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COMPLEX SENTENCE (1): Adverbial clause

Subordinating conjunctions

Analyze the structure of the following sentence:

Many students opt for IT majors because the labour needs in this field are huge.
Main clause (mệnh đề chính) Subordinating clause (mệnh đề phụ)
Think about all possible subordinating conjunctions under each category:

Time/ Sequence Contrast Concession Reason

before, after, when, whereas, while although, though because, since, as
while (=whilst), until, (=whilst) even though now that
as soon as, since
(trong thì hoàn thành) despite the fact that due to the fact that,
whenever, by the time in light of the fact that

Purpose Condition
so that if
in order that as long as
in case
provided that
providing that

Exercise 1: Read each of the following sentences for its meaning. Then fill in the blank space
with the subordinating conjunction that best expresses the relationship between the two ideas.
1. The last few decades have witnessed the popularity of integrating arts into teaching science, technology,
engineering, and maths (STEM) .................... art can make abstract concepts more concrete to young
Although full time international students are allowed to work up to 24 hours per week, doing part time
2. ..................
jobs can be a trade-off.
until they pass it.
3. Learners can redo the course many times ...............
As soon as the university introduced a new work-study program, many students have registered for that.
4. .....................
so that they can form and
5. Students in teacher training courses can apply to become a teaching assistant ..................
sharpen skills needed for their future career such as class management and lesson planning.
6. .................. students with learning disorders such as dyslexia get special help, it will be extremely challenging
for them to keep up with other classmates.
7. .................. it was close to the due date of the final term assignment, she became more nervous.
8. While
............... some children are smart in natural science subjects, others perform better in arts.
before they join primary school.
9. Children must finish preschool ..............
10. Students’ language competence significantly improves ................. they study abroad.
Exercise 2: Combine the following pairs of sentences to create a complex sentence by using the
appropriate subordinating conjunction. Punctuate correctly.
1. She was from a desert region of Nevada. Her desire was to be a ski instructor.
Although she was from a desert region of Nevada, her desire was to be a ski instructor.
2. Jennifer’s test scores were very high. She was accepted at the top three universities.
Because Jennifer’s test scores were very high, she was accepted at the top three universities.
3. The commencement ceremony was completed. The students left the hall for photoshooting in the campus.
As soon as the commencement ceremony was completed, the students left the hall for ... the campus.
4. The government has more efficient measures to support students financially. Student dropout rates would
If the government .... to support students financially, student dropout rates would reduce.
5. Annie obtained her PhD degrees. She gots many job offers from different universities.
As sonn as Annie obtained her PhD degrees, she gots many job offers from different universities.
6. Winnie couldn’t publish any book. She had finished her bachelor’s degree in literature.
Winnie couldn’t publish any book althought she had finished her bachelor’s degree in literature.
7. Translators must be precise and accurate in their job. Interpretors need to have a sharp mind.
Translators must be precise and accurate in their job, while interpretors need to have a sharp mind.
8. She has revised her thesis many times under the support of her lecturer. It gets the highest grade.
Because she has revised her thesis many times under the support of her lecturer., it gets the highest grade.
9. The argument will never end. One of the two people compromises.
The argument will never end unless one of the two people compromises.
10. Candidates should organize their ideas coherently and cohesively. They can get low scores.
Unless candidates organize their ideas coherently and cohesively, they can get low scores.

Exercise 3: Translate these sentences into English.

1. Trẻ sơ sinh thể hiện các nhu cầu của bản thân thông qua tiếng khóc trước khi chúng có thể giao tiếp bằng
ngôn ngữ.
Infants/ New-born babies express their needs through crying before they can communicate verbally.

2. Tuy khả năng sử dụng ngữ pháp và từ vựng một cách chính xác rất quan trọng, nhưng sự lưu loát khiến
cho ý tưởng được truyền đạt ý của người nói một cách hiệu quả.
Although accurate grammar and vocabulary are extremely important, fluency helps convey a speaker’s
ideas effectively.
3. Thông thạo tiếng Anh giúp cho bạn tự tin khám phá thế giới, vì nó được sử dụng như thứ ngôn ngữ chung
ở nhiều nơi.
Being competent at English enables you to confidently explore the world because it acts as a lingua franca in
many places.
4. Khi muốn giao tiếp với nhau, người khiếm thính dùng ngôn ngữ ký hiệu.
When the deaf want to communicate, they use sign language.

5. Trong khi một số bạn học của tôi còn đang chật vật học phát âm, một số bạn khác đã đạt trình độ nói như
người bản xứ.
When some of my classmates are struggling with pronunciation, others are native-like speakers.

6. Miễn là bạn kiên trì ôn tập, thì bạn sẽ không thể rớt môn này được.
As long as you are persistent in practicing this subject, you will pass it.

Only with Adv clause of time, reason, and contrast / condition having same Subject with Main

1) Reason:
Because Tom finished the exercise ahead of time, he received a bonus.
→Finishing the exercise ahead of time, Tom received a bonus.
Since she was late in paying her tuition fee, she couldn’t attend the final exam.
→ Being late in paying her tuition fee, she couldn’t attend the final exam.

2) Contrast/Condition: (advisable with to BE)

Although the kid is intelligent academically, he cannot manage his emotions well.
→Although intelligent academically, he cannot manage his emotions well.
Unless your research project is approved by the board, it will not be granted.
→ Unless approved by the board, your research project will not be granted.

3) Time:
When students are in class, they are not allowed to use phones.
→When in class, students are not allowed to use phones.
While he was presenting, he used a lot of gestures. (same time)
→ While presenting, he used a lot of gestures.
After he had finished his bachelor’s degree in education, he did a minor in psychology. (not same time)
→After finishing his bachelor’s degree in education, he did a minor in psychology.
→Having finished his bachelor’s degree in education, he did a minor in psychology.

Exercise 4: Reduce these subordinate clauses to make a simple sentence.

1. Because the cafeteria in the school campus is being renovated, it is temporarily closed to diners.
Being renovated, the cafeteria in the school campus is temporarily closed to diners.
2. Before he sent in his curriculum vitae, he had attained an IELTS certificate.
Before sending in his curriculum vitae, he had attained an IELTS certificate.
3. That is the third student who has won a full scholarship to Havard.
That is the third student to win a full scholarship to Havard.
4. Though he was fluent in English, he could not help translate the message effectively.
Though fluent in English, he could not help translate the message effectively.
5. Since she was busy working on her final project, she asked for a change in her shift at work.
Being busy working on her final project, she asked for a change in her shift at work.
6. I can’t attend the party because I have an important test to sit tomorrow.
Having an important test to sit tomorrow, I can’t attend the party.
7. The man who leads this campaign should deliver that speech.
The man leading this campaign should deliver that speech.
8. Even though he was ordered to come early, he decided not to follow that.
Even though ordered to come early, he decided not to follow that.
9. Mary is reviewing the lesson which was taught by a famous lecturer.
Mary is reviewing the lesson taught by a famous lecturer.
10. After the teacher arrived, the students sat down at their desk.
Không rút gọn được do không chung chủ ngữ.
Exercise 5: Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
1. When my father will buy me a car, I will not have to ask for rides from my classmates anymore.
Bỏ “will”, đổi “buy” thành “buys”

2. Beverly did not ask her tutor for help. Although she needed it.
Gom 2 câu thành 1, bỏ dấu chấm, viết thường “although”

3. Even though I like surfing the net, especially Tiktok, but I can only spend maximum two hours on it every
day during the school year.
Hoặc bỏ “Even though” để biến thành câu compound, hoặc bỏ “but” để thành câu complex

4. She cannot earn good grades whereas she doesn’t study.

đổi “whereas” thành “unless”

5. Especially I have been attending college, my parents are giving me more independence.
đổi “especially” thành “because” hoặc “since”, “as”

6. My laptop often breaks down, when I really need it.

bỏ dấu phẩy

7. After Roger has revise his weekly report he will go play tennis.
chia động từ has revised, thêm dấu phẩy sau report

8. The words that I could not recall them in the test were the trickiest ones.
bỏ “them”

9. One way to improve students’ reading comprehension skills is they increase their practice time.
hoặc bỏ “they”, thêm -ing cho increase thành “increasing”
hoặc thêm “that” sau “is”, thêm “ should”/”must” sau they
10. Single-sex schools can offer several benefits. Such as promoting gender identity and equality.
gom 2 câu thành 1, bỏ dấu chấm, viết thường “such”

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