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 Write an essay about the current flood in the Municipality of Monkayo using your

writing technique of choice.

1. The following are definitions of informative essay EXCEPT –

A. presents shreds of evidence
B. explains something
C. provides facts and information
D. describes an event or phenomenon
2. Verb Tense is one of the language features in essay writing. Which tenses of the verb
are recommended to use?
A. Past
B. Future
C. Present
D. Present Participle
3. Which of the following is NOT an example of a phrase in giving opinions?
A. In my view...
B. I am convinced...
C. The truth is that...
D. Proponents of this idea...
4. Which is TRUE about persuasive writing?
A. Logic-based
B. Conducts initial research
C. Relies solely on opinions and feelings
D. Maintains a tone of fairness, respectful and tactful
5. Which of the following phrases introduces opinion which goes against the writer’s
A. I do believe...
B. To my mind...
C. In actual fact...
D. It has been said that....
6. It is a kind of writing style that educates the reader on a topic. This
informative essay can have one or several functions: to define a term, compare and
contrast something, analyze data, or provide a how-to.
7. If the writer seeks to convince the readers and wanted them to take
specific action, he/she is writing persuasive essay.
8. An emotive word is one of the language features used in writing which appeals to the
9. Repetition is a rhetorical device to bring attention to an idea to make
a stronger impact to the reader.
10. If the writer presents facts, reasons, and evidences to show that he/she has valid
points, she/he is writing argumentative essay.
 The teacher will show a video about ‘A Day in the Country by Anton

 The teacher will group the students into The group will write
five. down in a ½ of paper the
literary devices
(symbolism, imagery, and figurative language) they have observed in “The necklace” by
Guy de Maupassant.

 The teacher will group the students into The group will choose one main
five. character in the story and
analyze their development
throughout the story. Identify key moments that reveal their personalities, motivations,
and internal conflicts.
 The teacher will group the students into four. They will be assigned with their
respective role.
Judge: Ensures fair and respectful conduct, guides the proceedings, and
delivers the final verdict.
Prosecutor: Presents arguments highlighting the exploitation, class struggle,
and critique of tradition within the lottery system from a Marxist perspective.
Defense: Represents the villagers and their way of life, arguing for the
importance of tradition, community cohesion, and potential benefits of the lottery
(even if controversial).
Villagers: Actively participate by answering questions honestly and thoughtfully from
their perspective, considering the different arguments presented.

DIRECTIONS: Study each word. Draw an image, then write some information about it.
Consider also the components to be used. Once you are done, give your own definition
by expanding the word into a sentence. Write your answer in a 1 whole sheet of paper.





Direction: Write QUALI if the statement is an example of Qualitative Research and write
QUANTI if the statement is an example of QUANTITATIVE Research. Write your
answer in the cardboard.

1. Exploring the Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Parental Involvement in Children's

Education. - QUALI
2. What is the relationship between access to affordable housing and rates of
homelessness in urban areas? - QUANTI
3. How does classroom size impact student academic performance in mathematics? -
4. What are the underlying reasons behind customer satisfaction with a particular
product or service? - QUALI
5. How do cultural norms influence consumer behavior towards sustainable products? -
6. Investigating the effectiveness of a new teaching method on student engagement in
science classrooms. - QUANTI
7. How do different leadership styles impact employee job satisfaction in a corporate
setting? - QUALI
8. Exploring the experiences of individuals living with chronic illness and their coping
mechanisms. - QUALI
9. What factors contribute to employee retention rates in the hospitality industry? -
10.Examining the effects of social media usage on adolescents' mental health and well-
being. – QUALI

DIRECTIONS: Read each statement carefully, write √ if the statements is True and write
X if the statements is False. Write your answer in a ¼ sheet of paper. Strictly no

1. Statistical tools/ Treatment is states the answers in summary form/already the gist of the
study. (X)
2. APA is stands for American Psychological Association (√)
3 Ethical Consideration are the statements drawn or formulated based on the findings of the
study. (X)
4. APA is the style of documentation of sources. (√)
5. Recommendations are the stated based on the findings/ results and the conclusions of the
6. Quantitative Research is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data. (√)
7. Qualitative Research is a type of social science research that collects and works with non-
numerical data. (√)
8. Summary Of Findings it states the answers in summary form/already the gist of the study.
9. Conclusion is the last paragraph or the last part in the research paper. (√)
10. Quantitative research is used to gain insights into people's feelings and thoughts. (X)
Direction: In ¼ sheet of paper answer the following question. Write T if the statement is
True and write F if the statements is False. Strictly no erasure.

1. The purpose of the study is a process and documentation of the current relevant
research literature regarding a topic or subject of interest. (F)
2. Theoretical framework/lens is a structure that can hold or support a theory of a
research study. (T)
3. The Purpose of the study is indicating the goal of you study(T)?
4. Definition of terms is a visual plan on how to conduct the research. (F)
5. Research presents information gathered from interviews, reference books, websites,
or other sources. (T)

1. According to reader-response criticism, what is emphasized in literary analysis?

A. Author's biography
B. Reader's interpretation and response
C. Literary techniques
D. Historical context

2. What does the reader-response approach suggest about the determination of

meaning in literature?
A. Meaning is solely determined by the author's intentions
B. Meaning is co-created through the interaction between text and reader
C. Meaning is determined by historical context
D. Meaning is static and unchanging

3. What is the primary focus of the reader-response approach?

A. Author's biography
B. Literary techniques
C. Reader's interpretation and response
D. Historical context

4. According to reader-response criticism, what is essential to the meaning of a text?

A. Author's intention
B. Reader's experience
C. Literary techniques
D. Historical context

5. What does the reader-response approach suggest about the role of the reader in the
meaning-making process?
A. Readers are passive recipients of meaning
B. Readers play a passive role in interpretation
C. Readers are essential to the meaning of a text
D. Readers' interpretations are irrelevant
6. What is the purpose of examining, explaining, and defending personal reactions to a
text according to reader-response criticism?
A. To determine the author's intention
B. To establish a single correct interpretation
C. To demonstrate an understanding of the reading
D. To ignore the text's meaning

7. According to the reader-response approach, is there a right or wrong answer to a

reading response?
A. Yes, there is always a correct interpretation
B. No, interpretation is subjective and personal
C. Only the author's interpretation is valid
D. Only literary experts can provide valid interpretations

8. What is crucial for a reader to do in a reader-response analysis?

A. Agree with the author's intended meaning
B. Only focus on historical context
C. Clearly explain and support their reaction
D. Disregard personal interpretationinterpretation

9. In reader-response criticism, what brings a literary work alive?

A. Author's biography
B. Historical context
C. Reader's experience
D. Literary techniques

10. How does the reader-response approach view the interpretation process?
A. As solely determined by the author's intentions
B. As a collaboration between the text and the reader
C. As irrelevant to the meaning of the text
D. As dictated by literary experts.

1 D) Speculating about historical events

Answer: A) Analyzing primary sources and artifacts
9. What is the goal of the historical approach in studying past events?
A) To speculate about historical events
B) To understand the significance of primary sources
C) To ignore the context of historical events
D) To rely solely on secondary sources
Answer: B) To understand the significance of primary sources

1. Spell "bonus" (wrong spelling is wrong)

. Historical criticism primarily focuses on analyzing religious texts rather than literary works. (False)
2. The historical approach involves studying past events through secondary sources and interpretations
rather than primary sources. (False)
3. Historical criticism considers the author's intentions and cultural background when analyzing texts.
4. The historical approach involves analyzing the context, causes, and consequences of historical events
to understand their significance. (True)
5. Historical criticism disregards the social and political climate of the time period in which a text was
written. (False)
Part 2.
6. What is the primary focus of historical criticism?
A) Analyzing linguistic features of texts
B) Understanding texts in their historical context
C) Interpreting texts based on personal beliefs
D) Ignoring historical context in text analysis
Answer: B) Understanding texts in their historical context
7. Which of the following is NOT a factor considered in historical criticism?
A) Authorship
B) Cultural background
C) Linguistic structure
D) Historical context
Answer: C) Linguistic structure
8. What does the historical approach involve?
A) Analyzing primary sources and artifacts
B) Ignoring the context of historical events
C) Focusing solely on fictional narratives

Directions: Draw a heart ❤if the statement is TRUE and a circle ⭕ if the statement
is FALSE. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
____1. Feminist literary theory asks us to consider the relationships between men
and women and their relative roles in society.
____2. Feminist approach aims to degrade men in the society so women can rule
over it.
____3. Feminists invite us to consider writings by women, both new and
forgotten, and also ask us to consider viewing familiar literature through a feminist
____4. Feminist criticism highlights the various ways women, in particular, have
been oppressed, suppressed, and repressed.
____5. Feminism focuses on the values, behavior and power of men in the society.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part II. Write down five (5) things that a women can do as men do.
1. It is the elements of Marxist Approach that focusing on how economic systems shape
human behavior, relationships, and culture.
A. Historical Context
B. Materialist Analysis
C. Class Struggle and Conflict
D. Authorship and Social Position

2. Marxists analyze literature to uncover representations of and

between different social classes, particularly the bourgeoisie (ruling class) and the
proletariat (working class).
A. Historical Context
B. Materialist Analysis
C. Class Struggle and Conflict
D. Authorship and Social Position

3. It is the elements of Marxist Approach that understanding the historical context is

essential in Marxist literary criticism
A. Historical Context
B. Materialist Analysis
C. Class Struggle and Conflict
D. Authorship and Social Position

4. It is the elements of Marxist Approach that focus the representation of labor and
economic exploitation in literature.
A. Historical Context
B. Materialist Analysis
C. Class Struggle and Conflict
D. Representation of Labor and Exploitation

5. It is the elements of Marxist approach critics consider the social position and class
background of authors, exploring how their lived experiences influence their writing.
A. Historical Context
B. Materialist Analysis
C. Authorship and Social Position
D. Representation of Labor and Exploitation

1. B. Materialist Analysis
2. C. Class Struggle and Conflict
3. A. Historical Context
4. D. Representation of Labor and Exploitation
5. C. Authorship and Social Position
For items 1-5 Write the letter T if the statement is True and Write the letter F if the
statement is false

1. It aims to find meaning and assess if literary works are true and significant.
2. Moralist Approach judges literature based on its moral or ethical teachings.
3. It assesses if a work teaches valuable lessons and enhances readers' lives and
4. The moralist approach focuses on teaching morality and exploring philosophical
5. A moralist is someone who has very strong opinions about what is right and what is

Answer key:
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True

1. It is the elements of a short story that analyze the time and place of the story.
2. It is the series of events of the story.
3. It is a literary device use in comparison with the use of as or like.
4. It is a literary device use in comparison without using as or like.
5. What was our lesson all about?

1. Setting
2. Plot
3. Simile
4. Metaphor
5. Formalist/Structuralist Approach

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