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Name of Teacher: Alexis Ken M.

Silva Year Level: 2nd Year Course: Bachelor of Secondary

College Education Major in English
Learning Area: ENGLISH Semester: 1 Date: September X, 2023
Competencies: Analyze the process of language acquisition, language translation, and the Duration: 1:30 minutes
factors that affect multilinguals and bilinguals.
Key Understanding to be The learners will be able to understand and appreciate Multilingualism, Language Acquisition, and Bilingual Development. Language acquisition is the
Developed process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend language. An individual may acquire several languages throughout his/her
lifetime. Multilinguals and Bilinguals are mostly influenced by education, modern technology, economy, religion and culture, political or military acts,
and natural disasters.
Knowledge Define Multilingualism, Language Acquisition, and Bilingual Development;
Learning Objectives Skills Translate and interpret sentences from the mother tongue to English with proper grammar and correct translation.
Attitude The learner is willing to pay attention and listen with respect. Value the importance of language acquisition in the human development
Resources Needed: visual aids, instructional materials, tape, chalk, and strips of paper.
Elements of the Plan METHODOLOGY
Preparations Introductory
● Prayer
-How will I make the learners Activity
ready? ● Greetings
-How do I prepare the learners
for the new lesson? ● Checking of Attendance
-How will I connect my new
lesson with the past lesson? ● Recall the previous lesson

● The teacher will show four pictures and ask the following:
a. What is the word being described in the four pictures?
b. What does translate mean?
Presentation Activity
● The teacher will present an activity named: “HIT ME UP, PICK ME UP”
-How will I present the new
lesson? ● The teacher will call a student in front. The student will wear an eye mask and throw the paper ball provided by the teacher to hit one
-What materials will I use?
of his classmates. The tagged student will take a piece of paper and translate the pick-up line to Bisaya, Filipino, or English.
generalization/concept/abstract Analysis
● Did you find the sentences hard to translate?
ion should learners arrive at?
● What language is easier to translate? Why?

● Aside from your mother tongue, have you tried picking-up someone in a different language?

● What language do you prefer when you are talking to someone you like?
● The teacher will read and explain the lesson about Multilingualism, Language Acquisition, and Bilingual Development.

● The teacher will ask the following questions:

1. What is the lesson all about?
2. Define multilingualism in your own words?
3. Explain the process of language acquisition.
4. Discuss the difference between a bilingual and a multilingual?
5. How does a person become bilingual?
6. Why is it important to learn another language aside from the mother tongue?
7. Do you think it is necessary to learn the English language? Why?
Practice Application ● LANGUAGE TRANSLATION
-What practice
⮚ The teacher will group the class into five and give each group an envelope containing strips of paper. The groups will then
exercises/application activities
will I give to the learners? translate the written sentences from Bisaya to English.
⮚ Each group will have two representatives that will write two of their answers on the board.

⮚ The teacher will give 10 minutes to finish the task.

Level of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I score?
Content: 2
● Student's ability to ● The teacher will write 5 questions
Relevance: 2
Knowledge define language on the board. The students will be Grammar: 1
acquisition, given 10 minutes to answer the Total: 5 points per number
multilingualism, and questions. Another 5 minutes will Overall score: 25 points
bilingualism. be allotted for the checking of
● Answer the following questions:
1. What other factors can affect language acquisition?
2. Does age affect multilingual acquisition? Explain

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