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Policy title: Fire Emergency Approved by: Ron Manalang

Policy number: PP-SAF-001-02-20 Signature:
Date issued: 23 February 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; Rooms Division; F&B
Services; F&B Culinary; HR; Security;
Engineering; Sales & Marketing;
Housekeeping; Security

Policy Statement:

It is the Policy of Seda Central Bloc Hotel that all emergency situations requiring immediate attention
should be properly announced and responded by the Quick Response Teams (QRT) on Duty. The
ERT is headed by the Duty Manager, if not present, the most senior staff present, regardless of

It is also the Policy that when responding, all QRT members are to be in the announced location
(address) within two (2) minutes or less.


This Policy ensures that proper response to specific emergencies are addressed in a timely manner.
However not all emergencies requiring attention by the QRT, except to the three common
denominator – Fire, Earthquake and Medical Emergency. The response time must be strictly
followed as time if of the essence, and that therefore the quicker the responders’ present is vital to
saving life and property

The Command Center

The center of communications and command center is the Security Office and thus all information
shall be filtered and verified. In emergencies, it is the command center has the lead and activates
responders via portable radio communication or any other means as agreed, to widen the scope
and gather teams to acknowledge any time of emergency.

It is also in this regard that if there are emergencies that have occurred outside of the knowledge
of the command center operations, must call the emergency number 3000. If not, via portable
radio declaring or informing the onset of an emergency
Fire Color Codes and its meaning

Yellow - a. Probable Fire or smell of smoke, address/location must be

checked and verified.
b. Presence of Responders QRT is required
c. Firefighting team at the ready at fire station

Red - a. Fire is present (smoke), standby for partial evacuation

Activation of Firefighting team necessary
b. Responders performs initial firefighting when capable, if not
await for firefighting team
c. QRT to prepare for partial (floor and local evacuation)
d. Logistics to prepare Assembly area

Black - a. Fire is overwhelming, activate full (general) evacuation

b. Assist all guests to evacuate to Assembly Area
c. Await for Fire Department and Turn-over

White - a. Engineering, Salvage and Safety Team to declare areas as safefor

b. Back to normal operations


Fire Command Center

1. When an alarm is activated at FDAS or when a call or information is received of a possible fire,
the Command Center Operator shall declare the emergency over the radio, the following:

a. Code 1 Yellow at (location) 3x until acknowledged

i. Channel 1 and 3
b. Command Center to call Guest Services Center (if room, will call guest for
c. Command Center to log all actions including calls made and the QRT members
2. Command Center Operator to await actual and physical check of responders while monitoring
view at the CCTV

3. Dependent on the Codes received from the actual responders, the Fire Command Center
Operator to declare the same over the radio

a. Code White – All teams to return to posts, back to normal Operations

b. Code Red - To proceed with call tree for CMT
i. Security Manager
ii. Hotel Manager
iii. Engineering Manager
iv. Front Office Manager
v. Food and Beverage Manager

4. Upon receipt of ERT members, headed by the Duty Manager, to acknowledge over the radio
and proceeds to the established location

5. If Code 1 is in guestroom to verify if occupied after three successive confirmation.

6. When no response after confirmation, DM to open room.

On-Duty Quick Response Team Members

1. It is the duty and responsibility of the emergency response team members, who are currently
on duty at the time of the call of emergency, to respond and proceed to the announced

2. The duty manager is the assigned head of the QRT and thus takes command and responsibility
of its members

3. When call is announced over the radio, respective QRT member to acknowledge the call over
the radio while proceeding to the location of the emergency

4. Upon reaching the location, the QRT shall assess the situation by ascertaining the veracity of
the alarm
a. If inside the guest room
i. To proceed with knocking or using doorbell and announce “Safety check”
or “security check”
ii. When acknowledged and opened by guest(s), to inform of alarm concern
and inquire if guest is okay
iii. When no response, at the doorbell or knock, to open the door using the
master key and check the room for cause of fire alarm
5. If room is verified as safe and cause of alarm is found out, to declare
a. Code 1 White in (location) x 3 times
b. Return to normal hotel operations

6. Other than fire alarm, other emergency such as as Code 2 (medical) and possible expired
guest in room must be declared by the duty manager and proceed with proper response
and application of procedures.


 Code Yellow – Possible Fire for verification

 When station has received the code to relay “Acknowledge”
 Responding station (QRT) to proceed to location
 Update and relay to Control Operator any findings
 Escalated
 Back to normal

 Code Red – (ESCALATED) verified, visible Fire or Smoke

 1st QRT responder to declare to Control Operator
 Control Operator acknowledges and repeats the Code
 QRT to conduct necessary measures
 Suppress fire
 Activate evacuation procedures –Local
 Local Evacuation – Affected floor, 2 floors up and 1 floor

 Code Black – Fire is uncontained, or condition does not permit to suppress fire
 QRT to declare Code Black to Control Operator
 Control Operator acknowledges and repeats the Code
 Activates General Alarm in FDAS/FACP
 QRT to conduct necessary measures
 Stand down/Back down and evacuate with QRT present
 Ensure evacuation is complete – General Evacuation
 Assign available QRT to man access areas to prevent people coming
in and going up
 Proceed to Assembly Area and update MT
 Code White – Fire is controlled (fire out)
 QRT to declared Code Black to Control Operator
 Control Operator acknowledges and repeats the Code
 Activates General Alarm in FDAS/FACP
 QRT to conduct necessary measures
 Stand down/Back down and evacuate with QRT present
 Ensure evacuation is complete – General Evacuation
 Assign available QRT to man access areas to prevent people coming
in and going up
 Proceed to Assembly Area and update MT

- End of Policy -

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