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More than words: It’s

time for climate action

Paris Agreement: Action

Climate Change Programme :

1.1 Degree happened , have to keep below 1.5 degree rise, 3 inch rise
in sea level

We must not allow global warming to rise by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius.
We must commit to ambitious policies that protect people and nature and build a climate-resilient
We must commit to making policies that are truly fair: they must require the largest contributors to
climate change to take the most action.

Our decisions today impact the quality of the air, water, and food that your family will have in the coming years. So let’s
make it better together.
Vision 2024
Climate Change Programme
Vision 2024
Strategic plan in Sync with Vision 24
By 2024, The Bharat Scouts and Guides will be a globally visible,
So be globally visible in Climate change we have to do a unique program that is on of a kind in the world. As we have ultimate numbers
and ultimate geographical diversity as a boon and unique way.
consistently growing : A program that is level based and keep adding new tasks

self-reliant premium youth movement that is youthful ideas

gender balanced, equal participation for all genders including the third genders too
vibrant : our cultural diversity
responsive to trends. ( insta, reels, AI and all new age technology and trends )
Providing young people with value-based ( the value and ideology of scouts )
attractive and challenging youth programme (tasks that are challenging)
through competent leaders ( leadership program )
effective communication (digital, Atl,Btl communication)
, optimum use of technology (new age mediums to execute and communicate the idea )
and efficient management (a team that excels with self motivated system)
Vision 2024
List of Activities
Climate Change
The role of a Project Coordinator within the Scout and Guide organization, specifically in the context of a
Climate Change Programme, is crucial for effectively planning, executing, and managing initiatives aimed at
raising awareness, education, and action on climate change among young Scouts and Guides. This role involves
a diverse set of responsibilities to ensure the success and impact of the climate change program:
1. Program Development: The Project Coordinator is responsible for designing and developing the climate change program in alignment
with the organization's goals and objectives. This includes identifying key focus areas, creating educational materials, and designing
engaging activities that resonate with Scouts and Guides.
2. Planning and Implementation: The Coordinator develops comprehensive project plans, outlining the scope, timeline, and resources
required for the successful execution of the climate change program. They collaborate with other leaders, volunteers, and partners to
ensure all aspects of the program are well-coordinated.
3. Youth Engagement: Engaging and inspiring young Scouts and Guides is at the heart of this role. The Coordinator creates age-
appropriate content and activities that capture the interest of youth, fostering a sense of responsibility and action towards climate
change mitigation and adaptation.
4. Training and Workshops: The Coordinator organises workshops, training sessions, and awareness campaigns to educate Scouts and
Guides about the science of climate change, its impacts, and the importance of sustainable practices. These efforts empower youth to
become advocates for positive environmental change.
5. Collaboration: Effective collaboration with internal and external stakeholders is essential. The Coordinator works with local
communities, schools, environmental organisations, and government agencies to maximise the program's reach and impact.
6. Monitoring and Evaluation: The Coordinator tracks the progress of the climate change program, measures its effectiveness, and
identifies areas for improvement. Regular evaluation ensures that the program stays aligned with its goals and adapts to the evolving
needs of the participants.
7. Reporting and Communication: Providing regular reports to higher-level management and stakeholders about the program's
achievements, challenges, and outcomes is a critical aspect of the role. Effective communication skills are essential to share the
program's impact with the broader community.
8. Environmental Advocacy: The Coordinator encourages Scouts and Guides to be environmental advocates, promoting sustainable
behaviors, advocating for policy changes, and participating in community projects that address climate change and environmental

Ultimately, the Project Coordinator for a Climate Change Programme in the Scout and Guide organization plays a pivotal role in shaping the
next generation's understanding of and commitment to environmental sustainability, fostering a sense of global citizenship, and
empowering youth to be effective agents of positive change in the face of climate challenges.
Climate change effect

Sundarban is in danger

Kerala Flash Floods

Heat Waves in north -western india

Cloud bursts in Himachal

Jakarta shifting capitals

13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and
natural disasters in all countries

13.2 Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and

13.3 Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on

climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning

13.A Implement the commitment undertaken by developed-country parties to the

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to a goal of mobilizing
jointly $100 billion annually by 2020 from all sources to address the needs of
developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and
transparency on implementation and fully operationalize the Green Climate Fund
through its capitalization as soon as possible

13.B Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related
planning and management in least developed countries and small island developing
States, including focusing on women, youth and local and marginalized communities

*Acknowledging that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is

the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global
response to climate change.

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