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One Word for Many

1. What is the term for the study and design of computer systems?

a) Robotics

b) Algorithm

c) Cybernetics

d) Virtualization

**Answer: c) Cybernetics**

2. Which term refers to the process of finding and correcting errors in computer programs?

a) Debugging

b) Encryption

c) Optimization

d) Firewall

**Answer: a) Debugging**

3. What is the term for a software program that translates code written in one programming language
into another language?

a) Algorithm

b) Compiler

c) Kernel

d) Middleware

**Answer: b) Compiler**

4. Which word describes a set of rules governing the exchange of data between devices on a network?

a) Firewall

b) Protocol

c) Interface

d) Binary
**Answer: b) Protocol**

5. What is the term for a program or hardware device that protects a computer or network from
unauthorized access?

a) Heuristic

b) Interface

c) Encryption

d) Firewall

**Answer: d) Firewall**

6. What is the one-word substitution for "a person who pretends to be somebody else in order to
deceive others"?

A) Impostor

B) Deceiver

C) Mimic

D) Charlatan

Answer: A) Impostor

7. What is the one-word substitution for "a short trip taken to a nearby place for leisure"?

A) Expedition

B) Excursion

C) Journey

D) Voyage

Answer: B) Excursion

8. What is the one-word substitution for "the state of being alone and away from other people"?

A) Solitude

B) Isolation

C) Seclusion

D) Loneliness
Answer: C) Seclusion

9. What is the one-word substitution for "the quality of being able to produce an intended result"?

A) Efficiency

B) Effectiveness

C) Productivity

D) Proficiency

Answer: B) Effectiveness

10. What is the one-word substitution for "the act of speaking or writing in favor of something"?

A) Opposition

B) Criticism

C) Advocacy

D) Detraction

Answer: C) Advocacy

11. What is the one-word substitution for "a state of extreme hunger"?

A) Famine

B) Starvation

C) Malnutrition

D) Deprivation

Answer: B) Starvation

12. What is the one-word substitution for "the practice of abstaining from the consumption of alcoholic

A) Temperance

B) Abstinence

C) Sobriety

D) Teetotalism

Answer: D) Teetotalism
13. What is the one-word substitution for "a person who is skilled in foreign languages"?

A) Linguist

B) Polyglot

C) Bilingual

D) Interpreter

Answer: B) Polyglot

14. What is the one-word substitution for "a situation that requires immediate attention or action"?

A) Emergency

B) Crisis

C) Catastrophe

D) Urgency

Answer: A) Emergency

15. What is the one-word substitution for "the ability to use one's time and resources effectively"?

A) Efficiency

B) Productivity

C) Management

D) Utilization

Answer: C) Management

Sure, here are some multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with answers, each requiring a one-word

16. What is the term for a person who loves solitude?

A) Introvert

B) Extrovert

C) Ambivert

D) Egotist
Answer: A) Introvert

17. What is the term for the fear of heights?

A) Acrophobia

B) Claustrophobia

C) Arachnophobia

D) Hydrophobia

Answer: A) Acrophobia

18. What is the term for a person who is skilled in many areas?

A) Amateur

B) Specialist

C) Expert

D) Polymath

Answer: D) Polymath

19. What is the term for a sudden overthrow of a government, often by force?

A) Revolution

B) Coup

C) Uprising

D) Insurgency

Answer: B) Coup

20. What is the term for the ability to use both hands equally well?

A) Ambidextrous

B) Unilateral

C) Monodextrous

D) Dominant

Answer: A) Ambidextrous
21. What is the term for a state of perfect balance or stability?

A) Equilibrium

B) Harmony

C) Tranquility

D) Serenity

Answer: A) Equilibrium

22. What is the term for a small group of people ruling a country or organization?

A) Monarchy

B) Oligarchy

C) Democracy

D) Autocracy

Answer: B) Oligarchy

23. What is the term for a person who hates mankind?

A) Philanthropist

B) Misanthrope

C) Altruist

D) Humanitarian

Answer: B) Misanthrope

24. What is the term for a short trip taken for pleasure?

A) Journey

B) Expedition

C) Excursion

D) Trek

Answer: C) Excursion
25. What is the term for a humorous imitation of a piece of literature or music?

A) Parody

B) Satire

C) Farce

D) Spoof

Answer: A) Parody

26. What is the term for a person who loves and collects books?

a) Bibliophile (Answer)

b) Philanthropist

c) Bibliographer

d) Philatelist

27. What is the term for the fear of heights?

a) Claustrophobia

b) Acrophobia (Answer)

c) Hydrophobia

d) Arachnophobia

28. What is the term for a person who is fond of company?

a) Introvert

b) Extrovert (Answer)

c) Ambivert

d) Apathetic

29. What is the term for the study of ancient artifacts and historical sites?

a) Anthropology

b) Archaeology (Answer)

c) Paleontology
d) Numismatics

30. What is the term for a person who travels to a place for pleasure?

a) Immigrant

b) Tourist (Answer)

c) Emigrant

d) Nomad

31. What is the term for the act of killing one's own brother or sister?

a) Fratricide (Answer)

b) Homicide

c) Patricide

d) Infanticide

32. What is the term for a person who can speak two languages fluently?

a) Bilingual (Answer)

b) Monolingual

c) Multilingual

d) Linguist

33. What is the term for the study of the origin and history of words?

a) Etymology (Answer)

b) Philology

c) Morphology

d) Syntax

34. What is the term for a person who hates or distrusts humankind?

a) Philanthropist
b) Misanthrope (Answer)
c) Anthropologist
d) Altruist

35. What is the term for a person who is excessively fond of acquiring wealth?

a) Avaricious (Answer)
b) Generous
c) Thrifty
d) Ascetic

36. What is the term for the fear of heights?

a) Acrophobia
b) Arachnophobia
c) Claustrophobia
d) Hydrophobia
Answer: a) Acrophobia

37. What is the term for a person who is excessively selfish and self-centered?

a) Introvert
b) Egomaniac
c) Altruist
d) Narcissist
Answer: d) Narcissist

38. What is the term for a person who can speak two languages fluently?

a) Bilingual
b) Monolingual
c) Polyglot
d) Linguist
Answer: a) Bilingual

39. What is the term for a sudden and illegal seizure of power from a government?

a) Revolution
b) Coup
c) Rebellion
d) Uprising
Answer: b) Coup

40. What is the term for a person who hates or distrusts humankind?
a) Philanthropist
b) Misanthrope
c) Optimist
d) Misogynist
Answer: b) Misanthrope

41. What is the term for a word that has the same meaning as another word?

a) Homonym
b) Antonym
c) Synonym
d) Acronym
Answer: c) Synonym

42. What is the term for the inability to sleep?

a) Insomnia
b) Narcolepsy
c) Somnambulism
d) Apnea
Answer: a) Insomnia

43. What is the term for the study of ancient life through fossil remains?

a) Paleontology
b) Archeology
c) Anthropology
d) Geology
Answer: a) Paleontology

44. What is the term for a person who is skilled in many areas?

a) Specialist
b) Generalist
c) Expert
d) Polymath
Answer: d) Polymath

45. What is the term for the action of returning a lost item to its rightful owner?

a) Amnesty
b) Restitution
c) Reparation
d) Reconciliation
Answer: b) Restitution

46. What is the study of the interaction between humans and machines?

a) Robotics
b) Cybernetics
c) Algorithm
d) Encryption
Answer: b) Cybernetics

47. What is the one-word substitution for "A person who loves and collects books"?

A) Bibliophile
B) Philanthropist
C) Misogynist
D) Anthropologist
Correct Answer: A) Bibliophile

48. What is the one-word substitution for "A person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain"?
A) Hedonist
B) Stoic
C) Epicurean
D) Ascetic
Correct Answer: B) Stoic

49. What is the one-word substitution for "A person who believes in or tries to bring about a state of

A) Anarchist
B) Autocrat
C) Despot
D) Oligarch

Correct Answer: A) Anarchist

50. What is the one-word substitution for "A person who is skilled in horsemanship"?
A) Equestrian
B) Cavalier
C) Jockey
D) Rider
Correct Answer: A) Equestria

What is the one-word substitution for "A person who is excessively fond of or always craves for
A) Gourmet
B) Glutton
C) Connoisseur
D) Epicure
Correct Answer: B) Glutton

51. Question: What is the one-word substitution for "A person who studies earthquakes and
volcanic activity"?
A) Seismologist
B) Geologist
C) Vulcanologist
D) Meteorologist
Answer: A) Seismologist

52. Question: What is the one-word substitution for "A person who is excessively vain or concerned
about their appearance"?
A) Narcissist
B) Egomaniac
C) Vainglorious
D) Vain
Correct Answer: A) Narcissist

53. What is the one-word substitution for "A person who is opposed to war or violence"?
A) Pacifist
B) Militant
C) Belligerent
D) Aggressor
Correct Answer: A) Pacifist

54. Question: What is the one-word substitution for "A person who is fond of company"?
A) Gregarious
B) Introvert
C) Extrovert
D) Sociable
Correct Answer: A) Gregarious

55. What is the one-word substitution for "A person who makes or sells candles"?
A) Chandler
B) Illuminator
C) Luminary
D) Candelabrum
Correct Answer: A) Chandler
56. Question: What is the one-word substitution for "A person who is excessively eager to promote
some cause, especially religion"?
A) Zealot
B) Evangelist
C) Fanatic
D) Devotee
Correct Answer: A) Zealot

57. Question: What is the one-word substitution for "A person who is skilled in the use of both
A) Dexterous
B) Ambidextrous
C) Sinistral
D) Multidexterous
Correct Answer: B) Ambidextrous

58. Question: What is the one-word substitution for "A person who studies the origin and history of
A) Linguist
B) Philologist
C) Etymologist
D) Lexicographer
Correct Answer: C) Etymologist

59. Question: What is the one-word substitution for "A person who is fond of or loves mankind"?
A) Philanthropist
B) Misanthrope
C) Altruist
D) Humanitarian
Correct Answer: A) Philanthropist

60. Question: What is the one-word substitution for "A person who pretends to have more
knowledge or skill than they possess"?
A) Charlatan
B) Impostor
C) Pseudo-intellectual
D) Mountebank
Correct Answer: A) Charlatan

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