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Policy title: Infectious Diseases Approved by:

General Prevention
Quarantine Facility
Ron Manalang
Policy number: PP-SAF-006B-05-20 Signature:
Date issued: 27 May 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; F&B Services; F&B
Culinary; HR; Security; Engineering;
Sales & Marketing; Housekeeping


All Quarantine guests from the international flights are to be treated and presumed as
contaminated with Covid19. Despite that fact, hotel employees are to treat them with dignity
and respect as we would for leisure guests. With the new norm as Hotel made into Quarantine
Facility, all hotel employees are to wear their basic PPE- face mask, face shield and disposable
latex or plastic gloves. A coverall is a plus for teams who are permanently assigned at the
quarantine floors as well as to those teams who are in close proximity to guests such as, but not
limited to, interacting with guests or assisting them with their luggage.

In accord to Department of Tourism and the Department of Health (DOT/DOH) requires any hotel
to apply for a multi-use or mixed-use facility/hotel for both Leisure Travel Tourism and for
Quarantine Facility. In such cases, basic requirement specifies that a separate access must be
satisfied for both, including floors to be declared for segregation and service. A separate and
dedicated team shall also be provided for both quarantine and leisure guests. In that instance,
no hotel employees shall be intermixed or as temporary replacement, reliever or otherwise to
prevent cross-contamination.


The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that Seda Central Bloc Cebu employees are protected
from contagious diseases and minimize inter-action between guest and staff, and vice versa.
The prevention methods is aligned with the Department Of Health, in accordance with World
Health Organization, in addressing infected guests or persons within the facility and to protect
hotel employees from being contaminated or contagion.
Policy title: Infectious Diseases Approved by:
General Prevention
Quarantine Facility
Ron Manalang
Policy number: PP-SAF-006B-05-20 Signature:
Date issued: 27 May 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; F&B Services; F&B
Culinary; HR; Security; Engineering;
Sales & Marketing; Housekeeping


It is the responsibility of the Hotel Manager that this Policy is enforced enabling protection of all
employees against any form infectious diseases, in accordance with #SafewithSeda Program
which is aligned with the DOH and WHO prevention of infectioius diseases program.

It is the responsibility of the respective department heads, supevisor and each individual
employees the welfare and well-being of every colleague. It is the responsibility to report any
instances of contagion or manifestation of infection of any person, guest or staff, who are
currently within or transacting any business with the Hotel.



1. Basic health protocol requires all personnel to adhere to while present in the workplace
a. Face mask
b. Face shield
c. Latex gloves or plastic gloves
d. Pocket/Mini-alcohol dispenser (50 ml)
e. Physical distancing of at least 1.5 meters from another person
2. Upon reporting for duty, to submit to security temperature check and submit Health
Declaration on-line. QR codes are posted at the Employees Access
3. Recommended additional layer of protection for Quarantine Facility Service Personnel is
the Coverall PPE
Policy title: Infectious Diseases Approved by:
General Prevention
Quarantine Facility
Ron Manalang
Policy number: PP-SAF-006B-05-20 Signature:
Date issued: 27 May 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; F&B Services; F&B
Culinary; HR; Security; Engineering;
Sales & Marketing; Housekeeping


1. The Asiatown Information Technology Park (IT Park Estate) administration requires all
vehicles that have 6 wheels and more, to provide a Truck Ban Permit and Toll Fee Ticket
prior to its expected arrival.
2. Encode the required bus/truck details in the link:

a. In a recent agreement, Driver Name, Driver’s License Number and Plate number shall be recorded by the
Entrance Gate Marshal
b. In dire cases, may request Marshal to record details and hotel to settle payment the following day

3. The IT Park will send a generated Statement of Account (SOA) with corresponding
reference number and shall be paid accordingly at their office
4. The letter of endorsement letter from the Hotel shall also be sent from the email
address (reply) from where the SOA was sent.
5. An official receipt will be issued in return for the payment as well as the corresponding
toll tickets
6. The IT Park admin team will issue a TBP through the email address
7. The TBP is valid for a month and may be used as reference to purchase another set of
Toll Tickets.
8. It is required that when a TBP is about to expire, to file another through the link
9. A TBP and corresponding ticket shall be immediately provided to IT Park Marshal upon
arrival of any or all buses for the Hotel
Policy title: Infectious Diseases Approved by:
General Prevention
Quarantine Facility
Ron Manalang
Policy number: PP-SAF-006B-05-20 Signature:
Date issued: 27 May 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; F&B Services; F&B
Culinary; HR; Security; Engineering;
Sales & Marketing; Housekeeping


1. All luggage shall be unloaded respectively.

2. Disembarking guests to identify respective luggage. Upon identification, either Bell
Service to set aside for luggage up or as self-service by its owner.
3. For luggage-up service, Bell Service may provide luggage claim stubs to owner and
corresponding luggage tags tied to respective luggage.
4. Guests are directed to Quarantine Facility Access (via Exit 2) for Check-in desk at
Mezzanine Level
5. Quarantine Guests are to utilize Service Lifts to their designated floor and room
6. Identified luggage are to be sent to the respective room via guest lifts. If guest is not
present, to leave luggage outside of the room for easy verification.
7. If guest is present upon delivery of luggage to retrieve corresponding luggage claim stub
as security to delivery.


1. All quarantined guests are not allowed to get out their room for any other means except
in cases of dire emergency:
a. Medical
b. Fire
c. Earthquake
d. Active Threat
2. Security personnel assigned shall ensure quarantine enforcement by constantly
patrolling the quarantine areas
a. Remove garbage or refuse from outside of the doors
b. No hotel staff to enter a room or engage quarantine guests in conversations,
except in the line of service or requests
Policy title: Infectious Diseases Approved by:
General Prevention
Quarantine Facility
Ron Manalang
Policy number: PP-SAF-006B-05-20 Signature:
Date issued: 27 May 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; F&B Services; F&B
Culinary; HR; Security; Engineering;
Sales & Marketing; Housekeeping

c. Delivery of food provisions shall be outside the doors; corresponding quarantine

rooms will be provided with chairs for this purpose
3. Strictly no visitors, food delivery (from families and friends) are allowed while or
Quarantine per IATF and DOH regulations.
4. Grocery may be accepted for delivery to the room through bell service or housekeeping
5. As an option, quarantine guests may request purchase for groceries or items for
personal necessity as well as for Foreign Exchange (Forex) but must be duly coordinated
with Front Desk.
6. There shall be no room cleaning by Housekeeping for the duration of the quarantine
days. Quarantine room shall only be cleaned upon check-out


1. Per IATF Resolution 123-C series of 2021, unless revoked, rescinded or superseded,
dictates that any and all guests from international flights shall undergo a 14-day
Quarantine. 10 successive days in an accredited DOT/DOH Facility and when cleared, be
released on the 10th day.
2. The remaining four (4) days will be on home quarantine.
3. Even when released, self-monitoring and auto-reporting is obligated to respective guests,
for any Covid19-like symptoms to their respective LGU’s
4. All international arrival guests shall undergo RT/PCR tests on the 5 th day from the arrival
date (1st day is the arrival day).
5. The facility is required to provide one room for all swabbing tests. The facility shall also
ensure that quarantine guests shall abide by the basic health protocol PPE and physical
distancing while taking such test
6. The facility shall also ensure that ample personnel will be able to assist and ensure
quarantine guests shall not deviate from the established route to and from their
respective rooms.
Policy title: Infectious Diseases Approved by:
General Prevention
Quarantine Facility
Ron Manalang
Policy number: PP-SAF-006B-05-20 Signature:
Date issued: 27 May 2020 Last up-date:
Issued by: Gene Lada Distribution: Executive Office; F&B Services; F&B
Culinary; HR; Security; Engineering;
Sales & Marketing; Housekeeping

7. Respective quarantine guests will only be released with corresponding RT-PCR Negative
Result and Clearance Certificate from the Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ)

- End of Policy -

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