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Name : Salsabila Nuravianti

Nim : 14321109

Summarizes Eight Journal Articles About The Principles of Politeness

Politeness in communication is a deep and complex topic that has been the focus of study in
various journals and scientific articles. This concept encompasses language strategies used to
maintain harmonious social relationships and avoid conflict in everyday human interactions.
Through recent studies, researchers have attempted to explore it from various perspectives
and contexts, from basic principles to applications in various cultures. In order to summarize
the current understanding of politeness, the articles selected for this summary cover important
aspects, such as basic theories of politeness, cultural variations in the use of politeness, and
the social and psychological implications. Through analysis of these articles we can know
how politeness principles influence interpersonal communication and how they adapt to
changing social and technological contexts. This summary will outline key findings from
eight selected articles, each of which makes a unique contribution to our understanding of
politeness principles in the context of modern communication. This in-depth understanding
is not only relevant in an academic context, but also has significant practical implications for
improving the quality of human interactions in various social and professional situations.

Research Question
1. What is the title of the journal article?
2. What is the purpose of the journal article?
3. What method is used for the journal article?
4. What are the results of the journal article?

Findings and Discussion

In this summary, researchers explore key findings from eight journal articles that explore
politeness principles in communication. These articles provide in-depth insights into various
aspects of politeness, including underlying theories, cultural variations, and the complex
social implications of politeness strategies used in everyday human interactions. The
following is a study of understanding politeness principles containing the title of the study,
the purpose of the study, the research method, and the results of the study:
Table of summaries 8 journal article

1. Pragmatic deviation of politeness principle in Trump’s political speeches

Hamza, M,H & Nordin, N,R,M. (2023). Pragmatic deviation of politeness principle in Trump’s
political speeches. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities. 4(4)

Purpose Method Result

The current study aimed This research uses a qualitative The findings showed that Trump deviated
to pragmatically explore approach to collect and from all Leech’s (2014) politeness maxims.
the deviation from examine data, namely using Moreover, the findings revealed that Trump
Leech’s (2014) politeness two oral documents; a deviates from the maxims to convince the
maxims in the former interview (Trump interview people that his opponents are unacceptable,
president of the US, with Fox News Channel elect his candidates instead, influence the
Donald Trump’s political reporters Martha MacCallum crowd to change their views of the world,
speeches. and Bret Baier in Scranton on ruin his rivals’ image, show his period as a
March 6, 2020) and a speech US president incomparable and better than
(Trump's live address to crowd other US presidents, deny accountability and
in Illinois on June 25, 2022) reject to release others from blame, influence
taken from YouTube adopted the public that the election was stolen to
in this research as invoke wrath among his supporters, express
instrumentation. his hatred towards others, and vent his own
feelings to make people sympathetic to him

2. A pragmatic analysis of politeness strategies in Mulan movie

Fitri, Z. (2022). A pragmatic analysis of politeness strategies in Mulan movie.
English education journal. 13(2)

Purpose Method Result

This study was intended This is a qualitative study and The findings showed that all of Brown and
to analyze the politeness the data were collected using Levinson’s strategies were found in Mulan’s
strategies used by the the observation checklist and the other characters’ utterances in the
main character Mulan and adapted from Brown and movie. The most frequently used strategy
her family. Levinson (1987) framework was positive politeness, which was found to
for politeness strategies. occur four times in the movie. The result of
the pragmatic analysis showed that the use of
politeness strategies in Mulan movie was
influenced and determined by the characters’
cultural background.

3. The Element of Politeness in Novel The Perks of Being a Wallflower

A Tenriuji, S Maca, AT Abeng.(2021). The Element of Politeness in Novel The Perks of Being a
(1) No (1): 43-51

Purpose Method Result

The objective of this The data source used in this The result of this research were 28 utterance
study were to analyze the research is The Perks of Being that contain maxim of politeness principle
type of politeness a wallflower novel. In where 6 utterance of tact maxim, 2 utterance
principle used and how analyzing the data, the writer of generosity maxim, 5 utterances of
the politeness principle used a qualitative descriptive approbation maxim, 5 utterances of modesty
use in the novel written research method through a maxim, 6 utterance of agreement maxim and
by Stephen Chbosky. sociopragmatic approach. The 4 utterance of sympathy maxim.
data were obtained by using
reading, collecting, and
analyzing techniques and to
classify the politeness
principle in the novel by
Geoffrey Leech theory.

4. The Violation of Politeness Maxim Principles Found in Skinnyindonesian24 Youtube Channel

EK Nisa, R Rustono, H Haryadi. (2021). The Violation of Politeness Maxim Principles Found in
Skinnyindonesian24 Youtube Channel. Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia.
10 (3). 227-237

Purpose Method Result

This research aims to find The researcher used a The analyses showed some violations of tact,
and identify the violated qualitative pragmatic approach sympathy, approbation, generosity,
politeness maxim with descriptive analysis. The agreement, modesty, opinion-reticence,
principle in the data sources were from feeling-reticence, the obligation of S
Skinnyindonesian24 the conversational excerpt (speaker) to O (speech partner), and the
YouTube channel. that might contain politeness obligation of O to S maxims.
maxim principalviolation in
YouTube’s Got Talent Part 1-
3. Then, the research data
sources were from the
conversational excerpt in
the Skinnyindonesian24
YouTube channel. The data
analysis techniques of this
research were normative and
heuristic methods

5. An Analysis Of Politeness Principle Of Main Character In “MOANA” Movie

MJ Capah, FD Napitupulu, C Pakpahan. (2023). An Analysis Of Politeness Principle Of Main
Character In “MOANA” Movie. Journal of social science research. 3(2)

Purpose Method Result

The objective of this This research used a The result shows that: (1) Politeness
study was to analyze qualitative method by selecting Principle categorized as tact maxim 6 data,
types of politeness and collecting data from generosity maxim 3 data, approbation maxim
principle maxim wich are Moana movie. After that the 8 data, modesty maxim 5 data, agreement
used in Moana Movie and researchers identify and maxim 6 data, and symphaty maxim 5 data.
To find out the dominant analyze the utterances in (2) the precentage of types of Politeness
types of politeness conversations among Principle are tact maxim 18 % , generosity
principle maxim in characters and used the maxim 9 %, approbation maxim 24 %,
Moana Movie. concept of Geoffrey Leech modesty maxim 15 %, agreement maxim 18
related to pragmatics study. %, and symphaty maxim 15 %.

6. Integration of Politeness Principle at Mata Najwa’s Talk Show

“Coba-coba Tatap Muka” in Discussion Text Learning
AR Soleh, DR Pratiwi, M Huda. (2022). Integration of Politeness Principle at Mata Najwa’s Talk
Show “Coba-coba Tatap Muka” in Discussion Text Learning.Proceedings of the International
Conference of Learning on Advance Education (ICOLAE 2021).

Purpose Method Result

This study aims to This research uses a qualitative The results of this study indicate that the
examine in-depth approach by applying a realization of the politeness principle
realization of the descriptive method. The contained in Mata Najwa’s talk show “Coba-
politeness principles source of the data in this study coba Tatap Muka” has 46 utterances, they are
contained in the Mata is Najwa Shihab’s YouTube 24 maxims of compatibility; 7 maxims of
Najwa’s Trans 7 talk account. The data in this study approbation; 7 maxims of sympathy; 3
show in Coba-coba Tatap were collected using listening maxims of wisdom; 3 maxims of humility;
Muka series and its use in and note-taking techniques. and 2 maxims of generosity.
learning discussion texts Data analysis of this study uses
in Indonesian subjects. the extra lingual equivalent
technique. The used advanced
analysis technique is the
differential comparison
technique (DCT).

7. Politeness Strategy and Principles Used in Conversation on Green Book Film

Y Rajagukguk, E Sinambela, AN Pasaribu. (2021). Politeness Strategy and Principles Used in

Conversation on Green Book Film. International Journal of Educational Research & Social
Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406
Purpose Method Result

The aims of this study is This is a qualitative study, and This study's findings revealed four key
to examine the Politeness the data are analyzed points. To begin, Brown and Levinson's
Principles and Politeness descriptively. The data was theory suggested three politeness concepts
Strategy in the context of collected and shown in a table, and four politeness strategies: positive face,
the film Green Book. which included turn-taking, negative face, and face threatening-acts as
speech, and speakers. politeness principles, and positive politeness
strategy, negative politeness strategy, bald
on-record, offrecord. Second, the politeness
strategy On-record, off-record, pessimistic
face, good face, they were both bald. Finally,
the most common forms of politeness values
were negative face (45.5%) and negative
politeness technique (36.4%). Finally, the
most strong of negative politeness accounted
for 36.4% of all politeness strategies,
followed by optimistic politeness and off-
record politeness strategies,both accounting
for 27.3%, and bald on-record politeness
accounting for 18.2%

8. An Analysis of Politeness Principles in “Freedom Writers” Movie

T Mulyono, IA Panuntun. (2021). An Analysis of Politeness Principles in “Freedom Writers”

Movie. National seminar of PBI. ISBN: 978-602-6799-41-0

Purpose Method Result

This research examines This research used a Based on Leech theory there are six result of
the use of politeness qualitative descriptive method. maxims that found by researcher. They are
principles in “Freedom The data collected from tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation
Writers” movie by utterances among characters, maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim,
Richard LaGravenese then classify and analyze them and sympathy maxim, and their function
(2007). It aims to to the concept of Leech’s applied by the characters in their utterances.
identify, classify, and maxim (1983). The first is tact maxim consist of 3 utterances
analyze the politeness that function is minimizes cost to other and
principles and their maximizes benefit to the other. Second is
function in characters generosity maxim consist of 2 utterances and
utterance in the Freedom the function is to minimizes benefit to self
Writers movie. and maximizes cost to self. Third is
approbation maxim consist of 6 utterances
that function is to minimizes dispraise of
other and maximizes praise of other. Fourth
is modesty maxim consist of 3 utterances that
function is to minimizes praise of self and
maximizes dispraise of self. Fifth is
agreement maxim which consist of 2
utterances that function is to maximizes
agreement between self and other and
minimizes disagreement between self and
other. Sixth, sympathy maxim which consist
of 3 utterances that function is to minimizes
antipathy between self and other and
maximizes sympathy between self and other.

The conclusion is that each of the eight journal articles has similarities and differences. The
similarity is that all of the eight journal articles use qualitative research methods and another
similarity is that the research focus in these journals focuses on the principle of politeness.
Meanwhile, the difference between the eight journal articles is that first, the objects and data
sources are different, including novels, YouTube content (talk shows, speech, conversations)
and movies. The second difference lies in the year the journal was published, some were
published in 2021, 2022 and 2023. Another difference lies in the results of the research
because what was researched was different.

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