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Downloaded From Reg Nb: Teen see | Question Paper Code : 91350 B.EJB.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBBR 2014, Fifth Semester om Computer Science and Engineering :O > CS 2308/CS 58/1014 CS 504/08 1303 — THEORY OF COMPUT, oy (Common to Seventh Semester Information Toexkhiger) a (Regulation 2008/2010) y (Common to PTCS 2303 — Theory of Computation fon ‘sae Time) Fifth Semester — CSE — ee Time : Three hours v cy! “"" ‘Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL, ag, e ~ PART 4— ao os 20 marks) 1, Define Deduetive proo!. 2. Design DFA to accepts 8. Prove or disprove chahye sy { @ 4, State the pumping lemma for regular languages. ain 5. Give the geiferal forms of CNP. 6, _ ShoW Wat CFLs are closed under substitutions 7. \ Let G be the grammar S>aB/bA A alaS|bAA B->b|bS|aBB. For the ‘string azabbabbba, find (a) LMD and (b) RMD 8. Define Diagonalization (L) Language. 9. Define multitape turing machine. 10. Give examples for NP-complete problems. : © Grow With Us Downloaded From - PART B— (6 x 16 = 80 marks) 11. @) @ Prove that every tree has ‘e’ edges and ‘e + 1’ nodes. (6) Gi) Prove that for every integer 220 the number #°'+3"" is a multiple of 13. (10). Or (®) @) Let Lbe a set accepted by a NFA and then prove that there ota DFA that accepts L. cS Gi) Construct a DFA equivalent to the NFA. M=((a,b.c,d), {0, As) {b.d}) where 5 is a defined as C (6) a oO a a a {bd} {b) 2 b : tbc} A ° c a a ad - a . le Om 12, (a) Construct a minimized DFA for the REAQ+ (#11) 01 as) Or fs ) @ Show that £=[" ss ele n21)} is not regular. ® eo & Gi) Explain the DFA afin tion algorithm with anexample. (10) 13. (@) @) Write a gra tarbceogaize all prefix expressions involving all binary perators. Construct a parse tree for the sentence * + abelie’ using G? ® Gi) Show th&t the following grammar G is ambiguous § > SbS/a. “© A (ai) "Construct a context free grammar for {0"1"/1< m aB/bAB, Bb, D>d. © Convert to GNF the grammer G, G = ({A, Az, Ad}, fab}, P,Ad where P consists of the following A, 4,A,, A, > 4,A,/6, A, > AA,/a. (ao) Ore / ‘ Design a ‘TM, M to implement she function “MULTIPLICATION. ising the subroutine “COPY”. a Y Show that language {0"1"2"/n21} is not context free — Show that the union of two recursive language is recurtie & union of two recursively enumerable language is recuggive. (2) Define the language La and show that La is REJaNguag®. Oy Or State and Prove Post Correspondence ening Give exemple, (16) &. (Spttinpant.cor Grow With Os

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