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Driver Pedal


1 31 Fatigued

2 _ Asleep

3 32 Ill

4 33 Under the influence of drink or a drug

5 34 Physically defective

6 35 Inexperienced with type of vehicle in use at the time

7 36 Proceeding at excessive speed having regard to conditions

8 37 Failing to keep to the near side or to the proper traffic lane

9 38 Cutting in

10 39 Overtaking improperly

11 40 Swerving

12 41 Skidding (give cause of skid)

13 42 Forcing way through persons boarding or alighting from omnibus

14 43 Failing to stop to afford free passage to pedestrians at pedestrian crossing lane

15 44 Turning round in road negligently

16 _ Reversing negligently (other than from parking area)

17 45 Failing to comply with traffic sign or signal

18 46 Failing to signal or giving indistinct or incorrect signal

19 47 Pulling out from near side or from one traffic lane (not from parking area to another without due care

20 48 Inattentive or attention diverted

21 49 Hampered by passenger, animal or luggage in or on vehicle

22 50 Turning right without due care

23 51 Turning left without due care

24 _ Driver negligently opening door of vehicle

25 52 Crossing without due care at road junction

_ 53 Pedal cyclist holding onto another vehicle

26 54 Losing control (particulars to be specified)

27 55 Dazzled by lights of another vehicle

28 56 Stopping suddenly

29 57 Misjudging clearance, distance, or speed vehicles or objects)

30 58 Other apparent error of judgement or negligence (specify)

30[a] _ Reversing from angle parking space negligently

30[b] _ Entering parking space [angle or flush] negligently

30[c] _ Leaving flush-parking space negligently


59 Heedless of traffic –crossing road masked by stationary vehicle

60 Heedless of traffic –crossing road not masked by stationary vehicle

61 Heedless of traffic –walking or standing in road

62 Heedless of traffic –playing in road

63 Heedless of traffic –stepping, walking, or running off footpath or verge into road

64 Slipping or falling

65 Physical defects of sudden sickness

66 Under the influence of drink or drug

67 Holding onto a vehicle

68 Error of judgement or negligence, other than above [specify]

Passengers, etc

69 Boarding or alighting from vehicle without due care

70 Falling when inside or falling from vehicle

71 Other negligence on part of the passenger

72 stealing ride

73 negligence on part of conductor or goods –vehicle attendant


74 Dog in carriageway

75 Other animal in carriageway, including bolting horse


76 Stationary vehicle dangerously placed

77 Other obstruction [specify]

78 Mechanical defect or failure –brakes

79 Mechanical defects or failure –tyres wheels

80 Mechanical defects of failure –steering

81 Mechanical defects or failure –other cause

82 No front light

83 Inadequate front light

84 No rear light
85 Inadequate rear light

86 Unattended vehicle running away

87 Driver’s view obstructed e.g by equipment, load or obscured windscreen

88 Vehicle overloaded, shifted or defective load

89 Any other feature of vehicle or equipment which contributed to the accident [specify below]

Road Defect

90 Road surface slippery

91 Excessive dust obscuring driver’s view

92 Road surface in need of repair

93 Other road condition, view obscured, etc. [specify]


94 Fog or mist

95 Torrential rain

96 Glaring sun

Other Cause

97 Other cause [specify]

98 Cause not traced

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