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Civics Paper

Section A: Answer the following questions (15 marks)

1. Cite two countries who are in the process of preparing their constitution. (1 mark)
2. Do you think all countries require a constitution? Explain your answer. (2 marks)
3. What does a constitution describe? (1 mark)
4. What do you understand by the system of checks and balances? (2 marks)
5. How does a constitution prevent the tyranny of the government? (2 marks)
6. Differentiate between fundamental rights and directive principles of state policy. (2
7. What do you understand by secularism? (1 mark)
8. Constitutions serve several purposes; Discuss. (4 marks)

Section B: True or False (5 marks)

1. Theocratic state (True/False)

2. Preamble (True/False)
3. History and culture (True/False)
4. Freedom of religion (True/False)

Section C: Short Answer Questions (10 marks)

1. How is the practice of secularism in the USA different from the practice of Indian
secularism? (2 marks)
2. What affirmative action does the Indian state take to promote freedom of religion? (2
3. How does the Indian constitution promote secularism? Cite three instances. (3 marks)
4. List the different festivals on which holidays are declared in your school. (2 marks)
5. Why is the question of secularism not one of sentiment but of law in India? (1 mark)

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