Locating in Town

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Where is the cinema,
please ?

1/ Look at the picture, then listen and repeat.

2/ Listen and write down the sentences in the dialog order.

a. It’s opposite the supermarket.

b. You’re welcome.
c. Where is the cinema, please?
d. Thank you.





3/ Listen and complete with: next to/ opposite / between.

a. The bank is ……………………………. the police station.

b. The cafeteria is ………………………. the post office and the garage.
c. The restaurant is ……………………….. the school.

4/ Complete the dialogue with the missing letters? Then listen and check:

a. E __ __ use me. W __ ere is the c __ f __ ter __ __ , pl __ __ se?

b. It’s be __ __ een the post o __ __ ice and the gara __ __.

c. Than __ you.

d. You are __ elco __ e.

6/ Listen and repeat.

7/ Listen and complete each address:

a. The hospital is ……………………… , Market Street.

b. The swimming pool is …………………………., Market Street.

c. The station is ……………………………………, Market Street.

d. The clothes shop is ……………………………., Market Street.

e. The bakery is …………………………………....., Market Street.

8/ Listen to the dialogs and complete:

a. The swimming pool is …………………………. Market Street. It’s ……………. the

cafeteria. It’s ……………….. the station.

b. The ………………………………….. is on Market Street. It’s opposite the

…………….. The ………………………… is ……………………………

c. The ………………………….. is ……………………………. the hospital and the

……………………. It’s …………………………… the pizzeria.


“Excuse me, where is the station, please?

It’s on Market street.

Thank you very much.

You are welcome.”

Comment indique-t-on le nom des rues?


Relevez les 4 expressions utilisées pour marquer la politesse et traduisez-les :


2/ _____________________________________________________________________

3/ _______________________________________________________________________


9/ Look at the map and answer the questions :

Ex: Where is the post office? It’s on Washington Avenue. It’s between a

video shop and a bakery.

The smimming is next to the sports center and opposote shoe shop.

a. Where is the swimming pool?


b. Where is the clothes shop?


c. Where is the pizzeria?


10/ Look at the map and practice dialogues with your partner:

11/ Listen and repeat:

12/ Listen and circle the right answer:

a. The shopping center is near / next to the park.

b. The car park is opposite / behind the shopping centre.

c. The swimming pool is near / next to the shopping centre.

Que veut dire “near”? _________________________________________________

Que veut dire « next to »? ________________________________________________

Quelle différence remarquez-vous ?________________________________________

13/ Look at the map. Locate and give the exact addresses of the following

places on the map:

a. The swimming pool is behind the cinema. It’s in Queen’s road.

b. The cafeteria is on Oxford Street: it’s next to the bank and opposite

the school.

c. The car park is behind the hospital and next to the park. It’s on

Station Road.

d. The Tex Mex restaurant is on Queen’s Road: it’s between the police

station and the bank.

e. The shooping centre is between the post office and the bakery. It’s on

Oxford Street.

14/ Answer the questions:

a. Where is the garage?


b. Where is the clothes shop?


c. Where is the supermarket?


d. Where is the sports shop?



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