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A review on hydrogen industrial aerospace


D. Cecere a,*, E. Giacomazzi a, A. Ingenito b

Sustainable Combustion Laboratory, ENEA, Rome, Italy
University Sapienza, Rome, Italy

article info abstract

Article history: This article depicts the scenario in which hydrogen appears as the best candidate fuel for
Received 13 February 2014 long range transportation with potentially zero emissions. Main characteristics of
Received in revised form hydrogen that make it appealing and exploitable in applications are described and
11 April 2014 compared to those of other common fuels. A historical journey through aerospace industry
Accepted 18 April 2014 applications of hydrogen since its discovery is provided, considering turbojet, ramjet,
Available online 2 June 2014 scramjet and rocket engines. Current and future technology levels are reported.
Copyright ª 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
Keywords: reserved.
Hydrogen combustion

fossil fuels is characterized by products that may cause

Introduction environmental pollution and climate changes: carbon dioxide,
water vapor, NOx, unburnt hydrocarbon (UHC), carbon mon-
Nowadays, more than 85% of the global energy system is oxide, particulate and SOx. At present, civil air traffic contri-
based on the utilization of fossil fuel such as oil, natural gas bution to the total anthropogenic emissions is about 3% for
and coal, but they are expected to be exhausted by this cen- NOx and 2.6% for CO2 [2]. These values may change due to the
tury. Besides this, economies of emerging countries will make expected growth of the global air traffic in the near future. It is
fossil fuel price more volatile in the next future [1]. Hence, it is not demonstrated that the consequent increase of greenhouse
required to limit the dependency on fossil fuels and find gases could be compensated by simply improving aircraft
alternative energy sources. Such a scenario is going to affect propulsion systems [3].
the aerospace industry in the next future. Today another de- All these considerations are strong drivers for the devel-
cision making issue is pollution. Combustion of conventional opment and research of alternative fuels. Hydrogen is the best

Abbreviations: ISP, specific impulse; NOx, oxides of nitrogen; SOx, sulphur oxides; CO, carbon-monoxide; CO2, carbon-dioxide; LOX,
liquid oxygen; LH2, liquid hydrogen; LDI, lean direct injection; APU, auxiliary power unit; RBCC, rocket-based combined cycles; TBCC,
turbine-based combined cycles; LHV, lower heating value; SCRJ, scramjet; LES, large eddy simulation; SABRE, synergistic air-breathing
rocket engine; GTO, geosynchronous transfer orbit.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (D. Cecere).
0360-3199/Copyright ª 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
10732 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 7 3 1 e1 0 7 4 7

candidate alternative energy source for aerospace propulsion ratios (thanks to the wider flammability limits of the hydrogen-
and future hypersonic air-breathing launchers and trans- air flames compared to kerosene-air flames), or reducing the
atmospheric aircrafts. combustor length (thanks to the higher flame speed of
The paper is organized as follows. In Hydrogen Choice hydrogen compared to other fuels) [10]. In particular, when 1 kg
Motivation Section the main features of hydrogen as fuel are of kerosene is burnt with air at stoichiometric conditions, the
presented. In History of Hydrogen as Propellant Section the combustion process produces 1.24 kg of H2O, 3.16 kg of CO2, 1 g
history of hydrogen as propellant in aeronautic and rocket of NOx and 1 O 2.5 g of CO [11]. The same energy is contained in
propulsion applications is described. Hydrogen Fueled 0.36 kg of liquid hydrogen and its combustion with air produces
Engines Section presents the state of the art technologies for 3.21 kg of H2O and some NOx [12].
hydrogen fueled gas turbines and hypersonic engines. The water vapor, as a primary product of H2/Air combus-
tion, impacts the environment contributing to the formation
of contrails (condensation trails), whose radiative force is
Hydrogen choice motivation greater than that of CO2 (20 mW/m2 vs 18 mW/m2) [14]. The
global warming effect of water vapor can be eliminated by
Hydrogen is the most abundant element on earth and it can be cruise optimization, since this effect is decreasing with alti-
produced in different ways. Nearly the 50% of the global tude [15]. The NOx impact on ozone depletion is critical above
hydrogen demand is currently generated via steam reforming 18,000 m of altitude [11], i.e., in the ozonosphere layer,
of natural gas, 30% by oil/naphtha reforming, 18% by coal therefore, LH2 fueled supersonic aircrafts should be used
gasification, 3.9% by water electrolysis and 0.1% from other below 12,000 m.
sources [4e6]. Energy required in these processes can come The major drawback when using hydrogen as fuel in
from green energy sources like renewable energy (wind, solar, aerospace vehicles is its storage volume requirement. In fact,
biomass), nuclear energy, and energy derived from recovery at standard pressure and temperature, H2 has a density of only
(e.g., landfill gas, industrial heat recovery, etc.). 0.09 kg/m3 while gasoline and JP-8 have 750 kg/m3, and 800 kg/
Main properties of hydrogen are summarized in Table 1, m3 respectively. This is why hydrogen is typically stored
where they are also compared with those of other common under cryogenic conditions (20.46 K) as liquid hydrogen. At
fuels. It is observed that hydrogen has an energy release much this state, for a given amount of energy, a 4 times bigger vol-
higher than common and long chain hydrocarbons (119.96 MJ/ ume is necessary with respect to kerosene.
kg vs ¢42.8 MJ/kg, respectively) [7]. It has wide flammability Despite this, Brewer [13] in his studies concluded that
limits and a very short ignition time [8]. Its high diffusivity is liquid hydrogen fueled aircrafts are more efficient and still
another important feature for mixing. Its thermal conductiv- remain advantageous from the point of view of weight with
ity, the highest among all gases, its high heat capacity and its respect to kerosene fueled aircrafts, hence implying lower
very low dynamic viscosity provide superior cooling proper- direct operating costs.
ties for operation at high flight speeds and at combustor high Corchero et al. [16] reported performance analysis of the
temperatures. Furthermore, its low molecular weight makes it BR710-48 turbofan, on a Tupolev Tu-324/414 jet regional
the fuel with the higher specific impulse (ISP), w450 s: this aircraft, fueled by hydrogen and kerosene. This comparison
means that burning 1 kg/s of hydrogen with oxygen produces showed that the specific fuel consumption of the hydrogen
a thrust of 450 kgforce. fueled aircraft is, at the same conditions, 11.273 kg/(kN s), 2.8
Recently, its feature of not producing any harmful pollut- times lower than that of the kerosene based aircraft. At the
ants and particulate matter promoted hydrogen as fuel in the same time, the turbine inlet temperature in hydrogen fueled
public transportation industry. However, NOx formation when engine was 37 K lower than that of kerosene, thus increasing
burning hydrogen with air is still an issue. NOx is produced via engine life.
an endothermic mechanism, especially above 1800 K [9]. It may Verstraete evaluated the potential of hydrogen as fuel for
be controlled by operating at lean or very lean equivalence long range transport aircrafts at current technology levels.

Table 1 e Fuels properties: * At normal boiling point; NTP [ normal temperature and pressure [7].
H2 CH4 Jet-A JP-4
Molecular weight 2.016 16.04 w168 w132
Heat of combustion (low), [kJ g1] 119.96 50.0 42.8 42.8
Liquid density, [g cm3] 0.071* 0.423* w0.811 w0.774
Boiling point, at 1 atm [K] 20.27 112 440 to 539 333 to 519
ISP Fuel/O2 vacuum [s] 450 300 290 270
Heat capacity [J g1 K1] 9.69 3.50 1.98 2.04
Heat of vaporation, [J g1] 446 510 360 344
Diffusion vel. in NTP air [ms1] 2.00 0.51 <0.17 <0.17
Flammability limits in air, vol % 4.0 to 75.0 5.3 to 15.0 0.6 to 4.7 0.8 to 5.8
Min. ignition energy in air [mJ] 0.02 0.29 0.25 0.25
Autoignition Temp., [K] 858 813 >500 >500
Burning vel. in NTP air, [cm s1] 265 to 325 37 to 45 18 381
Min. ignition energy in air, [mJ] 0.02 0.29 0.25 0.25
Flame temp. in air (f ¼ 1), [K] 2318 2148 2200 2200
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Since it is convenient to store liquid hydrogen in the fuselage tank and for purging. A heat exchanger for vaporizing the
rather than in wings to minimize the surface/volume ratio liquid hydrogen, a flow regulator, and a manifold for feeding
and heat losses, the conclusion is that the wing size is not gaseous hydrogen to the engine comprised the rest of the
restricted by fuel storage capacity. Therefore, the aircrafts hydrogen system [7,20].
may be designed with a 31% reduction in wing area. Further- Since then, the US has been starting several other projects,
more, despite the smaller wing, the reduction of aerodynamic such as the CL-400 airplane. It had a fuselage diameter of 3 m
efficiency due to bigger fuselage is compensated by the lower and a length of 49 m to accommodate 9740 kg of liquid
block fuel weight, leading to an 11% reduction in energy uti- hydrogen. The engines, supplied by Pratt & Whitney, each
lization [17]. weighed 2850 kg, provided 42 kN at sea-level, and 27 kN at
Nowadays, hydrogen is also used in space propulsion, Ma ¼ 2.5 and 29,000 m of altitude [21].
mainly for upper stage engines in space launchers. It is also In 1988, the Soviet Union Tupolev Design Bereau success-
foreseen to be a challenge to boost future hypersonic com- fully converted a 164-passenger TU-154 commercial jet to
mercial aircrafts employing supersonic ramjets (SCRAMJET), operate one of its three engines with liquid hydrogen. The
due to its high energy content, rapid mixing and fast kinetics maiden flight lasted 21 min [22].
(fuel and air must mix and react in less than one ms). Since 1991, two design projects for subsonic cryoplane
aircraft on the basis of an existing Airbus A310 were developed
by the NASA-Langley Research Centre and the Russian-
History of hydrogen as propellant German Cooperative venture. The first adopted spherical
tanks for liquid hydrogen, increasing the thermal insulation
This section provides a brief historical overview of hydrogen due to the reduced surface to volume ratio. The second was
applications in aeronautics and space sectors, reporting the designed with hydrogen tanks on top of the fuselage, thus
main steps since its discovery until our days. reducing the wing areas [23]. In 2000 the European Commis-
sion funded the CRYOPLANE project, a consortium of 35
Aeronautic applications partners from aviation sector, to cover all aspects relevant for
assessing the technical feasibility, safety, environmental
Hydrogen was identified for the first time as a distinct element compatibility and economic viability of using Liquid Hydrogen
by the British scientist Henry Cavendish in 1766 through a as fuel in aviation [24].
reaction between zinc metal and hydrochloric acid. French On 14 September 2013, Boeing’s liquid hydrogen-powered
chemist Antoine Lavoisier gave hydrogen its name, derived Phantom Eye demonstrator successfully completed its fifth
from the Greek words “hydro” and “genes”, meaning “water” flight reaching an altitude of 28,000 ft and a speed of 115 km/h
and “born of”. for nearly four and a half hours. Each of the two propulsion
In 1783, Jacques Alexander Cesar Charles, a french physi- systems consisted of a modified Ford 2.3 L engine, tuned to
cist, launched the first hydrogen balloon flight. The un- operate with hydrogen, a reduction gearbox, and a 4-blade
manned balloon, known as “Charliere”, flew to an altitude of propeller. The engines were originally designed for use with
3 km [18]. In 1900 the flight of the first rigid airship known as some models of the petrol-burning Ford Fusion car. In order to
Zeppelin and flying with hydrogen, took place in Germany operate in the rarefied atmosphere at 65,000 ft, the engines
based on the project of Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin (1893). adopted a multiple turbocharger system that compressed the
In 1937 Hans von Ohain produced a simple gas turbine low density air and provided 150 horsepower at sea level [25].
prototype operated with hydrogen gas supplied by an external At present, Airbus is planning to test a new way to make its
pressurized source. The resulting Heinkel-Strahltriebwerk 1 planes more fuel-efficient. The idea consists in powering non-
(HeS 1), German name for Heinkel Jet Engine 1, was tested in a propulsion systems (basically everything requiring electricity
rig and exhibited a thrust of 250 lb [19]. in the plane) by a hydrogen fuel-cell, thus decreasing the load
In the fall 1955, the Wright Field power plant laboratory of plane’s engines. This allows the engines to be kept off for
planned an experiment to determine the feasibility of flying longer when the plane is on the ground and once in the air, the
an airplane fueled with liquid hydrogen. The airplane selected fuel-cell can produce electricity more efficiently than the en-
for the project was the B-57B twin-engine bomber powered by gines. Furthermore, if the hydrogen that powers it comes from
Curtiss Wright J-65 turbojet engines. The basic plan consisted a clean source, a compounding of the environmental benefits
in equipping the airplane with a hydrogen fuel system, inde- is got. A 90 kW hydrogen fuel cell will be installed into an A320
pendent of its regular fuel system, and modifying one engine owned by the German Aerospace Center with the aim of
to operate with hydrogen as well as its regular fuel, which was commencing test flights by 2015 [26].
JP-4 (kerosene). The airplane took off and climbed on its reg- The development of hypersonic flight vehicles (Ma > 5) for
ular fuel. After reaching level flight at about 16,400 m, the fuel long-range passengers’ transportation or launch vehicles for
on one engine was switched from JP-4 to hydrogen. The space applications requires the development of efficient pro-
hydrogen fuel tank on the left wing of the airplane was 6.2 m pulsion systems, and liquid hydrogen has no competitors as
long with a volume of 1.7 m3. The stainless steel tank was fuel in this field (see Fig. 1). One of the recent successful
designed for a pressure of 3.4 atm and insulated by a 0.05 m hydrogen-fueled scramjet flight test is the X-43A launched on
coat of plastic foam, covered by aluminum foil and encased in 27 March 2004 [27]. The X-43A is part of NASA’s Hyper-X
a fiberglass covering. On the opposite wing there was the he- program to develop new air-breathing propulsion systems
lium supply consisting of 24 fiberglass spheres charged to for hypersonic flights [28]. Apart from flying at Mach 9.6 it also
200 atm. The helium was used for pressurizing the hydrogen flew autonomously under its own power and achieved
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Fig. 1 e Specific impulse of various jet engines.

positive acceleration while climbing at Mach 7 for approxi- Companies analyzed more than 1100 different combinations
mately 10 s. of propellants researching those with the best ignition capa-
One of the most recent hydrogen fueled experiments is bility. After 1945, other countries worked on the same goal, but
Australia’s scramjet HyShot (see Fig. 2). HyShot is a research their attention focused only on a small number of fuels and
experiment of the University of Queensland. The goal of the oxidants [54]. The US, URSS, Europe, Japan, China and India,
research program was to demonstrate the feasibility of trained an important technological effort to search for the
igniting and maintaining supersonic combustion under real- most performing liquid propellants; more than 1800 fuels and
istic flight conditions, and to compare results gathered from about 2000 bipropellant combinations were analyzed in labo-
observed flight with similar shock tunnel experiments [29]. ratories. Only a few hundred were bench tested with small
The HyShot launches used a two stage Terrier-Orion Mk70 thrust chambers and about only 40 different combinations
rocket to boost the payload and the empty Orion motor to an flew at least once [56]. Such an effort, so economically
apogee of approximately 330 km; as the spent motor and its wasteful involved many organizations, including obviously
attached payload falls back to Earth, the vehicle is then companies producing liquid propellant rockets, and also
accelerated. The trajectory is designed so that between 23 km various oil and chemical companies. Among all the investi-
and 35 km, the flight Mach number is 7.6. EU also funded a gated propellants combinations, the unique with high release
project “LAPCAT II” [30] to study the feasibility of a long range of energy that was immediately accepted and extensively
hypersonic commercial transport flying from Bruxelles to
Sydney using hydrogen as fuel.

Rocket propulsion applications

Since the beginning of liquid rocket propulsion [55,56], a large

number of propellant combinations were investigated
focusing on various properties, such as energy content, den-
sity, volatility, corrosively and reactivity, to evaluate those
potentially suitable to become the effective propellants for
space propulsion [57e59]. The analytical assessments and
experimental testing were centered on several critical points:
the determination for physical and chemical properties,
storability, high power performance, flammability limits,
cooling efficiency, low freezing point and high boiling tem-
perature to adapt to the mission operative limits; also stability
during storage, not dangerousness and toxicity of the exhaust
gas at environmental level were accounted for. Before and Fig. 2 e HyShot scramjet experiment developed by
during the Second World War (1935e1945), several German University of Queensland.
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used internationally was that of liquid oxygen and liquid Martin’s Venture Star airplane-like landing vehicle [40], but
hydrogen (LO2/LH2). these programs were soon canceled.
This section reports main programs related to hydrogen Recently, the Blue Origin US private company, started to
fueled rockets in different nations. This historical journey develop hydrogen fueled engines for an orbital human
shows that the US reached high and significant technical spacecraft based on the DC-X design. A number of test flights
achievements. In fact, the US first used a hydrogen fueled began in 2005; in October 2012, the seventh full-power test of
cryogenic engine in 1963, followed by Japan in 1977, France in the thrust chamber for the Blue Origin BE-3 liquid oxygen/
1979, China in 1984, Russia in 1987 and India in January 2014. liquid hydrogen rocket engine achieved a full thrust of about
This brief excursus on hydrogen worldwide applications 440 kN [41]. In January 2013, the BE-3 [42] new LH2/LOX cryo-
points out that the interest of hydrogen in space application is genic engine was successfully tested demonstrating extraor-
alive and in continuos progress. dinary good performance. In fact, the engine produced 490 kN
of thrust at full power, and was throttled down to 110 kN for
The United States use in controlled vertical landings.
In the United States, different companies (Aerojet, Rockedyne,
Pratt & Whitney, Marshall Space Flight Center) started studies Japan
on liquid hydrogen fueled engines. Aerojet’s first studies on In Japan, hydrogen was chosen as fuel for the upper stage
liquid hydrogen date back to sixties; the focus was on the propulsion system of the H-I and H-II series launch vehicles
demonstration of the largest and most powerful rocket engine [43,44]. The Mitsubishi LE-5 liquid rocket engine flew the first
to be designed, the M-1 [31,32]. This liquid hydrogen-fueled time as third stage engine for the H-I launch vehicle in 1977:
engine exhibited a thrust of 6.67  103 kN, and was an this is a fairly small engine, both in size and thrust output,
upgraded version of the F-1 engine, i.e., the engine that pow- being in the range of 89e130 kN thrust class. The LE-7, instead,
ered the first stage of the Saturn V rocket to the moon. was designed to be a medium-sized engine for the H-II.
The first operational rocket to use hydrogen as fuel was the
RL10 Centaur’s upper stage [33,34] in 1963. This rocket devel- Europe
oped by the Marshall Space Flight Center and Pratt & Whitney In Europe, hydrogen found its application in the HM7 cryo-
produced 64.7e110 kN of thrust in vacuum, and a vacuum genic rocket engine [45]. This engine flew in 1979, powering
specific impulse of 373e470 s, with a mass ranging from 131 to the third stage of the Ariane 1. The evolved HM7B, with higher
317 kg. The RL10 family engines were and are still used in specific impulse, powered the third stage of Ariane 2, 3 and 4.
many known launchers, as the S-IV second stage of the Saturn It was also used in the Ariane 5 in 2005 and, currently, it
I rocket (RL10A-3); these are still used in the Centaur upper powers the upper stage of the Ariane 5 ECA, ESC-A. In 1988,
stages of the Atlas V and Titan rockets (RL10A-4-2) and in the hydrogen was also considered for the Vulcain cryogenic en-
upper stage of the Delta IV rockets (RL10-B-2). gine [46], to be used on the Ariane 5 first stage. This engine
In the same years, due to the incomparable high perfor- flew for the first time 1996; the updated version of the engine,
mance of hydrogen, the US Rocketdyne began to develop the J- the Vulcain 2 engine, first successfully flew in 2005 [47]. The
2 high-energy rocket engine [35], fueled by liquid oxygen and European Space Agency is still continuing its research and
hydrogen. In 1966, this engine flew on NASA’s SII second stage development on hydrogen fueled rockets. In particular, the
of the Saturn V launch vehicle and the SIVB upper stage of Vinci engine is designed to power the new upper stage of
both SaturnIB and Saturn V. These engines produced 1033 kN Ariane 5, ESC-B, and to be the first European re-ignitable
of thrust in vacuum, a vacuum specific impulse of 421 s, with a cryogenic upper stage engine, raising the launcher’s GTO
mass of approximately 1788 kg. The J-2 engines were Amer- performances to 12 t [48].
ica’s largest production liquid hydrogen fueled rocket engine
before the RS-25 Space Shuttle Main Engine [36]. An upgraded China
version of the J2 engine, the J-2X [37], is now under develop- In the early 80s China [49] started studies on the YF-73 LH2/
ment for use on the Earth Departure Stage of NASA’s Space LOX fueled cryogenic engine, that successfully flew the first
Shuttle replacement, the Space Launch System. time in 1984. Studies on hydrogen continued with the upgra-
Due to the success of hydrogen fueled engines, in 1969 ded version of the YF-73, i.e., the YF-75 and the YF-77. The
NASA awarded contracts to General Dynamics, Lockheed, development of the YF-75 China’s second generation of
McDonnell Douglas and North American Rockwell to start the cryogenic gimballed engine began in the early 90s and its first
development of the Space Shuttle [38]. The RS-25, a liquid- flight was in 1994. The YF-77 development began in 2000, with
fuel cryogenic rocket engine, otherwise known as the Space testing directed by the China National Space Administration
Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) flew for the first time in 1981. (CNSA) commenced in 2005 and first flight in 2007. This engine
This engine produced 1859 kN of thrust at liftoff with a spe- produced a thrust of 78.45 kN and a specific impulse of 437 s.
cific impulse of 453 s in vacuum and it was capable of
throttling between 67% and 111% of its rated power level in Russia
one-percent increments. The RS-25 operated between Although the Soviet Companies focused their expertise on
extreme temperatures: the liquid hydrogen fuel was stored at hydrocarbon fuel space applications, three LH2/LOX rockets of
250  C while the temperature in the combustion chamber particular interest were also developed in the URSS. In the
reached 3315  C. early 60s, the RD-56 engine (7.5 tforce thrust level) was devel-
In the US, the use of hydrogen was also proposed for the oped by Khrunichev State Research and Production Space
DC-X vertical take off and landing craft [39] and the Lockheed Center (KBKhM). At the same time, the RD-57 (40 tforce thrust
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level) was developed in the Saturn Design Bureau. Both en- volumetric constraints [63e65]. Instead, for launch vehicle
gines were developed for the URSS Moon program. During the applications, the fuel can be loaded into the launch vehicle
70s, the RD-0120 hydrogen engine was designed by KBKhA for very shortly before take off and it is burnt up in rocket in a
the core stage of the giant Energia booster. A cluster of four comparatively short time, before boil off becomes a serious
RD-0120 engines performed flawlessly during two launches of problem.
the Energia rocket in 1987 and 1988. However, the program In order to estimate the hydrogen benefit with respect to
was canceled due to the economic collapse in the 90s. At the conventional rocket propellants, a comparison based on the
same time, the Russian government managed to secure a specific impulse is shown. These calculations were performed
contract with India to supply a modified version of the RD-56 by means of the NASA CEA code [68], assuming a chamber
engine for the upper stage of nation’s GSLV launch vehicle. pressure pc ¼ 10 MPa, an oxidant to fuel mass ratio O/F ¼ 1e8
The KVD-1 hydrogen-powered engine successfully debuted on and a nozzle pressure expansion ratio pc/pe ¼ 30. Fig. 3 shows
an Indian rocket, thus preserving Russia’s potential in devel- that for the same engine conditions, the combination LH2/LO2
opment of such technology. All these Soviet LH2 engines has an Isp about 34% higher than RP-1/LO2, confirming
employed the staged combustion cycle, while the American hydrogen has a specific impulse remarkably higher than all
RL-10 engine remained the only upper stage engine using the other classic propellant combinations. The hydrogen/oxygen
expander cycle. In 1997, Khrunichev enterprise, the manu- propellant combination reaches the highest specific impulse,
facturer of the Proton rocket, assigned KBKhA to develop a 361.8 s, at O/F ¼ 4.5. Increasing the expansion ratio by 33.3%,
LH2/LOX RD-0146 engine [52] with a thrust of 10 tons and i.e., from pc/pe ¼ 30 to 40, the specific impulse increases from
equipped with a nozzle extension for best performance at 361.8 s to 372.2 s, i.e., by about 2.8%. As for the RP-1/O2 com-
high altitude. The vehicle was conceived as the most powerful bination, this reaches its maximum Isp of 292 s at O/F ¼ 2.5.
upper stage of advanced launch veichles and oxygen/ Nevertheless the lower specific impulse with respect to liquid
hydrogen booster units (Proton-M, Angara family, Soyuz 2e3). hydrogen, the RP-1 propellant has been extensively used over
This engine was the first Russian rocket engine without a gas the years, due to its high density, low vapor pressure, eco-
generator, equipped with extendable nozzle and without a nomicity, storability and stability at ambient temperature (the
cooling system; it was capable of multiple firings and thrust first stages of Titan I, Saturn I and Saturn V launchers).
control in two planes. The first firing of RD-0146D took place The same analysis with the LH2/LF2 combination, not re-
successfully on November 20, 2013 [53]. ported here, shows that fluorine allows reaching a still higher
specific impulse, about 401.7 s. However, the high toxicity of
India LH2/LF2 exhausts, the dangerousness to handle and store
India started its studies on liquid hydrogen for space appli- fluorine, made this combination not applicable.
cations in the early 90s, planning to use the Russian-built Among the various propellant combinations, also hydra-
hydrogen/oxygen cryogenic engines and technical know- zine (N2H4), or mono-methyl hydrazine (MMH) with nitrogen
how [50]. Due to the US authorities sanctions on Glavkos- tetroxide NTO (N2O4), or nitric acid (HNO3) are highly used for
mos, the Russian company providing technology to India, the space propulsion, in particular for orbital maneuvering and
Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre, a subsidiary of ISRO (Indian satellite attitude control systems. Fig. 3 shows that for the
Space Research Organisation), decided to start developing an same engine conditions (pc ¼ 10 MPa, O/F ¼ 1e8, pc/pe ¼ 30), the
indigenous hydrogen fueled engine, the CE-20. This engine maximum specific impulse of the MMH/N2O4 combination is
was developed to power the upper stage of the Geosynchro-
nous Satellite Launch Vehicle III. After ten years, ISRO suc-
cessfully launched the GSLV-D5 rocket (powered by an
indigenous hydrogen fueled cryogenic engine) from the Satish
Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota on 5th January 2014 [51].
Seventeen minutes after lift-off, the rocket successfully
injected the GSAT-14 communication satellite into geosyn-
chronous transfer orbit. The combustion chamber burnt
liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen at 6 MPa with 5.05 engine
mixture ratio, producing a nominal thrust of 200 kN, a thrust-
to-weight ratio of 34.7 and a specific impulse of 444 s in

Liquid hydrogen performance for rocket propulsion

Nevertheless the disadvantages associated to the low density,
the hydrogen/oxygen extraordinary performance dominated
and still dominates some rocket applications. The LO2/LH2
combination is preferred particularly for upper stages of
launchers, as in the case of the US Pratt & Whitney RL-10
[60,61] or the Rocketdyne J-2 [35]. In fact, the reason that
hydrogen is still not more widely used in space missions is due
to the difficulty in storing and transporting it, particularly for Fig. 3 e Specific impulse vs equivalence ratio of different
extended periods of time, as well as to problems meeting fuels.
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liquid oxygen were calculated assuming O2 at its NBP (90 K)

and fuels at either 298 K or their NBP; performance with H2O2
as oxidizer were calculated assuming H2O2 at 298 K and fuels
at their NBP or 298 K. The oxidizers density is of 1440 kg/m3 for
With propellants at their normal boiling point (or at 25  C
for those storable without excessive pressure, see Table 2),
there are 4 propellant combinations (bold) with liquid oxygen
that give a payload capability 10% higher than the classic
combination of RP-1 and LO2. As for the LH2/LO2 combination,
it has the highest Vacuum specific Impulse, i.e., about 125% of
the classic RP-1/LO2, whereas, the payload capability is 54%.
Therefore, this combination performs well in systems which
are not volume limited, while assuming a constant size
vehicle for all propellants it presents the minimum payload. A
32% increase of the payload for LH2/LO2 may be obtained by
increasing the density by means of pre-chilling before loading.
As for the RP-1 and H2O2, eight propellant combinations give
better performance in term of payload capability at the given
Fig. 4 e Volumetric impulse vs equivalence ratio of
MR (mixture ratio). This said, hydrogen production and stor-
different fuels.
age (large volume requirement) still remain critical issues for
its successful application.

284 s at O/F ¼ 2. The comparison of the volumetric specific

impulses (r*Isp) in Fig. 4 shows that depending on the oxidizer Hydrogen fueled engines
to fuel ratio, the RP-1/O2 and MMH/N2O4 fuels have similar
behavior. Below O/F ¼ 2.5, the combination MMH/N2O4 has a Hydrogen in low Mach number flights
volumetric specific impulse 15.5% higher than the other pro-
pellants; above O/F ¼ 3.5, LH2/LO2 still remains the most per- When hydrogen is burnt in aero gas turbines several issues
forming propellant combination. need to be solved. In fact, in addition to systems for evapo-
In Table 2, a summary of propellant properties and per- ration of hydrogen (which is stored in tanks in a liquid state),
formance is reported [62]. The density value in column three is it is necessary to redesign the combustor to exploit the
calculated at NBP (Normal Boiling Point), or for those pro- considerable physical properties of hydrogen (high flame
pellants which are liquid, at near-ambient conditions, i.e., speed, large diffusivity, large range of flammability) and thus
298 K (bold). RP-1 has no defined NBP: the density 820 kg/m3 is increase the efficiency of the combustion chamber. A
that at 298 K. The last four columns show performances of combustor suitable for burning conventional fuels, having a
these propellants with Liquid Oxygen and with Hydrogen limited number of fuel injectors, does not allow the complete
Peroxide at a given mass mixture ratio (MR). Performance with mixing of hydrogen and air. When this happens, high

Table 2 e Propellant properties and performance when burning hydrogen with LO2 and H2O2.
Fuel DH+f TNBP rNBP MR Isp Payload
[kJ/mol] [K] [kg m3] [e] [s] [Tons]
LO2 H2O2 LO2 H2O2 LO2 H2O2
Hydrogen (H2) 9.00 20 70 6 15 469.1 384.1 9.35 3.81
Methane (CH4) 89.54 112 423 3.5 8.4 386.4 345.8 12.78 5.32
Ethane (C2H6) 99.16 184 544 3.2 7.8 384.3 346.1 15.29 7.24
Propane (C3H8) 98.74 231 582 3.1 7.7 382.2 345.6 15.21 7.42
Butane (C4H10) 141.7 273 573 3 7.5 374.1 345.4 14.32 7.13
RP-1 (..CH2..) 23.85 NA 820 2.4 7.2 375.9 343.7 16.64 8.48
O-xylene (C8H10) 18.99 418 875 2.6 6.7 372 343.2 15.51 8.65
Furfural alcohol (C8H10) 218.40 443 1126 1.5 3.8 356.9 337.3 10.62 6.03
Ethylene (C2H4) 33.89 169 569 2.6 7 388.4 351.1 16.56 9.81
Propylene (C3H6) 19.66 225 611 2.7 7.2 385.7 349.5 16.8 9.73
1,2-Butadiene (C4H6) 140.7 284 645 2.6 6.7 387.1 351.4 18.21 10.92
1,3-Butadiene (C4H6) 88.7 269 614 2.5 6.8 382.9 348.9 15.16 9.15
1,3-Cyclopentadiene (C5H6) 132.63 314 796 2.4 6.6 378.8 347.6 17.27 10.41
Cyclopropane (C3H6) 54.39 240 698 2.6 7.1 388.8 351.5 20.36 11.91
UDMH (C2H8N2) 49.79 336 786 1.8 4.5 385.4 349 19.32 9.85
Methykacetylene (C3H4) 166.52 250 671 2.3 6.4 391.1 349.2 20.17 9.86
Propargyl alcohol (C3H4O) 42.2 387 944 1.6 4.1 378.1 349.8 18.8 11.83
10738 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 7 3 1 e1 0 7 4 7

Fig. 5 e Hydrogen injectors tested: (a) NASA N1 injector; (b) Configuration C1; Configuration C2 (c); (d) Configuration C3-C4;
(eef) Details of hydrogen injectors assembly [70]; reprinted by permission of the American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics Inc.

temperature stoichiometric layers are formed in the com-

bustion chamber (due to large diffusive scales and fast ki-
netics) with consequent large formation rates of NO
pollutants [66].
For H2 combustion, thermal NO production is the most
contributing mechanism to the total NOx pollutants. The
thermal NO formation process is an endothermic mechanism
and it has high kinetic rate at temperature above 1850 K [67]. In
order to reduce NOx emissions, the attention is focused on
both the reduction of the flame temperature and the residence
time of the reactive mixture within the combustion chamber.
It is also possible to modify the fuel-air ratio toward leaner
combustion regimes, at all engine load conditions, because of
the wider flammability range of H2 (with respect to kerosene)
without blowout [69]. Furthermore, the higher H2 flame speed
results in a shorter combustion chamber, thus reducing the
residence time of combustion process and cooling re- Fig. 6 e NOx ppm for all configurations at p [ 100 psi, inlet
quirements. Another advantage is that the injected H2 is not combustor air T [ 426.7  C, Dp/p [ 4% [70]; reprinted by
liquid as kerosene, hence the formation of local stoichiometric permission of the American Institute of Aeronautics and
high temperature fuel/air region close to the evaporating fuel Astronautics, Inc. The chemical kinetics used in the well
drop is avoided. stirred reactor is from Ref. [73].
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 7 3 1 e1 0 7 4 7 10739

Substantially two burner concepts were developed in the central hole replaced by four small radial hydrogen jets per
last years, the Micro-Mix concept [10], based on non-premixed injection point and no air swirl in order to reduce pressure
combustion, and the Lean Direct Injection (LDI) [70], based on losses.
premixed combustion. Both concepts increase the Hydrogen/ Fig. 6 shows NOx concentration in the experiments per-
Air mixing to avoid large diffusion flames and reduce the formed at the NASA GRC RCL-23 for all H2 injector configura-
flame length. To achieve these goals several investigations on tions at a pressure of 100 psi, inlet combustor air temperature
H2 injection systems were performed [10,69,70]. of 426.7  C and compared with Jet-A fuel. No flashback or
Marek et al. [70] investigated the combustion performances autoignition phenomena were encountered in the experi-
of different hydrogen Lean Direct Injection systems with ments. C1 and C2 LDI concepts showed the best results in
several air temperature inlet conditions (from 315 to 537  C), terms of NOx reduction, more than a half of Jet-A. Adopting as
pressure (from 60 to 200 psi) and lean equivalence ratio up to choice criteria the injector complexity, the durability and low
0.48. NOx, the configuration C4 performed the best at equivalence
The NASA Glenn LDI N1 injector, shown in Fig. 5a, uses two ratios lower than 0.3. The potential of C2 and C3 LDI injectors
opposing hydrogen jets in the mixing tube. The jet penetration may be improved with advanced manufacturing and cooling
and mixing were designed using H2 in cross flow injection that techniques. They may be implemented in high power turbine
results in very short area of premixing at the exit of the main combustors.
elements. In this configuration, air flows through 25 injection Premixing has the drawback of autoignition and flashback
elements with side injection of gaseous hydrogen located at danger. Various H2/Air burner concepts, employing the prin-
two positions 180 apart (see Fig. 5f). The air elements are ciple of lean non-premixed Micro-Mix combustion, were
0.0635 m in diameter, and the hydrogen injection holes are developed and tested in recent years [10,69], demonstrating
0.508 mm in diameter. Different configurations were tested. safe combustion and minimizing NOx formation. The Micro-
Configuration C1, shown in Fig. 5b, is based on designed rocket Mix combustor consists of a very large number of diffusion
injection technology with a center cross hydrogen jet that flames uniformly distributed across the burner’s main cross
mixes with air flowing through eight angled jets. In order to section. The aim is to minimize the scales of mixing, thus
maximize the packaging of the air flow area elements of the increasing the mixing intensity [10] and shrinking the geo-
N1 injector design, the configuration C2, shown in Fig. 5c, metric size of combustion zone. The maximization of mixing
adopts triangular holes with hydrogen normal injection on intensity is limited by the pressure loss (providing energy for
each edge of the triangle. Configuration C3, shown in Fig. 5d, is the dissipative turbulent mixing process) condition of modern
a configuration with a single central hydrogen nozzle at the gas turbine combustors, where the losses should not exceed
center of each hole with a large amount of counter swirl to 4% [71]. Anyway, because of the higher flame speed and faster
produce mixing. Configuration C4 is based on C3, with the kinetic rate of H2 than other fuels, the possibility of

Fig. 7 e Micromix system: a) H2 ring with air guiding panel; b) Particular of the microinjection H2/air holes; c)
Microcombustor system scheme [74].
10740 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 7 3 1 e1 0 7 4 7

Hydrogen in high Mach number flights

The importance of mastering hypersonics lies in applying it to

space launchers and trans-atmospheric commercial vehicles.
Within the development of engines for supersonic civil
transport with Mach numbers ranging from 4 to 8, classical
turbo-jet engines need to be replaced by advanced air-
breathing propulsion concepts. Two types of air-breathing
engines for high-speed aircrafts have so far been success-
fully developed: the turbojet and the ramjet.
The turbojet, based on active compression, has reached a
high level of development in the mid 40s. Supersonic appli-
cations (without use of hydrogen) of turbojets in commercial
aviation are the well-known Olympus 593 engine of Snecma/
Rolls-Royce used for the Concorde and the P&W J58 turbojet
of the Blackbird SR-71 aircraft which has an afterburner fed in
part by air coming from the compressor. Thermal aspects
Fig. 8 e Comparison of NOx emissions in Micro-Mix and
limit the flight Mach number for both air-breathing types as
non-Micro-Mix burners: ( ) original combustor nozzle with
well as the flight duration. However, even at moderate pres-
H2 injection; ( ) original combustor with kerosene; ( )
sure ratios, turbojets become impractical beyond Mach 3
Micro-Mix H2 combustor, inverse diffusive combustion; ( )
when using conventional materials and classical thermody-
Micro-Mix H2 combustor, regular diffusive combustion [71].
namic cycles [75].
Ramjet engines, in which the incoming air flow speed is
decreased to subsonic speed relative to the engine, can be
efficiently used for Ma ¼ 3e5 flight regimes. However, ramjets
are considered feasible up to Mach 7. Beyond this, the
increasing stagnation enthalpy prohibits further acceleration
of the jet flow due to endothermic dissociation of the com-
miniaturization of H2/Air diffusion flames exceeds those of bustion products. The consequence is a high loss of energy in
other fuels [66,69]. An example of a Micro-Mix burning system the exhaust due to a large amount of unreacted species.
is shown in Fig. 7a [74]. Each H2 micro-injector is coupled with Thermal limits for ramjets are alleviated by keeping super-
a correspondent air guiding panel gate. So, every combination sonic flow conditions (Ma w 2e4) in the combustion chamber
of gate and injection hole is an independent jet in cross-flow (scramjets, i.e., supersonic combustion ramjets) with corre-
(Fig. 7b, c). sponding lower static temperature. Propulsion systems using
A Micro-Mix hydrogen combustor was designed, manu- external air, like ramjets and scramjets, can save a large
factured and tested for demonstration of further NOx reduc- fraction of the weight (and bulk) of carrying on-board liquid
tion capabilities. It was installed in an auxiliary power unit oxygen (LOX) and may reduce orbiting costs by about an order
(APU) GTCP 36-300 on different aircrafts, such as Airbus A320, of magnitude with respect to rockets [76,77].
for providing electrical and pneumatic power to the aircraft The main drawback of ramjets is that they require an in-
[10]. Dahl and Suttrop [10] showed a substantial reduction of tegrated accelerator to reach their minimum working speed,
NOx formation with respect to conventional combustors and whilst turbojets are able to accelerate a vehicle from zero up to
fuels as kerosene. The results (see Fig. 8), showed that avoid- its cruise speed. Hence, an air-breathing (non-turbojet) pro-
ing stoichiometric conditions by means of rapid mixing of pulsion system will be a combined cycle operating from take-
hydrogen with air, may reduce by an order of magnitude NOx off to high-speed cruise. Two combined cycle systems
pollutants at all engine power operations [71,72]. currently available are the turbo-rockets, i.e., rocket-based

Fig. 9 e Schematic of a TBCC scramjet [100].

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 7 3 1 e1 0 7 4 7 10741

Fig. 10 e a) Hyshot schematic, in blue a portion of the combustion chamber; b) Instantaneous snapshot of the Mach number
in the Hyshot II scramjet engine: symmetry injector plane [81]. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 11 e Instantaneous stoichiometric flame surface colored by temperature and section views of numerical results of the
HyShot II scramjet [81].
10742 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 7 3 1 e1 0 7 4 7

combined cycles (RBCC), and the turbo-ramjets, i.e., turbine-

based combined cycles (TBCC).
A turborocket is a type of aircraft engine combining ele-
ments of a jet engine and a rocket. It typically comprises a
multi-stage fan driven by a turbine, which is driven by the hot
gases exhausting from a series of small rocket-like motors
mounted around the turbine inlet. The turbine exhaust gases
mix with the fan discharge air, and burn with the air from the
compressor before exhausting through a convergent-
divergent propelling nozzle.
The air turboramjet engine is a combined cycle engine that
merges aspects of turbojet and ramjet engines. Air passes
through an inlet and is then compressed by an axial
compressor. That compressor is driven by a turbine, which is
powered by hot, high pressure gas from a combustion cham-
ber. These initial aspects are very similar to how a turbojet
Fig. 13 e Schematic of the scimitar engine [97].
operates, however, there are several differences. The first is
that the combustor in the turboramjet is often separated from
the main air flow. Instead of combining air from the
compressor with fuel to burn, the turboramjet combustor may turbojet vehicle HYTEX (JAPAN Aerospace Exploration
use hydrogen and oxygen, carried on the aircraft. The air Agency) [78,79].
compressed by the compressor bypasses the combustor and
turbine section of the engine, then it is mixed with the turbine Hyshot II: an example of scramjet
exhaust. The turbine exhaust can be designed to be fuel-rich The flow field within the combustor of scramjet engines is
(i.e., the combustor does not burn all the fuel) which, when very complex and poses a considerable challenge in design
mixed with the compressed air, creates a hot fuel-air mixture and development of a supersonic combustor with an opti-
which is ready to burn again. Additional fuel is also typically mized geometry. This is why the study of mixing and com-
injected. The exhaust is ejected through a propelling nozzle, bustion in supersonic flows is the topic of an on-going
generating thrust. research. Scramjet combustors shall promote sufficient mix-
Here, attention is posed on TBCC. In the TBCC design ing of fuel and air so that the desired chemical reactions and
concepts, sketched in Fig. 9, the turbine flowpath is located thus heat release can occur within a short residence time
parallel to and above the high-speed ramjet/scramjet flow- (w1 ms) [80].
path and is closed off after ramjet take-over. The process of The complex phenomenon of supersonic combustion in-
transitioning from the low-speed turbine flowpath to the volves turbulent mixing, shock interaction and heat release in
high-speed flowpath is the first critical combined cycle mode supersonic flows. Hyshot II scramjet, first introduced in
transition. The acceleration through the ramjet mode to the Aeronautic Applications Section, is a practical example of
scramjet mode represents the second critical transition, the such an engine. The HyShot scramjet geometry consists of a
dual-mode. Examples of TBCC engines are the J58 engine of rectangular air intake 305 mm long and 100 mm wide, a
the SR-71 (USA), the proposed engine for the Sänger first stage combustor 300 mm long and 75 mm wide, and a thrust plate
(Germany) and the “S-engine” precooled turbojet using 200 mm long  75 mm wide. The intake is a 17 inclined wedge
hydrogen as fuel and coolant of the hypersonic experimental compressing the incoming hypersonic flow (see Fig. 10a). The
combustor is 300 mm long and has a constant rectangular
area, 9.8 mm high and 75 mm wide. The H2 is injected at sonic
speed in cross flow with respect to the incoming supersonic
air stream by means of four 2 mm diameter injectors located
40 mm downstream of the combustor inner surface leading
edge. With this injection configuration, the fuel acts as an
obstruction to the cross flow and produces a strong shock
wave. This shock interacts with the boundary layer on the
wall to form a complex flow system, in which supersonic and
subsonic pressure regions co-exist near the injector (see
Fig. 10b as an example).
The HyShot II model scramjet has been the subject of many
studies. Experimentally, both flight [83,82] and ground [84,85]
measurements have provided useful data on the operation
of highspeed air-breathing vehicles. However, many critical
aspects of the combustion processes are not directly acces-
sible to experimental measurements. Computations are
Fig. 12 e LAPCAT A2 vehicle with 4 scimitar engines wing- therefore a useful complement for physical understanding,
mounted [96]. design, and failure analysis purposes. This explains the large
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 7 3 1 e1 0 7 4 7 10743

number of computational studies on the HyShot II system, ramjets). Engine development can therefore take place on
ranging from quasi-one-dimensional models to, more open test based facilities. In air-breathing mode, from take-off
recently, large-eddy simulations (LES) [86e88]. to Ma ¼ 5, air is used instead of oxygen, increasing the
Theoretical work by these authors [89] showed that mixing installed specific impulse 3e6 times. Optimum transition from
can be accelerated by increasing streamwise vorticity. Looking air-breathing to rocket mode with this type of power system
at vorticity transport equation, this may be achieved by would occur at around Ma ¼ 5 and 26 km, after which the
intensifying the baroclinic term, i.e., by favoring the formation vehicle climbs steeply out of the atmosphere to minimize drag
of pressure and density gradients. This can be obtained by losses.
means of different injector designs, such as transverse in- Since 2005, REL has been developing the Scimitar engine,
jectors [90], swirl injectors [91,92], strut injectors [93], wall an upgrade of the high efficiency hydrogen fueled SABRE en-
injectors [94], swept ramp injectors [95] or exploiting the gine supported by the European project LAPCAT having the
physical features of the fuel, such as its low density. Numer- goal to investigate the feasibility of a Ma ¼ 5 vehicle for high
ical simulations [81] showed that in the region near fuel in- capacity passengers’ transportation. The Scimitar engine is
jection the baroclinic source term for methane and kerosene designed to propel the Ma ¼ 5 A2 LAPCAT vehicle (see Fig. 12)
would be eight and eighty times smaller than that of hydrogen having the exceptional range of 20,000 km to cover the dis-
(density equal to w0.24 kg/m3 and w2.251 kg/m3 for methane tance from Bruxelles to Sydney in about 4e5 h (compared to a
and kerosene, respectively) [81], at the same conditions of nearly complete day of travel with a standard aircraft).
pressure and temperature. This explains mixing enhance- The Scimitar engine (powered by a variable cycle engine
ment in supersonic combustion due to H2/Air fuel choice, that combines a turbofan based cycle with an air turbo-rocket
combustor geometry and injectors configuration. The combi- cycle) is designed for sustained Ma ¼ 5 cruise and for much
nation of H2/Air features and cross flow injection configura- longer life than SABRE engine, designed instead for space ac-
tion enables high mixing within a short combustor. cess. Other design requirements are that it must also fly with
Numerical results [81,87,88] confirmed hydrogen as the acceptable efficiency at Mach 0.9 during overland flight path
best candidate for SCRJ engines. LES simulations of Hyshot II segments to eliminate sonic boom, and be sufficiently quiet at
combustor showed the flame anchoring upstream of the flow take-off to satisfy international noise regulations.
injection (see Fig. 11), within the recirculation zone between A scheme of the Scimitar engine is depicted in Fig. 13 [96]. A
the bow shock and the fuel orifices (see Fig. 10b). Due to this, block-scheme of the whole cycle is shown in Fig. 14. The inlet
H2/Air combustion was predicted very fast and efficient, e.g., cone employs a three-shock intake to slow down the air to
with a combustion efficiency of 87.65%. subsonic speeds. The fluid flow is entirely subsonic while
passing through the cycle, being supersonic only in the intake
Scimitar: an example of air-turbo rocket engine and nozzle. The hot compressed air contributes to two flows:
Since the early 90s, Reaction Engines Limited (REL) has been the main core flow and the bypass flow.
designing the Skylon single stage to orbit spaceplane to pro- The core flow downstream of the intake is pre-cooled down
vide a more economic access to space employing hydrogen as to 635 K [97] by lightweight heat exchangers so that the
fuel. This spaceplane employs the SABRE (Synergistic Air- decelerated inlet air can be compressed and managed through
Breathing Rocket Engine) engine having a dual mode capa- combustion by relatively conventional turbo-machinery. The
bility. This means that it is able to switch from air-breating to air pre-cooler consists of six segments and it adopts helium as
rocket mode. In rocket mode, the engine works as a closed working fluid. Hydrogen is not used in the pre-cooling section
cycle H2/O2 high specific impulse rocket. Since the air- to avoid embrittlement of material due to the large tempera-
breathing mode operates on a turbomachinery based cycle, ture difference between hot compressed air and hydrogen it-
the engine is also capable of generating static thrust (unlike self. After the pre-cooling section, the core flow air passes

Fig. 14 e Scimitar basic cycle engine [97].

10744 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 7 3 1 e1 0 7 4 7

The helium, after pre-heating hydrogen, goes through a

Table 3 e Scimitar engine flight phases [98].
compressor. Then, part of it turns back to an intermediate
Mach Regime Mode Bypass Bypass section of the air pre-cooler, while the rest of it is heated by
range burner nozzle
the hot flue gases downstream of the pre-burner. This latter
0e0.9 Subsonic Turbofan On Open reheated part of helium goes through the turbine that drives
the air compressor. Then, the expanded helium goes through
0.9 Subsonic cruise Turbofan Off Fully open
the regenerator heat exchangers and circulators (arranged
0.9e2.5 Supersonic Turbofan On Open
acceleration around the compressor) where hydrogen is firstly pre-heated.
2.5e5.0 Supersonic Ramjet þ ATR On Open The cryogenic liquid hydrogen, before entering the pre-
acceleration burner, is heated again in another heat exchanger by the
5.0 Supersonic cruise ATR Off Closed heated helium coming from the air pre-cooler.
This engine is able to achieve high-speed air-breathing
flight (twice that of a jet engine). The loop forms a self-starting
through a compressor driven by a helium stator-less counter
Brayton cycle, cooling critical parts of the engine and power-
rotating turbine. The compressor is a counter-rotating two
ing turbines. The cryogenic hydrogen flowing through the
spool machine with an overall pressure ratio of 4.07. It is
regenerator is the heat sink of the helium loop. The cycle ex-
observed that, contrarily to conventional turbojet engines, the
ploits the unique thermodynamic properties of liquid
air compressor and turbine are not coupled by the same
hydrogen, especially its high heat capacity, by using it as a
working fluid. Hence, the turbine efficiency is maintained near
heat sink to lower the temperature of the decelerated inlet air
the optimum point independently of the flight condition. After
so that it can be compressed and managed through combus-
passing through the compressor, the core air flows into the
tion by relatively conventional turbo-machinery.
pre-burner where a portion of the hydrogen is burnt. It is
The turbofan based cycle operates from take-off up to
observed that the pre-burner is switched on at flight speeds
Ma ¼ 2.5. Between Ma ¼ 2.5 and Ma ¼ 5 the engine has the dual
below the cruise at Ma ¼ 5, since the enthalpy of the incoming
operation of an air turbo-rocket with a ramjet burner in the
air is not sufficient to power the air compressor. Another
bypass. During cruise at Ma ¼ 5 the bypass is closed and the
portion of hydrogen goes to the bypass burner and nozzle, and
thrust is solely provided by the engine core, which operates as
to the core burner and nozzle. The bypass burner is switched
an air turbo-rocket.
on to increase thrust during acceleration phases, and it is
In 2012, Reaction Engines LTD [99] completed successfully
switched off during the subsonic cruise at Ma ¼ 0.9.
critical tests on the key pre-cooler technology of the SABRE
A portion of combustion products coming from the pre-
and Scimitar engines. The pre-cooler, shown in Fig. 15, has
burner goes to the core burner and nozzle. Another part ex-
tubes around 1 mm in diameter with wall thickness of 27 mm.
pands in a turbine that drives the bypass fan. Then, the latter
Over 100 test runs, undertaken at Reaction Engines Ltd’s fa-
expanded combustion products mix with the compressed
cility in Oxfordshire, integrated the ground-breaking flight-
bypass air flow before entering into the bypass burner and
weight cooling technology and frost control system with a jet
then into the bypass nozzle, thus exhausting around the core
engine and a novel helium cooling loop. These tests demon-
jet. The speed of the bypass fan is brought down as the bypass
strated the new technologies in the SABRE-Scimitar engine at
nozzle is progressively closed during operation. The bypass
the base of its highly innovative and efficient thermodynamic
nozzle has a petal arrangement (shown in yellow in Fig. 13)
cycle. Recent tests proved that the cooling technology is frost-
enabling its area to be varied over a wide range with
free at the crucial low temperature of 150  C. This success
maximum opening at take-off to fully closed [97]. The
adds to a series of other technology demonstrations under-
switching on/off of devices during different flight phases are
taken by the company including counter-rotating turbines,
summarized in Table 3 [98,97].
combustion chambers, rocket nozzles, and air intakes.


Hydrogen is the fuel of the future with regard to the envi-

ronmental problems and the sources of supply. When burnt
with air, the only products are NOx and water vapor. Water
vapor can contribute to global warming, but its effects can be
mitigated by reducing altitudes. In order to reduce NOx
emissions, hydrogen can be burnt with oxygen (as in space
transportation), or permanently at lean conditions and
reducing the residence time in the combustion chamber
(scramjet engines). Besides, it is possible to use advanced
methods, such as LDI or micro-combustion, which increase
the local mixing rate also at low equivalence ratios, thus
avoiding the formation of hot temperature spots, primarily
Fig. 15 e Scimitar engine’s precooler unit [99]. responsible for the NOx formation.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 7 3 1 e1 0 7 4 7 10745

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