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STIV3033 (A222) – 21/5/2023

Project Requirement: Data Modelling

Real Estate Data Sdn. Bhd (Real Data) currently has released the dataset for their property sales
after long discussion among their top management. These data must be kept as confidential
document because it contains actual sales for the company. Since your group is appointed as
the developer for their database system, Real Data has created the link to access their data
as follow:
Please download the dataset to that you can view all items to help you developing the
database system in the future. In brief, the Real Data properties dataset contains 10 columns
with more than 200 records.
Since the database system is so important to the company, they need you to develop it as
soon as possible. The company also has appointed your team as the consultant for them so
that you can assist them to the database development. At the moment, they request you to
prepare several data modelling diagrams in UML to foresee the actual database system that
you are going to develop. Below is the list of UML diagrams that the company request you to
1. Class Diagram
2. Use Case diagram
3. Activity diagram
4. Sequence diagram
Some of the important functions that the company request you to include in the UML
diagrams are listed in Table 1.
Table 1

User Functionalities
Admin • Login and logout
Dashboard for admin
• Manage Properties Information
o Add new property (including property image)
o Edit the existing property information
o View details of each property
o List all property
• Manage property information categories
o Add new property category
o Edit the existing replace
o category
o View details of each property category

List all propertys category
• Manage property order
o View all orders
o Update status of orders
• Report of the property sales system
o Report all orders
o Report all property categories
o Report all property information
Customer • Login and logout
• Customer registration
• Customer My Account
• Search property from the list
• List all types of property category
• Customer can see the property details with the image
• Customer can request to book slot with salesman
• See his/her property selection history

For this assignment, you need to submit all your diagrams before 4/6/2023 (Sunday). Please
ask the appointed consultant if you have any enquiries.

Assessment Rubric
Data Modelling with UML Diagram

Criteria 0 1 2 3 4 5 Comments

Quality of Class Diagram

● knowledge of a Class, attribute, relation and
● All classes are named with descriptive names.
● Data members including constants are well
described and include their data types for all
● All methods including constructors are well
described and include their data types and returns
for all classes.
Quality of Use-Case Diagram
● Both the use case diagram and description are
● The use cases accurately represent the main
functions of the system including the appropriate
● Use cases are clear and easy to understand with
very few syntactic errors (diagramming errors).
● All actors and interactions well-thought out.
● Clear descriptive summary of interactions
between all actors explained.
Quality of Sequence Diagram
● Summary of sequence importance.
● Sequence diagram included.
● Chain of events starts and end with customer.
● Clear descriptive summary of chronological
event between all actors explained.

Quality of Activity Diagram

● Summary of activity importance.
● Activity diagram included.
● Decisions explain who/where/what type/how
● Clear descriptive summary of decisions and
possible outcomes explained.
Originality of Each Solution
• The solutions show considerable originality and
• The content and ideas are presented in a unique
and interesting way

Overall /25


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