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The present simple of be – FORM

The present simple of the verb be has three forms:

 I am.
 He/She/It is.
 We/You/They are.
They= people and things

We use he for a man, she for a woman, and it for a thing.

 He‘s a little boy.

 She‘s beautiful.
 I like this TV. It‘s very big.

We use they for people and for things.

 I love Sara and Jonas. They are my friends.

 I love these chairs. They are very beautiful.

Don’t forget the subject

We always need a subject before the verb.

 It is cold.
 Is cold.
 Sally is a wonderful woman.
 Is a wonderful woman.

Contractions or short forms

We use ‘m, ‘s and ‘re with personal pronouns (I, you, he, etc.)

 I’m sad.
 You’re tired.
 She’s from Scotland.

But we can also use ‘s with names.

 Laura’s beautiful.
 London’s an expensive city.
Contractions in short answers

We can only use contractions in negative short answers. Not in

positive short answers.

 Yes, I am.
 Yes, I’m.
 Yes, she is.
 Yes, she’s.
 Yes, they are.
 Yes, they’re.

Exercise 1

Rewrite the sentences using the short forms of be.

EXAMPLE: They are good friends ⇒ They’re good friends.

1. 1She is fantastic ⇒ fantastic.

2. 2We are in Spain ⇒ in Spain.
3. 3You are not my friend ⇒ You my friend.
4. 4Sheila is from Brighton. ⇒ from Brighton.
5. 5The chairs are not expensive. ⇒ The chairs expensive.
6. 6I am not British ⇒ British.
7. 7Clara is a good student. ⇒ a good student.
8. 8You are great. ⇒ great.
9. 9They are my friends. ⇒ my friends.
10. He is not angry. ⇒ He angry.
The present simple of be – USE

We use the verb be to talk about:

 Who we are: I‘m Steven, and this is Isabella. And this is my

daughter, Alicia.
 Age: I‘m 24 years old, and my father is 50.
 Job: I‘m a teacher, and my wife is a doctor.
 Nationality: Alex is from Ireland, and Sonia is from Spain.
 Feelings: I‘m scared. She is very tired.
 Colour: Our dog is black. His eyes are blue.
 Prices: It‘s seven pounds. This T-shirt is twenty dollars.
 The weather: It‘s sunny today. It is very cold this morning.
 The time: What time is it? It‘s ten past four.
 Descriptions in general: He is very short and thin. The
cars are old and cheap.

Exercise 2

Rewrite these sentences using the negative and interrogative forms of ‘to be’.
USE contractions when possible.

EXAMPLE: They are friends ⇒ They aren’t friends. ⇒ Are they friends?

1. 1She is a teacher. ⇒ a teacher. ⇒ a teacher?

2. 2They're in Berlin. ⇒ in Berlin. ⇒ in Berlin?
3. 3It's a nice day. ⇒ a nice day. ⇒ a nice day?
4. 4I am very excited. ⇒ very excited. ⇒ very
5. 5We are students. ⇒ students. ⇒ students?
6. 6You are right. ⇒ right. ⇒ right?
7. 7It's 6 o'clock. ⇒ 6 o'clock. ⇒ 6 o'clock?
8. 8The table is blue. ⇒ blue. ⇒ blue?
9. 9He is the new manager. ⇒ the new manager.
⇒ the new manager?
10. They are sorry. ⇒ sorry. ⇒ sorry?

Exercise 3

Fill in the gaps with the correct present simple forms of ‘to be’.

1. Sofie: Hello. 1 you from here?

2. Dino: No, we 2 . And you? 3 you from here?
3. Sofie: No, I 4 from France. My name 5 Sofie.
4. Dino: Nice to meet you. I 6 Dino. And
this 7 Francesca.
5. Sofie: Where 8 you from?
6. Dino: We 9 from Italy.
7. Sofie: 10 you from Rome?
8. Dino: No, we 11 . We 12 from the north of Italy.
I 13 from Torino, and Francesca 14 from Milano.
9. Sofie: 15 you here on holiday?
10. Dino: No, we 16 . It 17 a study trip.
This 18 a beautiful place.
11. Sofie: Yes, it 19 . 20 the trip nice?
12. Dino: Very nice.

This/these= here, that/those= there

This, these
We use this and these for things that are here (near). This is singular
and these is plural.

 This is my new watch.

 These are my sisters Anna and Jenny.

That, those
We use that and those for things that are there (not near). That is
singular and those is plural.

 That man is very strange.

 I need those boxes over there.

With a noun or without a noun

We can use this, that, these, those with a noun (this box, that car,
etc.) or without a noun.

 This watch is very expensive.

 I like that woman in the park.
 Who is that? (= that person)
 ‘What are those?’ ‘They are old pictures.’

This is John (introductions and on the phone)

We use this is when we introduce people and on the telephone.

 Hi, this is Tim. (Tim on the telephone)

 Laura: ‘Hi, Sara. This is my friend Paul.’ Sara: ‘Hi, Paul. Nice to
meet you

Exercise 1

Choose this, that, these, those to complete the following sentences.

1. 1'What's _____?' 'It's a calculator.'


2. 2______ are John and Teresa.



3. 3Hi, Richard, _____ is Julia. (On the phone)



4. 4Look at _____ cloud. It's very strange.



5. 5'What are _____?' 'They are little cakes.'



6. 6_____ are my keys.



7. 7Is _____ your mother?



8. 8What is in _____ box over there?



9. 9_____ is my hand!


10. 10_____ are my cats.



Exercise 2

Transform singular sentences into plural sentences and plural sentences into
singular sentences using this, that, these, those and other missing words.

EXAMPLE: These are my books ⇒ This is my book.

1. 1This is a flower ⇒ flowers.

2. 2That is a box. ⇒ boxes.
3. 3That is my father. ⇒ my parents.
4. 4Are those your friends? ⇒ your friend?
5. 5What are those things? ⇒ What thing?
6. 6These documents are important. ⇒ important.
7. 7Are these your shoes? ⇒ your shoe?
8. 8That's a good car. ⇒ good cars.
9. 9This is John. ⇒ John and Carla.
10. These are cheap computers. ⇒ a cheap computer.
Possessive adjectives and subject pronouns

I + verb – my + noun

We use subject pronoun + verb, and we use possessive adjective +


 These are Susan and Thomas; they are from Ohio. And
that’s their house.
 I love my friend Sheila.
Possessive adjectives are always singular

Adjectives in English have no plural form. Possessive adjectives are

always singular.

 These are their suitcases.

 These are theirs suitcases.

It/its for things and they/their for people and things

We use he/his and she/her for people, and we use it/its for things. But
in the plural, we use they/their for people and things.

 The hotel has its own spa. It is a relaxing place.

 I like those chairs, they are beautiful. But their legs are too long.

It’s for time and weather

We use it’s (=it is) to talk about the time or the weather.

 It’s very windy today, but it’s sunny.

 ‘What time is it?’ ‘It’s three o’clock.’

Is it or its?

Its = possessive adjective. It’s = it is (subject + verb be)

 Look at that dog. It’s beautiful. I like its hair.

Possessive adjectives and subject pronouns (I/my,

you/your, etc.)
Exercise 1

Choose the correct subject pronouns or possessive adjectives to complete the

following sentences.

1. 1Go to _____ office.


2. 2_____ six o'clock. Let's go home.




3. 3Our products are famous for _____ durability.




4. 4I'm very happy about _____ marks.



5. 5Valeria is from Italy, but _____ 's in Ireland now.




Final del formulario

6These are my friends. _____ from Finland.




7. 7The apartment has _____ own private garden.'s



8. 8Are _____ umbrellas here?




9. 9Mark and Linda are in _____ caravan.




10. 10I need _____ tools, please.



Exercise 2

Fill in the gaps with the correct possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its,
our, their.

1. 1Sally is in room.
2. 2Paul and Benet always help friends.
3. 3We live with parents.
4. 4Is that hat?
5. 5The police officers don't have guns.
6. 6The best part of this car is price.
7. 7Amanda lives with boyfriend.
8. 8I don't like new job.
9. 9These shoes are famous for comfort.
10. 10Thomas is in office.

A/an, plurals – Grammar chart

We use a/an with singular nouns.

 This is a table.
 It’s an orange.
We use a with nouns beginning with a consonant, and we use an with
nouns beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u).

 Give me an apple.
 There is an elephant in the zoo.
 It’s an amazing experience.

We also use an with nouns beginning with h if the h is not pronounced.

But we use a if the h is pronounced.

 Give me an hour. (The h is not pronounced in hour.)

 I want to buy a hat. (The h is pronounced in hat.)

We use a and NOT an with nouns beginning with u when it is

pronounced /ju:/, like university.

 Is there a university in this city?

 I wear a uniform.

Plurals in English
Do not use a + plural

We do NOT use a/an with plural nouns.

 These are tables.

 These are a tables.

Regular plurals

We add -s to make plural nouns in English. Sometimes we need to add -

es, -ies or –ves. Check the spelling in the grammar chart above.

Irregular plurals

Some words have irregular plurals and do NOT add -s to make their
plural form.

Exercise 1

Write the plurals of the following singular words.

EXAMPLE: A nice sofa ⇒ nice sofas

1. 1a university ⇒
2. 2a sandwich ⇒
3. 3a street ⇒
4. 4a rich man ⇒ rich
5. 5one foot ⇒ two
6. 6a dirty bag ⇒ dirty
7. 7an expensive watch ⇒ expensive
8. 8a new phone ⇒ new
9. 9a nice photograph ⇒ nice
10. 1One glass of wine ⇒ two of wine

Exercise 2

Write a/an before the singular words and write the plural forms.

EXAMPLE: An olive ⇒ olives

1. 1 bus ⇒
2. 2 nice family ⇒ nice
3. 3 Italian child ⇒ Italian
4. 4 strong tooth ⇒ strong
5. 5 nice dress ⇒ nice
6. 6 angry wife ⇒ angry
7. 7 uniform ⇒
8. 8 amazing website ⇒ amazing
9. 9 elephant ⇒
10. empty library ⇒ empty

Source of information

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