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MUHAMMAD 2022961207


Evaluation: Assignment EPO540 20242
Title: MATLAB M-file Induction Motor
Program Code: CEEE223
Student’s Name: 1) Muhamad Norhafizi bin Abdul Halim
2) Muhammad Zakiyuddin bin Azhar

Marks (x8) = 40
Assessment Criteria
0 1 2 3 4 5

Results: No Results. Results do Results are Results are Results are Results are
a) List all the data collected and show them graphically. not meet incomplete available available available
b) Present and label clearly the figures and graphs. laboratory's with without with with accurate
c) Exhibit significant results of the project objective. inaccurate analysis. inaccurate analysis.
analysis. analysis.
Marks (x6) = 30
Assessment Criteria
0 1 2 3 4 5

a) Discuss and analyze all results thoroughly. No Not clearly Only 1 Only 2 Only 3 All element
b) Discuss and evaluate the simulation procedure to achieve the Discussion. stated. element element element clearly
objectives. clearly clearly clearly stated.
c) Include calculation and interpret them by comparing with stated. stated. stated.
theoretical values.
d) Explain the reason on each interpretation
Marks (x4) = 20
Assessment Criteria
0 1 2 3 4 5

a) Summarize the whole simulation results. No Not clearly Only 1 Only 2 Only 3 All element
b) State whether your results support your theory. Conclusion. stated. element element element clearly
c) Comments about its success and effectiveness. clearly clearly clearly stated.
d) Explain your achievements, problems and suggestions. stated. stated. stated.

Marks (x2) = 10
Assessment Criteria
0 1 2 3 4 5

Not Very poor Poor Average Good Excellent

Applicable. language language language language language
Grammar: ability where ability where ability where ability where ability where
Written with correct grammar e.g. sentence structure, tenses and more than 3 on average on average on average a few
spelling. mistakes are about 3 about 2 about 1 grammatical
observed in mistakes are mistakes are mistake is errors are
each observed in observed in observed in observed in
paragraph. each each each in the whole
paragraph. paragraph. paragraph. report.

A three-phase, 240 V, 50 Hz, 12 kW, star-connected, four-pole wound-rotor

induction motor has the following parameter expressed in Ω/phase.

R1 = 0.095 X1 = 0.680 X2 = 0.672 Xm = 18.7

Using MATLAB M-file script, plot the electromechanical mechanical torque Tmech
as a function of rotor speed in r/min for rotor resistances of R 2 = 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0
and 1.5 Ω. Comment on the curves you have generated on the speed control of
the machine.

This is a group assignment. Each group must have a minimum of two (2) and
a maximum of three (3) students.

Please MAKE SURE your group will do your own work. Copying from other groups
is NOT ALLOWED and if any group is found to copy the work from others, both
groups will be given ZERO mark for the assignment.

The submission of the report to the lecturer must be accompanied by a

softcopy as follows:

a) Report writing
b) MATLAB files

Deadline to submit: 03/01/2024 by email:

1) Constructed code to plot the graph
% Plot the electromechanical mechanical torque Tmech
% as a function of rotor speed in r/min for different rotor resistances
% Given parameters
V_line = 240; % Line voltage in Volts
f = 50; % Frequency in Hz
P = 4; % Number of poles
R1 = 0.095; % Stator resistance per phase (Ohms)
X1 = 0.680; % Stator reactance per phase (Ohms)
X2 = 0.672; % Rotor reactance per phase (Ohms)
Xm = 18.7; % Magnetizing reactance per phase (Ohms)
R2_values = [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5]; % Rotor resistances (Ohms)

% Calculating synchronous speed in rpm

Ns = 120 * f / P;

% Converting Ns to rad/s
omega_s = 2 * pi * Ns / 60;

% Phase voltage (star-connected)

V_ph = V_line / sqrt(3);

% Thevenin voltage and resistance

V_th = V_ph * (Xm / (X1 + Xm));
R_th = R1 * (Xm / (X1 + Xm))^2;
X_th = X1;

% Preparing for the plot

s = 0:0.001:1; % Slip range from 0 to 1
torque_curves = zeros(length(s), length(R2_values)); % Pre-allocate matrix for
torque values

% Calculating torque for different R2 values

for i = 1:length(R2_values)
R2_prime = R2_values(i); % Rotor resistance referred to stator side
Tmech = (3/omega_s) * (V_th^2 ./ ((R_th + R2_prime./s).^2 + (X1 + X2)^2)) .*
torque_curves(:, i) = Tmech;

% Convert slip to rotor speed in rpm

rotor_speeds = (1 - s) * Ns;

% Plotting the torque-speed curves

plot(rotor_speeds, torque_curves, 'LineWidth', 2);
title('Electromechanical Torque vs. Rotor Speed');
xlabel('Rotor Speed (rpm)');
ylabel('Electromechanical Torque (Nm)');
legend(arrayfun(@(x) ['R2 = ' num2str(x) ' Ohm'], R2_values, 'UniformOutput',
grid on;
2) Graph obtained

Figure 1: Graph of electromechanical torque vs rotor speed in rpm for different values of
rotor resistances
According to the generated graph curves, the torque usually increases from zero as the
speed increases and reaches a peak (which should be the same for all curves), and then falls as
the speed gets closer to the synchronous speed for each value of R2. With an increase in R2,
each curve's peak moves to the left, or toward a slower speed. With increasing R2, the area
under the curve, which shows the torque available over the speed range, also varies, usually
becoming flatter and broader.

From the plotted results, each curve represents the torque-speed characteristic for a
given rotor resistance. Typically, as rotor speed increases (that is slip decreases), torque
initially increases, reaches a maximum (known as pull-out torque or breakdown torque), and
then decreases.

We will see the effect of rotor resistance by increasing the rotor resistance (R2)
typically shifts the peak of the torque-speed curve to the left, meaning maximum torque occurs
at a higher slip (lower speed). This does not increase the maximum torque but affects the speed
at which this torque is produced. The torque at 0% speed (100% slip) is the starting torque. The
graph shows how the starting torque varies with different rotor resistances.

The descending portion of each curve after peak torque is the motor's stable operating
region. In this region, if the load increases, the speed decreases slightly, increasing the slip and
thus the torque, allowing the motor to maintain its speed.

To evaluate the simulation procedure, we used to plot the electromechanical torque

versus rotor speed for different rotor resistances in an induction motor. There were several
things that we'll need to consider which are the objectives and methodology.


i) To understand how varying the rotor resistance (R2) affects the torque-speed characteristics
of a wound-rotor induction motor.

ii) To visualize the electromechanical torque as a function of rotor speed for different R2

iii) To aid in selecting appropriate R2 values for specific operational requirements.


i) Parameter Definition: The script begins by defining all necessary motor parameters and
constants. This step is crucial for ensuring that the simulation accurately reflects the motor's
physical characteristics.

Figure 2: Parameter definition

ii) Synchronous Speed Calculation: The calculation of synchronous speed is accurate and
essential for determining the relationship between slip and actual rotor speed.

Figure 3: Synchronous Speed Calculation

iii) Thevenin Equivalent Circuit Calculation: The script correctly calculates the Thevenin
equivalent voltage and resistance, which are key to determining the motor's internal behavior
under load.

Figure 4: Thevenin Equivalent Circuit Calculation

iv)Torque Calculation: The formula used for torque calculation incorporates the effects of
slip, stator and rotor resistances, and reactances. It’s derived from the motor’s equivalent
circuit, ensuring that the simulation is grounded in realistic motor physics.

Figure 5: Torque Calculation

v) Range of Slip: The script considers a range of slip from 0 to 1, which adequately covers the
entire operational range of the motor from standstill to synchronous speed.

Figure 6: Range of Slip

vi) Rotor Resistance Variation: Simulating for a range of R2 values is a strong aspect of the
procedure, as it allows for a comprehensive analysis of how changes in rotor resistance impact

Figure 7: Rotor Resistance Variation

Calculation Part:
1) To obtain synchronous speed, Vth and Rth

Figure 2: Calculation for synchronous speed, Vth and Rth

2) To obtain starting torque

Figure 3: Calculation for starting torque for different value of rotor resistances
3) To obtain maximum torque

Figure 4: Calculation for maximum torque for different values of rotor resistances

From the simulation result in MATLAB and the calculation part, we can see that the
value of the starting torque and maximum torque obtained is almost the same for both results,
which means it proves the theory of the induction motor that we have learned. This simulation
is crucial in understanding the motor's performance under different operational conditions. The
plots generated from the simulation depict how the torque-speed characteristics of the motor
vary with changes in R2.
A notable observation is the increase in starting torque with higher rotor resistances.
However, this comes at the cost of reduced operational speed range, as the peak torque is
achieved at lower speeds with increasing R2.

The simulation effectively demonstrates that while the maximum torque remains
relatively constant across different R2 values, the slip at which it occurs varies. This finding is
in line with standard induction motor theory and highlights the critical role of rotor resistance
in determining motor performance, particularly in applications requiring precise control over
starting torque and speed.

In conclusion from the assignment given, the students understand the basics of
induction motors and the type of electric motor commonly used in various appliances and
industrial applications. The graph shows how the motor’s torque works which is the forces it
produces to cause rotation and change with its speed. The code that has been written used
Matlab to calculate the synchronous speed which is the speed at which the motor’s magnetic
field rotates. It's determined by the frequency of the electrical supply and the number of poles
in the motor. The graph displays several curves, each representing a different value of rotor
resistance. Rotor resistance is a part of the motor that affects how it operates.

These curves show us how the motor's torque changes as its speed changes, for different
values of rotor resistance. The graph helps us understand how changing the rotor resistance can
control the motor's behavior, especially during start-up and under different load conditions. It's
essential for deciding the right motor for a particular application. For instance, if you need a
motor that has a high starting torque, the graph helps in choosing the right rotor resistance.

In summary, by altering the rotor resistance in an induction motor, we can significantly

affect its performance, particularly how its torque varies with speed. The graph is a powerful
tool for visualizing and understanding these changes, which is crucial in applications where
how fast and how strongly a motor turns is important. Lastly, the code and graph provide a
clear picture of how changing a small part inside the motor (the rotor resistance) can have a big
impact on the motor's performance, especially on how it starts and runs under different
conditions. This understanding is key for anyone designing or working with motor-driven

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