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1. The flowers Ms. Bronson grows in her garden are really

a. that
b. who
c. with
d. are
e. where

2. Michael studied a lot this semester because he got 20

on both
the mid-term and the final exam.
a. must have
b. should have
c. may not have
d. lent it
e. could have

3. Oscar was going to sell his motorcycle, but then he CHANGED HIS
a. decided to keep it
b. did it
c. lent it
d. whom
e. borrowed it

4. A guest is someone is invited to someone´s home.

a. who
b. where
c. which
d. many
e. whom

5. Select the CORRECT sentence.

a. The woman whom I met at the party is from Canada.
b. The Day of the Dead is a holiday who is celebrated in Mexico on
c. 1st and 2nd.
d. My brother is the boy who he´s carrying the backpack.
e. whom you met him asked holiday who is celebrated

6. The man yesterday is my next-door neighbor.

a. who you met
b. who met
c. whom you met him
d. Talk him out of it
e. you met him

7. They haven´t SETTLED ON a name for the baby yet.

a. decided
b. changed
c. asked
d. mind
e. bought

8. Uncle Tom´s birthday is Friday next week. DON´T FORGET IT.

a. Keep it in mind
b. Change your mind
c. Talk him out of it
d. is celebrated
e. Pick his mind

9. I didn´t have time to study for the test, so .

a. I failed it
b. I kept it in my mind
c. I changed my mind
d. holiday who is celebrated
e. my tastes changed

10. Henry was planning to buy an apartment downtown, but we

a. talked him out of it
b. changed our minds
c. settled on it
d. holiday who
e. were on our mind

11. I wish you’d come with us. I’m sure you the movie. It was
exactly your kind of show.
a. would have loved
b. might had loved
c. could have loved
d. should have love
e. could has loved
12. There was plenty of room in the car, so they me ride with
a. could have let
b. would have let
c. may to have let
d. should let
e. would have to let

13. The movie theater didn’t open until today, so they the
a. couldn´t have seen
b. should have seen
c. must have seen
d. may have seen
e. must have to seen

14. The kids were called first will have the best chance of getting a seat.
a. who
b. what
c. whom
d. which
e. when

15. The flowers we picked up last week have died.

a. that
b. who
c. what
d. whom
e. when

16. The special food people eat for the Harvest Moon Festival is
called a moon cake.
a. that
b. who
c. whom
d. what
e. when

17. Select the CORRECT sentence.

a. The novel he wrote about the plane crash was really trash.
b. The novel he wrote it about the plane crash was really trash.
c. The novel who he wrote about the plane crash was really trash.
d. The novel that wrote about the plane crash was really trash.
e. The novel he wrote about the plane to crash was really trash.

18. Veterans Day, observed annually on November 11, is a tribute to

military veterans have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.
a. who
b. which
c. what
d. whom
e. when

19. The kimono is the most well-known form of traditional Japanese

clothing is worn wrapped around the body.
a. that
b. who
c. whom
d. when
e. why

20. is an agreement two people make to get married.

a. An engagement
b. Newlyweds
c. A honeymoon
d. A costume
e. To newlyweds

21. is clothes that makes a person look like someone or

something else.
a. A costume
b. A groom
c. Fireworks
d. A wedding
e. To newlyweds

22. A: To groom I hear your younger cousin Helen is pregnant aain.

B: I . She didn´t have plans to have a new baby

for the moment.
a. Don´t believe so
b. Think not
c. Believe don´t
d. Don´t hope
e. Think yes

23. A: Has Sophia presented her project yet?

B: I .
a. Guess not
b. Think not
c. Think don´t so
d. Not think so
e. Don´t hope
24. Would you tell me ?
a. If the new magazine is interesting
b. The new magazine interesting
c. The new magazine is interesting
d. Is the new magazine interesting
e. The is magazine interesting

25. Can I ask ?

a. Why Shirley said that
b. What is your cell phone number
c. How many children have you
d. When does the store open
e. What is your name

26. Dr. Carson told me to take these pills twice a day.

a. Dr. Carson said, "Take these pills twice a day."
b. Dr. Carson told, "Take these pills twice a day."
c. Dr. Carson told to me take these pills twice a day.
d. Dr. Carson said me, "Take these pills twice a day."
e. Dr. Carson said, "Take is pills twice a day.
27. Select the CORRECT sentence.
a. Jim told Liz to meet him there.
b. Jim said Liz meet him there.
c. Jim tell Liz to meet her there.
d. Jim told Liz met there him.
e. Jim told Liz that him there.

28. Renzo .
a. Said to be quiet
b. Said be quiet
c. Say to be quiet
d. Tell us be quiet
e. Say is be quiet

29. They told me .

a. Not to wait
b. Not wait
c. Don´t wait
d. Did waited
e. Doesn´t wait

30. When something is needed a.s.a.p., it means .

a. something needed right away
b. we can wait
c. it can be done later
d. it can be postponed
e. Not wait

31. I think that skirt is too short for school. You need to it.
a. Lengthen
b. Frame
c. Copy
d. Shorten
e. Postponed

32. My uncle was interested in purchasing a new car, but he didn´t in

the end. The price been acceptable.
a. Must not have
b. May has
c. Should have
d. Would have
e. was going

33. Becky to marry Oscar, but she changed her mind.

a. Was going
b. Would
c. Is going
d. Isn´T
e. Hand out

34. I registered in another schedule. This is too early for me.

a. Should have
b. Could be
c. Could has
d. Couldn´t
e. Couldn´t be

35. When Jacky was younger, she believed she study music in
New York, but she never did.
a. Would
b. Ought to
c. Can
d. May
e. Who

36. Ms. Johnson is the neighbor came from another country.

a. Who
b. Which
c. Who´S
d. When
e. Would

37. Taylor thought he would be a lawyer, but he the exam.

a. Didn´t pass
b. Won´t pass
c. Haven´t passed
d. Pass

38. Select the CORRECT sentence.

a. La Tomatina is a one-week festival that is celebrated in Spain
b. La Tomatina is a one-week festival that celebrated in Spain.
c. La Tomatina is a one-week festival that it is celebrated in Spain.
d. La Tomatina is a one-week festival is celebrated in Spain.
e. La Tomatina is a one-week festival that celebrated on Spain.

39. “She wishes she had told him the truth”. She .
a. Didn´t, and now she regrets
b. Told him, and that was wrong
c. Told him, and now she´s happy
d. Told him, and it wasn´t wrong
e. Told him, and that was bought

40. You shouldn´t that big car. It consumes too much gas.
a. Have bought
b. Have buy
c. Has bought
d. Had bought
e. Has buy

41. We were going to go shopping together, but .

a. Then we decided not to.
b. We were happy
c. We did it
d. We didn´t change our plans
e. We do it

42. A HARVEST festival is an example of a holiday.

a. Seasonal
b. Political
c. Religious
d. Historical
e. Talked
43. Peter get married, but he changed his mind.
a. was going to
b. going to
c. was going
d. is going to
e. going is to

44. My friends said they come before noon, but they didn’t.
a. were going to
b. would going to
c. was going to
d. are going to
e. were going to

45. If Tom isn’t at the meeting, then he something really

important to do. There’s no other reason he wouldn’t be here.
a. must have had
b. must had
c. may have had
d. could has had
e. may had

46. The display of on New Year’s Eve is a fine spectacle.

a. Fireworks
b. Newlyweds
c. Wedding
d. Engagement
e. Friends

47. In many English-speaking countries, throws the bouquet

after the wedding ceremony.
a. a bride
b. an engagement
c. a groom
d. a fiancé
e. Wedding
48. Let us for those who are not so fortunate as ourselves – the
sick, the old and the needy.
a. pray
b. send cards
c. march
d. have picnics
e. a groom
49. If you have experience in a certain activity, you
a. have done it before
b. enjoy it
c. pass the test
d. were born with
e. have picnics

50. KNOWLEDGE means things you .

a. have studied
b. don´t need to learn
c. want to own
d. enjoy
e. have picnics

51. Can I PICK YOUR BRAIN about how you got rid of those insects?
a. ask you
b. remember
c. decide
d. think
e. enjoy

52. I was going to travel to Europe, but I CHANGED MY MIND.

a. decided something different
b. remembered something
c. picked my brain
d. made a final decision
e. remembered different

53. Steve was really interested in buying a new sports car, but he didn´t.
The price been acceptable.
a. must not have
b. may has
c. should have
d. would have
e. may had
54. A: Ted going to sell that old TV? B: Yes, he was.
a. Wasn´t
b. Didn´t
c. Did
d. Does
e. Doesn
55. When Karen was young, she believed she study in
France, but she never did.
a. would
b. can
c. may
d. ought to
e. Wasn´t

56. Mrs. White is one of my foreign neighbors moved in five years

a. who
b. when
c. which
d. who´s
e. whose

57. Mike thought he would be a lawyer, but he

a. didn´t pass
b. won´t pass
c. haven´t passed
d. passed
e. Wasn´t

58. “I wish I had told her what I thought.” I .

a. didn´t tell her. Now I regret it.
b. told her and now I´m happy.
c. told her and it wasn´t wrong.
d. told her and that was wrong.
e. told has and it wasn´t wrong.
59. Natalia and Jerry were going to travel together,
but .
a. then they decided not to
b. they were happy
c. they didn´t change their plans
d. they did it
e. they was happy
60. A: Someone is knocking on the door.
B: Wait here! I see who it is.
a. Will
b. Should
c. will to
d. ´m going to
e. Will is
61. The people she invited to her party are all close friends of
a. Whom
b. which
c. whose
d. than
e. that

62. is a vacation taken by the newlyweds after their

a. A honeymoon
b. An engagement
c. A wedding
d. A reception
e. A house

63. The people all fell to their knees and began to PRAY.
a. speak to God
b. ask a question
c. talk about each other
d. say bye
e. is bye

64. are all the things that make you good for a job.
a. Qualifications
b. Knowledge
c. Experience
d. Skill
e. been

65. Wow, the airport is . Why are there so many people

a. mobbed
b. settled on
c. available
d. cancelled
e. Experience

66. Some people wear on Halloween.

a. costumes
b. clothes
c. shorts
d. sneakers
e. mobbed
67. Thanksgiving is a national holiday in the United States that
on the fourth Thursday in November.
a. takes place
b. reminds
c. gets together
d. visits
e. sneakers

68. What´s on your mind? =

a. What are you thinking of?
b. What are you doing?
c. How are you doing?
d. How are you doing?
e. What is are you doing?

69. I´m sure that everyone in the office liked having Ms.
Johnson as a boss. She was so nice and helpful. Her leaving the
company is a great loss.
a. must have
b. may
c. should have
d. would have
e. would has

70. Gina to quit her job, but she changed her mind.
a. was going
b. wasn´t
c. is going
d. would
e. in going

71. A: your dad going to get the kitchen repainted?

B: Yes, He was.
a. Wasn´t
b. Didn´t
c. Did
d. Does
e. Was

72. We left home much earlier. There´s too much traffic

at this time of day. We are losing valuable time.
a. should have
b. could be
c. couldn´t
d. could has
e. could had

73. When Erika was younger, she thought she study and work
abroad, but she never did
a. would
b. ought to
c. may
d. can
e. could

74. Betty wanted to be a graphic designer when she was at school, but
years later she became an architect.
a. Her tastes changed.
b. She kept that in her mind.
c. She didnt change her mind.
d. She didn´t make up her mind.
e. Her kept changed

75. Joseph has a lot of in banking. He has worked in

different companies here and in other countries.
a. experience
b. work
c. career choices
d. plans
e. working


76. We´ve decided on our next vacation.

a. to travel
b. our friends travel
c. not travel
d. I changed my mind
e. travel

77. Being in good health more important than having money.

a. is
b. are
c. be
d. it
e. been

78. Doctors always encourage good eating habits.

a. people to have
b. to have
c. have
d. do
e. having

79. Ica is located about 300 kilometers south Lima.

a. of
b. on
c. it
d. in
e. to

80. Honolulu is the island of Oahu the state of Hawaii.

a. on - in
b. at - of
c. in – of
d. of - of
e. of – in

81. That TV series is too violent for kids .

a. to see
b. for seeing
c. for see
d. to seeing
e. to seen

82. Steve expects back in Peru by next summer.

a. to be
b. be
c. been
d. to been
e. being

83. Mr. McGregor is an imaginative and INNOVATIVE manager.

a. uses new ideas or methods
b. offers high quality
c. doesn´t use time
d. a constitution
e. the only one of its kind
84. The art or science of government or governing is known as
a. politics
b. a constitution
c. a vote
d. A vaccine
e. monarchy

85. can cause infectious diseases..

a. Bacteria
b. A vaccine
c. Penicilin
d. Overuse
e. A vote

86. If I you, I´d get a new laptop.

a. Were
b. I´M
c. Am
d. Be
e. It

87. She decided jobs.

a. To change
b. Change
c. Changing
d. Changed
e. To changed

88. We wouldn´t have gone to school this morning if we there

weren´t classes.
a. Had known
b. Known
c. Have known
d. Knew
e. Has known

89. Good news hard to find in the newspapers these days.

a. Is
b. Are
c. Was
d. Were
e. He

90. Some people don´t like about politics.

a. Talking
b. Talk
c. To talking
d. Talked
e. To talked

91. he didn´t have to present the project tomorrow.

a. Samuel wishes
b. If Samuel can,
c. Unless Samuel could
d. If Samuel had gotten a degree,
e. Samuel wishes could

92. Do you think the new supervisor will work today?

a. Allow us to leave
b. Allow leave
c. Allows to leave
d. Allow us leaving
e. Allow to leave

93. If you saw a cheaper tablet, you buy it?

a. Would
b. Ought
c. Will
d. Must
e. Leave

94. Don´t just be ! Listen to other people´s, ideas, too.

a. Radical
b. Innovative
c. State-of-the-art
d. High-tech
e. Could

95. A King or queen is the head of the government in a .

a. Monarchy
b. Democracy
c. Constitution
d. Dictatorship
e. Smoked
96. A career counselor can give you a loto f helpful .
a. Advice
b. Advices
c. Advise
d. Advising
e. Amazing

97. The boys would have had a great time if they to the beach.
a. had gone
b. went
c. would go
d. have gone
e. has gone

98. We decided the new Leonardo DiCaprio movie.

a. to see
b. to saw
c. seeing
d. see
e. watch

99. Machu Picchu is located about 100 kilometers northwest

a. of
b. on
c. in
d. at
e. for

100. The Red Sea is the west coast of Saudi Arabia.

a. on
b. in
c. of
d. at
e. for

101. Select the CORRECT sentence.

a. It’s too dangerous for you to walk alone in that neighborhood.
b. It’s too dangerous to walk alone in that neighborhood for you.
c. It’s for you too dangerous to walk alone in that neighborhood.
d. It’s too dangerous for you walk alone in that neighborhood.
e. It’s too dangerous walks alone in that neighborhood for you

102. Select the CORRECT sentence.

a. News about politics is always depressing in this country.
b. News about politics are always depressing in this country.
c. News about the politics has always depressing in this country.
d. New about politic is always depressing in this country.
e. News about politics are always to depressing in this country.

103. If I enough money, I the newest Smartphone.

a. had - ´d buy
b. had - buy
c. have - would buy
d. would have - would buy
e. to had – to buy

104. What would you have done if you your wallet?

a. hadn´t found
b. didn´t find
c. wouldn´t have found
d. don´t find
e. doesn´t found

105. Don’t forget to take insect spray with you in case there are
a. mosquitoes
b. bears
c. jellyfish
d. sharks
e. fishs

106. There's ice on the sidewalk and it's .

a. slippery
b. rocky
c. exhausting
d. arid
e. rough

107. We live in an amazing country filled with very gracious, interesting

people and beautiful, places.
a. breathtaking
b. slippery
c. foggy
d. dry
e. rainy
108. If I you, I would buy a new TV. This one is too old.
a. Were
b. ´m
c. Be
d. Am
e. Is

109. I wouldn’t have gone to class if I I had the flu.

a. had known
b. known
c. have known
d. knew
e. rainy

110. If television invented, I would have read more when I was

growing up.
a. hadn´t been
b. hadn´t be
c. had been
d. wasn´t
e. has been

111. If someone sold you an inexpensive car, you buy it?

a. would
b. can
c. will
d. ought
e. Was

112. This cell phone is too simple. I´d better look for a item.
a. high-end
b. old-fashioned
c. inefficient
d. inefficient
e. ought

113. Some people hate going to the dentist.

They just have to .
a. bite the bullet
b. hear of it
c. use new ideas
d. be dangerous
e. old-fashioned
114. Geraldine thinks cleaning up is .
a. exhausting
b. foggy
c. arid
d. flat
e. hear

115. It would be better for the if more people used

bicycles rather than cars.
a. environment
b. energy
c. global warming
d. trash
e. hear

116. Citizens in a democracy to choose their leaders.

a. vote
b. involve
c. gain
d. neglect
e. trash

117. There are TONS OF mosquitoes in the mountains this time of year.
a. a large number of
b. a few
c. some
d. several
e. energy

118. Jack would take a taxi if he late.

a. were
b. is
c. was
d. would be
e. some

119. Where would you go if you a one-month vacation?

a. had
b. have
c. has
d. ´d have
e. Is in go
120. If I didn’t have money, I to the dinner party.
a. wouldn´t go
b. wouldn´t
c. would went
d. went
e. ´d have

121. If they hadn’t invented the vaccine, more people .

a. could have died
b. could die
c. could had died
d. could died
e. could do

122. he had a better-paying job.

a. Sam wishes
b. If Sam can,
c. Unless Sam could,
d. If Sam had gotten a degree,
e. could had died

123. A: Can you tell me the way to the beach?

B: .
a. Sure. It´s that way
b. Not at all
c. Thanks fro the question
d. Too late
e. If Sam can

124. If you saw a cheap toaster, you buy it?

a. would
b. will
c. can
d. ought
e. Good

125. My mom always encourages a healthy breakfast.

a. me to eat
b. to eat
c. eat
d. eating
e. is eat
126. Choose the CORRECT sentence.
a. If she made the right decisions, our work would be much better.
b. If she makes the right decisions, our work were much better.
c. If she´d make the right decisions, our work would be much better.
d. If she would make the right decisions, our work were much better.
e. If he makes the right decisions, our work were much better.

127. That movie is too violent for Beverly .

a. to see
b. for see
c. for seeing
d. to seen
e. its seen

128. Maria was an imaginative and INNOVATIVE manager.

a. uses new ideas and methods
b. doesn´t use time
c. offers high quality
d. the only one of its kind
e. do use time

129. There are a lot of bears around the area. It’s too for
you to hike alone.
a. Dangerous
b. Worse
c. Safe
d. High
e. Time

130. It is extremely necessary that students listen to and follow the

teacher´s instructions before the Final Exam.
This is .
a. Mandatory
b. Unique
c. Wacky
d. Inefficient
e. High
131. Someone who prefers to continue to do things as they have been
done in the past rather than risking changes is considered
a. Conservative
b. Liberal
c. Reactionary
d. Radical
e. Space

132. Our daughter is only 8 years old, so we don't need to buy her a
tablet. We're looking for a low-priced, basic machine.
That will be fine to get her started.
a. cutting-edge
b. novel
c. simple
d. bad
e. Radical

133. Because of its geographical isolation, the area developed its own
a. Unique
b. Silly
c. high-tech
d. wacky
e. simple

134. The Altamira in Spain is famous for its magnificent

Paleolithic paintings.
a. Cave
b. Snake
c. Cliff
d. Path
e. Wacky

135. We decided the new film.

a. to see
b. see
c. our friends to see
d. to see
e. is see

136. My new job involves to some Asian countries such

as China, Korea, and Singapore.
a. Traveling
b. Travel
c. To travel
d. To traveling
e. To is travel

137. is a good form of exercise.

a. Running
b. To running
c. Run
d. Do running
e. Is run

138. Are you interested in to a concert with us next

Saturday? I have an extra ticket.
a. Going
b. Go
c. to go
d. gone
e. Is go

139. We´ve been working hard. I think it is time a break.

a. to take
b. taking
c. take
d. taken
e. is taken

140. We didn´t have some souvenirs for our

a. enough money to buy
b. money enough buy
c. enough money buying
d. money enough to buying
e. money enough is buy
141. Our boss advised us late to the meeting.
a. not to come
b. not come
c. doesn´t come
d. don´t come
e. not is come

142. My little daughter ballet for months.

a. has been practicing
b. has practicing
c. is practice
d. has been practiced
e. has is practicing

143. My dad is a big fan of music, but

is reggaeton.
a. what he really hates
b. that really dislikes
c. than he don´t like
d. what he doesn´t likes
e. than is he don´t like

144. Select the CORRECT question.

a. Have you ever traveled by plane?
b. Have you ever been flying by plane before?
c. Have you been traveling already by plane?
d. Have you flown by plane for recently?
e. Have is you ever traveled by plane?

145. My uncle Oscar has been to classical music

he was a child.
a. listening -. Since
b. listened – for
c. listened – since
d. listening - for
e. listening – that

146. Good manners teach us with our mouths full of food.

a. not to talk
b. not talk
c. doesn´t talk
d. don´t talking
e. not is to talk

147. I don´t want to cause you any trouble.

a. I don´t mean to be a pain.
b. I plan to start a fight.
c. Now I´m talking.
d. It´s my thing.
e. Now talking.
148. This is s a cheap ring, but it has great value for me.
a. Sentimental
b. Repetitive
c. Talkative
d. Outgoing
e. Talking

149. Read the text and answer questions .

Humans have always wanted to explore unknown places, so it is not

surprising that we are fascinated by space travel. Writers like Jules
Verne were inspired to write science fiction stories about space
although space exploration was still impossible when they were
alive because the technology for it was still unavailable at that time.
The "space race" between the United States of America (USA) and
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) began in the 1950´s
and the Soviets gained a lead when they launched a satellite
called Sputnik in 1959. The two countries were great rivals for many
years. Unfortunately, there is insufficient money to continue all of the
programs related to space exploration, so some of the programs
that were considered too impractical have been cancelled. The
future of space travel is uncertain, but there is still hope that one
day humans will visit other star systems, even if that seems
improbable now.

What is a good title for this paragraph?

a. The Space Race

b. Jules Vernes was a great science fiction writer.
c. The rivalry between the USA and the USSR
d. Going to other star systems
e. Going is star systems


A helicopter is a kind of flying machine or aircraft. A

helicopter lifts up off the ground and moves because of its rotors. A
rotor is several small wings, called rotor blades that SPIN together
around a shaft. A helicopter flies differently from an airplane. An
airplane must move forward to stay in the air, but because the
helicopter's rotor blades are always moving, the helicopter can stop
and stay in one place above the ground. This allows them to land in
places where an airplane cannot. Helicopters can move by tilting
their rotor blades, which causes the aircraft to fly in the direction the
blades are tilted.
Leonardo da Vinci first thought of a helicopter flown by a man
in 1490, and drew pictures of his ideas. It was hundreds of years later
- in the early 20th century - before anyone built one that could really
Helicopters are especially useful when there
are disasters and when infrastructure is damaged. Food, water,
medicines and clothes are dropped from the air to people on the
ground who cannot be reached by road. When people are injured,
helicopters can carry them to hospitals faster than an ambulance on
the road.
Helicopters are also used by the military because they can move
troops and equipment to places an airplane cannot take them.
Attack helicopters act as attack aircraft carrying and shooting guns
and missiles.

According to the text, a helicopter .

a. can access places where planes cannot

b. and an airplane can both lift up off the ground
c. can´t stop and stay in one place above the ground
d. doesn´t need rotors to take flight
e. do need rotor to take flight

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