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Micro linguistics and Macro linguistics

Name of Teachers: Diana A. Silva Year Level: 1st Year Course: Bachelor of Secondary
Pearly Grace D. Bastismo College Education Major in English
Ainara Nova C. Baring
Mary Jane C. Toroy
Sandhara Shane B. Silva
Fatima Faith A. Villafranca

Learning Area: ENGLISH Semester: 2 Date: March 25, 2024

Competencies: Know the used and difference of Macro Linguistics and Micro Linguistics. Duration: 1 hour and
30 minutes

Key Understanding to be The learners will be able to know and understand the study of language systems in the abstract and
Developed analyzes language beyond its most basic functions and context. Micro linguistics is understood as linguistics which has a narrower nature of the study.
That is, it is internal, only sees language as language, while Macro linguistics is broad, the nature of the study is external, it focuses on: the social,
cultural psychological and neurological factors and how they’re connected to the language and its structure. Micro and Macro Linguistics Studies are
important to the accuracy of the delivery of language.
Knowledge Recognize the branches of Linguistics.
Learning Objectives
Skills Distinguish what is a Micro linguistics and Macro linguistics.
Attitude Appreciate the knowledge about the studies of Micro linguistics and Macro linguistics.

Resources Needed: Manila paper, colored papers, pen, scotch tape, and chalk
Elements of the Plan METHODOLOGY
Preparations Introductory
● Prayer
-How will I make the learners Activity
ready? ● Greetings
-How do I prepare the learners
for the new lesson? ● Checking of Attendance
-How will I connect my new
lesson with the past lesson? ● Recall the previous lesson

● The teacher will write the words: “Micro” and “Macro” on the blackboard. Then ask the students by these questions:
• What is your idea about the word “Micro”?
• How about the word Macro?
• Now, what do you think is the possible title of the topic that is to be discussed at this time?
Presentation Activity
● The teacher will present an activity named: “DEFINE THE TITLE”
-How will I present the new
lesson? ● The teacher will divide the class into 3 groups, and each group will do brainstorming about creating a one definition about “Micro
-What materials will I use?
linguistics and Macro linguistics Studies”. After five minutes, the teacher will choose one member of group 1, group 2, and group 3
to be a representative in presenting the answer.
ion should learners arrive at?
● What have you noticed about the definitions you have created recently?
● The teacher will read and explain the lesson about Micro Linguistics and Macro Linguistics Studies.

● The teacher will ask the questions: Have you understood the lesson for tonight? Which part of the lesson you did not understand?

Practice Application ● STATE IT

-What practice
⮚ The teacher will let the students go back to their previous groupings, let them do sharing of understandings or ideas about what is
exercises/application activities
will I give to the learners? Micro linguistics and Macro linguistics.
⮚ Each group will have one representative that will say the answers in front.

⮚ The teacher will give 7 minutes to finish the task.

Level of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I score?

• If the correct idea was presented in the answer, it

● Student's capability ● The teacher will ask these
will be rated 5 points.
Knowledge and to recognize the questions: • If the correct idea was not presented in the answer, it
Attitude branches of • What are the two will be rated 3 points.
Linguistics and can branches of Linguistics?
give an applicable • What is the importance
answer about the of Micro linguistics and Macro
importance of the linguistics Studies? The answer
studies of Micro must be 3 sentences only.
linguistics and Macro ⬜ 5 minutes to finish the task, next
linguistics. will be exchanging of answer sheets for
checking; 5 minutes to check all the
● Research about: What is the origin of Linguistics?

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