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Grammar 5

Ex1: fill in the gap

What is advertising? Is it ____________ truth or is it making things look better than they really are? ____________
lying? Companies pay a lot of money for adverts. Some of the ads you see ____________ magazines look like art. The
commercials on TV look like mini movies. Do they really change our ____________ ? Do adverts make you buy things? I
think some advertising is a form of lying. Is BMW really “The ____________ driving ____________ ” like they say in
their ads? British Airways used to say they were “The world’s ____________ airline,” but had to stop saying it because
it wasn’t true. Personally, I get ____________ watching ads on television. They always ____________ a good
programme. I like ads in magazines. They’re usually ____________ interesting.
Ex2: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1. …………….. United fans go, they will never forget their red scarves. (WHERE)
2. ……………………… is the best medicine. (LAUGH)
3. Sally enjoyed …………………… , even if it meant giving up her job. (MOTHER)
4. I helped her choose some ………………… clothes for the special occasion. (SUIT)
5. The brothers look …………………… . I often can't tell one from the other. (LIKE)
6. The food we got at the restaurant was extremely ………………………… . (TASTE)
7. I was proud of my daughter's …………………………….. to the well-known university. (ADMIT)
8. The emails he received were full of ………………………… . (HATE)
9. By the year 2050, over 9 billion people will be living on earth, an ………………….. figure. (ASTRONOMY)
10. A barometer is an instrument for measuring ………………………….. pressure. (ATMOSPHERE)
11. When I saw the people at the party I was …………………………. . So many showed up just for me ! (SPEAK)
12. It was a great …………………………….. for me to see her at the airport. (RELIEVE)
Ex3: Fill in the correct words from the options below!
Who are celebrities?
Who are celebrities? A celebrity is a person who is easily (1) __________________________ by people in a certain
region or country. Celebrities usually get a lot of media (2) __________________________ and often are social people.
Many become celebrities because of their (3) _________________________ , after appearing in the media or simply (4)
____________________ chance. Celebrities who only achieve a small amount of fame are called B- or C-celebrities. In
the last decades we have become (5) __________________________ with famous people. They have led to the rise of
gossip magazines and TV shows and (6) ________________________ work for journalists and paparazzi. Movie stars,
television actors and actresses, high-ranking politicians, successful business people, supermodels and athletes usually
become celebrities. A few humanitarian (7) ________________________ such as Mother Teresa have achieved (8)
_______________________ because of their charity work. Some people have become known because of their online
activities and are regarded as Internet celebrities.- Because celebrities (9) _______________________ a life that is
different from that of normal people, the (10) _________________________ is interested in their private lives.
Magazines and newspapers follow their every move. Celebrities are often shown as glowing examples of success and
perfection, or as bad and immoral if they are (11) __________________________ in scandals. In order to make money,
celebrities often write books, or create fashion brands and perfumes. Today’s reality shows often (12)
______________________ new stars. Normal people have become celebrities simply for taking part in Survivor or Big
Brother. In other cases, (13) ________________________ citizens have become celebrities for ridiculous things that
they do. In the past years celebrities have started to (14) ______________________ social media networking sites like
Twitter and Facebook. Such services allow them to (15) ___________________________ directly with their fans
without having to (16) ____________________ on the media to promote their stories. In the eyes of their fans, social
media makes celebrities more human and down-to-earth people.
1. identified accepted recognised seen
2. attention care notice thought
3. career employment living profession
4. for by through with
5. enjoyed charmed involved fascinated
6. give provide deliver arrange
7. advisors organizers leaders heads
8. fame pride legend joy
9. show manage run lead
10. culture society neighbourhood public
11. concerned involved included contained
12. invent design create generate
13. usual routine daily everyday
14. manage use practice work
15. communicate join correspond bond
16. deny believe rely trust
Ex4: Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks!

1. There is always the ____________________ that the plane will be early.(OPPORTUNITY / CHANCE/POSSIBILITY)
2. My grandfather gave me a very useful piece of ____________________ . (ADVISE/ADVICE)
3. The strike will ____________________ all trains in the London area. (EFFECT/AFFECT)
4. The police will ____________________ anyone from leaving the building.(AVOID/PREVENT)
5. Come and is down ____________________ me. (BESIDE/BESIDES)
6. ____________________ managing the shop, he teaches in the evening. (BESIDE/BESIDES)
7. Can you switch to ____________________ 4 for the news? (CHANNEL/CANAL)
8. Our team has a good ____________________ of winning.(OPPORTUNITY / CHANCE/POSSIBILITY)
9. You should travel early to ____________________ traffic jams. (AVOID/PREVENT)
10. I am getting fed up with her ____________________ complaints.(CONTINUAL/CONTINUOUS)

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