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Answer Section


1 August 3rd, 9:30 a.m.

2 July 28th, 8.00 p.m.
3 August 10th, 11:15 a.m.
4 July 26th, 3:00 p.m.
5 September 22nd, 6:00 p.m.
6 August 2nd, 2.00 p.m.

Audio script (Track 2.1)

1. This is Dr. Costello’s office. We're calling to change your dental appointment to August 3 rd at 9:30 in the
morning. Thank you.

2. Hi, Don. It's Sue. I'm calling about Cindy's birthday party. It's on July 28th at 8 p.m. Are you free? I'll call
you later.

3. Hello, Don. This is Aunt Betty. How are you, darling? Listen, I'm coming to town next month and I'd love
to see you. I'm arriving on August the tenth at 11:15 in the morning. I'll call you from the airport. Bye!

4. Hi, Don. This is Ted. Listen, we can't play tennis on Saturday. Are you free Sunday afternoon, July 26 th,
around three?

5. Hello, Don. This is Francis. I'll be back from my trip on Tuesday, September 22nd. Let's meet in my office
that Tuesday around 6 p.m., Okay? Let me know.

6. This is Star travel. We’ve booked your flight to New Orleans for next month. You leave on August 2 nd on
Flight 101 from Kenedy Airport at 2 p.m.

Below are suggested answers for questions 7-12. Students’ answers may vary.

7 I get up at 6 a.m.
8 I do not have breakfast at home. / I don’t have breakfast at home.
9 My sister often goes to bed early.
10 My mother prepares meals.
11 My brother is very lazy. He never tidies up.
12 My brother watches TV after dinner.

13 d
14 e
15 a
16 c
17 b

18 hospital(s)
19 lab(s)
20 school(s)
21 airplane(s)/airport(s)

22 at
23 on
24 in
25 in
26 at

27 works
28 enjoy
29 cooks
30 study
31 drives

32 a, a
33 an, x
34 a, an
35 an, x
36 a, a

37 August, short, four, floor, talk
38 run, does, brother, come
39 work, turn, early, person, journey

40 artist, star, are, calm

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