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Name : Putri Indah Sari

Nim : 1805111317

Class : 4 A

1. Closed class of pronouns

Example :

 My mother like to cook meat, but she doesn’t like to eat it.
 I gave my novel to my sister, and she likes it very much.
 The house which the big one is mine.
 My cousin wants a candy, but aunty doesn’t give it.
 The new laptop which black colour is mine.
 The laundry isn’t going to do itself.
 I love my sister, but sometimes she doesn’t care about me.
 my brother has a girlfriend, and she is beautiful.
 It is one of the nicest cafe in Pekanbaru.
 I do my homework by myself.
2. Closed class of pro-forms ( such as pro-verb, and so on )

Example :

 My sister is a student and so am I.

 I needed to buy a mask and my mother did too.
 We went to the library and they did too.
 My brother buys a short on Tuesday and my father does too
 I cooked a soup yesterday and Rita did too
 I was reading a comic last night and Tania was too
 I eat fried rice every morning and my sister does too.
 Vina is a teacher and so is my sister.
 My mother has been stayed in this town for 8 years and my father has too.
 I have a white rabbit and Dita has too.
3. Closed class of preposition
Example :
 She is inside the house
 The man is getting into the car
 The bridge is over the river
 The telephone is by the window
 They massed in front of the city hall
 We slept under the open sky.
 She held the umbrella over both of us
 There is a bush near the school playground
 There are some fruits in the refrigerator
 The hospital is opposite the post office.
4. Closed class of articles and determiners
Example :
The cat is eating
The man who wrote this story is famous
The last chapter of this novel ends beautifully.
The sun is very bright today
The moon glows in the dark night
December is the last month of the year.
I am is a teacher
It was a very cute cat
There is an apple on the table
I have finished my task in an hour
5. Closed class of conjunction
Example :
 He works every day, even on Sundays.
 Juanita is brilliant and Shalimar has a pleasant personality.
 Joey lost a fortune in the stock market, but he still seems able to live quite
 I hate broccoli as much as I hate cauliflower.
 We can broil chicken on the grill tonight, or we can just eat leftovers.
 He is neither sane nor brilliant.
 Since I was ill for two months, I lost my job.
 I have to be on time, for my lecturer will be annoyed if I’m late.
 Even though it rained a lot, We enjoyed the holiday.
 I have to go to work at six, so I’m walking up at four.
6. Open class and mixed classes.
Example :
 The hotel is big
The = determiners , hotel = noun, is = verb, big = adjective

 My mother bought a wallet yesterday

My mother = pronoun, bought = verb, a = article, wallet = noun, yesterday =

 I dont have a bicycle

I = pronoun, don’t have = verb, a = article, bicycle = noun.

 The police arrested a bad guy.

The = determiners, police = noun, arrested = verb, a = article, bad = adjective,
guy = noun.
 My father is a wise person
My father = pronoun, is = verb, a = article, wise = adjective, person = noun.

 I said that Arif is an evil boy

I = pronoun, said = verb, that = preposition, is = verb, an = article, evil =
adjective, boy = noun.

 Anggun gave Aini a cake

Anggun = noun, gave = verb, Aini = noun, a = article, cake = noun.

 I bought a new laptop last month

I = pronoun, bought = verb, a = article, new = adjective, laptop = noun, last
month = adverb

 I give a cap to my brother

I = pronoun, give = verb, a = article, to = preposition, my brother = pronoun.

 Randi often drives at dangerous speeds.

Randi = pronoun, often= adverb of frequency, drives = verb, at = preposition,
dangerous = adjective, speeds = noun.

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