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UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES ‘ai | Baul | Coayan deo | Caer | saan | Ocqueta | Panon | Vtauea OFFICE OF THE BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE IV INVITATION TO BID FOR THE PROPOSED PROCUREMENT OF THE SUPPLY, DELIVERY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF LABORATORY EQUIPMENT "FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF FABRICATION LABORATORY OF USTP-JASAAN CAMPUS CY 2024 |. The Univenity of Sclence and Tecnology of Souther Philippines (USP), through the EFP CY 2024 intends to apply the sum of THREE MILLION SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY THOUSAND PESOS AND 00/100 (?3,480,000.00) ONLY boing the ABC To payments under he Contract forthe Proposed Procurement ofthe Supply, Dever, installation and Commissioning of Laboratory Equipment for Estabishment of Fabication Laboratory of USTP-losa0n Compus (CY 2024 {Contract No, USTP-G$PE07-2024.3536,7483). Bi recelved in excess ofthe ABC shot be Outomaticlly rejected at bid opening. 2. The USTP now invites bids forthe above Procurement Project. SuDpy, Dever, instalation and Commisoning of the Goods i required within One Hunted Twenty (120) colendar days. Bidders should have completed, within ivee (3) years fom the Gate of submison and receipt of bios, 6 ‘contract similar to the Project. The descrition of an elgibie bidder i contained in the Bidcing Documents, paricuy, in Section il traction 10 Bidders 3. _ Bing witbe conducted through open competitive bidding procedures sing cnon-cscretionary “poss /fal” citaion asspacifiadin the 2016revsed Implementing Rules ond Reguations (RR) of Repubkc Act (RA) No. 9184, Bidding is restricted to Flipino citzens/sole proprietoships, patnentips. or organizations with atleast sty percent (40 interes or outstanding copa! stock belonging fo citizens ofthe Philippines, and to ctzens or organizations ofa county the laws or regulations of which grant simlor ghts of pvleges forFiipin citzans, pusuant to RA No, IES. 4. Prospective Bcders may obtcin futher information from USTP and inspect he Biccing Documents at the addtess given below curing 08.00 A.M, — 1200 NN and 01:00 P.M. - 0500 PM. weekdays. 5. A.complele set of Bidcing Documents may be acquited by interested Bidders on duly 06, 2024 from the given address and websites) below ond {upon payment of the appicoble fee for the Bidcing Documents. pursuant to the lates! Guidelines issued by the GPPB, the amount of FOUR ‘THOUSAND PESOS AND 00/100 (P4,000.00) ONLY. The Procuring Eniy shal Glow the bidder 10 present ls proot of payment forthe foes fh person oF ‘trough electronic means 6 TheUSTP wilhold a Pte-Bid Conference on July 16, 2024, 02:00 P.M. athe Conference Room, Procurement Services Section, 2/F Gymnasium Bulking, USTP-CDO Campus, CM. Recto Avenue, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro Cy andr rrough video confevencing or webcasting via co Webex. which shol be open fo prospective bidder ‘Meeting number (access code): 2559 267 4502 Meeting password: prebidé FABLAB 7. _ fds must be duly received by the BAC Secreta! rough manual submission atthe office adekess indicated below on or before July 30, 2024, 01:30 PM. Lale bid shal no! Be accepted. 8, _All8ids must be accompanied by a bid security any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in MB Clouse 14, 9. Bid opening shot be on July 30,2024, 02:00 P.M. the given address below and/or via Ckco Webex. tics willbe opened inthe presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose fo attend the actly. 10. The USTP reserves the righ! to reject ony and al bids, dectoe a fase of Bidding, or not aword the contract ot any me prot to contract aware in accordance with Sections 35.6 ond 41 of the 2016 revised IRR of RA No 9184, without thereby incuring any ily tothe affected bidder oF bicders 11. Forfurther information, please refer to: MS. KATHLEEN J. VILANUEVA Head, BAC Secretariot Unt Unversity of science and Technology of Southem Phifopines (USTP) COO EM. Recto Ave. Lopesan, 9000 Cagayan de Oro Cy Telopnone No. 8561738 ioc. 164 mol / Website: ww 12. You may vai the folowing websites: For downioading of Bidcing Documents USTP-COO Website: hiios// PRIGEPS Website: hitos://notices ps’ Ju 05, 2024 ence AUX E MAUREAL BAC Mchairpesson —_ CM Reto Avenue, Lapasan Cagayan de Oro City S060 Pipines ( G) )~- Tel Nos. +68 (8) 8561738 Telefax +68 (8) 856.4696 | hip /www.ustp.ed ph (38) 68) P ‘peu ph a

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