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International Journal of
ISS'.'1:2147-6799 www.ijisae.org Original Research Paper

Using IoT-Implement Intensive Care for Air Conditioners with Machine

Dr. Nripendra Narayan Das, 2Dr. K. Somasunclaram, 3Mrs. S. Hemamalini, 4Dr. K. Valarmathia,
Dr. G. Nagappan, 6Dr. S. Hemalatha ancl 7Dr. Kamal Gulati

Submitted: 03/11/2022 Accepted: 02/02/2023

Abstract: This sh1dy suggests a smvey on air conditioner intensive care to check defects As the globe becomes increasingly
technologically advanced, various e.Jectronic application gadgets are invented and used by individuals. New technological devices are
infiltrating our personal life at an increasing ratelt results in the development of an increasing number of electronic gadgets. This
necessitates gadget maintenance; otherwise, the devices may be damaged. These electrical gadgets can be se1viced by a device expert.
The average individual is incapable of anticipating and resuming the fi.mctioning of electrical equipment. However, the full scenario, as
well as the device's specialist, cannot be attempted in a timely manner. These factors need the purchase of a new equipment. This
suggested project will provide a method for preventing electrical equipment failure and replacement. This project uses the Machine
language approach to analyses the device's condition and monitoring on a daily basis, comparing it to predetermined machine parameter
values. If a difference is discovered between the estimated and predefined state, the machine must be fixed before it fails. The suggested
technology calculates the variance and alerts the invented firm and the end user, allowing them to take action before the equipment
malfunctions. The Internet of Things (IoT) was used in conjunction with a machine learning algorithm to communicate between gadgets
and the enterprise or user. The benefit of this job is that it prevents machine failure, extends the machine's life, and avoids expert repairs
that are incorrect. Because it takes a long time to monitor and find defects, the idea of machine learning is employed, which entails the
sh1dy of machines in order to detect errors quickly. This project shows a simple home-controlled air conditioner system with an IoT
device that enables for periodic defect monitoring.

Keywords: Internet of Things, machine learning, home automation

conditioning control. As a result, the standards for
1. Introduction
measuring and auditing energy use will not be
The energy consumption of electrical equipment ill implemented on time. As a result, it's more vital to keep
large-scale buildings is currently enormous, particularly an eye on the building and reduce the amount of energy
in the area of air conditioning. Year after year, the used by air conditioning. People's capacity to attain their
percentage of it grows. Simultaneously, there exist a full potential is limited by their lack of access to
number of inexplicable events in the usage of energy. contemporary energy services. Approximately 1.3 billion
There are several flaws in accurate real-time energy people lack access to electricity, while 2.9 billion rely on
consumption assessment and energy-savwg air conventional heating and cooking sources. The majority
of these people live in what may be considered as rnral
1Professor, Department of Information Technology, Manipal University areas.
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
2Professor, Insiitute Of Informaiion Technology, Saveetha School Of
Electrification software has been created in a number of
Engineering, Simats, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India nations to help individuals gain access to electricity.
3Associate Professor/ CSE, Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Even with ambitious projects like India's Ravi Ghandi
Tamil Nadu, 600123, India Rural Electrification Programmed, many, particularly the
CSE, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
rural poor, would remain 'under the cable,' unable to pay
5Professor & Head, Departrnent of Computer Science and Engineering,
Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600127, India to connect to the grid. Due to population increase, the
6Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Panimalar number of individuals without access to electricity is not
Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600123, India predicted to decrease by 2035.
7Associate Professor, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh India
1 nripendradas@gmail.com 1 2soms72@yahoo.com I Support Vector Machine (SVM) 1s one of the most
3shema.pit@gmail.com / 4valamiathi_l 970@yahoo.co.in I important technologies for accurately predicting air
5nagappan. cse@saveetha.ac. in! 6pithemalatha@gmail.com I conditioning demand to increase building energy savings
and a vital tool for ensuring air quality.
2ORCiD ID: 0000-0002-0429-7759! 7Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1186-1426
The linear regression approach, exponential smoothing
Intemational Journal of h1telligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAR 2023, 11(3s). 194-203 I 194

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