week 11

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Angel: Hello guys! What plans do you have for this weekend?

I was thinking about organizing a

trip to the mountains on Saturday. It would be great to spend a day surrounded by nature!
Diego: Mmm, Ángel's idea sounds good. The truth is that I was planning to stay home this
weekend, finish reading that book I bought a long time ago and maybe watch a movie.
Alessandra: What a calm plan, Diego! I don't have anything defined yet, but I would like to do
something fun. Maybe we could go to a concert or an art exhibition. What do you think?
Angel: I love Alessandra's idea! A concert or exhibition would be a great way to hang out and enjoy
the culture. What kind of music would you like to listen to, Alessandra?
Alessandra: I really like indie music, but I am also open to other genres. And what kind of music
do you prefer?
Diego: I really like classic rock, but I also enjoy electronic music and jazz.
Ángel: I am more into pop and Latin music, but I am not disgusted by any genre. The important
thing is to have a good time with friends and enjoy music.
Alessandra: Great! So, how about this Saturday we go to a concert by a very trendy indie band?
I've heard some of their songs and I think they're very good.
Diego: The idea of the concert sounds good to me, but first I would like to stop by the bookstore to
buy a new book. What do you think if we meet at the usual cafeteria at 3 in the afternoon and from
there we go to the bookstore?
Angel: Perfect! I have to stop by the house to pick up my backpack and my sports clothes for
Saturday's excursion, but I will be ready at 3 o'clock.
Alessandra: I also have to stop by the house to get my camera, since I would love to take photos at
the concert. See you at 3 in the cafeteria, don't be shy!
Diego: Don't worry, we'll be there! It will be a great weekend, I'm sure.
Angel: See you later guys.
Alessandra: bye guys
Diego: bye guys

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