceleration voltage.

59.Answer (C)
Wave nature is used to obtain the image on screen. Particle nature is used to
convene the electron beam.
60.Answer (B)
Because of smaller wavelength, its resolving power is high.
61.Answer (A(p,
A(p, r), B(q, s), C(p), D(q))
62.Answer (A(p,
A(p, r), B(p, s), C(q, r), D(q, s))
Potential energy depends on paint of reference. But potential energy difference
does not depend on the point of reference. Kinetic energy does not depend on the
point of reference.

In above case, n = 8 is considered to be point of zero potential.
Now we consider total energy in n = 1 to be equal to zero. If means P.E. in n = 1 is
considered to be equal to
o –13.6
13.6 eV, so that total energy (U + K = –13.6 eV + 13.6
eV = 0) is zero.
Ionization energy does not depend on part of reference. It has always the same
U2(n = 8) – U1(n = 8) = U2(n = 1) – U1(n = 1)
–6.8 eV – (–27.2 eV) = U2(n = 1) – (–13.6 eV)

U2(n = 1) = 6.8 eV

Total energy (n = 8) – 6.8 eV + 3.4 eV = 10.2 eV

Excitation energy does not depend on the point of reference.

Excitation energy for n = 1 to n = 2

= –3.4 eV – (–13.6 eV)

= 10.2 eV

63.Answer (A(p,
A(p, q), B(s), C(r), D(t))

Information based.

64.Answer (A(p,
A(p, q), B(r), C(s))

N = N0e–lt , R = R0e–lt

(A)At, t = T½, N = so, =

N0 – N = =

(B) At t = = N= , =

N0 – Nt = N0 1 −

Rt – R0 = R0 1 −

(C) t = 1.5T1/2 = =

Þ =

65.Answer (A(p,
A(p, s), B(q, t), C(r, t), D(q))

Information based.

66.Answer (3)

67.Answer (7)


68.Answer (24.00)
P = 200 J/s
No. of photons per second (N) = ( = 2 × 1020
. × . ×

p = 2 ( )= 2 ( )

= √2 × 9 × 10 × 1.6
1 × 10 × 500
= 12 × 10–24
 F = p × N = 12 × 10–24
× 2 × 1020 = 24 × 10–4 N
69.Answer (5)

70.Answer (5)

− = 52.224 eV

−( )

From above equation
71.Answer (4)
N = N0elt
Þ =
− ×80
Þ = 1386


Þ = 1386

Þ =
Þ =
Fraction of nuclei decayed = 1 - =1− = 0.04 = 4%

72.Answer (3)
Pavailable = 8Prequired
The available power becomes of initial value in 3T years. So, till 3T years, power
requirement will be met. This is based on the assumption that surplus power goes


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