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Downloaded From Reg. No.: | Question Paper Code : 71386 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2015. - Fifth Semester CO a Computer Science and Engineering C : CS 2309/08 59/10144 CS S04/CS 1303 — THEORY OF ctygpungrion (Common to Seventh Semester Information xy (Regulation A a (Common to PTCS 2303 — Theory of Computat Lf A (Part ~ Time)Fifth Semester — CSE — Regulation2009) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer igor PART aac 'w2 = 20 marks), 1. Any set A,B, and ow, @B=gand C B thenAnC=9. Prove by contra positive. fp 2 Prove for every n=-I"by mathematics] induction Lv =nn+Ha-2y6 3. Give English ae of the following language (0+10)*1". 4 Contre NEA ~* for 1* (0)* 5.4 Generate CFG for (01143)" Gy “Construct a parse tree of a+ bc for the grammar #-» T4E/E* B/(EVid 7. _ Differentiate PDA accoptence by ompty stack method with accoptance by final state method. 8. Define — pumping lemma for CFL. 9. Define — RE language 10. Differentiate recursive and non-recursive languages 4 Der (Grow With U: Arn ul. 12, 13. 44. @) (b) @) ) (a) ) fa) ® Downloaded From PART B— (5 x 16 = 80. marks) Design a DFA accept the following strings over the alphabets {0,1) The set of all string that contains a pattern 11 Prot mathematical induction Or Design a NEA accept the following strings over the alphabets {0yl) validity of 01111 and 0110 strings. ve this using ‘The set of all string that begins with 01 and ends with 11. Check a Find the min-state DFA for (0+1)*10 Or. Find the regular expression of » language that string starts with 11 as well as ends with 00 uging Ry Construct a PDA for the given grammar gas ew YU e sist of set, of ‘mula oO 7 Construct a PDA for the language, L Ng’ fa,b}*|n,(«) > np (x)} eo Al y Construct a'TM to pexformcopHgperation. AN ‘y Given the CFG G,find GF@’G’ in CNF generating the language LG) S> AACcD “ p> adaeDo* _15, (a) Explain post-eorzespondence problems and decidable and undecidable ) problems with examples Or Explain the class P and NP problems with suitable example. 2 <)> (Grow With Us

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