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1 Lxplaln Lhe role of markeLlng ln company?

MarkeLlng ls Lhe acLlvlLy and process for creaLlng capLurlng communlcaLlng dellverlng and
exchanglng offerlngs LhaL have value for cusLomers cllenLs parLners and socleLy aL large

1he role of markeLlng ls Lo connecL Lhe buslness wlLh lLs LargeL markeL MarkeLlng ls Lhe ma[or
llnk beLween Lhe buslness and lLs cusLomers As Lhe markeL changes and becomes more
compeLlLlve Lhe buslness needs Lo know and undersLand lLs LargeL markeL so lL can provlde
beLLer servlce Lo lLs cusLomers Successful markeLlng wlll ldenLlfy cusLomer needs and Lhen
plan prlce promoLe and dlsLrlbuLe Lhe producLs and servlces LhaL wlll saLlsfy Lhese needs 1hls
way Lhe buslness goals of lncreased proflL and a greaLer share of Lhe markeL can be achleved
8uL conLlnually researchlng cusLomers and monlLorlng Lhe buslness envlronmenL markeLlng
provldes Lhe lnformaLlon Lhe buslness needs ln order Lo change dlrecLlon on ad[usL lLs LacLlcs by
provldlng new producL or changlng exlsLlng producLs 1he ob[ecLlves and sLraLegles of Lhe
markeLlng plan are used Lo deLermlne Lhe plans of Lhe oLher funcLlons such as operaLlons
employmenL relaLlons and accounLlng and flnance 1hrough correcL buslness can expecL Lo
grow and expand boLh ln slze and proflLablllLy
2 ulscuss how macroenvlronmenL facLors lnfluence consumer? LS1LL
nowadays socleLy change rapldly markeLers wanL Lo be successful Lhey musL undersLand fully whaL ls
golng on ouLslde Lhe flrm ln oLher words markeLer should Lhlnk abouL macro envlronmenL facLors such
as culLure pollLlcal/legal economlc demographlcs soclal and Lechnology
Cu|tura| env|ronment changes accounL for peoples core bellefs or values Pow people vlew Lhemselves
oLhers organlzaLlons socleLy naLure and Lhe unlverse all play a parL ln shaplng ones culLure
Companles need Lo Lake Lhese prlnclples lnLo conslderaLlon when worklng ln Lhe markeL place lor
example when you open resLauranL ln a counLry ln whlch has many Musllms llvlng you should noL serve
pork ln menu
o||t|ca| env|ronment conslsLs of laws regulaLlons and governmenL pollcles LhaL may lnfluence or llmlL
varlous companles or organlzaLlons ln Lhe markeL 1he governmenL puLs llmlLs and regulaLlons on
companles for Lhe good of socleLy ensurlng LhaL we have a free and falr markeL
Lconom|c env|ronment lncludes Lhose facLors LhaL affecL consumer purchaslng power and spendlng
paLLerns lrom Lhe Llme of Lhe CreaL uepresslon Lo Lhe Llme of SepLember 11Lh Amerlca has seen
how drasLlcally Lhe economy can be affecLed lL ls lmporLanL for companles Lo waLch Lrends ln Lhe
economy Lo prevenL losses ln proflLs and Lo sLay aL Lhe Lop of Lhe markeL
Demography is the study oI human populations in terms oI size, density, location, age, sex, race,
occupation, and other statistics. It is oI major interest to marketers because it involves people and people
make up markets. Demographic trends are constantly changing. Ex .
needs and
CapLure value
cusLomer Lo
creaLe proflLs
LhaL dellghL
program LhaL
dellvers value
@echno|og|ca| env|ronment new Lechnology creaLes new markeLs and new opporLunlLles for buslnesses
lL ls lmporLanL for buslnesses old and young Lo sLay on Lop new Lechnology Companles LhaL do noL sLay
up Lo daLe wlll soon flnd Lhelr producLs and servlces ouLdaLed 1hey wlll mlss all of Lhe greaL
opporLunlLles and markeLs LhaL Lechnology brlngs
Soc|a| trends appear Lo be shaplng consumer values around Lhe world lncludlng greener consumers
markeLlng Lo chlldren prlvacy concerns and Llmepoor socleLles
3 Lxplaln consumer declslon maklng process Clve example Lo lllusLraLe your undersLandlng?

need recognlLlon lnformaLlon search evaluaLlon of alLernaLlve purchase posL purchase
Need kecoqnition Consumers recognlze a problem based on physlcal cues sLlmulus response or a
need lor example a cusLomer could smell fresh bread and reallze she ls hungry or she could have a
broken palr of glasses and know she needs a new palr vlsual clues Lrlgger problem recognlLlon lor
example a beverage ln a clear conLalner shows when lL ls geLLlng low or a sLlcker ln a car wlndow
remlnds cusLomers when lL ls Llme for an oll change
nformotion 5eorch CusLomers ln Lhe lnformaLlon search sLage of Lhe buylng process look for soluLlons
Lo Lhelr problems or needs 1hey remember whaL Lypes of purchases solved a slmllar problem ln Lhe
pasL CusLomers also dlscuss Lhelr needs wlLh frlends and relaLlves Lo see whaL soluLlons Lhey may
suggesL lor more expenslve purchases cusLomers may read revlews look Lhrough newspapers or
research Lhe producL onllne
ternotive vootionConsumers evaluaLe Lhelr purchase opLlons based on producL aLLrlbuLes such as
Lechnlcal speclflcaLlons Lhrough sub[ecLlve facLors such as brands and Lhrough personal experlence
such as sampllng or LesLlng producLs Consumer and company revlews can lnfluence a consumers
producL evaluaLlon
9rchose uecision A consumers declslon Lo purchase someLhlng lncludes where Lo buy when Lo buy
and wheLher Lo buy lor rouLlne goods such as grocerles consumers may slmply go Lo Lhelr favorlLe
grocery sLore buL for elecLronlc purchases Lhey may browse mulLlple sLores 1hey wlll evaluaLe each
merchanL based on prlor experlence wlLh Lhe sLore speclal offers and wheLher Lhey can reLurn Lhe
producL easlly A sLore LhaLs vlsually appeallng has helpful sales assoclaLes and offers speclals and
dlscounLs lnfluences a buyer
9ost9rchose 8ehovior AfLer maklng a purchase a consumer menLally ranks her purchase saLlsfacLlon
She wlll evaluaLe lf she llked Lhe sLore lf she en[oys Lhe producL and Lhe quallLy of Lhe producL 1hls
evaluaLlon deLermlnes wheLher Lhe cusLomer wlll purchase Lhe producL or brand agaln and wheLher lL
would be from Lhe same sLore CusLomers who are happy wlLh Lhelr purchases and feel Lhey recelved a
quallLy producL aL a good prlce wlll become repeaL cusLomers and wlll Lell oLhers abouL Lhelr

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