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Policy title: False Fire Alarm Approved by: Ron Manalang


Policy number: PP-SAF-002-03-20 Signature:

Date issued: 23 March 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; Rooms Division; F&B
Services; F&B Culinary; HR; Security;
Engineering; Sales & Marketing;
Housekeeping; Security

Policy Statement:

It is the Policy of Seda Central Bloc Hotel that all emergency situations requiring immediate attention
should be properly announced and responded by the Quick Response Team on Duty. The QRT is
headed by the Duty Manager, if not present, the most senior staff present, regardless of department.

It is also the Policy that when responding, all QRT members are to be in the announced location
(address) within two (2) minutes or less.


This Policy ensures that proper response to specific emergencies are addressed in a timely manner.
However not all emergencies requiring attention by the QRT, except to the three common
denominator – Fire, Earthquake and Medical Emergency. The response time must be strictly
followed as time if of the essence, and that therefore the quicker the responders’ present is vital to
saving life and property

The Fire Command Center

The center of communications and command center is the Security Office and thus all information
shall be filtered and verified. In emergencies, it is the command center has the lead and activates
responders via portable radio communication or any other means as agreed, to widen the scope
and gather teams to acknowledge any time of emergency.

It is also in this regard that if there are emergencies that have occurred outside of the knowledge
of the command center operations, must call the emergency number 3000. If not, via portable
radio declaring or informing the onset of an emergency


Even with the highest quality and high technology of an electronic equipment, there will always
be instances or occurrences that the Fire Detection and Alarm System (FDAS) panel, specifically
if it was installed new as well as the operators are new to the system, the probability of a local or
general alarm will be initiated by the panel. Since the system was installed during the construction
phase, dust will accumulate and is one of the main contributory factor of such an alarm.

When the building is already occupied, even when such a device is not maintained and cleaned,
another factor for its alarm could be the following : smoking cigarette or vape, steam from shower
or smoke and steam from cooking (for rooms with cooking facility) or the Panel has mistakenly
been pressed with General Alarm Button.

Either human or technical (hardware and software) error, such activation of alarm will definitely
cause unnecessary disturbance and panic to guest room occupants.

It is imperative that False General or Local alarm must be immediately addressed by QRT to
appease, conciliate or soothe occupants who may have experience anxiety directly caused by the
said fire alarms.


QRT, Duty Manager and Fire Command Center Operator

1. Upon verification of QRT and CCTV control operator of Code White and the FDAS panel
will somehow pursue to escalate either Local or General Alarm, the CCTV control
operator shall operate the FDAS Panel to Acknowledge (the Alarm F1/F2), Silence and
Reset the detection system via the buttons in the FDAS Panel.

2. The CCTV control operator shall exert all effort to silence the alarm

3. QRT, Duty Manager shall then direct their attention to guests who would be inquiring
about the alarm:

a. To deploy present QRT members to 2:1 floor and check per floor as to guest who
are out of or peeking out of their respective rooms
b. Approach guests the soonest and apologize for the inconvenience caused and
should inquire for any assistance needed.
c. If none, thank the guest for the understanding and Hotel is open for any concerns
they would require later
d. For General Alarm, QRT leader, Duty Manager shall proceed and dictate
assistance from available team and deploy to other guest floors that were not
4. QRT leader, Duty Manager to ensure completion of task until all affected or inquiring
guests are taken cared of by coordinating with CCTV Operator and Telephone Exchange

Guest Services Center (Telephone Operator)

1. The telephone operator will be updated by the CCTV control operator as to the status of
the Fire Alarm, which is currently responded by QRT

2. When Code White is declared and verified by QRT and/or CCTV control operator and the
audible alarm persists to actuate, to note all guests calls inquiring of the alarm:

a. Pacify, ease or calm guests that such alarm is False and everything is in order
b. Sincerely apologize to guest but offer any assistance needed
c. Record room number and name of guest and relay to CCTV and/or QRT leader as
reference for guest satisfaction procedure.
3. Stand-by for any late inquiries from guests as well as for any guests needing further
assistance, affected by the audible fire alarm.

4. Write a report of the activity conducted or completed as Telephone Operator and submit
the same to Duty Manager as reference.

Duty Manager

1. To compile reports of affected and/or complaining guests and conduct necessary guest
satisfaction recovery procedure.

2. Recommendations and all efforts to be conducted shall be approved by the Hotel


a. Any redress of equal value

i. Room stay discount or extension
ii. Food, dining privileges
3. Even for non-complaining guests, management shall initiate sending gratitude via note
or letter of appreciation.
Safety and Security, Engineering Manager

1. To assess, evaluate and correct and if necessary, adjust operational procedures in order
for such incident not to recur:

a. Verification of FDAS with the supplier technical team

i. Hardware
ii. Software
b. Personnel/Operator qualification to operate and/or maintain the system
c. Other pertinent factors

2. To submit report with recommendations for any adjustments or corrections in the

system and response procedures

- End of Policy -

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