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1. Complete the diagram with suitable words/ phrases.


1. Carbohydrates (các tinh bột) 2. Fats (các loại chất béo) 3. Proteins (các loại chất đạm)


4. Minerals (các loại khoáng) 5. Vitamins (các loại vitamin) 6. Water

Micro- nutrients


1. Carbohydrates Fruits such as banana, papaya, and Are the primary source of energy
starchy food such as rice, bread, and for the body. Excess amount is con-
simple sugar &
noodles verted into fats .
complex carbohydrates

2 Fats Healthy fats are in nuts and seeds Keep body warm
healthy fats (unsaturated such as peanut butter, hazelnut, almond Are the main source of energy.
fats) olive oils, fishes such as salmon Are the carriers of fat-soluble vita-
& unhealthy fats “Unhealthy” or “bad” fats: processed food mins such as A, D, E and K.
(saturated fats + such as sausages, hams, hamburger, fried
transfats) food, snacks

3. Proteins Red meat such as beef, pork and poultry Vital for body growth and
(blocks of amino acids) such as chicken, duck, and diary products mainatenance of cells and tissues.
such as milk, yogurt, and cheese. Essential for ezymes, metabolism
and immune system.
4. Minerals In dairy products such as milk, cheese Play important roles in human
Calcium (Ca) and yogurt cells for growth, development,
Magnesium (Mg) in meat, poultry movement, energy production, and
Sodium (Na) fruits and vegetables such as banana, or- nerve impulse transmission.
Potassium (K) gange, guava, apple...
Iron (Fe) and in grains such as rice, beans, and
Zinc (.Zn.) wheat.
Iodine (Id)
(around 29)

5. Vitamins Cirtrus fruits such as orange, lemon. Parts of enzyme needed for
Fat-soluble (dissolve in Orange food such as carrots, metabolism, nerve function, vision,
fats): A, D, E, K papaya skin health, red blood cells, and
Water-soluble (dissolve Sprouts, Whole grain, bread and cereals, immune system.
in water): B1, B2, B3, nuts and seeds
B6, B12, C, Folic acid, Leafy green vegetables,
Biotin... Mushrooms, Dairy products

6.Water/ Liquid Plain water Regulate body’s .temperature

Juicy fruits and vegetables such as orange, Lubricate joints and tissues.
spinach, tomato, mustard green Moisturize skin
Smoothies Transport nutrients and oxygen
throughout the body
Keep blood to flow
Procude waste products

2. Share what you can do to stay healthy physically and mentally.



3. Read the words in the box carefully and then match them with the pictures below:
vomiting sneezing fever headache earache flu
rash sore throat toothache stomachache coughing backache

1 fever 2 sore throat 3 flu 4 headache

5 toothache 6 earache 7 stomachache 8 sneezing

9 coughing 10 vomiting 11 Backache 12. rash

4. Check your vocabulary: Write a word to complete the sentences. Change the word form if

1. Never forget to cover your mouth when you are sneezing/coughing.

2. Our young son had a rash on his face after eating shrimp. He’s allergic to seafood.
3. Alan was vomiting all night after eating unclean food at the restaurant.
4. After carrying the heavy shopping home, Jack had backache the next morning.
5. My body was very hot because I had a fever.
6. I used a lot of tissues and stayed in bed when I had the flu.
7. Sam had a headache after sitting in an intensive meeting for three hours.
8. Paul had a sore throat, so he drank a lot of hot lemon and honey to sooth it.
9. People with hay fever sneeze a lot during spring time.
10. Aunty Vera had bad toothache so she made an appointment to see her dentist.
5. Classify the following diseases or health problems into the appropriate groups.
stroke anxiety cholesterol back pain depression
arthritics high blood pressure bipolar disorder insomnia asthma
lung cancer diabetes obesity heart attack
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

Cardiovascular diseases Mental problems Respiratory diseases Others

Stroke (đột quỵ) Anxiety Arthritics (viêm phế Obesity
Cholesterol Depression quản)
High blood pressure Insomnia (mất ngủ) Asthma (suyễn)
Diabetes (tiểu đường) Bipolar disorder (rối Lung cancer
Heart attack loạn lưỡng cực)
ADHD (Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder) (tăng động
giảm chú ý)

5. Other lexical items:

………… severe/ acute/ fatal/ life-threatening
Ex: a cold, a scratch cancer

temporary chronic (mãn tính)

Ex: a flu, a sore throat AIDS, migrane, high blood pressure

Curable (có thể trị khỏi) untreatable (no cure for it)
Ex: cold/flu…. cancer

Non-contagious Transitted (lây nhiễm)

Ex: a headache a flu, AIDS, skin infections


Treatment Cure (cách chữa)

Ex: drink water, rest operation, chemotherapy/radiation therapy

Conventional method Alternative therapy/ remedy (phương pháp thay thế)

Ex: medication (take medicine) accupuncture, meditation

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