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Policy title: Workplace Violence Approved by: Ron Manalang

Prevention and
Response Procedures

Policy number: PP-SEC-005-04-20 Signature:

Date issued: 17 April 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; F&B Services; F&B
Culinary; HR; Security; Engineering;
Sales & Marketing; Housekeeping

Policy Statement

It is the Policy of Seda Central Bloc Cebu that zero tolerance for workplace violence or harassment
of any kind, and will be proactive in the prevention of workplace violence and harassment. That
as a responsible Employer, legally and ethically obligated to provide a safe work environment
free from threats, harassment and violence to all employees, a workplace violence prevention
shall be instituted in order to achieve mental, physical, environmental and facility healthiness.
The management acknowledges that unsafe working environment demoralizes employees and
product integrity and services are negatively affected.


The purpose of this Policy To ensure that Seda Central Bloc Cebu employees have a work
environment that is free of violence or harassment of any kind, whether it arises from another
employee or any other person visiting the workplace, or other persons interacting with staff.
Seda Central Bloc Cebu is committed to investigate any reported incidents of violence and
harassment in an objective and timely manner, taking necessary action; and providing
appropriate support for victims. This policy will also ensure that individuals are aware of, and
understand that, acts of violence or harassment are considered a serious offence for which
necessary administrative legal action will be imposed.


It is the responsibility of the Hotel Manager that this Policy is enforced enabling protection of all
employees against any form of workplace harassment or violence.

It is the responsibility of the respective department heads, supevisor and each individual
employees the welfare and well-being of every colleagues. It is the responsibility to report any
instances or incidents of harassment and violence in the workplace

It is the responsibility of the HR team to uphold camaraderie of all employees and shall
immediately respond and carry out appropriate measures to prevent or to alleviate workplace
Policy title: Workplace Violence Approved by: Ron Manalang
Prevention and
Response Procedures

Policy number: PP-SEC-005-04-20 Signature:

Date issued: 17 April 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; F&B Services; F&B
Culinary; HR; Security; Engineering;
Sales & Marketing; Housekeeping

harassment or violence incidences and coordinates with respective department head and safety
committee, security to ensure that no recurrence, more so, prevent the occurrence of any
workplace harassment or workplace violence related issues.

Definition of Workplace Violence

OSHS defines workplace violence as “any physical assault, threatening behavior, or verbal abuse
occurring in the work setting. Workplace may be any location, either permanent or temporary,
where any employee performs any work-related duty. This includes the buildings, parking lots,
venues, and traveling to and from work assignments.”

Types of Workplace Violence

Workplace violence incidents can be divided into categories depending on the relationship
between the assailant and the worker or workplace:

➢ Violence by Stranger or Criminal Violence is perpetrated by individuals who have no

legitimate relationship with the organization, employee or victim. The perpetrator enters
the workplace, usually on the pretense of being a customer, to commit a robbery or other
violent and criminal or unlawful act.

➢ Violence by Customers/Clients or Service User Violence/Customer Violence:

perpetrated or committed by individuals who are recipients of a service provided by a
business, in a Hotel setting, a service staff and hotel guest/patron, provided in the
workplace or by the victim. The violence can be committed in the workplace or outside
the workplace, but while the worker is performing a job-related function This often arises
through frustration with service delivery or some other by-product of the organizations
core business activities.
Policy title: Workplace Violence Approved by: Ron Manalang
Prevention and
Response Procedures

Policy number: PP-SEC-005-04-20 Signature:

Date issued: 17 April 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; F&B Services; F&B
Culinary; HR; Security; Engineering;
Sales & Marketing; Housekeeping

➢ Violence by Co-Worker or Worker-on-worker Violence. The perpetrator has an

employment relationship with the workplace. The individual can be a current or former
employee, a prospective employee, or a current or former supervisor or manager. This
type of violence can usually be divided into two types:
• violence between supervisors and subordinates
• violence between coworkers or peers.

➢ Violence by Personal Relations: the violence is committed by someone who has a

personal relationship with the worker, such as a current or former spouse or partner, a
relative, or a friend. Included in this category is an individual who has a personal dispute
with the worker and enters the workplace to harass, threaten, injure, or kill.

➢ Domestic Violence is perpetrated by individuals, outside of the organization, but who

have a relationship with an employee e.g. partner, spouses or acquaintances. This is often
perpetrated within the work setting, simply because the offender knows where a given
individual is during the course of a working day.


Engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is

known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome.

• This includes unwelcome words or actions that are known or should be known to be
offensive, embarrassing, humiliating or demeaning to a worker or group of workers.

• It includes behaviors that intimidates, isolates or discriminates against the targeted

Policy title: Workplace Violence Approved by: Ron Manalang
Prevention and
Response Procedures

Policy number: PP-SEC-005-04-20 Signature:

Date issued: 17 April 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; F&B Services; F&B
Culinary; HR; Security; Engineering;
Sales & Marketing; Housekeeping


Those subjected to acts of violence or harassment are encouraged to access any assistance they
may require in order to pursue a complaint; and individuals are advised of available recourse if
they are subjected to, or become aware of, situations involving violence or harassment.
Definitions Workplace harassment means:

■ Engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is

known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome.

■ This includes unwelcome words or actions that are known or should be known to be offensive,
embarrassing, humiliating or demeaning to a worker or group of workers. It includes behaviors
that intimidates, isolates or discriminates against the targeted individual.

Workplace violence means:

■ The exercise or attempt of physical force by a person against a worker in a workplace that
causes or could cause physical injury to the worker,

■ A threat to exercise physical force against the worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical
injury to the worker.

1. Policies


1. Primarily responsible to ensure the security and safety of life and property at Hotel,
and initiate necessary decisions and immediately assists the HR in taking charge of all
work place violence incidents.
Policy title: Workplace Violence Approved by: Ron Manalang
Prevention and
Response Procedures

Policy number: PP-SEC-005-04-20 Signature:

Date issued: 17 April 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; F&B Services; F&B
Culinary; HR; Security; Engineering;
Sales & Marketing; Housekeeping

2. When necessary, provides information, in close coordination with HR, in briefing the
General Manager, EAM, Medical Team, HOD’s and AHOD’s during work place violence
incidents. The incident shall be assessed immediately to determine if the incident will
be treated as an internal matter or be brought to the attention of the local police.

3. Conducts inquiry into the work place violence incidents in coordination with HR Team,
HOD’s AHOD’s and Supervisors concerned and formulate an awareness program on
work place violence and how to avoid such occurrence.

4. Coordinates with the local Police, together with HR, in cases of external involvement,
an option when the situation is unattainable and the safety of the life of other
employees are at stake.

5. In case the incident is to be brought to the jurisdiction of the local police, ensure that
coordination be made with the police investigator to treat a certain case strictly with
confidentiality and as much as possible, away from the disclosure to the media/press.


1. HR Manager in close coordination with Security, to the General Manager, HOD, AHOD
on matters concerning work place violence incidents.

2. HR to liaise with Security Department in conducting joint investigation on the

workplace violence incidents. Reviews, approves/corrects findings of the
Investigation Committee (if any). Finalizes and submits the report of findings to the
General Manager for reference.

3. HR to conduct necessary personnel welfare and ensures that the aggrieved party is
attended as well as to ensure that the perpetrator treated in a civilized manner.

Policy title: Workplace Violence Approved by: Ron Manalang
Prevention and
Response Procedures

Policy number: PP-SEC-005-04-20 Signature:

Date issued: 17 April 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; F&B Services; F&B
Culinary; HR; Security; Engineering;
Sales & Marketing; Housekeeping

1. Designated as the official Spokesperson of the hotel on any announcement or

publication concerning work place violence press interview, press release, and official
communiqué, whenever necessary.

2. Constantly liaise and conforms to Hotel Management on the official Company

standpoint to update the concerned parties including press/media.

3. No communiqué, or any sort of announcement to be released with the approval of

General Manager

D. HOD’s, AHOD’s, Supervisors of Parties Involved in the Work Place Violence

1. Initiates their Incident Report and gathers written statements from witnesses or
involved persons to be submitted to Security for official investigation.

2. Coordinates with Security and HR in conducting immediate inquiries of the parties

involved in the work place violence.

3. Recommends appropriate course of action to Hotel Management with reference to

HR personnel welfare policies and procedures.


1. Advises Hotel Management Team on all legal matters pertaining to the work place
violence incidents.

2. Formulates and files the appropriate legal complaints in behalf of Hotel against the
assailant when necessary.
Policy title: Workplace Violence Approved by: Ron Manalang
Prevention and
Response Procedures

Policy number: PP-SEC-005-04-20 Signature:

Date issued: 17 April 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; F&B Services; F&B
Culinary; HR; Security; Engineering;
Sales & Marketing; Housekeeping

3. Prepares all legal communications relative to the work place violence case that may
be filed.

4. Acts as the Official Representative of Hotel on all legal proceeding at the court.
Renders the appropriate report after each hearing.


Immediate referral to local law enforcement should be made when an incident is of such
a nature that a quick law enforcement response is necessary to protect people or
property. Examples of such activities are:

• Threat of or actual physical violence of a serious nature; e.g., assault,

arson, robbery, kidnapping, hostage taking, plunder, homicide etc.
• Burglary, breaking and entering, or other crimes against Hotel guests,
employees and its properties
• Actions in which it is probable that another crime could be committed
if failing to notify the police.


In the effort to stream line inquiry on the incident, a joint formal investigation into the
work place violence incident in coordination HR, Security and HOD/AHOD concerned. The
Staff Investigation Committee, if there is any shall help in the Review, approve/correct
findings and finalizes, submits the report of findings to the Hotel Management for further

Policy title: Workplace Violence Approved by: Ron Manalang
Prevention and
Response Procedures

Policy number: PP-SEC-005-04-20 Signature:

Date issued: 17 April 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; F&B Services; F&B
Culinary; HR; Security; Engineering;
Sales & Marketing; Housekeeping

In case the incident is to be brought to the jurisdiction of the local police, ensure that
coordination be made with the police investigator to treat a certain case strictly with
confidentiality and as much as possible, away from the disclosure to the media (to avoid
scandal or bad reputation on the part of the company).


Immediate medical and legal assistance whenever necessary or upon request will be
provided to innocent employees who are victims of work place violence. Injuries
sustained by perpetrators/initiators. It is the discretion of the Management whether to
provide legal assistance to the employee-victim.


While the Management recognizes the right of a victim of work place violence to file any
criminal/administrative charges against assailant, the filling of such criminal complaint
must not be done through the insinuation or intimidation of anyone. The basic rights of
an individual must be respected at all times, as he/she must be acting freely on his/her
own free will.


All employees involved in any work place violence will be automatically subjected to the
provisions of Hotel Employee Handbook.

2. Operating Process
Policy title: Workplace Violence Approved by: Ron Manalang
Prevention and
Response Procedures

Policy number: PP-SEC-005-04-20 Signature:

Date issued: 17 April 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; F&B Services; F&B
Culinary; HR; Security; Engineering;
Sales & Marketing; Housekeeping

ALL HOTEL STAFF- Reporting Workplace Violence

1. Any and all Hotel staff who witnesses, knows of or has information of workplace
violence, such as but not limited to, verbal threats, heated altercation, intimidation,
instigating a fight, harmful physical contact shall immediately call in the respective
HOD, AHOD and Security or any of the HR team via a phone call.
2. As much as possible witness staff shall immediately clear the site of work place
violence to avoid further harm to people and property damage
3. Witnesses shall be present to brief the responding team of the information or incident
to hasten the inquiry.
4. Witnesses shall be cooperative to provide written statement to substantiate the
information or the incident.


1. Proceed to the work place violence site and ensure that there are no further threat to
people and damage to property.
2. Ensure that immediate security countermeasures be undertaken to
apprehend/accost the individual responsible for undertaking the workplace violence.
3. Preserve/restrict the site of the work place violence for investigative purposes and
gather evidences and label them accordingly.
4. Take maximum number of photographs at the site of the work place violence incident,
which would include photos of physical injury brought about by the incident.
5. Prepare preliminary investigative results, including photographs and investigative
6. Whenever necessary and with the approval of the GM, to coordinate and call the
assistance of the Police for further action.
7. Undertake/cooperate with the local police, the crime lab investigators or forensic
investigators in the course of the investigation, if they are called-in with due approval
from the Management
8. Perform other functions as deemed necessary in the aftermath of the incident.
Policy title: Workplace Violence Approved by: Ron Manalang
Prevention and
Response Procedures

Policy number: PP-SEC-005-04-20 Signature:

Date issued: 17 April 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; F&B Services; F&B
Culinary; HR; Security; Engineering;
Sales & Marketing; Housekeeping


1. Whenever necessary, proceed to the site immediately and coordinate with the Head
of Security and render medical assistance as deemed necessary.
2. If there are injured persons, to conduct triage and to send such person to nearest
hospital or medical facility; and to issue a Medical Certificate when the need arises for
any legal purposes.
3. Our resort doctor or one member of HR to accompany the victim of work place
violence to the hospital in case of a medical evacuation.
4. Call and inform the hospital in which the victim is evacuated to and provide the
diagnosis prior to the arrival of the patient/victim.
5. Updates the General Manager, HR, respective HOD and concerned teams of the


At no circumstance must a work place violence incident be immediately reported to the

local police without the common consensus of the Hotel Management. Measures must
be undertaken to protect the reputation and image of the Resort. It is the discretion of
the management if or any of the matter be brought to the local Police.

- End of Policy -

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