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Creative Writing

How I Helped My Mom in Preparing a Meal

Agamjot Kaur

Claaa...nnnng!! I unwittingly dropped the utensil in which I was mixing the salad . Well, I was helping my
mom in preparing lunch as I had nothing to do.

I went to the kitchen and told her that I will help her. She gave me a judgemental look as if I uttered
something unbelievable.

“I said, “What happened?” “ Nothing, just never heard you utter the word help ever!’’ . It was her sarcastic
way of talking to me.

Well, I somehow tried to convince her and we started to cook . First she gave me some onions to
chop.While I was chopping, tears filled my eyes which blurred my vision and I hurt my index finger . After
applying band aid I went back to accomplish my mission again. Mom was already annoyed by then and
asked me to get out of her way. I coaxed her a lot to allow me.

At the end, mom gave me a task. It was to mix the salad while she was laying the table. I was basking in
glory while I was mixing the salad on being successful in working in the kitchen. Humming to the tune of
my favourite number, I whisked the cream in the salad with all my might and before I realised, I heard a
crash! The bowl fell from my hands and made me petrified knowing what my mom’s reaction would be .

She rushed into the kitchen and bellowed “ What have you done? Get out right now!” .

Soon mom called us for lunch and while having the lunch she saw my sullen mood and praised me for
helping her. Moms try their best to make us happy but still we don't appreciate them for their work. I learnt
it the hard way. We don't understand them until we step in their shoes.

Rajnish Baruah

The packaging box of this chocolate is filled with a bright shade of red and its name is written in a dazzling
golden hue. There is an additional transparent wrap which has golden prints all over it.

The balls of chocolate and nuts are very luscious. It is candied nuts enrobed in the chocolate casings. It
disintegrates in about 7-8 minutes when in a tropical climate. It should attain the status of the best chocolate

Zoo Visit With Family

Abhigyan Roy
Last Sunday, I visited the zoo with my family. It was a perfect sunny day to visit the zoo. We reached the
zoo at 8 am and saw a huge crowd gathering in front of the gate. Some of them were buying entrance tickets
while others were busy chatting and enjoying the weather. We entered the zoological garden and came
across a beautiful lake filled with aquatic birds like ducks and white swans. It was a charming sight for us to
look at the raft of white ducks on the water's surface.

As we moved further, we saw an enclosure with fowls. Parrots, pigeons, eagles, and sparrows of different
colors were chirping. The enchanted music sung by the birds delighted us. We enjoyed listening to it for a
while. In the next enclosed space, we saw leopards and lions, tigers and tigress, resting and roaming about.
A lion frightened us by rushing towards us when we approached the net of the enclosed area. The roars of
the lion were deafening. The look in its eyes was frightening too.

We moved on to look at the den of a tiger. Its sharp teeth and flaring glare frightened us. It started walking
towards us gracefully, but its roar frightened us away. We also saw some bears and elephants. The sight of
majestic elephants swirling their trunks in the air was a delight to watch. Along with this, the sight of bears
happily playing with each other filled our hearts with warmth. Then we came across a garden area where
deer and stags were taking their strolls. These animals were very playful, smart, beautiful, and a pleasure to
watch. In one of the corners, we saw a huge tree where baboons and monkeys were jumping from one
branch to the other. They were very active and funny. They were playing pranks and tricks on one another.
Some of them even came down when some people offered them bananas.

Children enjoyed playing by making faces at them. On our next halt, we saw a big aquarium with many
glistening colors and size of fishess. Their fidgeting in the water was very delightful to watch. We also saw
a bunch of dolphins playing around happily in the water. Just ahead of the aquarium, we came across an
enclosure with sad and lonely polar bears. We offered them food to cheer them up and moved on to the next
enclosure. The cage of the black

bear had attracted a crowd. The bear was playing tricks and the people were thrilled.

Some people offered him food which he ate happily. Then we saw a tank full of fierce crocodiles and some
other water animals. The crocodiles had marked their territory for the other aquatic animals. We also saw a
few snakes like pythons and cobras. The hissing of the cobras forced us to move away from that enclosure.
After taking one complete round of the zoo, we sat back and relaxed among the soothing fragrance of the
flowers in the garden. The soothing, calm wind created a perfect ambiance to relax. We enjoyed the
beautiful view with some snacks and beverages. As the sun was about to set, we came out of the zoo,
boarded the bus, and left while giving a lingering look at the zoo. Thinking of the beautiful moments and
memories, I am still filled with excitement and happiness.

Dairy Milk
Satyam Jain

The packaging wrap is purple with the chocolate’s name in pristine white.

An Additional Gilded paper wrap with prints of Dairy Milk covers up the tantalizing chocolate

The square shaped bars dipped into milk chocolate mesmerizes the consumer.

The creamy milk chocolate melts briskly and makes one fall in love with it.
Its mouth watering taste compels one to immediately hog on the other pieces .

Preserving even a bite of it brings about quarrel between brothers and sisters.

It’s a chocolate received in an abundant amount on birthdays and can actually be termed as the National
Chocolate of the country!

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