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- Ánh : Welcome to our project . Everyone here wants to be their role model in the future .

So what career
do you want to pursue ? ( Đoạn này hỏi lớp muốn làm nghề gì trong tương lai ) . So to pursue those
dreams , which direction do we need to go ? What field of study do you want to pursue in the future ?
Continue studying a major to improve your knowledge or choose a vocational training to easily achieve
your dream faster ? Today we will introduce to you two educational institution and point out the
advantages and disadvantages of these two educational institutions so that you can get on the right path

- Ngân :
 First , you need to know what higher education is . Higher Education is understood as University
Education , which is the stage of higher education - the most popular and most people are
interested in and choose to study today - organized teaching and learning at universities ,
academies , and institutes technology at home and abroad with a variety of fields of study and
corresponding related expertise . So what benefits and disadvantages will higher education bring
us ? First of all , it's about benefits
 First , higher education will help increase your chances of getting a job . There are many people
who think that their job does not need to use the knowledge they have learned at university , but
the truth is that to get that job , the essential factor is a university degree in hand . A university
degree serves as evidence to ensure that you have the necessary knowledge and skills to meet job
 Second , we can get higher income . This is not difficult to explain : when you have a university
degree , you will have more opportunities to get a good job with a higher income
 Moreover , we can practice many skills . At university , you will have the opportunity to learn and
practice many soft skills such as negotiation , presentation , communication , teamwork , ...
 Four , higher education will help build relationships . The relationships with friends or even
professors that you make in college can help you in the future . From those relationships , you can
open up many job opportunities , investment options and most importantly , great friendships that
will follow you throughout your life
 Finally , you can learn how to self-study . Studying at university is different from lower levels ,
students have to do their own research . Thanks to that , you will form the habit of self-study

- Ánh : Disadvantages of Higher Education

 The first is cost : Higher education can be expensive , with tuition and living expenses leaving
many students with significant debt
 Second is the issue of time : Higher education can take several years to complete , which can be a
significant time commitment for students
 Lack of practical experience : Higher education may not provide students with as much practical
experience as vocational training , which can be disadvantageous in certain fields
- NLA :
 Mean : The vocational education are designed to prepare individuals for a specific job or career .
Through this course , students can gain essential skills needed for future employment . So what
benefits and disadvantages will vocational training bring us ? First of all , it's about benefits
 First, practical skills are the focus . It will provide the necessary skills to students in a specific
career they want to pursue . This form of learning will create opportunities for students to gain
knowledge and experience throughout the course
 Second , with practical skills , students have earlier job opportunities than university students .
Students will earn money sooner to cover their lives . They will have more internship time but
spend less money than higher education , but the work and salary are sometimes similar
 Next , vocational education will help students save time and money . Vocational education
typically lasts 1 to 2 years , shorter than university programs . Especially for students with
difficult family conditions who cannot go to university , vocational education is necessary
 Finally, vocational education will help develop important skills of students such as : problem
solving skills , teamwork skills , communication skills , practical skills ... And help students adapt
to the new environment work faster , more independently and confidently

- PQA : Besides the benefits of studying at a vocational school , it still has many disadvantages
 First , Vocational Education will give us a training program that is not as good as studying at
University . In vocational school , we can only study a few certain subjects related to a certain
career that we register for .
 Second , in vocational schools , the number of experienced teachers is limited , the facilities are
limited , and the government has not received much attention and development . Besides ,
currently at vocational schools , the majority of students participating are those with low national
high school graduation exam scores , leading to a negative impact on the quality of vocational
training . Meanwhile , at university , students are taught by a team of good teachers with good
learning quality
 Next , as we can see , because the training program is limited to a certain occupation , when
graduating , our career opportunities will be limited to the occupation that we have registered ,
leading to the ability to access the profession . The working market is more difficult , applying for
jobs is also limited . Meanwhile , studying at university will have many opportunities to apply for
a job with a good quality university degree
 And another disadvantage of studying at a vocational school is that when you graduate , you will
have to work harder than those who study at university . Sometimes the salary is lower than that
of a university student depending on the profession and job position
 Below is a comparison table between the two learning institutions for your reference and
orientation ( chỉ cái bảng so sánh 2 educational institution )

- PQA : Every choice has its good and bad sides . The important thing is that we need to consider
carefully to make the right choice , suitable for ourselves . The following is an interview with an art
student at Nguyen Trai University sharing about where she studied
 Ánh : Hello . Can we ask you for a moment to do an interview ?
 C. Ánh : Okay
 Ánh : Looks like you're a student , right ? Where are you living and studying ?
 C. Ánh : I am living in Hanoi and majoring in fine arts at Nguyen Trai University
 Ánh : Why do you choose to go to university instead of vocational training ? If you study
vocationally , you will spend less money and can make money sooner ?
 C. Ánh : Higher education will help me get a university degree and it will be easier to find a
stable job , and work will be less difficult . It has many different professional courses and training
so that I can improve my professional skills
 Ánh : How much is the fee ? What are the facilities and are there any clubs or activities for
students ?
 C. Ánh : Tuition fees range from 20-40 million per year for fine arts and the school includes
advanced facilities for information technology and graphic design fields such as computers ,
projectors , televisions , air conditioners , multi-purpose house and sports fields ... Besides , the
school has many talent training clubs , helping students develop their own abilities
 Ánh : What job opportunities are there for students after graduation ?
 C . Ánh : Students with enough skills and knowledge can easily apply for jobs and have a stable
salary . The school can also introduce students to companies , businesses , and brokers to sign
work contracts
 Ánh : Ok , thank you for your sharing , wish you a happy school year . Goodbye

- Ánh : The video above shares some tips to help students choose a reputable educational institution
through the question ...( đọc câu hỏi ) We have given the advantages and disadvantages of these two
educational institutions so you can search and make suggestions. choose the right one for you . Hopefully
these shares will help you orient your future . Our project is over . Thanks for listening

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