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 In an enchanted wood, we meet a "puck" (mischievous sprite) named Robin
Goodfellow. (Note: In some editions of the play, he's referred to simply as "Puck."
We use Puck and Robin interchangeably in our discussion.)
 Puck greets a fairy, who says she's been busy wandering "over hill, over dale, /
Thorough bush, thorough brier, / Over park, over pale." Translation: She flies
around the woods running errands for the Fairy Queen (Titania).
 The fairy announces that she needs to collect some more dewdrops and deposit
pearls in some flowers because her boss, the Fairy Queen is on her way and she
wants the place to look nice.
 After this lovely and enchanting speech, the fairy insults Puck by calling him a
"lob" of spirits, which is basically means that Puck is the hillbilly
[an unsophisticated country person] of the spirit world.
 Puck snaps back that the Fairy King (Oberon) is also having a fairy party that
night, so the Fairy Queen better watch her back and stay out of Oberon's way.
 Puck says that Titania and Oberon have been fighting over a "lovely boy stol'n
from an Indian king." Oberon wants the kid to be his personal page (errand boy),
but Titania wants him for herself—she spends all her time crowning him with
flowers and doting on him.
 We learn that Titania and Oberon are supposed to be a couple, but they don't
even spend time together anymore.
 The fairy recognizes Puck and tells us all about his infamous pranks: frightening
village girls, ruining batches of homemade butter, leading people astray as they
travel at night, and so on.
 Puck brags that his boss, Oberon, loves his pranks and tricks. Puck also tells us
about the good times he's had making old ladies spill their drinks and fall on the
ground (by pretending to be a stool and then disappearing when they try to sit).
 Just then, Titania and Oberon enter from opposite sides of the stage and face off
like a couple of cowboys at the O.K. Corral instead of the King and Queen of
Fairy Land.
 Titania orders her fairies to scram and tells us that she's no longer sharing a bed
with Oberon.
 Titania accuses Oberon of sleeping around with other women—she knows for a
fact that Oberon disguised himself as a shepherd so he could hook up with a
country girl.
 Titania then accuses Oberon of being Hippolyta's lover. (Remember, Hippolyta is
the Queen of the Amazons and she's about to marry Theseus.)

 Oberon fights back. He accuses Titania of having the hots for Theseus and of
stealing Theseus away from a bunch of his other mistresses (Perigouna, Aegles,
Ariadne, and Antiopa, to name a few).
 Titania says he's just jealous—so jealous that he hasn't let her and her fairies do
any of their special nature dances since spring, which has the natural world all
messed up. Because he keeps interrupting their rituals, it's been windy and
foggy, and the rivers are all flooding, which is causing serious damage to the
local crops. We learn that Titania and Oberon's big feud has thrown the natural
world into chaos. Lately, it's been windy, foggy, and the rivers are all flooding,
which is causing serious damage to the local crops.
 Brain Snack: Some literary scholars (like Gail Kern Paster and Skiles Howard)
say that this is a reference to how, in Europe during the 1590s, seriously bad
weather ruined crops, which caused food shortages, which, in turn, caused
inflation, hunger, disease, and so on.
 Oberon says Titania has the power to fix everything, if she would only turn over
the "little changeling boy" to him.
 Brain Snack: A "changeling" is a child that's been secretly switched with another,
usually by mischievous fairies.
 Titania claims that she didn't steal the kid from anyone. She says she's raising
the boy as a favor to his dead mother, a human who was a good friend of
Titania's back in India. Oberon should just get over it because Titania's never
going to give up her foster son.
 Oberon slyly asks Titania how long she plans to be in the woods. She says she'll
stay until Theseus is married.
 Titania invites Oberon to join her in the fairies' dancing and moonlight revels, but
Oberon claims that he'll only participate if he can have the boy.
 Titania says she wouldn't turn over the little boy for Oberon's whole kingdom and
exits before they get into another fight.
 Oberon vows that Titania won't leave the woods until he pays her back.
 Oberon calls Puck to him and tells him a little story. One night, Oberon was
watching a mermaid riding on a dolphin's back when he saw Cupid try to hit a
royal virgin with one of his arrows. Cupid missed his target and instead hit a little
white flower (a pansy), which then turned purple.
 Brain Snack: Most literary critics agree that the royal virgin Cupid was aiming his
arrow at is a shout-out to Shakespeare's monarch, Queen Elizabeth I. Elizabeth
never married and made a very big deal about being a virgin queen.
 Anyway, back to pansies. Oberon asks Puck to bring him the flower because it
has magical properties. When the juice of the flower is squeezed on a sleeping
person's eyelids, it enchants the sleeper to fall madly in love with the first thing he
or she sees upon waking.

 Puck fetches the flower and Oberon announces he'll put the juice on Titania's
eyes. He hopes she'll fall madly in love with some awful, ugly beast. In her
lovesickness, he can convince her to give him the little boy. Once his master plan
is accomplished, Oberon will remove the spell.
 Oberon hears some people approaching and announces that, since he's
invisible, he can stay and listen to the conversation.
 Demetrius enters the scene with Helena tagging along behind him.
 He's searching for Lysander and Hermia, presumably to kill Lysander and win
Hermia's heart.
 Demetrius can't find Hermia, and he really wishes Helena would quit stalking him.
 Helena says it's Demetrius's fault that she's chasing him. If he wasn't so
scrumptious-looking, she wouldn't bother him.
 Demetrius tells her flat-out that he does not and cannot love her.
 Helena announces that she's going to follow him around like a "dog" forever.
 Demetrius says that virgins shouldn't run around the woods at night throwing
themselves at men who don't love them.
 Helena declares that it's not dark out because Demetrius's face shines like a
light. Also, she's never alone when she's with him because he's her whole world.
 Demetrius isn't about to take on the role of her protector in the woods. He says
he'll run away from her, hide in the bushes, and leave her to be eaten by a wild
 Helena tells us she's bucking traditional gender roles by chasing after Demetrius.
She doesn't think it's fair that guys can be aggressive when it comes to love but
girls can't. (Hmm. Is she talking about the fact that Theseus won Hippolyta by
conquering the Amazons?)
 Demetrius runs off and Helena chases after him.
 Meanwhile Oberon has been watching the scene in disgust.
 He thinks Demetrius is a jerk and decides Demetrius needs some love juice
squeezed in his eyes so he'll fall for Helena.
 Puck returns with the magic pansy.
 Oberon describes the bank of flowers where Titania sleeps and says he's off to
sprinkle the potion on her eyelids.
 Oberon gives some of the love juice to Puck and tells him to put some drops on
Demetrius's eyes—Puck will know who Demetrius is because he's human and
he's wearing Athenian clothes.
 Oberon and Puck agree to meet again soon.

Oberon and Titania have quarreled, and Oberon, planning his revenge, sends Puck to get the
magic flower – which can also be used to help Helena.

Original Translation
from opposite sides of the stage. from opposite sides of the stage.
How now, spirit? Whither wander you? How are you, spirit? Where are you going?
Over hill, over dale [valley], Over hill, over valley, through bush, through
Thorough [an old form of ‗through‘] bush, thorn, over park, over fenced-in pastures,
thorough brier [thorn], through water, through fire. I wander
Over park, over pale [piece of land enclosed everywhere faster than the moon revolves
by fencing], around the Earth. I serve the fairy queen,
Thorough flood, thorough fire. decorating the grass with dew. The tall
I do wander everywhere cowslip flowers are her bodyguards: the spots
Swifter than the moon’s sphere [the orbit of you see on their gold coats are rubies, fairy
the moon]. gifts. Their sweet smells come from those
And I serve the fairy queen spots. Now I must go find some dewdrops,
To dew [sprinkle with dew] her orbs [circles and hang a pearl of dew in every cowslip
of rich grass, thought to be formed by the flower. Farewell, you silly unsophisticated
dancing of fairies] upon the green. spirit. I must go. The queen and her elves will
The cowslips tall [Cowslips are wild be here soon.
flowers(with red spots in yellow, bell-shaped
heads) about 15 cm high – which is ‗tall‘ from
the fairy‘s point of view; tall also meant
‗brave‘, ‗handsome‘.] her pensioners [The
gentlemen of the Royal Bodyguard in Queen
Elizabeth‘s court (who wore red and gold
uniforms) were known as pensioners] be:
In their gold coats spots you see.
Those be rubies, fairy favors [gifts].
In those freckles [spots] live their savors
[scents, fragrance].
I must go seek some dewdrops here
And hang a pearl in every cowslip‘s ear.
Farewell, thou lob of spirits [peasant fairy].
I‘ll be gone.
Our queen and all our elves come here anon
[very soon].

The king doth keep his revels here tonight. The king is having a party here tonight. Be
Take heed [care] the queen come not within careful that the queen doesn‘t come within his
his sight. sight, because King Oberon is beyond
For Oberon is passing [extremely] fell [fierce] angry. She stole a charming boy from an
and wrath Indian king to be her servant. She‘s
Because that she, as her attendant hath never kidnapped such an adorable human
A lovely boy stolen from an Indian king. child, and Oberon is jealous. He wants the
She never had so sweet a changeling [child child to be a knight within his own retinue
usually ugly or stupid) left by the fairies in [attendants/followers], to wander with him
exchange for a beautiful human baby]. through the wild forests. But the queen
And jealous [envious] Oberon would have the refuses to give up the beloved boy. Instead
child she crowns the boy‘s head with flowers and
Knight of his train [to be a knight in his treasures him. Now Oberon and Titania refuse
service], to trace [roam through] the forests to meet each other, whether in the forest or
wild. the fields, by the clear water of a stream, or
But she perforce [forcibly] withholds the beneath the stars. They just argue, so that all
lovèd boy, their elves get frightened and sneak off to
Crowns him with flowers, and makes him all hide in acorns [the small nut of the oak tree,
her joy. that grows in a base shaped like a cup].
And now they never meet in grove or green,
By fountain clear or spangled starlight sheen
But they do square [quarrel], that [so that] all
their elves for fear
Creep into acorn cups [The cup-shaped holder
of the acorn is less than 2 cm in diameter.]
and hide them there.
Either I mistake your shape and making Either I‘m completely mistaken, or else
[appearance] quite [completely], you‘re that mischievous and naughty spirit
Or else you are that shrewd and knavish sprite named Robin Goodfellow. Aren‘t you the one
Called Robin Goodfellow. who plays pranks on the maidens in the
Are not you he village, skimming the cream off the milk;
That frights the maidens of the villagery, clogging up the flour mill so they can't grind
[village people], grain into flour; and making housewives
Skim milk, [take the cream from the milk] [In breathless by keeping their milk from turning
these lines Puck is both ‗he‘ and ‗you‘.] and into butter no matter how much they
sometimes labor in the quern [churn(in which churn? Don't you stop beer from foaming, and
milk is violently stirred to make butter)] lead people out at night the wrong way while

And bootless [without result] make the you laugh at them? But those who call you
breathless housewife churn, ―Hobgoblin,‖ or ―sweet Puck"— you do their
And sometime make the drink to bear no work for them and make sure they have good
barm [froth], luck. Aren't you him?
Mislead [Puck demonstrates this skill in Act 3
Scenes 1 and 2] night-wanderers, laughing at
their harm?
Those that ―Hobgoblin‖ call you, and ―sweet
You do their work, and they shall have good
Are not you he?
Thou speak‘st aright. You are correct. I am the mischievous
I am that merry wanderer of the night. wanderer of the night. I joke to Oberon and
I jest to Oberon [am Oberon‘s jester] and make him smile. Sometimes I‘ll trick a fat,
make him smile well-fed horse by neighing as if I'm a young
When I a fat and bean-fed horse beguile, filly [a young female horse]. Sometimes I
[charm or enchant (someone), often in hide at the bottom of an old gossipy woman‘s
a deceptive way] cup in the form of a crab apple. When she
Neighing in likeness of a filly [female] foal. drinks, I bob against her lips so that she spills
And sometime lurk I in a gossip’s [old the beer on her old wrinkly neck. Sometimes
woman] bowl an old woman telling a sad story will mistake
In very [true] likeness of a roasted crab [crab me for a three-legged stool and try to sit on
apple(used as a spice in warm ale)], me. Then I slip out from underneath her butt
And when she drinks, against her lips I bob and she falls down, crying, ―I'm sitting cross-
And on her withered dewlap [the folds of skin legged like a tailor!‖ Then she starts to cough,
hanging round an old person‘s throat] pour and everyone around holds their bellies and
the ale. laughs. Their laughter grows, and they sneeze,
The wisest aunt [old woman] telling the and I swear none of them has ever wasted an
saddest tale hour in greater fun. But make room, fairy!
Sometime for three-foot [three-legged] stool Here comes Oberon.
mistaketh me.
Then slip I from her bum, down topples she,
And ―Tailor!‖[cheat] cries, and falls into a
cough,[starts coughing]
And then the whole choir [company] hold
their hips and loffe, [laugh; Puck imitates the
language of peasants]
And waxen [increase] in their mirth, and

neeze [sneeze], and swear
A merrier hour was never wasted [spent]
But, room [make room], fairy! Here comes
And here my mistress. Would [I wish] that he And here‘s my queen. I wish he‘d go away!
were gone!
Ill met [an unlucky meeting; rhyming couplets I'm not glad to see you this night, proud
give way to blank verse when Oberon meets Titania.
Titania.] by moonlight, proud Titania.
OBERON, the Fairy King, and his followers The Fairy King OBERON and his followers
enter. enter. On the other side of the stage, the Fairy
On the other side of the stage, Queen TITANIA and her followers enter.
TITANIA, the Fairy Queen, and her followers
What, jealous [envious] Oberon? Fairies, skip What, are you jealous, Oberon? Fairies, let‘s
hence. I have forsworn [refused] his bed and leave this place. I‘ve sworn I‘ll never sleep
company. with him or be near him again.
Tarry [wait], rash wanton [headstrong, willful Wait, you impulsive and willful creature. Am
creature]. Am not I thy lord [husband (and I not your lord and husband?
therefore entitled to respect from his wife)?
Then I must be thy lady [wife (and therefore If you were, then I would have to be your lady
entitled to expect faithfulness from her and wife, to whom you are faithful. But I
husband)]. But I know know that you snuck away from Fairyland
When thou hast stolen away from Fairyland, disguised as a shepherd, and spent all day
And in the shape of Corin [Corin is an old playing music and reciting love poems to an
shepherd and a native of Arden] sat all day, infatuated shepherdess. Why have you come
Playing on pipes of corn [corn-stalks used as here, all the way from the furthest mountains
musical pipes]and versing love of India? Because, of course, that bouncing
To amorous Phillida. [behaved like one of Amazon Hippolyta—your half-boot-wearing
those shepherds in pastoral poetry singing to mistress and warrior lover—is getting married
his lady-love; Oberon being a spirit, would to Theseus, and you‘ve come to bless their
need to assume human form inorder to have wedding bed with joy and prosperity.
any conversation with a mortal.] Corin and Phillida are typical names for a
Why art thou here, shepherd and shepherdess. Titania is

Come from the farthest step [hill (perhaps the accusing Oberon of stealing away from
Himalayas)] of India? fairyland, taking on the appearance of a
But that, forsooth [only, indeed, because], the country lad, and flirting with a seductive
bouncing Amazon [i.e Hippolyta], country girl by reciting poetry and playing a
Your buskined [wearing high boots] mistress corncob flute.
and your warrior love,
To Theseus must be wedded, and you come
To give their bed [bless their union with] joy
and prosperity.
How canst thou thus for shame, Titania, How can you shamelessly make insinuations
Knowing I know thy love to Theseus? about my relationship with Hippolyta, when
Glance at [made rude remarks about] my you know that I know about your love for
credit with Hippolyta, Theseus? Didn't you entice him through the
Didst thou not lead him through the glimmering night away from Perigouna,
glimmering night whom he had just abducted and raped? And
From Perigouna, whom he ravishèd? didn't you make him be unfaithful to Aegles,
And make him with fair Ægles break his Ariadne, and Antiopa?
faith,With Ariadne and Antiopa? [Little is [Theseus is also known in both sources as a
known about three of these women except prolific womanizer. Oberon says
that Theseus deserted all of them! Ariadne that Titania seduced Theseus and made him
helped him to find his way through the unfaithful to Aegles (a nymph), Ariadne (a
labyrinth on his expedition to kill the goddess), and Antiopa (another Amazonian
Minotaur.] queen).]
These are the forgeries [falsehoods] of These are lies that emerge from your
jealousy. jealousy. Not once, since the beginning of
And never, since the middle summer’s spring midsummer—whether on a hill, in a valley, a
[beginning of midsummer period], forest, or a meadow, by a pebbly spring or
Met we on hill, in dale [valley], forest, or rushing brook, or on a beach next to the
mead [meadow], ocean—have my fairies and I been able to
By pavèd fountain [paved;fountain with small meet and perform our ring dances to honor
pebbles at the bottom], or by rushy brook the whistling wind without you showing up
[small stream, with tall rushes growing at the with your shouting to interrupt our
side] fun. Because of that, the winds have gotten
Or in the beachèd margent [margin, edge] of angry at our lack of response to their calls. In
the sea, revenge the winds have made nasty fogs rise
To dance our ringlets [dances round the fairy up from the sea, and make rain fall upon the
rings] to the whistling wind [the wind land so that rivers have grown so large they
whistled as music for their dancing], flood the land around them. All the work done

But with thy brawls [quarrels] thou hast by farmers' and their oxen has been ruined,
disturbed our sport [entertainment]. and the corn has rotted before it could grow
Therefore the winds, piping to us in vain ripe. Animal pens stand empty in flooded
[uselessly], fields, and the crows are fat from eating the
As in revenge, have sucked up from the sea bodies of sheep and cattle killed by
Contagious [carrying diseases] fogs, which disease. The village greens where men play
falling in the land games together are filled with mud, and the
Have every pelting [paltry] river made so maze-like paths people have made through
proud the high-grown grass have faded away
That they have overborne their continents because no one walks on them. The humans
[flooded over their banks]. have not gotten the winter they should have,
The ox hath therefore stretched his yoke in and the nights to not receive the blessings of
vain, [the ploughing has been useless] the hymns or carols of that season. As a result
The ploughman lost his sweat [wasted his the moon, who controls the tides, is pale with
efforts] , and the green [unripe; ripe corn has anger, and moistens the air so that colds and
hanging tendrils like a man‘s beard] corn flu spread everywhere. Because of this
Hath rotted ere [before] his youth attained a disturbance in the normal natural order, the
beard. seasons have changed: bitter frosts descend
The fold stands empty in the drownèd field, upon red roses. And Old Man Winter wears
And crows are fatted [grown fat] with the an icy crown decorated with sweet summer
murrion flock [sheep and cattle]. flower buds, like some kind of cruel
The nine-men’s-morris [a game played with prank. The spring, summer, fruitful autumn,
nine pins or stones on specially marked and angry winter have all changed out of their
ground] is filled up with mud, normal clothes, and now the confused world
And the quaint [intricate, attractive or can't tell one from the other. And all of these
unusual; the maze was a popular feature of bad outcomes are the result of our argument.
Elizabethan gardens] mazes in the wanton We are the cause of this.
green[overgrown grass]
For lack of tread are undistinguishable.
The human mortals want [are deprived of]
their winter cheer [festivities].
No night is now with hymn or carol blessed.
Therefore the moon, the governess of floods,
[the moon is partly responsible for the tides]
Pale in her anger, washes [it was thought that
the mon shed moisture on the earth] all the
That rheumatic diseases do abound. [there are
a lot of colds and sniffles about;(‗rheum‘=a
watery discharge from eyes and nose)]

And thorough [through] this distemperature
[disturbance in temperature of the weather]
we see
The seasons alter: hoary-headed frosts [frosts
covering everything with white]
Fall in the fresh lap of the crimson rose,
And on old Hiems' [winter(personified as an
old man)] thin and icy crown
An odorous [scented] chaplet [wreath worn
on head] of sweet summer buds
Is, as in mockery, [as though making fun of
the old man] set. The spring, the summer,
The childing [fruitful (bearing children)]
autumn, angry winter change
Their wonted liveries [usual uniforms], and
the mazèd [bewildered] world,
By their increase, now knows not which is
which. [cannot distinguish seasons by their
And this same progeny [offspring] of evils
From our debate [arguing], from our
We are their parents and original [origin].
Do you amend it then. So fix it, then. You have the power to do
It lies in you. that. Why would Titania want to argue with
Why should Titania cross [disobey] her her Oberon? All I‘m asking for is to have that
Oberon? little human boy to be my attendant.
I do but [only] beg a little changeling boy,
To be my henchman [page].
Set your heart at rest [be assured]. Calm your little heart. I wouldn't trade the
The Fairyland buys not the child of [from] child for all of Fairyland. His mother was one
me. of my priestesses, and we often used to gossip
His mother was a votaress of my order, [a nun together in the spiced night air in India, or sit
vowed to serve me] on the beach by the ocean watching merchant
And in the spicèd [fragrant] Indian air by ships sail by on the water. We'd laugh when
night we saw the wind fill up the sails, as if that
Full often hath she gossiped by my side, amorous wind had made them pregnant and

And sat with me on Neptune’s [god of the big-bellied. She would imitate the ships—she
sea] yellow sands, was pregnant at the time with the little boy—
Marking [observing] th' embarkèd traders on and she would pretend to sail over the land to
the flood, [merchant ships on the tide bringing get me little presents, and then come back
them to shore] carrying gifts like she was a trading ship
When we have laughed to see the sails returning from a voyage, rich with cargo. But
conceive [swell(as though pregnant)] she was a mortal, and she died giving birth to
And grow big-bellied with the wanton the boy. For her sake I will not give him up.
[playful, amorous] wind;
Which she, with pretty and with swimming
[gliding] gait [movement]
Following [copying] —her womb then rich
[pregnant] with my young squire
[gentleman(especially one who attends a
lady)]—Would imitate, and sail upon the land
To fetch me trifles and return again
As from a voyage, rich with merchandise.
But she, being mortal, of that boy [giving
birth to the boy] did die.
And for her sake do I rear up her boy,
And for her sake I will not part with him.
How long within this wood intend you stay How long do you plan to stay in this forest?
[do you intend to stay]? TITANIA
TITANIA Perhaps until after Theseus‘ wedding day. If
Perchance [perhaps] till after Theseus' you will join us in our circle dance and
wedding day. moonlight celebrations without causing
If you will patiently dance in our round trouble, then come with us. If not, stay away
[circular dance] from me, and I‘ll avoid your lands.
And see our moonlight revels, go with us.
If not, shun me, and I will spare your haunts.
Give me that boy and I will go with thee. Give me that boy and I‘ll come with you.
Not for thy fairy kingdom. Fairies, away! Not for your entire fairy kingdom. Fairies,
We shall chide downright, if I longer stay. let‘s go! We‘re going to have a real fight if I
stay any longer.
Well, go thy way. Thou shalt not from [not go Well, then go on your way. You won‘t leave
from] this grove this grove until I‘ve made you suffer for this

Till I torment thee for this injury [insult]. insult.
My gentle Puck, come hither. Thou My noble Puck, come here. Do you remember
rememberest that time when I was sitting on a cliff and
Since once [the time when] I sat upon a heard a mermaid riding on a dolphin‘s
promontory [piece of land jutting out into the back sing with such a sweet and harmonious
sea] voice that the rough waters of the ocean grew
And heard a mermaid on a dolphin‘s back calm, and some stars shot out of the sky in
Uttering such dulcet [sweet sounding] and order to hear her sing?
harmonious breath [song]
That the rude [rough(badly behaved)] sea
grew civil [calm (well behaved)] at her song
And certain stars shot madly from their
spheres [orbits]
To hear the seamaid‘s music?
TITANIA and her followers exit. TITANIA and her followers exit.
I remember. I remember.
That very [same] time I saw (but thou couldst On that night, I saw Cupid (even though you
not) couldn't); Cupid with all his arrows, flying
Flying between the cold moon and the Earth, from the cold moon to the earth. He aimed at
Cupid all armed. A certain aim he took a beautiful virgin who sat upon a throne in the
At a fair vestal [virgin; the Roman Vestal western end of the world, and he shot his love
Virgins vowed eternal virginity, in service to arrow hard enough to pierce a hundred
Vesta, goddess of home] thronèd by the west, thousand hearts. But I saw young Cupid‘s
And loosed his love shaft [arrow of love] fiery arrow weakened by the virginal beams
smartly from his bow of the watery moon, and so the royal virgin
As it [as though it] should pierce a hundred was unaffected by the arrow, and so
thousand hearts. continued on with her virginal thoughts,
But I might [was able to] see young Cupid‘s without a care. But I noticed where Cupid‘s
fiery [i.e. because it produced the fires of arrow fell. It fell on a little western flower,
love] shaft which used to be as white as milk but turned
Quenched in the chaste [Diana, goddess of purple when it was wounded by the arrow of
moon, was also goddess of chastity and love. Young women call that flower ―love-in-
protector of virginity] beams of the watery idleness." Bring me that flower. I showed the
moon, plant to you once. If the juice of that flower is
And the imperial votress [royal lady who has dropped on the eyelids of a sleeping person,
taken vows] passèd on, that man or woman will then fall madly in
In maiden meditation, fancy-free. love with the next living creature he or she

Yet marked [observed] I where the bolt sees. Bring me this plant, and return here
[arrow] of Cupid fell. before Leviathan can swim three miles.
It fell upon a little western flower,
Before milk-white, now purple with love‘s
And maidens call it ―love-in-idleness.‖ [The
flower is the pansy-but the myth is
Shakespeare‘s own creation.] Fetch me that
flower. The herb I showed thee once.
The juice of it on sleeping eyelids laid
Will make or man or woman [either…or]
madly dote
Upon the next live creature that it sees.
Fetch me this herb, and be thou here again
Ere [before] the leviathan [whale] can swim a
league [measurement of distance (about three
I‘ll put a girdle [encircle] round about the I'll circle the world in forty minutes.
In forty minutes.
Having once this juice, Once I get this juice, I‘ll spy on Titania until
I‘ll watch Titania when she is asleep she falls asleep and then drop some of it on
And drop the liquor of it in her eyes. her eyes. The first thing she sees when she
The next thing then she waking looks upon— wakes up—whether it's a lion, bear, wolf,
Be it on lion, bear, or wolf, or bull, bull, monkey, or an ape—she'll fall deeply
On meddling monkey or on busy and madly in love with. And before I remove
[mischievous] ape—She shall pursue it with the spell from her eyes—which I can do by
the soul of love. using another plant—I‘ll make her give that
And ere I take this charm from of her sight— little boy to me. But who‘s that coming this
As I can take it with another herb—I‘ll make way? I've made myself invisible and listen in
her render up her page to me. on their conversation.
But who comes here? I am invisible. [Oberon
probably throws a black cloak around
And I will overhear their conference
ROBIN exits. ROBIN exits.
DEMETRIUS enters, followed by HELENA. DEMETRIUS enters, followed by HELENA.

I love thee not, therefore pursue me not. I don‘t love you, so stop following me. Where
Where is Lysander and fair Hermia? are Lysander and beautiful Hermia? I want to
The one I‘ll slay, the other slayeth me kill Lysander, but Hermia kills me with her
[because she refuses to love him]. beauty. You told me they snuck into this
Thou told‘st me they were stol'n [escaped] forest. And here I am, going crazy in the
unto this wood. middle of the woods because I cannot find my
And here am I, and wood [and mad] within Hermia. Go away, get out of here, and stop
this wood, following me.
Because I cannot meet my Hermia.
Hence, get thee gone, and follow me no more.
You draw [attract] me, you hard-hearted You attract me to you, you heartless
adamant [magnet]. magnet! But you must not attract iron,
But yet you draw not iron, for my heart because my heart is as true as steel. If you
Is true as steel. Leave you [if you will give up] give up your power to attract me, then I won‘t
your power to draw, have any power to follow you.
And I shall have no power to follow you.
Do I entice you? Do I speak you fair [say kind Do I invite you to follow me? Do I speak to
words to you]? you kindly? Instead, don‘t I tell you as clearly
Or rather, do I not in plainest truth and plainly as possible that I do not and
Tell you I do not, nor I cannot, love you? cannot love you?
And even for that do I love you the more. And for that I love you even more. I‘m your
I am your spaniel. And, Demetrius, little dog. And, Demetrius, the more you beat
The more you beat me, I will fawn [cringe, me, the more I‘ll love you. Treat me like a
beg for favour] on you. dog—kick me, hit me, ignore me, try to lose
Use me but as your spaniel—spurn [kick] me, me. Just allow me to follow you, even though
strike me, I'm not good enough for you. Is there a worse
Neglect me, lose me. Only give me leave, position I could ask to be held in your heart
Unworthy as I am, to follow you. than to be treated as you would treat a dog?
What worser place can I beg in your love— And yet I would consider it a place of honor.
And yet a place of high respect with me—
Than to be usèd as you use your dog?
Tempt not too much the hatred of my spirit. Don‘t tempt me to hate you any more than I
For I am sick when I do look on thee. already do. It makes me sick just to look at

And I am sick when I look not on you. And I am sick when I'm not looking at you.
You do impeach your modesty [cause your You shouldn't risk your reputation or your
modesty to be suspected] too much, virginity by leaving the city and putting
To leave the city and commit yourself yourself into the hands of someone who
Into the hands of one that loves you not, doesn‘t love you in the middle of the night in
To trust the opportunity of night a deserted place, what with all the bad ideas
And the ill counsel of a desert place that occur to people in deserted places.
With the rich worth of your virginity. [to trust
that your precious virginity will be safe when
the night gives opportunity and the lonely
place offers temptation]
Your virtue [particular nature] is my privilege Your goodness will protect me. And, anyway,
[protection]. For that [because] the beauty of your face shines, so it doesn't
It is not night when I do see your face. seem like night time to me. Besides, the forest
Therefore I think I am not in the night. doesn‘t seem deserted, because for me you
Nor doth this wood lack worlds of company, are the entire world. So how can anyone say
For you in my respect [opinion] are all the I‘m alone, when the whole world is here to
world. look at me?
Then how can it be said I am alone
When all the world is here to look on me?
I‘ll run from thee and hide me in the brakes I‘ll run away from you and hide in the bushes,
[bushes], and leave you to the mercy of wild animals.
And leave thee to the mercy of wild beasts.
The wildest hath not such a heart as you. Not even the wildest animal is as vicious as
Run when you will, the story shall be you. Run whenever you want to. The old
changed. story of the lustful god Apollo chasing the
Apollo flies and Daphne holds the chase. virginal nymph Daphne will be
[Apollo chased after Daphne, but she prayed flipped: Apollo will run, and Daphne will
to Diana for protection-and was changed into pursue him. The dove will chase the griffin.
a laurel tree; the story is told in Ovid‘s The gentle deer will race to catch the tiger.
Metamorphoses.] Speed is useless when the cowardly person is
The dove pursues the griffin [a fabulous chasing the brave one.
monster, with the head and wings of an eagle
and the body of a man.]. The mild hind
[female deer]

Makes speed to catch the tiger —bootless
[useless] speed,
When cowardice pursues and valor flies.
I will not stay thy questions [wait to hear your I‘m not going to wait around listening to your
arguments]. Let me go. arguments. Let me go by myself. Or if you
Or if thou follow me, do not believe follow me, understand that I‘ll do bad things
But [but that] I shall do thee mischief [harm to you in the forest.
you] in the wood.
Ay, in the temple, in the town, the field Well, you've already done bad things to me in
You do me mischief. Fie, Demetrius! the church, in the town, and in the
Your wrongs [ill treatment] do set a scandal fields. Curse you, Demetrius! Your bad
on my sex [make me act in a way that is behavior is an insult to all women. We can't
improper for a woman]. fight for love as men can. We should be
We cannot fight for love as men may do. pursued. We weren‘t made to be the pursuer.
We should be wooed and were not made to
ROBIN enters. ROBIN enters.
I‘ll follow thee and make a heaven of hell, I‘ll follow you and turn this hell of mine into
To die upon the hand I love so well. a heaven, by ensuring that I am killed by the
one I love so much.
HELENA exits. HELENA exits.
Fare thee well, nymph [girl]. Ere he do leave Goodbye, nymph. Before he leaves this forest,
this grove, you‘ll be running from him and he'll be
Thou shalt fly him [run away from him] and chasing after your love.
he shall seek thy love.
Ay, there it is. Yes, here it is.
Hast thou the flower there? Welcome, Do you have the flower? Welcome, traveler.
I pray thee, give it me. Please, give it to me.
[He takes flower from ROBIN] [He takes the flower from ROBIN.]
I know a bank where the wild thyme [a low- I know a hill where wild thyme blooms, and
growing scented herb with tiny purple oxlips and violets grow. It‘s covered with a
flowers] blows, canopy of luscious honeysuckle, sweet musk-
Where oxlips [flowers slightly bigger than roses, and sweetbrier. Titania sometimes

cowslips] and the nodding violet grows, sleeps there at night among the flowers,
Quite over canopied with luscious woodbine soothed to sleep by dances and delights. In
[honeysuckle, a climbing plant that makes a that place snakes shed their skin, producing
shelter (canopy) over the bank], clothes just large enough to wrap a fairy in.
With sweet musk roses [these also climb, and There I‘ll wet her eyes with the juice of this
are heavily scented] and with eglantine flower, and fill her with pathetic fantasies.
[another kind of wild rose]. [He gives ROBIN part of the flower] You take
There sleeps Titania sometime [at some time some of it and search the forest: there's a
or other] of the night, sweet Athenian lady who is in love with a
Lulled [sent to sleep] in these flowers with young man who does not want her. Put some
dances and delight. juice on his eyes, and do it in a way that
And there the snake throws [sheds(when it is ensures that the lady will be the next thing he
outgrown)] her enameled [coloured (and sees. You‘ll recognize the man by the
smooth)] skin, Athenian clothes he's wearing. Be careful
Weed wide enough [a garment that is wide when you do it, so that when it's done he
enough] to wrap a fairy in. loves her more than she loves him. Then meet
And with the juice of this I‘ll streak her eyes me before the rooster‘s first crow at dawn.
And make her full of hateful fantasies.
[He gives ROBIN some of the flower]
Take thou some of it and seek through this
A sweet Athenian lady is in love
With a disdainful youth; anoint his eyes.
But do it when the next thing he espies
May be the lady. Thou shalt know the man
By the Athenian garments he hath on.
Effect it with some care, that he may prove
More fond on her than she upon her love.
And look thou meet me ere the first cock
crow. [The crowing of the cock is usually the
signal for supernatural beings to leave the
world of mortals-though Oberon will say later
in the play (3, 2,388), that he and the other
fairies are not confined to the hours of
Fear not, my lord. Your servant shall do so. Don't worry, my lord. As your servant, I'll
follow your orders.
They all exit, in opposite directions. They exit, in opposite directions.


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