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World Development Vol. 35, No. 6, pp.

1056–1074, 2007
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
0305-750X/$ - see front matter

Universities/Research Institutes and

Regional Innovation Systems:
The Cases of Beijing and ShenzhenI
University of California, Berkeley, USA


University of California, Davis, USA
Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy, USA
Summary. — This paper explores the role of universities and research institutes (URIs) in the devel-
opment of the Chinese economy through a comparison of the development of the Beijing and
Shenzhen technology clusters. The two locations, while embedded in the same national innovation
system, have exhibited completely different evolutionary trajectories. In the case of Beijing, the
URIs have played an extremely important role in the development of largest high technology clus-
ter in China. In contrast, in Shenzhen, which is now the third most important cluster in China, has
in the last twenty years policy makers have consciously worked to establish and attract institutions
of higher education. We suggest that the Chinese experience, though not without problems, pro-
vides an interesting model for other nations with strong URIs.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words — China, Beijing, Shenzhen, universities, clusters, research and development

1. INTRODUCTION firms (Kenney, 1986; Shane, 2004; Zucker, Dar-

by, & Brewer, 1998). 2
It is now widely accepted that universities The discussions of high-technology regions
and public research institutes (URIs) played a have focused on developed countries. 3 In the
substantial role in the development of many cases of Taiwan (Saxenian, 2004) and India
high-technology regions in the United States (Arora, Gambardella, & Torrisi, 2004), univer-
and abroad (Bresnahan & Gambardella, sity research does not appear to have been a
2004). In the United States, the two most suc- significant contributor to regional growth thus
cessful clusters of high-technology firms in both far; although in Taiwan the Information Tech-
the information technologies and biotechnolo- nology Research Institute played an important
gies are the Boston and San Francisco Bay role in the development of the Hsinchu
areas, which are also the locations of the top Technology Park (Noble, 2000). In all of these
four universities (Kenney & von Burg, countries, well-trained university graduates
1999). 1 The presence of global-class universi-
ties in these two regions is partially responsible
for their success. Their students often remained I
‘‘Universities as Drivers of the Urban Economies in
in the area and eventually became entrepre- Asia’’ sponsored by the World Bank and Social
neurs, and the research conducted at their uni- Research Council (May 24–25, 2005).
versities, at times, became the seed for new * Final revision accepted: May 18, 2006.

were critical inputs. In the last decade, three IT ship of a commercial firm would invalidate its
industry-based clusters, Beijing, Shanghai, and tax-exempt status—a line that private and pub-
Shenzhen, have emerged in China. 4 This paper lic research universities have been unwilling to
examines the role of URIs in the development cross. Thus, national laws and decisions pro-
of IT clusters in Beijing and Shenzhen. We will vide the parameters for the actions of organiza-
argue that in the case of Beijing, the URIs were tions such as universities.
critical contributors, while in Shenzhen they The literature treats URIs as an endow-
made no contribution. ment. Regions have excellent URIs or they
Universities have long been considered do not. Beijing and Shenzhen are interesting
important institutions in national innovation because Beijing is the Chinese city most en-
systems (NIS) (Lundvall, 1992; Nelson, 1993). dowed with top-quality universities and re-
Over the decades the university has been dele- search institutes (URIs), while Shenzhen only
gated a variety of roles in addition to education 20 years ago had no URIs, yet it has experi-
and research; these include public service, enced significant high-technology growth. As
improving national competitiveness, helping an illustration, after Beijing and Shanghai,
to ameliorate social injustice (e.g., affirmative Shenzhen firms are the recipients of the great-
action), and regional economic development. est amount of technology-oriented venture
The NIS perspective highlights the fact that capital (Zero-2-IPO, 2005). In contrast, Bei-
countries organize innovation differently. Not jing had little in the way of industry, while
unexpectedly, the role of universities in each Shenzhen was the earliest growth pole in the
NIS differs significantly. The NIS perspective new export-oriented Chinese economy. Given
has been criticized by scholars who have as- their different endowments, the development
serted that innovation processes in industries trajectory of the two regions with respect to
and regions differ even within the countries. 5 utilizing URIs diverged significantly. 7 As po-
For example, Saxenian (1994) argued that the lar opposites, these two cities can provide in-
institutions and entrepreneurship of Silicon sight into the deeply held belief by local
Valley and Boston differed appreciably, some- officials throughout China that universities
thing she attributed to cultural characteristics, are the fount of high-technology development
rather than path dependent historical outcomes that will lead to prosperity.
and different industry foci. 6 When discussing Chinese growth and statis-
Though recognizing the importance of the tics, it is important to note that governmental
NIS for understanding how innovation oc- statistics are often deceptive because officials
curred in countries, geographers argued that are under pressure to meet targets and plans,
innovation systems had a strong regional char- therefore there is a tendency to minimize the
acter (Cooke, 1992, 2001; Storper, 1997). The negative and maximize the positive. The Chi-
regional argument fits with the findings of econ- nese definition of ‘‘high technology’’ is very
omists such as Jaffe, Trajtenberg, and Hender- broad and only some of the activities would
son (1993) and Feldman (1993) that inventors conform to the commonly accepted definitions
cite other patents originating in the same loca- of high technology in developed countries. In
tion more frequently than patents outside the China, personal computer assembly is consid-
location even when controlling for the existing ered ‘‘high technology’’, while few in the Uni-
geography of related research activity. This ted States would define it as such. Because
suggests that it might be profitable to consider firms considered to be in high technology re-
whether there were regional innovation systems ceive tax and the other benefits, there are ulte-
(RIS) that consisted of private and public rior motives for declaring oneself to be a high
sector actors interacting to create local arrange- technology firm. In the case of Chinese tech-
ments and relationships encouraging innova- nology parks, Cao (2004) in a withering anal-
tion (Doloreux, 2003; Edquist, 2004; Wolfe, ysis finds that the government, though
2003). emphasizing innovation, has in practice been
The linkages between the NIS and various more interested in simple quantitative statistics
RISs are often omitted or assumed by those such as rates of growth, numbers of firms, and
studying regions (Niosi, 2005). The NIS is value of exports. In the case of Chinese patent
important because it sets the basic parameters statistics, it is generally accepted that many of
for what is possible. For example, in China uni- them are of dubious merit, and also an
versities can own profit-making firms, while in increasing number of them are filed by foreign
the United States a university’s direct owner- firms seeking protection in China, and thus are

not Chinese in origin. Where possible we use section begins with a discussion of the historical
data from other sources, however often Chi- background within which the Chinese URIs
nese government data is all that is available. evolved.
Though the number and quality of what is
counted is suspect, it is likely that the trends
do represent an underlying reality. 3. THE CHINESE CONTEXT

Until approximately the 15th century, China

2. LITERATURE REVIEW was the global technology leader. With the rise
of Western Europe, China increasingly lagged
The literature broadly defines the NIS as a behind Europe and later the European settler
network of institutions, policies, and agents states, particularly the United States, in the
supporting and sustaining scientific and techni- development of new technology and economic
cal advance (Crow & Bozeman, 1998; Furman, growth. The reasons for China’s decline are
Porter, & Stern, 2002; Nelson & Rosenberg, not certain, however by the 19th Century China
1993; Porter & Stern, 2001). In knowledge no longer played a significant role in the global
economies, URIs are vital actors in the crea- economy; nor was it a contributor of new
tion, acquisition, dissemination, and utilization technical or scientific knowledge (Adas, 1989;
of knowledge (Nelson & Rosenberg, 1993). Mokyr, 1992; Needham, 1954).
Three core actors to an NIS are URIs, industry, In 1895, China established its first Western-
and government (Etzkowitz, 1999; Mowery & style university in Tianjin. This was followed
Rosenberg, 1993). in quick succession by Xi’an Jiaotong and
URI–industry relations are myriad and can Shanghai Jiaotong Universities in 1896. Soon
include: labor market related linkages, linkages every major Chinese city established a univer-
for creation, acquisition, and dissemination of sity, for example Zhejiang University (1897),
knowledge, and linkages to create new enter- Peking University (1898), and Nanjing Univer-
prises. URIs are the major educational and sity (1902). Tsinghua University, which became
training institutions where students and profes- China’s premier technical university, was estab-
sionals educated and trained gain knowledge lished in 1911. By 1920, though most major cit-
and skills, and become part of the labor pool ies had universities, the Chinese university
in regional economies (Jaffe, 1989). Linkages system was concentrated in Beijing and Shang-
between URIs and industry also take a variety hai. The universities were severely affected by
of forms such as joint R&D projects, technol- the Japanese invasion (1937–45) and the ensu-
ogy licensing, consulting, internships, and other ing Civil War (1946–49).
collaborations between firms and URIs to de- In 1949, the Communist Party led by Mao
velop a product or technology (Kodama & Zedong was victorious. The victory resulted in
Branscomb, 1999). a mass exodus of many professors appointed
Recent research has shown that URIs can be by the previous regime, which eroded the capa-
key elements in RISs because of the geographic bilities of tertiary level institutions. However,
spillovers of knowledge both through their the new government increased its investment
roles as a human capital provider and as a tech- in basic education creating a broad educational
nology incubator. More recently, there has base. As in the earlier Confucian system, exam-
been great interest in the role of universities inations were instituted nationally to identify
as a source of spin-offs. There is substantial evi- the most capable students that could continue
dence that universities around the world are for completely subsidized post-secondary edu-
adopting a policy of encouraging entrepreneur- cation. The result has been an adequately edu-
ship (Goldfarb & Henrekson, 2003; Rappert, cated population and a well-educated elite that
Webster, & Charles, 1999; Shane, 2004). has been concentrated by the university system
Framed in a slightly different way, Etzkowitz, in a few locations. Beijing and Shanghai were
Wester, Gebhardt, and Terra (2000) observed the beneficiaries of this concentration, while
that the university as an institution is moving Shenzhen, at least through the late 1970s, was
toward a more entrepreneurial paradigm. De- irrelevant.
spite the importance of universities in the local Upon the establishment of the People’s
development plans, the relationship between Republic of China in 1949, China adopted the
the RIS and local URIs should be understood Soviet Union’s model of comprehensive and
in a national context. For this reason, the next specialized universities and a large network of

research institutes. In 1978, the Chinese univer- China, while encouraging Chinese firms to
sity model was again reformed to one that more improve their research capacity. Chinese
resembled that of the United States and empha- private sector firms were able to ‘‘absorb’’
sized comprehensive universities (Pepper, 1996; advanced technology from foreign firms. From
Wang, 2000). Universities did undertake re- the mid-1980s onward, the Chinese govern-
search, but their most important priority was ment continually adjusted the S&T system to
pedagogy. strengthen Chinese R&D and develop the
Prior to the reforms initiated in late 1970s, country’s absorptive capacity (Cohen & Levin-
government planners considered that innova- thal, 1990).
tion was ‘‘an organized collective activity, gov- One of the most important reforms to the
erned by research laws,’’ and these beliefs led to NIS came in the early 1980s, when the govern-
an extremely linear and rigid model (Segal, ment driven by a desire to lower the cost of sup-
2003). This conceptualization proved to be inef- porting the URIs drastically cut their funding.
fective as few research results were applied to For URIs, the only option was to search for
industrial production. For all intents and pur- alternative sources of funds. The most signifi-
poses, the science and technology (S&T) system cant of these was the establishment of URI-
was isolated from industry. From the perspec- affiliated firms that were meant to generate
tive of economic development, researchers in profit that the URIs could use to fund their
the URIs had few linkages or interactions with operations. The government encouraged greater
industry, and the centralized command system linkages between the URIs by encouraging
for allocating research efforts led to a limited URI-affiliated enterprises, establishing fiscal
scope and range of research activities (Lu, and legal services for professorial and student
2000). start-ups, strengthening patent laws (from what
Whatever forward momentum the S&T sys- they were previously), building new technology
tem developed in the 1950s and 1960s was industry zones (high-tech zones)/innovation
brought to halt during 1966–76, while the Cul- centers/software industry bases near URIs,
tural Revolution roiled the country, and led to providing innovation funds for small technol-
an even greater isolation of the country from ogy-based firms, and supporting the establish-
the outside world. After the death of Chair- ment of university science parks. Recognizing
man Mao Zedong in 1976, Deng Xiaoping the need to promote technological progress,
became the Chinese leader. He advocated fun- the central government also initiated large-scale
damental reforms in the economy and the NIS national research programs on technologies
system arguing that ‘‘science and technology (Kondo, 2003; Leydesdorff & Zeng, 2001).
are the chief productive forces’’ and that These included the 863 Program/Plan (Baliusan
China needed to learn from Western nations. Xiangmu/Jihua) targeting biotechnology, new
As a result, the government began reforming materials, lasers, energy, information, and
the old systems and began creating a market- robotics and space (Segal, 2003).
oriented economy, launching the ‘‘Open Door The other prominent initiative was the Torch
Policy,’’ decentralizing fiscal and managerial Program launched in 1988. It eased regulations,
control, redefining public and private owner- provided support for building facilities to at-
ship, and encouraging new linkages between tract foreign high-tech companies, and encour-
research and production (Lu, 2000; Segal, aged the establishment of indigenous high-tech
2003). companies in special zones throughout China.
The establishment and legitimization of These high-tech zones were built in close prox-
private ownership allowed the economy to imity to URIs with the goal of promoting link-
diversify, and small businesses and private ages between researchers and firms. According
companies gradually became more significant. to The 2003 Annual Report on China Torch Pro-
Concurrently, the state-owned enterprises were gram, 53 high-tech zones had been established
increasingly pressed to compete in the market- since 1991 (Wu, 2004). These zones have experi-
place. In conjunction with the development of enced rapid growth, though as Cao (2004)
an internal market orientation, the ‘‘Open points out, much of this growth has been in
Door Policy’’ attracted foreign direct invest- product assembly and thus does not represent
ment (FDI). Foreign firms established manu- Western notions of high technology. By 2003,
facturing facilities for export and later to the national high-tech zones (and state-level
serve the domestic market. The government science and technology industrial parks)
pressured foreign firms to do research in had received RMB155 billion 8 investments in

infrastructure and hosted 32,857 companies. ceive approximately 2 12 times more funds than
The total reported annual revenue in 2003 for do universities.
these zones was RMB2,094 billion up from 8.7 China’s scientific capacity is expanding rap-
billion in 1991, net profit grew from RMB800 idly. In terms of publications, China improved
million to RMB113 billion, employment grew from 15th in terms of publications listed in
from 67,000 in 1991 to 589,000 in 2003, and SCI, EI, and ISTP in 1990 to the fifth in 2003
exports increased from RMB100 million to with 93,352 publications listed (China Science
RMB51 billion. In terms of research output, & Technology Statistics Net, 2005). Though
these Zones increased their number of Chinese still at a very low base, the cumulative number
patents from 933 in 1992 to nearly 7,000 in of US patents granted to Chinese inventors in
2002. The R&D personnel increased from China totaled 3,521 US patents, however the
approximately 67,000 to over 589,000 in 2003 annual rate had increased from 294 in 2000 to
(Zhang, 2004; Zhao, 2002, 2003a, 2003b). 597 in 2004. 9
Though the statistics and definitions are sus- Improving research at China’s URIs is an
pect, there can be little doubt about the growth important component of the national S&T
of economic activity within the zones. strategy. To facilitate this improvement the
Over the last two decades, R&D investment government has been increasing URI funding.
in China increased rapidly. The Chinese Na- For example, allocations to the URIs increased
tional Bureau of Statistics calculates that in by 4% from 2000 to 2003 (China Science &
2003 the total R&D expenditure was RMB154 Technology Statistics Net, 2005). The percent-
billion, an increase of 20% from 2002. The per- age of government funding in the expenditures
centage of GDP invested in R&D grew from of research institutes increased from 53% in
0.6% in 1991 to 1.31% in 2003. Universities ex- 1991 to 71% in 2003, in absolute terms it was
pended 10.5% of total R&D, while the RIs five times greater in 2003 than it was in 1991
spent 25.9%. The expenditures by RIs de- (see Table 1). Moreover, the research compo-
creased from 42.8% of the total in 1996 to nent has increased while the development com-
25.9% in 2003, as companies increased their ponent has decreased, which is largely a result
percentage of total spending from 43.3% in of the corporatization of many research insti-
1996 to 62.4% of the total in 2003 (China Sci- tutes that had commercial goals and the reori-
ence & Technology Statistics Net, 2005). As entation of the remaining RIs to research.
Figure 1 indicates, more than half of the The effect of this corporatization is responsible
R&D funding in China is undertaken by the for the decrease in the number of R&D person-
private sector, while the government is the main nel in 2001.
source of R&D funding for URIs. It is also The universities also experienced a change
important to note that research institutions re- from the 1980s when their budgets were cut.

Figure 1. R&D sources and distributions in China (2003, 100 million RMB). Source: China Science and Technology
Statistics Net (2005).

Table 1. R&D statistics of government research institutes (1991–2003, 100 million RMB)
1991 1994 1996 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003
S&T expenditure 170.7 308.9 409.1 479.7 495.7 557.9 620.2 681.3
Government support 93.5 158.2 192.9 244.7 377.4 434.9 498 535
Government/total (%) 53.2 48.87 44.24 45.29 67.46 69.47 70.86 71.28
R&D expenditure 78.8 128.7 172.9 234.3 258 288.5 351.3 399
Basic research (%) 6.2 8.2 6.5 7.5 9.8 11.6 11.6 11.8
Applied research (%) 27.4 29.8 27.4 28.1 25.9 27.7 34.5 35.3
Development (%) 66.4 62 66.1 64.4 64.3 60.6 53.9 52.9
R&D personnel (10,000) 27.4 25.7 23 22.7 22.7 20.5 20.6 20.4
Source: China Science and Technology Statistics Net (2005).

Amount From Government Total

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Figure 2. S&T funding in universities (1991–2003, 100 million RMB). S&T expenditures refer to R&D expenditure,
application expenditure of R&D achievements, and S&T service expenditure including S&T personal service expenditure,
S&T fixed asset expenditure, etc. Source: China Science and Technology Statistics Net (2005).

Since 2000, universities received more than 50% government pursued its policy of improving
of their R&D expenditures from the gov- research performance in the universities.
ernment (see Figure 2). In 2003, university In terms of sheer quantity, the output at the
R&D expenditures were RMB16.23 billion, URIs has grown steadily. Prior to 1999, publi-
RMB3.18 billion more than in 2002 (China Sci- cations and patenting had already begun
ence & Technology Statistics Net, 2005). Thus, increasing (see Table 2), then decreased from
R&D expenditures grew rapidly as the Chinese 1999 to 2001 due to 25% of the RIs being

Table 2. S&T achievements in S&T research institutes (1997–2003)

International Patent Patent Invention International
publications application approved patents approved patent
1997 8,396 2,249 1,110 457 18
1998 9,560 2,356 1,340 526 29
1999 9,531 2,488 1,687 669 24
2001 8,342 N/A 1,298 617 10
2003 10,000a 4,374 2,010 1,305 13
Source: Compiled by authors from the China Science and Technology Statistics Net (2005).

corporatized and removed from the base. The arm the Chinese Academy of Telecommunica-
RIs that were corporatized during the restruc- tions Technology, Datang employs 4,000 per-
turing had a total revenue of $34.3 billion and sons and in 2004 had annual revenues of
sales income of $21 billion (China Science & approximately $300 million (Hoover’s, 2005).
Technology Statistics Net, 2005). As of 1999, 15 firms from 13 different universi-
The universities also have become more ac- ties had listed on various Chinese stock markets
tive. In 2003, there were 63,600 papers with (Xue, 2005). This had increased to 29 firms in
the first authors from universities listed in 2003 (Song, 2005). The total annual revenues
SCI, EI, and ISTP. Since 2000, there has been of Beijing and Tsinghua University affiliated
a dramatic growth in patents granted to univer- firms are nearing $2 billion each. Though only
sity inventors. During 1988–99, Chinese patents 45% of all URI-affiliated enterprises are in
approved ranged between 1,300 and 1,800. In high-technology fields (again the definition of
2003, universities applied for 10,252 Chinese high technology is quite loose), the URI-firms
patents. This veritable wave of patent applica- in high technology produce more than 80% of
tions continues to grow. In the first six months the total revenue (Ministry of Education, 2005).
of 2004, there were 6,250 Chinese patent appli- In Beijing and Shanghai, local authorities
cations from universities, an increase of 34% have established industrial parks affiliated with
over the same period in 2003 (China Intellec- local universities. For example, the Zhong-
tual Property Net, 2005.). The fact that the guancun area of Beijing, which is in close prox-
number of foreign patents is not increasing sug- imity to CAS, and Beijing and Tsinghua
gests that the output of high quality research Universities, is recognized as the largest con-
remains roughly unchanged (Chinese Science centration of Chinese and MNC R&D facilities
and Technology Statistics Net, 2005). in China (Cao, 2004; Zedtwitz, 2004; Zhou,
2005). In total, by the end of 2002, the 44 uni-
(a) URI enterprises versity-established science parks had attracted
RMB29.7 billion investments, employed
The unique feature of the Chinese NIS is the 100,000 persons in 1,200 R&D centers, sup-
URI-owned enterprises. Regardless of one’s ported 5,500 high-technology companies, incu-
opinion of this strategy, and there are critics, bated 2,300 start-ups of which 920 have
they have grown rapidly. The total revenues graduated, and 29 had been listed on the stock
of the URI-affiliated enterprises has grown dra- exchange (Zhou, 2003). Despite these successes,
matically (Table 3). The literature typically in 2007 there were press reports suggesting that
focuses on three URI-related firms, Lenovo, some universities might go bankrupt because of
Founder, and Stone Group. However, there the losses their affiliated firms were suffering. In
are many more. For example, Datang Telecom- other words, the strategy of having universities
munications Technology, a spin-off of the Min- operate for-profit firms was having potentially
istry of Post and Telecommunications research negative consequences.

Table 3. University rank, revenue of their affiliated firms, and location (1999 and 2003, 100 million RMB)
1999 2003
Rank University Income Location University Income Location
1 Peking 87 Beijing Peking 163.60 Beijing
2 Tsinghua 32.4 Beijing Tsinghua 144.60 Beijing
3 Harbin Tech 9.5 Harbin Zhejiang 33.80 Hangzhou
4 Zhejiang 8.8 Hangzhou Xi’an Jiaotong 25.70 Xi’an
5 Northeast 8.6 Shenyang Northeast 24.00 Shenyang
6 Shanghai Jiaotong 8.2 Shanghai Tongji 22.30 Shanghai
7 Petroleum (East China) 7.6 Dongying Shanghai Jiaotong 19.00 Shanghai
8 Tongji 6.8 Shanghai Harbin Tech 15.30 Harbin
9 Tianjin 6.4 Tianjin Petroleum (East China) 13.90 Dongying
10 Nankai 5.9 Tianjin Fudan 13.60 Shanghai
Source: Compiled by authors from the Center of S&T Development of the Ministry of Education (2005), the China
Education and Research Network (2005).

The university’s role in the Chinese NIS has The Beijing URIs not only function as human
evolved dramatically over the last two decades. capital providers and core research centers for
Local governments throughout China believe the entire country, but also have generated
that universities and their affiliated technology spin-offs and established science parks to com-
parks are important pillars of economic devel- mercialize their research and technologies. Bei-
opment. In the next section, we examine the jing utilizes its rich URI resources to encourage
role of URIs in Beijing and Shenzhen. high-tech development. Shenzhen, as a young
city, is in a different position because only
two decades ago, it had no URIs, and its indus-
4. TWO MODELS FOR URI trial growth did not rely on local URIs. Shenz-
INVOLVEMENT IN LOCAL ECONOMIC hen firms developed their own internal R&D
DEVELOPMENT capacities utilizing foreign technology and at-
tracted educated Chinese from around the
The deregulation of the Chinese economy country. URIs were established later to meet
also included a significant devolution of deci- the demand of the rapid high-tech develop-
sion-making to local jurisdictions and organi- ment, and only recently have begun to play a
zations, thereby providing latitude for role in the local economy. Figures 3 and 4 pro-
creating their own models. Due to the different vide stylized depictions of the URI–industry
historical background and the stage of develop- linkages in Beijing and Shenzhen.
ment of Beijing and Shenzhen and their respec-
tive URIs, different strategies for forming and
cultivating URI–industry linkages evolved.

Beijing is the political, educational, and S&T

Traditional URIs capital of China. In 2003, 71 universities and
371 research institutes were located in Beijing
Beijing Statistical Information Net, 2005, by
far the largest concentration in any Chinese
city. The most prominent of these were the Chi-
URIs spin-offs nese Academy of Sciences, Peking University,
and university science and Tsinghua University, all of which are
located in the Haidian District. The Haidian
district is the location of the Zhongguancun
Industrialization and commercialization Science Park (ZGC), the earliest and most
of technological innovation important concentration of IT-related firms in
China. Given a concerted effort that began in
the 1980s to move industrial production out
Figure 3. URI-industry model in Beijing. of Beijing, high-technology firms have become

Industrial growth with no URIs URIs in other regions

Local high-tech enterprises URI-affiliated research institutes

and virtual campus

Industrialization and commercialization of

technological innovation

Figure 4. URI-industry model in Shenzhen.


a primary force for economic growth in Beijing. tracts, Beijing’s URIs captured more than
As an indicator of the importance of high tech- 20% of the total contract revenue for the entire
nology, in 1999 high-technology businesses ac- country (see Table 5).
counted for 25.4% of the city’s total industrial However, the commercialization of the
value added, and rose to 39.3% in 2004 (Beijing Beijing URIs is not the commercialization of
Statistical Information Net, 2005). Given this research results, but rather the transfer of
success, the municipal government has focused personnel from non-commercial activities such
on encouraging further growth (Li, 2000). as teaching and research to the commercial sec-
In 2004, Beijing was rated as the top Chinese tor. For example, many of the early spin-offs
city in terms of S&T capacity (Chinese Acad- simply provided technology services to other
emy of Social Sciences, 2004). In 2000, 25% of firms. Skilled personnel were more significant
government S&T funds were allocated to Bei- than research results. The technology being
jing institutions while 18% of all R&D funds transferred was not comparable to that gener-
were expended in Beijing and 18% of all patents ated by US universities such as MIT and Stan-
were granted to entities located in Beijing (Bei- ford, but rather was adequate for the Chinese
jing Statistical Information Net, 2005). Thirty- market. Despite these caveats, what is signifi-
three percent of all research institute R&D cant is that a few spin-offs became important
spending and 20% of university R&D spending Chinese IT firms, and Lenovo has managed to
took place in Beijing. In 2003, total R&D become a global player.
spending in Beijing reached RMB25.63 billion,
of which government funding accounted for (a) Research institutes
RMB13.67 billion; Chinese companies,
RMB8.42 billion; foreign companies, Beijing is home to more research institutes
RMB0.96 billion; and other institutions and than any other Chinese city. Though the Chi-
organizations, RMB2.57 billion (Beijing Statis- nese Academy of Sciences (CAS), which was
tical Information Net, 2005). founded in 1949, has institutes throughout Chi-
Beijing’s success is mirrored in various objec- na, the largest and most prestigious are located
tive indicators of performance. For example, in Beijing. In the 1980s, CAS shifted from de-
since 1995 Beijing has received between 17% fense-related research toward conducting
and 21% of total patent approvals (see Table R&D that had greater commercial application.
4). In terms of URI-industry technology con- In the process, CAS was corporatized and the

Table 4. Invention patents approved by region (1995–2000)

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Beijing 328 246 281 309 573 1,074
Liaoning 131 118 131 131 224 458
Shanghai 72 74 88 97 189 304
Jiangsu 72 98 106 85 167 341
Shandong 84 84 96 91 172 363
Guangdong 56 57 49 77 123 261
Country 1,530 1,383 1,472 1,574 3,097 6,177
Beijing/country (%) 21.4 17.8 19.1 19.6 18.5 17.4
Source: Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission (2005).

Table 5. Technology contract value in Beijing and in China (1999–2003, 100 million RMB)
Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Country 523.5 650.8 782.5 884.2 1084.7
Beijing 92.2 140.3 191 221.1 265.4
Beijing/country (%) 17.6 21.6 24.4 25 24.5
Source: Beijing Statistical Information Net (2005).

number of institutes was reduced to increase research and the system of technology commer-
efficiency, better reflect the market, and to cialization under one organizational roof’’ (Lu,
encourage its staff to establish new firms (Kon- 2000). CAS supported Lenovo with preferential
do, 2003). In 2005, CAS employed approxi- treatment including allowing full autonomy in
mately 37,000 scientists and engineer, more managerial decision-making, financial budget-
than 20,000 graduate students, and 1,000 post- ing, employee recruitment, full access to CAS
doctoral scholars. In 2003, CAS expended resources, and use of the institute’s name in
RMB8.28 billion on R&D ( making business deals (Lu, 2000). Though
and was China’s leading URI in terms of pub- CAS owns a controlling interest, Lenovo enjoys
lications and patents. substantial autonomy. The benefit for CAS is
In response to the economic reforms and the from the fixed sum of earnings that Lenovo
restructuring of the S&T system in the 1980s, transfers to CAS each year.
CAS established a Technology Licensing Office CAS is by far the most successful of the gov-
(TLO), and with the local government, ernment research institutes in spinning off
established an ‘‘S&T Development Center’’ in firms. But Datang shows that there are other
Haidian District to facilitate the commerciali- cases. In effect, the RIs were large concentra-
zation of CAS research. CAS also formed a tions of commercially under-utilized skilled
venture capital firm, China Science and Tech- labor power. By providing access to facilities
nology Promotion and Economic Investment and guaranteeing the salaries of the entrepre-
Company, to support CAS staff establishing neurs, the RIs lowered the risks, thereby per-
start-ups (Kondo, 2003). As of 2004, CAS has forming a function like that of a venture
invested in and spun off more than 400 high- capitalist in an environment that in the early
tech enterprises, eight of which have been 1980s could not have supported true venture
publicly listed. In 2003, the gross revenue of capital either ideologically or economically.
the CAS affiliated enterprises was RMB53.37
billion and they had a net profit of RMB2.03 (b) Universities
billion (Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2005).
The most successful company to emerge from Beijing is the center of the Chinese university
CAS was the Lenovo Group Limited (formerly education system. In the latest university rank-
called the Legend Group). Lenovo was founded ing 20% of the top 100 universities of China are
by eleven CAS Institute of Computing Tech- located in Beijing (Shanghai Jiaotong Univer-
nology (ICT) scientists in November 1984 in sity, 2005). Of the eight Chinese universities
the Zhongguancun Region with a RMB listed in the top 100 Asian Pacific universities,
200,000 start-up loan from CAS. The founders the top two are Tsinghua University (THU)
remained institute employees even as they and Peking University (PKU) (Shanghai Jiao-
worked at the firm, and CAS provided technol- tong University, 2005). Not only are THU
ogies, the loan, and office space as well as re- and PKU the most prestigious Chinese research
search facilities. The decision to start Lenovo universities, they also are the national leaders in
in ZGC was sparked by a government initiative commercialization (see Table 3). In 2002, there
to reform the national S&T system giving rise were 26,038 S&T employees in the universities.
to new non-government S&T enterprises The local universities were responsible for
(Lazonick, 2004; Lu, 2000). Today, Lenovo is 47.58% of the publications and 36% of all Chi-
the largest Chinese IT company, and since nese patents allocated to entities in Beijing in
1996 it has been China’s sales leader. In 2004, 2000 (Beijing Statistical Information Net,
Lenovo reported a turnover of HK$23.2 billion 2005).
and net profit of HK$1.05 billion (Lenovo, Beijing universities have developed close rela-
2006). With its 2005 acquisition of IBM’s per- tionships with industry through joint projects,
sonal computer (PC) business, Lenovo has be- professional consulting, and training. In 2000,
come the world’s third largest PC firm in among 8,278 research projects underway in Bei-
terms of sales. jing universities, 1,540 of them were conducted
As a CAS-affiliated company, Lenovo bene- in cooperation with firms, and another 795
fited from the economic reforms as well as the were technology service contracts. In order to
institutional and organizational restructuring promote the commercialization of university re-
of China’s S&T system. This enterprise model search results and patent licensing, Beijing uni-
is known as ‘‘one academy, two systems’’ and versities signed 1,159 technology transfer
is ‘‘a symbiosis between the system of scientific contracts with industry worth RMB811.95

Table 6. University-affiliated enterprise sales income rank by region (1998–2002, 100 million RMB)
Year Rank 1 2 3 4 5
1998 Beijing Shanghai Jiangsu Sichuan Liaoning
121.28 38.78 23.99 14 12.91
1999 Beijing Shanghai Jiangsu Liaoning Guangdong
146.93 40.23 24.69 18.2 15.98
2000 Beijing Shanghai Jiangsu Tianjin Liaoning
200.81 53.82 27.56 26.18 24.21
2001 Beijing Shanghai Tianjin Jiangsu Liaoning
261.85 59.71 32.6 32.52 32.46
2002 Beijing Shanghai Jiangsu Liaoning Shandong
299.55 76.95 40.07 36.09 33.85
Source: Compiled by authors from the Ministry of Education (2005) and the China Education and Research
Network (2005).

million. But the most striking relationship is internal Technology Licensing Organization
through spin-offs and the ownership of for- (TLO) to promote technology transfer and
profit enterprises. Put simply, Beijing has the industrial cooperation. In 2001, THU signed
most university-affiliated enterprises and they 828 research contracts worth RMB432 million
are the largest in terms of sales and profit (see and 534 technology transfer contracts worth
Table 6). RMB234 million (Beijing Statistical Informa-
The two leading universities in terms of com- tion Net, 2005).
mercialization are THU and PKU. As China’s In addition to active collaboration with indus-
premier technical university, THU has a strong try through joint projects and technology trans-
endowment of personnel. In 2005, THU housed fer, THU established firms to commercialize its
11 national key research labs, employed over inventions. In 1922, the first university-affiliated
7,800 faculty and staff, and served more than firm at THU was established to create internship
27,000 students (Tsinghua University, 2005). and apprenticeship opportunities for students.
In terms of R&D funding, it leads the country Early on, the firms did not have many market-
in the number of patents and publications (see oriented or commercial activities, yet they did
Table 7). In total, in 2001 THU expended provide services such as managing guest houses
RMB 724 million on research, of which RMB and print shops. 10 Since the early 1980s, these
323 million was from the private sector; the enterprises have been required to generate prof-
remainder was largely from the government its. In 1980, THU established Tsinghua Tech-
sector (Beijing Statistical Information Net, nology Service Company to utilize THU
2005). For example, in 2004 THU had 527 pat- personnel to provide technical services to the
ents approved and ranked first in the country marketplace. By the early 1990s, more than
(Center of S&T Development Ministry of Edu- 190 companies had been created by the profes-
cation, 2005). As was the case with CAS, THU sors and staff at THU or in partnerships with
is actively involved in commercializing faculty companies outside the university. Some firms re-
and staff inventions. In 1991, it established an mained small and were based in the professor’s

Table 7. THU S&T achievement statistics (1999–2003)

Year Patent application Patent approved Number of contract Contract revenue (10 thousand)
1999 189 121 341 18,367
2000 344 135 534 23,500
2001 396 163 534 23,400
2003 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Internet Edition.
Source: Compiled by authors from the Beijing Statistical Information Net (2005) and the Center of S&D Devel-
opment of the Ministry of Education (2005).

or researcher’s labs. However, there were other serves as an incubator to develop start-ups,
affiliated firms such as Tsinghua Tongfang and many of which are operated by university alum-
Tsinghua Unisplendour that grew sufficiently ni and former students who have returned to
large to make public stock offerings. China from overseas.
As THU’s commercial activities grew, man- In 2001, a professional incubator company,
agement of the disparate firms became more Tsinghua Business Incubator Co. (THBI) was
complicated. To assist the growing number of set up in the park to help startups secure finan-
spin-off companies and accelerate the commer- cial support, including venture capital from
cialization of technologies, THU built its own various companies, loans from banks, govern-
university science park as an incubator in ment funding, and a RMB200 million invest-
1994 and established Tsinghua University ment fund for returning students from
Enterprise Group in 1995. By 2002, the total as- overseas. In addition, it provides concessions,
sets of the Group had grown to RMB17.8 bil- including free incubation space for the first
lion, and gross income reached RMB11.4 year, preferential rents for the first two years,
billion. In 2003, THU’s assets were capitalized introductions to professional consulting ser-
at RMB22.7 billion—in comparison PKU’s as- vices, and assistance in networking with various
sets were worth RMB14.8 billion. The revenues institutions and organizations. In 2003, THBI
grew rapidly reaching RMB15.22 billion in incubated 70 start-ups and 27 graduated.
2003 ( Because of The university spin-off companies help com-
the increasing size and complexity of THU’s mercialize research results and produce profits
business operations and the necessity of provid- to finance university research and employee’s
ing professional management, in 1995 Tsinghua welfare (Kondo, 2003). The close organiza-
Holding Company (THC) was established to tional tie between the university and the spin-
manage various spin-off enterprises and to in- offs integrates postgraduate education into
vest in new companies. THC was better able industrial R&D (Lazonick, 2004). The spin-off
to rationalize the businesses including improv- companies provide internship opportunities to
ing the process of evaluating the provision of students at the university, many of whom are
capital to spin-offs, the culling of less successful hired directly after graduation. Meanwhile,
firms, and a standardization in the naming of the companies receive access to S&T resources,
firms in the THU group. By 2004, the THC university facilities, and the benefit of THU’s
had 30 technology-based spin-offs and approx- name when doing business with other enter-
imately 30 service-oriented companies such as prises.
the university press, hospitals, and logistic com- Beijing with its preeminent endowment of
panies, three of which are ranked as the top 10 URIs in both number and quality has benefited
profitable university enterprises in China (Chi- from commercialization. THU and CAS are
na Education & Research Network, 2005). examples of how Chinese URIs have commer-
Through the establishment of a science park cialized both some of their research staff and
on campus in 1993, THU encouraged linkages their inventions. Other Beijing universities such
between the university and industry. By 2003, as PKU, China Agricultural University (CAU),
the park had grown to 300 thousand square Beijing University of Posts and Telecommuni-
meters, and by the end of 2005 is expected to cations (BUPT), and Beijing University of
have 690 thousand square meters of space Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA) also
(Mei, 2004). Currently, the science park houses are encouraging commercialization of their re-
more than 300 different institutes including na- search results. PKU has commercialized a num-
tional research labs; R&D centers for various ber of its inventions through its spin-offs.
multinational corporations such as Sun Micro- Established in 1985, PKU’s spin-off, the Foun-
systems, Proctor & Gamble, and NEC; the der Group, currently is the largest university
headquarters of the university enterprises enterprise in China with a total revenue of
including Tongfang, Unisplendour and Zhich- RMB22 billion in 2004. It is dominant in the
eng; and various firms in financial, law and markets for Chinese-language electronics pub-
consulting services, and professional and edu- lishing systems in Asia, the US, and Europe.
cational training (Mei, 2004). The space utiliza- Founder’s professional technology in picto-
tion has prompted some to conclude that these graphic-language electronic publishing systems
science parks are, in some measure, real estate originated in a government-led R&D project
development schemes. The science park also which a PKU professor worked on as the chief

designer (Lu, 2000). Founder not only contin- success and the city grew rapidly. Since 1979,
ues to develop its electronic publishing system, its GDP has grown at an average rate of 30%
but has entered other businesses such as per- per annum. Today, Shenzhen is an important
sonal computer assembly. economic center (see Table 8). In recent years,
CAU has spin-offs commercializing trans- Shenzhen has become one of the top five Chi-
genic technologies, which generated revenue nese cities in terms of GDP. Its GDP per capita
of over RMB500 million in 2004. BUPT has was over $7,400 in 2004, which was the highest
developed enterprises commercializing com- in China.
puter networking technology and telecommuni- Shenzhen’s success is the result of favorable
cation software. BUAA owns more than forty policies, geographic advantages, visionary
spin-offs. Recently, it established a science park planning, deliberate development of a strong
in ZGC to incubate start-ups. All of these URIs industrial structure, and an entrepreneurial
have affiliated for-profit firms commercializing institutional and organizational framework.
their particular expertise. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
For Beijing, which has been a government (2005) rated Shenzhen as the second most com-
city with little industry and a relatively weak petitive Chinese city trailing only Shanghai.
commercial tradition, the commercialization These factors allowed Shenzhen to attract tal-
of university research has provided an impor- ented personnel from throughout China and
tant source of employment and taxes. Beijing investment from around the world.
municipal officials have decided that future As Shenzhen grew, labor and infrastructure
growth is dependent upon training and retain- costs inexorably rose. The municipal govern-
ing the talented students coming to Beijing to ment recognized that Shenzhen could not
study. remain successful as a center for low-cost
assembly—it had to develop an innovation sys-
tem. In response, it devised a strategy to
encourage higher technology business activities.
6. SHENZHEN In pursuit of this goal, the municipal govern-
ment has built office parks to attract high-tech-
In 1979, Shenzhen, which is located close to nology firms, MNC R&D, and encourage the
Hong Kong, was a fishing village and had no entry of local high-technology firms. The lead-
local academic institutions. In 1980, it was des- ing examples of the new firms driving the
ignated as a ‘‘special economic zone’’ by the growth of Shenzhen are the communications
Central Government and the State Council of technology firms, Huawei Technologies and
Guangdong Province. Established as a plat- Zhongxing Telecommunications (ZTE). How-
form to experiment with market reforms and ever, many smaller technology-based firms
to act as a base for the relocation of manufac- have also appeared.
turing from Hong Kong, it was given the status The roots of Shenzhen’s movement up the
of free trade zone so that goods could be value-added ladder can be traced to 1985, when
imported and exported without duty. Multi- the municipal government and CAS jointly
national firms established manufacturing facili- established the Shenzhen Science and Technol-
ties there to draw upon a vast pool of relatively ogy Industrial Park. In 1996, Shenzhen estab-
unskilled but inexpensive labor. lished the national-level Shenzhen High-Tech
Shenzhen grew rapidly as a center for manu- Industrial Park (SHIP) (Li, 2000). In 2005,
facturing for export. The policy was a massive SHIP encompassed an area of 11.5 km2. As

Table 8. Shenzhen S&T statistics (2000–04, 100 million RMB)

Year GDP High-tech Indigenous High-tech company S&T S&T personnel Patent
output value technology value number funding (10,000) approvals
2000 1,665.24 1,064.45 532.4 212 2.5 15.89 2,401
2001 1,954.17 1,321.36 697.96 314 2.8 17.23 3,506
2002 2,239.41 1,709.92 954.48 422 3.25 18.64 4,496
2003 2,860.51 2,482.79 1,386.64 673 3.18 57.54 4,937
2004 3,422.80 3,266.52 1,853.09 943 5.3 66.34 7,737
Source: Compiled by authors from the Shenzhen Annual Reports on Shenzhen Government Online (2005).

with most Chinese industrial parks, there is lit- These incentives were so attractive that with-
tle apparent specialization as it welcomes firms in five years 43 URIs including five Hong Kong
from nearly every industry and it also aims to universities and one French university (Cent-
improve traditional industries by making use rale Lyonais) located branches at UVC. Eight
of high technology and advanced applicable technology-based incubators are incubating
technologies (Shenzhen Industrial Park Net, 252 enterprises, and 217 technologies have been
2005). transferred. The campus houses 78 research
In 2004, the value of production in Shenzhen labs and centers including 42 national key re-
reached RMB245.4 billion, 11 times that of search labs and engineering centers (Shenzhen
1996. In contrast to Beijing, 90% of the R&D Industrial Park Net, 2005). In 2000, a univer-
in Shenzhen is conducted by firms, and 80% sity town was created within SHIP, where
of all R&D funding originates from firms. In THU, PKU, Nankai University, and Harbin
2003, R&D expenditures were RMB7.2 bil- Institute of Technology have set up full-time
lion—an increase of 19.8% over 2002. The larg- graduate schools. By 2004, more than 50,000
est high-tech enterprise, Huawei Technologies students had studied at UVC and 10,000
invested RMB3 billion in R&D. The number students had graduated with a master’s or a
of patents has increased annually (see Table 8). Ph.D. degree. Over 120 high-tech enterprises
Only Beijing and Shanghai had more Chinese were established by the universities and more
patents granted than Shenzhen. Moreover, the than 100 research projects from the universities
growth in patenting was stunning. The applica- were transferred to industry. Despite beginning
tions, for example, grew from 1,440 in 1997 to with no URIs, the local Shenzhen government
12,361 in 2003 (Shenzhen Intellectual Property was able to implement policies to attract URIs.
Net, 2005). In the case of Shenzhen, it was economic suc-
Shenzhen had a different growth trajectory cess that drove the development of a higher
and concomitant model by which universities education infrastructure. In return, the estab-
were meant to contribute to the cities develop- lishment of numerous educational facilities
ment (see Figure 3). Already, in the early 1980s, make Shenzhen more attractive as a destination
the municipal government believed that the for educated Chinese because of the ability to
lack of institutions of higher education and re- pursue higher degrees from prestigious URIs
search would become an obstacle to industrial locally. Thus the relocated URI branches may
upgrading. In response, Shenzhen University operate as an attraction and retention strategy
was established in 1983 and a technology-based for highly trained engineers and scientists.
college, Shenzhen Polytechnic, in 1993. In the Whether the educational institutions are mak-
1990s, the municipal government decided that ing Shenzhen a research center is not yet cer-
these were not sufficient and embarked upon tain. What is certain is that Shenzhen is being
a strategy of attracting URIs to the area. Its transformed from a low-cost production center
first success was convincing THU to establish into a location for undertaking higher value-
Shenzhen Tsinghua Research Institute in SHIP. added activity. The addition of university
Later, PKU, CAS, Chinese Academy of Engi- branch campuses can only contribute to that
neering, and Hong Kong University of Science process, and over time these branch campuses
& Technology also set up research bases in may also be improved.
Shenzhen. To increase cooperation with the
existing university branches and encourage yet
more URIs to come to Shenzhen, the municipal 7. DISCUSSION
government established the ‘‘virtual campus’’
concept in SHIP in 2000. As an incentive for URIs have been significant contributors to
URIs to establish branches at the University the growth of the Chinese economy. In terms
Virtual Campus (UVC), the municipal govern- of economic activity, the commercialization of
ment offers free office space and infrastructure Chinese universities and their personnel has
including furniture, computers, telephones, made an impact on a few of the leading univer-
and computer networks for the first two years. sities in the major cities. In the case of Beijing, a
It also provides long-term passes to Hong RIS built upon the URIs has emerged. CAS,
Kong 11 for staff, transportation, printing, THU, and PKU have been the sources of firms
computer server, rooms for meeting and teach- that are now among the largest IT firms in Chi-
ing, apartments for staff, and other amenities at na. For the universities suffering from budget
highly subsidized prices. cuts successful commercialization is seen as a

source of funds. Beijing as the leading city in engineers, but requires aesthetics and innova-
the China’s S&T system has developed success- tion. Will these be abandoned in the university
ful URI-industry linkages, particularly through that operates more like a profit making firm
spin-offs and university science parks. URIs are than as an institution in the pursuit of knowl-
one of the fundamental forces in the establish- edge and pedagogy?
ment and development of technology-based There are operational difficulties, also. Be-
firms in Beijing. For economic growth, Beijing cause of the nature of these arrangements, the
has relied upon the knowledge and human actual ownership of firms may be unclear. For
resources in the URIs. example, there have been conflicts regarding
Whereas the URIs have contributed to the the remittances the spin-offs should provide to
development of the Beijing economy, in Shenz- their mother institutions. For example, in the
hen economic growth occurred prior to the case of the largest university spin-off PKU’s
development of institutions of higher educa- Founder Group, the company’s first president
tion. However, the municipal government real- was fired by PKU because of his unwillingness
izing the importance of upgrading its economic to increase payments to levels that the univer-
base is actively working to create a higher edu- sity felt were ‘‘reasonable’’ (Fan, 1999). The dif-
cation infrastructure to contribute to that pro- ficulty here is that university bureaucrats may
cess. Though research is clearly a part of the become too involved in the operation of the
Shenzhen strategy, there can be little doubt that firm, thereby harming the firm. There is evi-
the university’s most important function is to dence that URI-affiliated firms under perform
provide for educational upgrading. similar non-affiliated firms. Based on a study
Chinese universities like those in other coun- by the Administrative Committee of ZGC and
tries have a role of selecting and educating the PKU Network Economics Research Center
workers of tomorrow—a task that will become (2004) it was found that from 1995 to 2003 uni-
even more vital in the emerging knowledge econ- versity spin-offs in ZGC had far greater imma-
omy. The elite universities are critical because terial assets and a greater proportion of
they have proven to be pathways for the best personnel with higher education, but some of
Chinese students to prepare to go on to foreign the spin-offs are under-performing in technol-
universities that provide global-class training. ogy commercialization. These enterprises on
As in other countries, there has been concern average made a net profit equal to only half
that the commercialization of Chinese URIs will that of the non-affiliated companies in ZGC.
affect research and teaching. 12 There are reports The university-affiliated spin-offs had exports
that some professors are so engrossed in their which were only one-sixth of those in nonaffili-
commercial activities that they exploit their ac- ated companies. Underperforming university
cess to institute or university resources and re- spin-offs paid less tax and were less productive
search facilities. There is concern that students in patenting than nonaffiliated companies. Le-
are being used as cheap labor with little attention novo and Founder, etc. are still the most suc-
to research quality or pedagogy. These are seri- cessful firms in ZGC. The report attributes
ous, but, perhaps, of even greater concern may this under performance to a lack of clarity in
be the involvement of the university and its ownership, ineffective personnel relations, and
administrators in the daily operation of com- the lack of capital and management supervisory
mercial enterprises. This might skew university systems.
decision-making regarding research funding, There is variability in performance and re-
faculty hiring and promotion, and even lead to source distribution among university enter-
universities making decisions that are in their prises. The revenues generated by PKU and
economic best interest, but are antithetical to THU spin-offs account for more than half of
the interests of the society as a whole. the total revenue generated by all spin-offs.
In many countries, URIs have been impor- Interestingly enough, PKU and THU also re-
tant repositories of the humanities, culture, ceive much greater research funding from gov-
and the arts. Will the commercialized Chinese ernment than universities in other regions.
URIs where departments and laboratories Finally, in cities like Beijing and Shanghai that
operate as profit centers protect the unprofit- are undergoing real estate speculation, the
able humanities and arts? Creativity and de- building of university science parks may have
sign, which many believe is as important in also been aimed as much at creating rentable
global competition as engineering and produc- office space as they were toward incubating
tion, does not stem solely from well-trained and transferring technology.

8. CONCLUSION provide evidence of success. In the case of Bei-

jing, the URIs have provided the seeds for a
The NIS literature initially treated the na- number of significant firms, and some spin-offs
tion-state as the appropriate unit of analysis have grown to be large businesses. In Shenzhen
for understanding innovation systems. Our thus far URIs were not the origins of significant
study has shown that the national level was spin-offs, the source of successful firms such as
important, but there are clear differences in Huawei and ZTE are quite different.
Chinese regions. This also suggests that analy- Because Chinese universities actually own
sis treating China as being a monolithic entity and operate firms, one could argue that they
misses the nuance in how China innovates. have the closest relationship with the private
Our study, which confirms Segal (2003) findings sector of any universities in the world. In the
regarding the importance of local officials in case of the elite universities, the number of
developing the evolutionary trajectories of their firms owned by the university can be in the
regions, shows that Beijing and Shenzhen, hundreds and include everything from high-
starting with different endowments, established technology start-ups to low-tech service firms.
remarkably different methodologies for devel- Some firms having their roots in Chinese URIs
oping their technology clusters. Without a such as Lenovo, Dongfang and Founder, are
doubt, China has built a unique relationship among the largest and most important Chinese
between its URIs and industry. In most coun- technology firms. From this perspective,
tries, some separation between universities Chinese policy has had tremendous success in
and industry has been considered healthy, in tapping the capabilities of universities and
China URIs own and operate firms. researchers. For other developing countries
Chinese local authorities place great faith in that have strong URIs, the Chinese model is
the economic development benefits of URI- worthy of study. The direction which Chinese
developed technology. This is evidenced by the URI–industry relationships evolve is of signifi-
detailed statistics that have been collected to cance to China and the world.


1. There is an enormous literature on Silicon Valley and 6. For a critique of this explanation, see Kenney and
Boston. Some work compares the two regions (Fleming von Burg (1999). For partial corroboration of Kenney
et al., 2004, Kenney & von Burg, 1999; Saxenian, 1994) and Burg, see Fleming et al. (2004) who finds that
particularly in biotechnology (Powell, Koput, Bowie, & ‘‘simple characterizations of Boston secrecy and autarky
Smith-Doerr, 2002; Zhang & Patel, 2005). vs. Silicon Valley cooperation and interdependence fail
to reflect the tension between managers and engineers on
2. For a discussion of the roots of venture capital in the both coasts.’’ On path dependency, see David (1986) and
United States, see Etzkowitz (1999) and Hsu and Arthur (1994).
Kenney (2005).
7. On development trajectories, see Dosi (1988).
3. An important exception is Bresnahan and Gam-
bardella (2004).
8. The exchange rate is around RMB8.3 to US$1.
4. Definitions of high-technology are always difficult.
In China high technology industries these include almost
9. It is impossible to assess the quality of these patents.
anything in the IT and software industries and includes
Also, we do not know whether these were granted to
quite routine work such as PC assembly. There is no way
MNCs operating in China or indigenous Chinese
of separating these out, and we believe a credible
organizations. If China is similar to Japan, Korea, and
argument can be made that even assembling such
Taiwan, then it is likely that their patents will improve
electronics items can over time lead to greater value-
over time.
added creation as the cases of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan
have demonstrated.
10. This was not unique to China as universities in
5. On industry differences, see differences between many countries manage activities such as dormitories
biotechnology and IT in Kenney and Patton (2005). and university presses.

11. The long-term pass is important because there are 12. For discussion of these concerns in relation to US
still immigration controls that limit those who can enter universities, see Bok (2004), Kenney (1986), and Slaugh-
Hong Kong. For persons working in Shenzhen the ability ter and Leslie (1997).
to visit or live in Hong Kong is an important perk.


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