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2 ICT Tools

Information Communication Technology tools refer to digital infrastructure that is used to

enhance learning. ICT Tools can be used in the presentation of the lesson or demonstrating
a point for better clarity among the learners.

i) Classification of ICT Tools

ICT Tools can be classified into two main categories namely:

a) Hardware
b) Software

Hardware ICT Tools

These include all digital devices that can be used in the enhancement/ facilitation of
learning. For instance, computers, laptops, scanners, printers, projectors, smart
phones, learning tablets.

Software ICT Tools

These include the internet, digital television, video conferencing, mobile phone
applications (Zeraki), RFID Technology, application software, Google Meet, Google
Spreadsheet, Skype, Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Google Maps, Google Earth,

ii) Features to consider when selecting ICT Tools for use in learning

There are several key factors to consider when selecting ICT Tools for use in the
learning process:

a) Relevance – the material must have strong connection to the curriculum

b) Accessibility – the ICT Tool must be readily available for use
c) Customization – the ICT Tool must be flexible to fit the user’s requirements
d) Navigation – ease of use & not complex to understand and use.
e) Must add value
f) Must be quality
g) Must be sustainable
h) Size of the class (number of learners)
i) The learner’s profile & background
j) Local constraints (availability of power supply)
k) The learning environment
l) The preferred instructional method
m) The content to be learned

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iii) Methods of acquiring ICT Tools for use in learning

There are three ways one may acquire ICT Tools for use in learning:

a) Buying
b) Leasing (long-term)
c) Renting (short-term)
iv) Utilizing ICT Tools in facilitating the learning process
a) Through the use of visual resources such as videos, images or PDF document as
further aid to enable students understand the syllabus better.
b) Through the use of LMS (Lecture Management System) to conduct online
classes (Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Skype, Zoom)
c) Through listening to an educational radio/ television program
d) Through enabling learners to adjust their own pace of learning. The teacher can
conveniently attend to the learners that require more support on an individual
e) Through helping learners to develop their collaborative skills better (video
conferencing while doing online assignments)
f) It takes away the monotony of the classroom environment as many learners
will find it interesting to interact and thus become more creative.
g) It allows the teacher to reach learners who are far and dispersed through online
collaborative lecture management systems. The teacher can therefore monitor
the learner’s progress from anywhere.

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Possible KNEC Style Application Questions

1. Why do we acquire ICT Tools?

- ICT Tools enable teachers to create an engaging and interactive learning
experience for students
- ICT Tools enhance creativity among the learners
- ICT Tools makes it convenient and easy to share learning resources
- ICT Tools allows effective collaboration
- It allows effective accessibility to resources
- ICT Tools facilitates the demonstration of a point & presentation of the lesson
- ICT Tools provide endless opportunities to the learners in terms of making
them productive and innovative citizen

2. What are some of the challenges of implementing the use of ICT Tools for use in the
learning process?

Discuss this in light of social factors (technophobia), human resource (lack of

trained teachers to handle the ICT Tools effectively), Economic factors (lack of
funding to purchase the relevant ICT Tools owing to the fact that ICT Tools are
expensive to acquire), Technical Factors (lack of technical staff to maintain the ICT
Tools), Infrastructure (lack of electricity supply in remote schools, lack of internet

- Sustainability & scale

- Lack of internet infrastructure
- Lack of electricity in the remote intended areas
- Lack of knowledge & proper training skills
- Lack of funding
- Unavailability of the latest ICT Equipment
- Lack of expert technical staff

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