Migration Writing Activity

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Writing Activity: Migration and Its Impact

You are going to write a short essay about migration. In 100 to 150 words, describe the reasons
why people migrate, and the effects migration has on both the migrants and the countries
involved. Make sure to include:
1. Reasons for Migration: Discuss at least two reasons why people decide to leave their home
2. Effects on Migrants: Explain how migration can impact the lives of the migrants themselves.
3. Effects on Countries: Describe how migration affects both the sending and receiving countries.

 Introduction (1-2 sentences): Briefly introduce the topic of migration.

 Body (4-5 sentences): Discuss the reasons for migration and its effects.
 Conclusion (1-2 sentences): Summarize your main points.

Migration is a significant global phenomenon influenced by various factors. People often migrate
to escape conflicts or seek better economic opportunities. For migrants, moving to a new country
can offer a fresh start, but it also involves challenges such as cultural adaptation and language
barriers. On the other hand, the countries they leave behind may experience a loss of skilled
workers, while receiving countries can benefit from cultural diversity and an expanded
workforce. In conclusion, migration has profound impacts on individuals and societies, shaping
the modern world in complex ways.

Keep in mind:

 Be clear and concise: Stick to the word limit by focusing on the main points.
 Use transition words: This helps to make your essay flow smoothly (e.g., "Moreover,"
"However," "As a result").
 Proofread: Check your grammar and spelling before submitting.

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