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Summer Vacation Holiday Homework (2024-25)

Grade - IX A / B
Subject Homework
Make an Art Integrated Project on any one of the following:

1. Short notes on important aspects of Indian art and culture based on Social
Science. Such writing may be based on reproduction of art work printed in
Textbooks. (To be made in a file)
2. To collect photographs of great musicians, with a write-up on them
introduction, and all types of musical instruments (photographs/ illustrations)
and the artists who play them. (To be pasted in the scrap-book).

3. Knowledge of the terms: Mime, play script, movement, characterization,

stage, stage props, stage costumes, stage movements, stage lighting, one-act
play. (To be made in a file)

4. Play-writing: unscripted play to be written down in the form of a script to be

acted. (To be made in a file)
1. उत्तराखंड के पााँच स्वतंत्रता सेनाननयों के जीवन पररचय व योगदानों का सचचत्र
वर्णन करते हुए एक फाइल तैयार करें । (वीर चन्द्र ससंह गढ़वाली , बिशनी दे वी
साहा , अनसु य
ू ा प्रसाद िहुगर्
ु ा , हर्ण दे वी औली , िद्ररदत्त पांडे)
द्रहन्द्दी साद्रहत्य के भक्ततकालीन युग का वर्णन करते हुए इस काल के प्रमख

साद्रहयकारों के नाम एवं उनकी रचनाओ का उल्लेख करें एवं ककसी एक
साद्रहत्यकार की रचनाऑ का ववशेर् उल्लेख करते हुए एक फ़ाइल तैयार करें ।
इस कायण हे तु रचनात्मक असभव्यक्तत, क्राफ्ट तथा चचत्रों का उपयोग भी करें ।

2. समाचार पत्रो से पााँच आकर्णक ववज्ञापन काट कर फाइल में चचपकाएाँ और

ववज्ञापनो से होने वाले लाभ और नक
ु सान सलखखए ।
3. CBSE Expression series (असभव्यक्तत प्रनतयोचगता 2024-25) के अंतगणत
ननम्न सलखखत ववर्यो मे से एक पर ननिंध (700 शब्द)/ या पेंद्रटंग या
स्वरचचत कववता सलखें।
क) राष्ट्र तभी ववकससत हो सकता है जि सभी पढे सलखे हों।
ख) पयाणवरर् के संरक्षर् हे तु सझ
ु ाव दे ।
➢ समस्त कायण ए-4 शीट में साफ एवं सुंदर तरीके से करें ।
➢ Write these activities in your maths lab manual.
1. To construct a square-root spiral.
2. To verify the algebraic identity:
(a + b)2= a2+ 2ab + b2
Mathematics 3. To verify the algebraic identity:
(a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2
4. To verify the algebraic identity:
(a+b+c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca
5. To find a hidden picture by plotting and joining the various points with given coordinates
in a plane.
6. To verify that the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180º.
7. To verify experimentally that the sum of the angles of a quadrilateral is 360º.
➢ 15 questions from each chapter from suggested book.
Physics -
Chapter: Motion
Revise all topics.
Do Numericals given in pdf.
Chemistry –
Prepare a Project report on -
(A) States of Matter (including 4th & 5th state of matter).
(B) Collect different samples of water such as distilled water, tap water, well
water, RO water and Place equal volume of each type of water in similar
Petri dishes and allow them to evaporate under similar conditions observe
the time taken for their evaporation and give your interpretation.
(C) Revise all the topics of Chapter – 01 and solve chemistry questions of PA- 1 Exam.
(D) Write the complete details about plasma and base Einstein state.
Biology –
Science To prepare portfolio of chapter Natural Resources.
(Choose any one topic of the following and prepare portfolio)
Topics – (Roll no. 1 – 25)
1. Natural resources and it's types
2.Air - The breath of life
3.Air pollution
4.Water - A wonder liquid
5.Water pollution
Topics – (Roll no. 25-45)
7.Soil erosion
8.Soil pollution
9.Biogeochemical cycles - Water cycle, Nitrogen cycle, Carbon cycle,
Oxygen cycle (Any one cycle)
10.Ozone layer depletion and it's effects
11.Greenhouse effect and global warming
1. Make a Project report on Disaster Management.
(Prepare it in Lab Manual and include Pictures, diagrams, newspaper cuttings and graphs)
2. Prepare the project on the topic Natural Vegetation and wildlife resources of India.
The project should be written in A4 sheets.
Social Science 3. Read newspaper articles/watch videos on deforestation and need for
conservation present your findings.
4. Discuss how developmental works, grazing wood cutting have impacted on the
survival forests.
5. Summarize the reasons for conservation of biodiversity in India under
sustainable development.

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