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Bài 1: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. Ever since she started joining Han’s courses, James……as much yoga as she…….
1. isn’t doing / has been 4. doesn’t do / would like
2. wasn’t doing / should 5. didn’t do / must
3. hasn’t been able to do / used to

2. There doesn’t seem to be……to get away from the traffic jam in this town.
1. anywhere 4. nobody
2. somehow 5. wherever
3. nowhere

3. …….classical dance for 6 years, So Yong finally felt ready……on stage.

1. Studying / to be performed 4. Having studied / to perform
2. To be studied / performing 5. To study / performed
3. Being studied / having performed

4. All farmers in the valley eat most of ……they produce, and……they even don’t eat, they sell.
1. which / anything 4. how / whenever
2. where / how else 5. what / whatever
3. that / something

5. Christine prefers to open a tin……cook a meal for herself.

1. otherwise 4. as long as
2. rather than 5. instead
3. therefore

6. You need to take the full course of your antibiotics ……… you feel better, ………….., your
illness will simply return.
1. so that / such as 4. even if / otherwise
2. unless / moreover 5. although / so that
3. whereas / even if

7. If you …… a car, you need to get it …… annually.

1. owned / to service 4. had owned / being serviced
2. will own / servicing 5. would own / have serviced
3. own / serviced

8. Joe …… on her car all day, I wonder if she……by this dinner.

1. works / is going to finish 4. had worked / has been finishing
2. worked / was finishing 5. has been working / will have
3. is going to work / has finished finished

9. Selena has been keen on learning how to sail a boat ……. she went sailing with her boyfriend a
few years ago.
1. by the time 4. ever since
2. the moment 5. long before
3. just after

10. We were expecting favorable weather near the beach, but it was so cold and rainy
that,……getting a sun tan, I caught a cold.
1. in case of 4. according to
2. instead of 5. just as
3. compared to

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. I……all night long, and I have to get some sleep, or else I……asleep during tomorrow’s class.
1. have been studying / will fall 4. studied / have fallen
2. was studying / fall 5. study / am going to fall
3. am studying / was falling

2. The main staple food……in Ethiopia includes a flat, sour, spongy bread which …. injera.
1. to eat / calls 4. eating / was called
2. having eaten / has been called 5. eaten / is called
3. to have eaten / has called

3. The well-known animal conservationist ……to raise funds for his latest Asian
project when he……in a tragic accident.
1. has been trying / had killed 4. tried / has been killed
2. had been trying / killed 5. was trying / was killed
3. would try / was being killed

4. In Japan, all buildings…… decades ago are designed…… annually powerful earthquakes.
1. building / withstanding 4. to build / to have withstood
2. built / to withstand 5. to be built / having withstood
3. having built / to be withstood

5. You……to Florida in the high season unless you …… reservations.

1. don’t go / will make 4. shouldn’t go / have made
2. can’t go / were making 5. wouldn’t go / make
3. haven’t gone / would make

6. In Turkey, people could buy as much foreign currency as they liked,……it was not always…….
1. yet / too 4. but / so
2. so / already 5. still / either
3. thus / yet

7. You will need to study for years…… you intend to read the original ancient Greek classics.
1. if 4. yet
2. unless 5. nor
3. so

8. Joe thought……would be a good Idea to study in a group rather than on ……. .However, In the
end they just listened to music or chatted.
1. they / them 4. theirs / him
2. it / his own 5. his / their own
3. he / himself

9. Despite he is 80 years old and drinks and smokes, Mr. Harington doesn’t have problems with his
lungs,……does he suffer from a bad liver.
1. each 4. nor
2. rather 5. whether
3. unless

10. …….his money for several years, Oliver had enough……his master’s degree without any help
from his family.
1. Being saved / financing 4. Having saved / to finance
2. Saving / being financed 5. To save / financed
3. To be saved / having financed

Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. The moment I saw the bus at the bus stop ahead, I started to run……I could in order to catch it.
1. faster than 4. as fast as
2. too fast that 5. so fast that
3. fast enough

2. Sanskrit is……challenging language and is of …… practical use that few people attempt to study
1. as / few enough 4. such a / so little
2. too / such a little 5. so / as little
3. a very / too few

3. The Mayan civilization……to exist a long time before the first Europeans …… in the Americas.
1. was ceasing / will arrive 4. ceased / are arriving
2. has ceased / would arrive 5. had ceased / arrived
3. had been ceasing / have arrived

4. …….you have left university and started working, you will know …… pleasant it was being a
1. Hardly / what 4. Once / how much
2. When / so 5. How/ so much
3. Not only / that

5. You went down on all of your exams because you……video games when you…….
1. were playing / should have been 3. had to play / ought to study
studying 4. played / must have been studying
2. could be playing / used to study 5. have been playing / were studying

6. …….in 1513, the Piri Reis map precisely……the outlines of parts of South America.
1. Having drawn / showed 4. To be drawn / was showing
2. Drawn / shows 5. Being drawn / will be showing
3. To draw / has shown

7. Many writers claim that they never enjoy writing another book……their first one.
1. so much that 4. too many as
2. as much as 5. enough as
3. the most than

8. …….education a person has……. opportunities there are of him or her earning low wages.
1. A little / no 4. The less / the more
2. Little / much 5. Several / many
3. Plenty of / a few

9. If …….tell me that there is a party, I just stay home and don’t do …….
1. Someone / anywhere 4. Everyone / no more
2. Anyone / nothing 5. No one / anything
3. Somebody / nowhere

10. Elve ……her research paper with two days….Dave decided to celebrate with her friends.
1. finishing / having spared 4. to finish / sparing
2. finished / to have spared 5. to have finished / to spare
3. being finished / to be spared

Bài 4: Điền từ cho sẵn dưới đây vào ô trống.

evidence surface melt valuable global
warming escape steady include likely consequences rapidly hurricane
1. How can things float on the —- of the water?
2. Forceful —- is expected to hit the East Coast this evening.
3. If you don’t do what you father says, you will get the —-.
4. The sun will soon —- the ice.
5. Sales grew dramatically as the company expanded —-.
6. They never —- me in their plans.
7. During the eighties, there was a —- increase in the labor force.
8. It is —- that he will continue to work overtime tonight.
9. Rising sea levels is also a part of climate change due to the —-.
10. That diamond ring is extremely —-, so be careful with it.
11. All the —- show that show that dinosaurs existed in the past.
12. Despite all the measures taken, two prisoners were able to —- from the prison.

Bài 5: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. Because their relationship was based on lies and —-, they broke up only after a few weeks.
1. respect 4. negotiation
2. purification 5. modesty
3. deceit

2. It is a fact that most accidents happen because someone was —- or negligent.

1. careless 4. coherent
2. fortunate 5. abundant
3. elegant

3. Caffeine has many —- effects that many people that use everyday may not be aware of.
1. harmful 4. contented
2. boastful 5. envious
3. considerate

4. Veterinary medicine has become far more sophisticated than in the past, which can be attributed to
the increase in household pets and —- to the demand for better care for them.
1. seldom 4. nervously
2. mournfully 5. irrelevantly
3. consequently

5. The suspect —- hitting his friend but denied intending to kill her while examed by the police.
1. admitted 4. tickled
2. represented 5. urged
3. satisfied

6. If the examinees do not allow cards for the examination, they are not —- to take part in the
1. abused 4. mounted
2. denied 5. allowed
3. interrupted

7. The Internet has —- shifted the way people communicate with one another.
1. thoughtlessly 4. fundamentally
2. inconsiderately 5. accordingly
3. tactlessly
8. Technical skill and knowledge are two of the considerations that significantly —- the success in
1. populate 4. skim
2. regard 5. wander
3. affect

9. A few days ago, I —- a very limited CD when I was looking for a gift to give to an old friend.
1. came across 4. took off
2. brought up 5. blew up
3. put off

10. When the teams start to —-, their representatives from the electing offices send notes or send
something to boost the teams’ spirit.
1. fall behind 4. check in
2. sort out 5. try on
3. come into

11. A group of campers lost their way in the mountains because they had —- that it was getting
1. grasped 4. ignored
2. estimated 5. enriched
3. discovered

12. The teacher got in the classroom when the students were —- trying to finish their assignments.
1. profitably 4. slightly
2. relatively 5. unintentionally
3. busily

13. In spite of the string of successes, the Japanese team was shaken by the —- of the men’s doubles
team of world champion.
1. opportunity 4. elimination
2. relativity 5. worship
3. survival

14. When economic circumstances adjust, businesses need time to —-.

1. faint 4. adjust
2. infect 5. flee
3. intrude

15. Scientists continue to develop —- methods which would improve animal well-being and further
decrease the number of animals needed for testing.
1. greasy 4. irresponsible
2. improper 5. reckless
3. alternative
Đáp án
Bài 1: 4. E 8. E
1. C 5. B 9. D
2. A 6. D 10. B
3. D 7. C

Bài 2: 4. B 8. B
1. A 5. D 9. D
2. E 6. D 10. D
3. E 7. A

Bài 3: 4. D 8. D
1. D 5. A 9. E
2. D 6. B 10. E
3. E 7. B

Bài 4: 5. rapidly 10. valuable

1. surface 6. include 11. evidence
2. hurricane 7. steady 12. escape
3. consequences 8. likely
4. melt 9. global warming

Bài 5: 6. allowed 12. busily

1. deceit 7. fundamentally 13. elimination
2. careless 8. affect 14. adjust
3. harmful 9. came across 15. alternative
4. consequently 10. fall behind
5. admitted 11. ignored

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